
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Videojogos
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40 Chs

Track 17 - Double Nickels on the Dime

The night was still young. Kapi and Loki stopped outside Flashpoint. The former still felt miserable, not wanting the least to be here.

It had been the first time they'd' even gone near it since the incident. The media reported it as a foiled terrorist plot and the employees backed it up.

Kapi was always close to them and many knew he was targeted. Those that didn't at least knew that it was Kapi, Loki and Connor that stopped the shooter.

The police never spoke with him, Updike intervening and having some TGG lawyer give all Kapi, Loki and Connor's statements. It took the burden of suspicion off them at least.

But what they didn't know was that Kapi was still being targeted. At least, he thought so. He assumed so.

Connor was doing fine. Kapi received a letter from him today, stating he was in good health but otherwise couldn't say much. He wrote in code, Updike explaining that there was no telling if the Society was listening. But despite Connor's re-assurance it didn't put Kapi at ease.

He wanted to just quit the group and would have in an instant. That is, if Connor didn't have Kapi promise to take those people down. He and an obligation and was in too deep now.

He half considered just contacting the Family and apologizing. Then he remembered what they had done to Tabi, Agoti, You and the long list. He would be screwed either way. He also didn't fully trust Tabi not to go after him if he snitched to the family. He'd seen that murderous look in Tabi's eyes and knew better than to cross him.

He didn't dare contact BF or GF, worried heavily that if he did it would put him at risk. He briefly thought they could sort it out but decided otherwise.

Even if he did it secretly, he knew Updike would figure out somehow. That man scared him just as much as the Family had done. He was caught between a rock and a hard place and his mindstate was eroding as a result.

And even then he still felt bad about what he did, ruining that machine and causing untold damage to the arcade. He ended up making some excuse that because of the attack he wouldn't be allowed back. But, because of his self-imposed exile it did little for his mental health.

He had ticks, little movements and restlessness that spurted him on if he didn't work them out. He tried doing some gaming at home but exercising didn't scratch the same itch DDR did.

The monotony between working and going home was getting to him too.

His antisocial behaviour didn't go unnoticed after he slumped away from the last meeting without saying a goodbye. S started to rag on him that he couldn't be a proper nemesis if he was so 'mysterious'. Kapi brushed him off which only enraged the eldritch being.

He wouldn't take no for an answer. Even then S wasn't the only one who threatened him with 'forced happiness'. Work picked up on it too, the boss eyeing him last shift, outright threatening that if she didn't get the full reason why he was a mess she'd force it out of him. She gave him an ultimatum, though he thought little of that right now. He knew she was crazy enough to take on the Society but didn't want to involve more innocent people.

In that night he looked into Kapi found out about Loki. It didn't take much to convince him. With Loki on-board he got Nikku to take him to the arcade so the 4 could hang out.

Coupled with Loki's insistence and S' pressure he found himself at the doors to the arcade. S and Nikku were already inside awaiting him somewhere.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Kapi asked, doubtfully.

"We're fine. I'm sure of it. You can't just stay holed up forever man." Loki claimed.

Kapi sighed. S told Loki about his recent behaviour and hammered the point that Kapi was a mess. He also let loose a bit of what he was to the blue wolf which intrigued him so.

"Look, last time it was just us. You didn't have an ELDRITCH GOD with you. I can't believe you never told me about him!" To prove his power S hacked Loki's phone, displaying strange patterns and power. Loki was in awe at S, fascinated that such a being existed. S bragged about Nikku's voice as well, which only made Loki more intrigued. Had S known more details about Kapi and Anders he would have had Nikku impersonate Connor just to toy with the boy's emotions.

"Shoot, or even someone who can change voices. Bro that's so cool!"

"Yeah, well. He's a handful." Kapi shrugged. The two stepped inside.

Now Playing...

Artist: Allister Brimble

Song: Sci-Fi

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJZ9p1A51p4

"Still. How did you even get an eldritch being as your nemesis? I can't wait to meet this guy." Loki was vibrant, completely surprised at the 'secret life' Kapi had been living.

He only knew in passing why Kapi was attacked, but now to hear about all these unusual people he was friends with blew his mind.

"And I thought Connor was supposed to be the mysterious one."

The arcade was as it ever was. Loud music, a symphony of lights from the rave-aesthetic and shine of the cabinets. It had that very familiar retro carpet design and the scent of old electronics and alcohol. Not for drinking, rubbing alcohol they used to clean the machines. There were less people around, no doubt a result of Anders however Kapi didn't mind.

There wasn't any additional security either. The employees knew it was targeted. There knew there wouldn't be any threat.

As Kapi looked up he noticed that the area where Anders had fallen was already patched up, likely the machine had been repaired too.

"Hey Kapi, Loki. Where ya guys been?" The clerk said waving them over.

"Hey Van." Loki said. "Ah, well had to take a little break what with everything, y'know."

"I hear ya. Two tickets, free play right?"

"Yeah." Kapi said. His eyes darted around, looking for Anders hiding amongst the patrons." In an effort to suppress his ticks that energy went straight to paranoia. He needed to get on that dance floor.

"Well here you go. Someone already paid for you guys apparently. A 'BlueHedgehogNumber1".

"Oh sweet. He's got us too?" Loki exclaimed.

Kapi and Loki took the tickets, Kapi already starting to feel better. He could practically taste the hard EDM tunes DDR had. His mood would have lightened had the clerk not given them some more info.

"Yo, you guys hear what happened?" He asked, voice getting quiet.

Kapi spun around. "What happened?" His mind immediately started to list off all the possible things. Maybe this clerk was an assassin?

"Blue Maxima stepped down the other day."

"O-oh." Kapi said, trying to hide his relief. Blue was the founder of the arcade. Kapi had met him a few times but didn't know him that well. He was just glad it wasn't an assassin.

"Is it cause of the attack?" Loki asked, getting a little closer to the counter.

"Probably. Dunno know for sure. Just said the other day that he was taking some time off. I think he's still finding games, just not running the arcade."

"Well, long as he's okay." Loki said.

"Yeah but that's not it. The new guy running this place is a total hardass, but real classy too. Shoot, you'd think he was running a casino with how well dressed he is."

"Do we know him?"

"Doubt it. He's totally new. Name's...damn. Pokerface I think. Shit. I can't remember" The clerk scratched his head. "Nevermind. But get this, you're not gonna believe me."


The clerk leaned in to Kapi and Loki and whispered. "He's a demon. Straight from hell apparently."

Kapi flashed Loki a look of 'are you kidding me?'

"He's alright though. You might see him tonight. Likes to walk the floor."

Loki went to thank the clerk but Kapi pulled him aside first.

"Bro we can't be here. He sees us we're so screwed. I'm leaving." Kapi said.

Loki was a lot less paranoid. "Why? Do you know him?"

"No? That's not the point. He's a demon. Shoot, he's probably a Family lackey. Or they put him here to watch me, or, or-"

"Snap out of it man. You don't know that. And even then Connor already said they can't attack you till he's done."

Kapi's tail fluttered. "Argh, fine. But if anything happens this is on you."

"Yeah, yeah. C'mon." Loki could see Kapi's anxiety getting bad. He grabbed Kapi's arm, pulling him along.

The two proceeded through the gate and walked through. Loki was focused more on the stairwell up as he led Kapi. Kapi's eyes were focused on the crowd. He was scanning faces, looking for any suspicious characters. To him, Loki's reassurance meant little. But at the same time, he remembered S threatened him outright if he didn't come. He really didn't have a choice.

They proceeded up the stairwell, Loki trying to keep his optimism and Kapi with a depressed look on his face.

Reaching the familiar Rhythm Hall and like muscle memory Kapi looked to his favourite machine. It was back to normal and fully repaired. The whole area had been fixed, as if nothing had even occurred. If the memory wasn't still there he would have thought it just a bad dream.

Nikku was at the machine playing, the continuous flashing of red indicated she was doing a horrible job. S was nowhere to be seen, though such is a result of being unable to manifest in real life. It appeared that Nikku did not bring his hologram.

Easing up, Kapi ran up to them first, leaving Loki behind. Nikku was indeed playing badly, barely managing to keep up a streak more than 3 points. S was in the machine watching with a bemused face.

Next to the buttons was a 360 camera, no doubt 'S' eyes'. "Ah! My nemesis has arrived!" S declared, noticing Kapi's entrance.

Just as S noticed him he paused Nikku's game, her turning to Kapi as well. She was still using Tess' voice, having decided she liked it the most.

"Kapi!" She declared. "How do you do this? It's too hard."

He didn't respond immediately, still having a sombre streak. S picked up on this instantly. "Why the long face shortstop?"

Loki hadn't fully understood why the machine was talking to him but spoke anyways. "He's still a little stressed from the other night." He didn't noticed the evil-looking Sonic staring back at him.

"Nonsense! This is for your own good. Be happy already!" S said.

"Oh, so that's S?" Loki eyes settled on the camera. "Huh, I thought it would be like an artefact or something. Was expecting more."

"More?" S shouted from the machine. "I'll show you more!" Loki still had not seen S but now the eldritch being was in his phone. "How about you come into my world. I'll show you more!" S shouted from Loki's phone. "You know I almost killed a bunch of kids yesterday?" The two continued conversing, S declaring Loki his 'scratch and grounder'.

"Well?" Nikku asked again. "Right. Okay." Kapi clapped his hands together. He had to get into training mode. "Unpause it and let me see your form." He said.

She hesitated but unpaused the game, resuming a techno track on the lowest difficulty. As the arrows flew by she missed many. She kept looking at the notes coming up and glancing down to make sure she hit the correct arrow.

As he watched her struggle, the old Kapi returned. "No, No, No. You have bad form. Here, let me." He took her hands and had them clasp around the bar better. He had her hold herself against the bar, both arms just behind her back.

"You don't need to look down all the time. It'll just come to you as you play."

"You sure?"

"I know so. You just gotta believe you'll place the right foot where."

She continued to have issue, not reaching the right pedal or going for the wrong one. She had to pause for a half-second each time just to make sure she was going to hit the right arrow. Kapi shook his head. "You need to see how a professional does it." He said, trying not to sound pretentious. Loki snapped out of his argument with S and looked to Kapi, expectantly.

Kapi pushed Nikku aside and took a hold. Pushing a few buttons he changed the track to one of his favourites. A footwork song, a genre known for its fast rhythms and quick beats.

Like nothing had ever occurred Kapi stepped to the board, hitting each note just as it passed the gate. He never once let a single arrow get past, amassing a streak like no other.

He broke out into a sweat but it did little to affect his stamina. He just tugged on his hoodie, his spare energy and ticks melting into the game.

Nikku just watched amazed, having no idea Kapi was even capable of moving like that. S was interested too, though glancing with mild curiosity. He wanted to know exactly how he was doing it. Kapi was focused, only making out some comment by S that he was 'as fast as Eggman'.

S could have easily just hacked in and hit the arrows but he wanted to know 'how it was really done'. He had grown bored of just making himself win like the last time they 'battled in the arcade'.

Loki looked on satisfied though still a bit dampened that Connor couldn't be there to see it. Though he knew Connor would approve of this. He was always going on about how his friends needed to stay strong.

One song turned into two and Kapi kept going. Nikku had asked how he had done so well but Kapi remarked that 'you should see this' and selected one of his favourite songs. The cocky cat had returned and as celebration Loki ordered sodas for everyone.

From afar someone else watched the scene. The watcher chose not to get involved, rather watching closely what they were doing. He waited until they were enveloped in their game and comfortable. He just wanted to make sure he knew it was them.

Kapi and Loki. And a woman the watcher did not recognize. He sighed, now realizing it was 'that' Loki.

He watched as they cheered their sodas, deciding now that the time was right. Someone walked towards the four. He walked briskly, allowing himself glances at around the arcade. It wasn't to see who was watching. His checks were for business, as a host would check his party.

Loki had gotten up to the DDR as well, S getting it in his head that if Kapi was a pro, so must he. Nikku watched the sidelines, still entranced at how they were able to do it. Kapi and Loki were so focused they didn't see someone slowly strutting towards them.

S was the first one to notice who, through the camera spoke. "Woah-hoe-ho, who's that?" He said, bewildered. Nikku turned next and backed up, bumping into Loki's bar, breaking his concentration. "Hey, watch it whoooaaahh y-you!." He said but stopped when he turned.

"Excuse me." A gruff voice said. A shadow covered Kapi but he barely noticed it, focusing on the game at hand.

"Yeah, yeah, just a second."

"U-uh, Kapi?" Loki said with fear.

"Hold on man. I'm almost done."

A firm hand was placed on Kapi's shoulder, making him tense up. It was large and hot to the touch. Not enough to burn, but it made him uncomfortable.

"This will only take a second." The gruff voice spoke.

Kapi froze, instinctively pausing the game. He turned slowly, a range of emotions rushing to him. At the forefront was 'it's happening again'.

He had to look up at the figure towering above.

He stood taller than the both of them, at about the late Displo's height. And like Displo he dressed impeccably. Black dress pants, black overcoat covering a white dress shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows exposing a black fur and a gold watch which glowed. He wore black dress shoes and the pants were just high enough to show white cufflinks. Neither a wrinkle present nor a stain on his clothing. It was all buttoned up, even the collar.

To add to his grandeur he held a solid gold walking stick. It looked to just be for appearances as he didn't walk with the stick, it shimmered under the arcade's coloured lights.

Kapi now understood what the clerk meant. Nevermind a casino, he was dressed to run a full on bank, not some arcade. This person had to be an assassin, Kapi decided. This was it. He was so screwed.

He did little to hide his demonic appearance. His hair was all over the place, surrounding his head like a lion's mane, curly and in perfect condition. It was a thick black hair, one the same shade as his suit. In the centre of his head parting his hair were two large black horns that arc'd upright, almost in an S. They stood above two red eyes with yellow iris. It glowed as he looked at them.

But the strangest part, the one that unnerved Kapi was his mouth. Or at least, what was on it. Pitch black, like the rest of his skin, was a large mouth with two large fangs. and sharp teeth. It was parted as if he were mid-sentence but as Kapi guessed it had to be a mask. It didn't move as he spoke, his voice muffled behind it.

Kapi didn't notice the air filters on either side of the 'ronin-style' mask until much later. It's exact purpose he wouldn't know till later.

"You must be Kapi. And I certainly don't need to be introduced to your 'friend' Loki." He spoke in a deep bassy growl. Upon mentioning Loki, his voice tinted with disgust. Kapi looked to Loki, who had a half-scared, half-smug look on his face. Blackjack glared at him, staring more intently at him than Kapi. Breaking their eye contact he faced Nikku.

"I do not know your other friend." He remarked as he cast a glance at Nikku.

The demon extended a hand to Kapi. "My name is Blackjack, the new proprietor of this establishment. I've heard a lot about you two. How you defended the arcade, how you are considered some of the best players here."

A slight bit of relief washed over Kapi. It wasn't much but he managed to shake Blackjack's hand without shaking himself too much. Though not out of the woods yet, this person so far did not appear to want to kill him.

"Y-yes. Sir." Blackjack's handshake was firm and Kapi's hand ached from how hard he squeezed. From behind the mask he couldn't read Blackjack's expression.

"We here are in your debt. Should you need anything to make your experience here better, please do let me know." His actions appeared friendly though Kapi still couldn't shake his unease. Blackjack let go and shook Loki's hand too.

"And you." Blackjack grimaced at Loki. "I heard it was a Loki that helped, though I hoped it someone other than you."

"You know each other?" Kapi asked. Though the catboy found himself weary of Blackjack he was nonetheless interested in why Blackjack exhumed so much bitterness at Loki.

"Uh, yeah. Blackjack and I had some, uh, disagreements in the past. But hey, you look good."

"Spare me the compliments. This 'monster' was banned from my casinos in the past."

"Heh. Monster. I'm a monster, not some blue wolf dressed like a punk." S chimed in. "Hey, are you an archdemon?" He blurted out through the arcade machine. He stood in the corner of the screen, only taking up a small portion.

Blackjack turned to the machine with an expression Kapi could not read. His eyes narrowed on S. "I presume this is one of your friends.

He spoke slow and methodical, a deep hum heard beneath his mask.

Kapi wasn't sure how to explain S nor did he want to. Especially since he was now worried S could be a construed as 'cheating'.

"Y-yeah, he's just a friend that, uh, couldn't make it here. So he's virtual, right?"

S didn't get why Kapi lied for him and just shrugged. "Yesh, I guess. Name's S. Anyways, you are an archdemon, right?"

"Perhaps I am. What exactly is my placement in the netherworld to you?" Blackjack asked.

"C'mon Kapi, explain it to him." S said.

But Kapi just shook his head. He had no clue what S meant. "Wha? Did you forget already? The contract, archdemon, the hit, really?" S rolled his eyes.

As if a light bulb appeared Kapi spoke. "Y-YEAH!" Kapi blurted out. "Oh yeah! There is something I, uh, need help with. C-cause you can buy contracts? Y'know, stuff relating to, um, how can I say it-"

"I believe I know what you mean. But this is no matter for discussion out here. Come to my office, just you and Loki. You two are the ones in my debt. Not you two."

Loki was confused, but figured it had something to do with the assassination attempt. He nodded. "Follow me." Blackjack spoke.

"Alright, yeah we'll be here." S called from the machine. "Alright, Nikku get back on and get good. You've seen enough pros."

The two followed Blackjack to the refreshment area and past the counter. The barkeep nodded at them and waved at them, a small hullo.

"I would very much like to know how you got involved in such a situation. You both don't strike me as ones who lurk in the criminal underworld." Blackjack said.

"It's a long story." Kapi said. He didn't want to get Blackjack involved, still unsure his relation to the family. He hoped Blackjack had nothing to do with them.

The three walked down a concrete corridor, passing utility closets and break rooms. Whenever Blackjack passed an employee he asked how they were doing. It seemed friendly but the way he spoke made it sound more like a sergeant talking to his troops, concluding each conversation with 'Carry on.'

"Because of what you have done to our establishment I am willing to forgive past transgressions Loki."

"Let the past be past?" He asked, a little smug.


"Sure. I never meant it by the way. I am innocent. But don't ban me from here I like it too much."


"What happened between you two?"

"I have too many morals to say. But know that this blue wolf is my nemesis."

Kapi looked to Loki, even more confused now. He shrugged. "Pokerface's right."

Blackjack stopped. "Do not call me that or I swear I will melt you down into gold bars and sell you for scrap." Blackjack said menacingly. Loki rolled his eyes.

"S-so about the contract.." Kapi interjected.

"Follow me."

Eventually the three reached a random door. It had no labels on it nor was it fancy in any way. To them, they would have just assumed it was another closet.

He opened the door and walked in, Kapi and Loki following close.

The room was supposed to be Blackjack's office though they would not have guessed it. Originally a stock room with large windows at the end. There was a simple desk in the centre, two folding chairs in front and a simple desk chair in the back. A rack of clothes were at the side and the other side had a bunch of boxes and filing cabinets.

The walls weren't barren, having been covered in various certificates and governmental approvals. The only fancy-looking thing was a mini-fridge that lay in the corner, partially obscured by some of the boxes.

Atop the desk was rather barren too. A map of the world engraved into the desk. Scattered across it were a few papers, folders, a rolodex and a laptop. Stationary present too, though strewn about.

The whole office betrayed Blackjack's whole appearance. He seemed to pick up on that, repeating a line he had already gotten used to repeating.

"This office is just temporary until we have enough excess to build a new one."

He set his cane against the desk and bent down in front of the mini-fridge.

"You two don't drink I presume." Blackjack said.

They shook their heads. "Very well." He pulled out a round glass and a bottle of wine and poured himself one cup.

Pushing aside the paper on the desk he placed the cup down but did not take a sip.

"Do you know a demon called Zardy?" Kapi asked, trying to make small talk.

"There are many demons that lurk hell. I know not this Zardy." Blackjack said brushing him off.

His demeanour reminded Kapi of Updike and Displo, although he was more deliberate with his actions. He couldn't tell if this was on purpose or not.

"I would like you to start explaining now. And what you meant by contracts."

Loki finally understood then what Kapi was getting at.

"You are an archdemon, right?" Kapi asked.

"I am. Continue please. You wish to get in contact with the Society? That can be arranged. I still have some contacts." He reached for the rolodex.

Kapi shook his head, worried. "No. No, nothing like that." He gulped. "Do you think you could, like, um, buy out a contract on a hit?"

"And do what exactly with it? Are you requesting I kill someone?"

Loki felt more confident regarding Connor and the whole 'assassination business' so he spoke up, hoping he had the right idea. "Someone put a hit on Kapi. Could you, y'know cancel it?"

Kapi looked to Loki, horrified. He was still half-expecting for Blackjack to just reach over and kill him.

"I see. You wish for me to buy out your contract, effectively ending it." He leaned back.


Blackjack looked up at the plain ceiling fan above. He waited an uncomfortably long time before responding. "Who exactly did you anger? Do you know the reasoning for this hit? I would assume you angered some player but I can tell it's something deeper than that."

Kapi stammered. "It was the Family. Do you, uh know them?"

"I am aware of them. We had a little altercation at my old casino."

"They, they think I did something against them." He said, almost giving away the crews' existence.

"I see. A contract from them goes a long way. How exactly are you still alive?"

Doing his best to obscure details Kapi gave a rundown of the fateful night. From Anders attack to Connor's farewell. He tried to keep it quick, not wanting to dwell on it. A few times, Loki intervened adding some info. He leaned in, listening without question as they explained.

"And that is why you wish for me to purchase the contract. I understand."

"S-so you'll do it?"

As if he took a puff of a cigar Blackjack leaned back exhaling, a grey smoke emerging from the filters. Somehow he could smoke it even through the mask.

"I will. Though only for an equal deal. You see, I was not aware that the attack was targeted. You put this arcade in danger. You may have defeated him but did damage my place."

"What? That's bull! It wasn't our fault." Loki blurted out.

"That's enough of out you Loki. Hear my request or I will not help either of you in this endeavour." Blackjack said.

Kapi nodded, nudging Loki. Whosever fault it was, Kapi didn't care. He just hoped Blackjack's deal was reasonable.

"This arcade is in dire need of a villain. Someone who the customers can try to beat. At my old casino we had 'Jack', someone who always had the jackpots claimed. We encouraged our patrons to beat him. My offer is you become this 'villain'. I want you two to get as many high scores across as many games and sign them all with the same name. Do that and I will buy the contract."

"I-is that it?" Kapi asked.

"Yes. Do not sign it as your own. I will give you initials to use. Once this is done I can begin the campaign to 'defeat them' and encourage people to get the 'Flash Master'." Blackjack proclaimed.

"Can I use help?" Kapi asked. He knew there were several games he would not be able to complete, let alone high-score them. He needed S."

"So long as you keep your team small and sign with same initials I do not care who else you recruit. You best hope they keep quiet however."

Kapi nodded. "Deal. We'll do it."

Even though it was behind a mask Kapi could see Blackjack smile for the first time.

"I will buy out the contract and personally deliver you the certificate of overwrite. But while I begin that I require you to report to the game floor and start winning."

As the two anthros left the office, Loki spoke. "Bro, I can't believe you swung that! We can get Connor back man! C'mon, let's get these done!" Loki was practically skipping, hoping they would see Connor sooner.

Kapi nodded and ran after him, ready to conquer some games.


The next chapter will be called Pink Shadow.


Note: Alright, enough screwing with Kapi. As I wrote in an earier chapter I never intended for him to get so screwed off. Just sort of happened lol.

Some things have changed in my life so the next chapter wont be posted first thing Monday. I'll post it in the evening instead. I don't know if this will be permanent or not; will know more next Friday.

odaocercreators' thoughts