
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Video Games
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40 Chs

Track 16 - The Firebrand

S filled you in later. He even took extra delight in what happened, speaking with upmost fervour. He scared a group of kids into thinking he was actually going to kill their parents. You just told him not to actually kill, but not to tell Updike either.

Regardless of that roadblock their work was successful. Theo informed you separately that he would be meeting with Nikku and S tomorrow to continue the design. He said he loved the printer and was very thankful you let him use it. You of course, had no idea what he was talking about but replied thanks. He also mentioned something about an exoskeleton but otherwise remained mum.

The rest of the day remained quiet. At least with the last job there were conversations you could listen to. Updike's office stayed quiet, except for strange music occasionally playing from Updike's office. He looked to enjoy it, the sound echoing across the entire floor. While waiting around you did also got to hear a bit of how he dealt with 'abominations'.

Occasionally present were Updike's 'comrades', the other two who led TGG. They didn't interact much, Updike having informed them not to. Their jobs were leading TGG and assisting IRIS. There were not to deal with the 'Carnival'.

The most any said was the angelic one mentioning how you 'reeked of Eldritch' energy, once again confirming S 'stunk' somehow. You did stay polite with them, finally learning who was who.

The helmeted one was Sterling; the angelic dude with one eye had been named Abott.

Now Playing...

Artist: Orchestra of the Upper Atmosphere

Song: African Lady Pilot

 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r_rO9x0FvM

"There's someone here in the lobby, sir. Possible abomination. I don't know."

Once in a while someone would page Updike, the call always doubled with the telephone on the receptionist's desk.

"Class estimate?" Updike asked.

Like a drone, the lobbyist below responded. "Non-Euclidean. Abstract concept. Humanoid. No liminal powers displayed."

"Describe phenotype."

"Looks like a regular girl, wearing I think a schoolgirls outfit. Half of her is yellow, the other half is blue. Parts of her are smooth and parts are blocky. She's speaking gibberish. English, but it doesn't make sense."

"Have some guards deal with her. If she's not threatening anyone kick her out. Say something equally incomprehensible."


You asked Updike who was the being but he shrugged. "I don't know." He said and dug back into his papers.

Back to reading. You at least had the option to patrol around the other floors. But, just before you could make for the elevator Updike appeared behind you.

"(Y/N)." He nearly startled you, having snuck up. "About that Aldryx fellow."

You turn. "Uh-huh?"

"How familiar are you with him?"

"Not very. Only met him the other day. Tabi knows him better."

"I see." The elevator doors closed.

"He's insubordinate. I can already tell he plans to overthrow me."

"Uh. I think you're reading too much into it."

"Maybe so. But I believe to save the argument he'll need to be controlled."

You had no straight answer. "He's just upset they took his brother. You'd be pissed too."

"Hrpm. Regardless, we need to all be on the same page for this operation and Aldryx has no demonstrated that."

"Again, I think you're reading too much into this." You had two minds of it. Aldryx was rather snappy at the meeting but you also still didn't fully trust Updike. Deciding to play both sides and possibly convince him not to do whatever he was already scheming against Aldryx.

"Give him time." You add.

"Going to the holding floor?"

"Yeah, think so."

"Good. I will be making a call this afternoon. Keep out of my office until I step out."

"Got it."

Departing you watch as Updike returns to his office, an expression you can't read on it.

The 'holding' area, really a secret prison was vacant as it had been. You made small conversation with the other guards but unlike you they apparently all had tasks lists to follow. The one guard who did speak was curious about Tabi, remarking that he had gotten his friend fired. He wouldn't elaborate when you asked. Thinking on it, the prison didn't seem that easy to hide in. He could have hidden in the cells but then what stopped the guards from closing it in.

You wondered if whenever a new prisoner arrived, if the guards crowded them with how quiet it was here. Only the hum of the air system sounded keeping the place easily quiet. Selever's cell was still set up, a pile of textbooks occupying its corner.

After a few laps you return back upstairs. Updike was standing by the fountain, clearly waiting for you.

"You're late." He said.

"I didn't know you wanted to see me."

"Well no matter. I would like your opinion on something."


Updike turned to the receptionist. "Go on your lunch, now."

She nodded, packed her stuff and left, leaving you alone with Updike and his strange fountain.

"Is everything alright?"

"Fine. I want to know what your thoughts on the prison break proposal. The one Aldryx proposed." He was looking into the fountain instead of you.

It hadn't changed since you first laid eyes on it, when you and Nikku reached the floor. Though looking it now, it no longer had that 'finality' to it.

"He's in Fulp Prison right? Never been there. Heard it was a tough place. Probably sent a few people there."

"You don't know?" Updike asked, still gazing into the fountain.

"I never stayed around for sentencing. Never really relished in that stuff. Once they were arrested and charged they were out of my hands. That was for the prosecutor."

"I see...That is an admirable quality, though not for the reasons you understand. Nevertheless, I was thinking about your red friend's proposal. I think it will be a good excursion."

Updike stood upright and faced you. "It will be real practice, more high stakes than what was done here and IRIS."

"I agree. But what about the Family? You said it yourself, its better he stay there."

"I did. The Family will find out, unless we do it in such a way that Agoti's freedom was not the central cause."

"I don't follow."

"I will be heading out momentarily to discuss that with someone right now. I have an interested partner. Think about it and I will bring them to the meeting to discuss."


"Then. If you excuse me." Updike brushed past you and went into the elevator, leaving you fully alone. Or partially, you didn't trust Updike to really leave you alone. There was probably someone or something watching. You sit back down and get back to reading, until the shift finally ended.

There was another meeting at night though not much to discuss. Pomona returned and offered her farm for training. Updike refused, stating that he preferred not to return there. Aldryx found the opportunity interesting and said he'd take her up on it, curious to see how Zardy fought. There was an empty chair at the opposite head of the table, Updike insisting nobody sit there.

Everyone met a bit later than the past meetings, Updike had to move it down on account of 'other callings'.

Apparently he had big news today, but got side tracked after someone made a comment about the Family's surveillance efforts. Another comment was spouted that they controlled everything in the city. Annoyed, Updike rebutted those claims.

"They aren't the illuminati for good's sake. They are a crime family at worst, a paramilitary organization at best. They do not have every camera under their purview. The only reason they got us the other night was because of a miscommunication and spies in both our respective organizations. They have the cops on their side sure, but that is on a ask basis. I'm sure you know (Y/N). Your investigation lasted what, how many months?"


"Exactly. And it was only after two months that something serious actually happened. The Family doesn't act quickly, and neither do we need to."

Huggy was not present, his presence was needed on the farm. This was apparently the best time to plant and Ronan insisted he stay back.

Tabi tried to make a point that he was targeted but Updike rebutted it when he asked how long Tabi and that girl had been dating. It was several months. It only served to strengthen his point.

"Additionally, I spoke with Sarventes regarding your contract Kapi."

For the first time since he arrived his head perked up, hopefully.

"She cannot cancel it. She relinquished her demonic status.

However the Society doesn't seem to have attacked Connor that we could find. It will likely expire on its own."

"How long will that take?"

"Most contracts last a full year I believe."

Kapi said nothing, instead slunking down in his seat. This drew the attention of S who looked at him curiously.

"Ahem. Anyways. The main reason for this meeting is Aldryx's proposal. A prison break, freeing Agoti and bringing him back under our wing."

"Well what'ya think about it?" Aldryx asked with a wolfish grin.

"I am in favour of it. Though we will have to prepare adequately. This will be a different intrusion than the last two. First of all, do any oppose this?"

Theo was the lone objector. "I am in heavy agreement that breaking this ruffian out will serve the team, but I cannot in good conscious join. I have too much a history with the prison system, and don't want the guilt to lay on me." He made an appeal, mostly glancing to you. "I will assist with demon-slaying and retribution for our friends, but I cannot help here."

You just shrugged him off. It was fine if he didn't want to participate. He seemed like a troubled-enough person. He didn't promise to allow the use of his tools for the operation though, so he didn't oppose it all that much.

S backed him, stating it would give him more time for some 'skeleton project'.

He departed, leaving a rather mixed atmosphere. Pomona was the one that spoke up next. "I think we should do it...but I'm not sure about Huggy." She looked towards the window. "Dad needs him all this week. We've been planting a lot these past few weeks...but I can help!"

"Sure why not, already got one target on my back." Kapi mumbled to nobody in particular. And S, Tabi and Nikku naturally had no objection. Nikku in particular was curious to know if the prison design was similar to Updike's. He refused to answer the question.

Kapi was as quiet as ever. He still had his tics but kept to himself. You were about to say something but S stopped you, commenting he didn't like what was going on with Kapi. He said that he vowed to set him straight and would do so this night. His plan apparently already in motion.

"It's settled then! We're breaking my bro out!" Aldryx slammed a fist on the table. He stood up, ready to take charge. "Alright. I got a plan already."

Updike eyed him suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. "You won't be leading this delegation."

"Huh? Why not cloudy?" Aldryx said, again challenging Updike. "He's my brother. We don't need a pencil pusher like you leading. This has gotta be goo-"

"No." Udpike said, raising a hand. "I will not be leading either. Rather I am giving this task to someone with more authority to Agoti."

"What? What does that even mean man?" Aldryx said starkly.

"I do apologize, but he insisted I give none of your advance warning. Something about wanting reactions genuine. He should be turning up momentarily and-oh my. What perfect timing. Here is he now." Updike rose a hand motioning towards the elevator.

From Updike's office you almost had a direct line to the fountain and, behind it, the elevator. It parted just as someone arrived. You, like the rest of the team turned you head to see who it was.

Standing there, slightly obscured by the fountain was a man of pure light, glowing blue. He wore the upper half of a tuxedo and a yellow tie. He had large glasses which hid his eyes.

You knew him from the last two operations. He had observed each one, often congratulating the team. Never spoke much to you however.

Tabi flashed a look of concern to Updike, as did Aldryx. Updike said nothing, instead smiling back. Checkmate. He was enjoying this. He sat back, putting his hands together as he reveled in their unbridled reactions.

Tabi knew him as a pain, and occasional caretaker. Aldryx knew him solely as "Dad".


He didn't have a happy look on his face as he walked towards past the fountain to the meeting room. Rather, he looked angry, walking with both hands behind his back, interlocked. It was a sight that Agoti was familiar to. 'Dad only walks like that when he's pissed,' he would have whispered to whoever was next to them.

As he stepped in the room, Aldryx tried to speak first.

"D-dad. Hey. You're, uh, back early."

"That's enough of out you." Aldryx sunk in his seat, guiltily. Aldryx tried to shoot Updike a glare but Solazar was already on Tabi. "And you..." He shook his head, not commenting further. Next was you. From behind the glasses you could see him starring daggers. It looked like his flames lit up briefly too.

"I do not appreciate this lying by omission...but I do thank you for at least keeping them under control." He said to you.

He glanced back to Tabi and Aldryx. Tabi could feel his face heating up as he stared down in front. I'm so screwed. He thought.

"I will have a one-on-one with you two later." Sol said sternly.

"You told him?" Kapi whispered to Updike.

"I have a right to know where my son is." Solazar said to Kapi. Focusing his attention back to his son and friend. "And to think you would do it behind my back."

"Everything?" Nikku asked. She didn't intend to but something about Solazar was familiar. She just accidentally blurted it out.

"Everything. Even what your endgame is. I am very disappointed in you two. I warned you." He looked to Tabi and Aldryx. "Warned you not to mess with that Family anymore." Solazar sighed. "But I guess conflict is inevitable."

Pomona was unsure what was going on and texted S. In brief he explained who Sol was. She had just thought he was some inspector, having not really spoken to him the past operation.

"Agoti will also get a stern talking to. Once we free him, of course. But that Family will think twice about breaking our truce, and so help me if they even harm the boy."

Aldryx wished he would just die there. There was no telling what Solazar would do now that they knew that he lied to him. It was only the other day that Aldryx had made up a cover story for Agoti's absence, which Sol believed whole-heartedly.

Solazar cleared his throat and took a seat at the opposite head of the table, across from Updike. "Updike already filled me and as such I will be assuming control of freeing Agoti, or as I will call it, 'Operation Flashbang'. Are there any objections?"

"I already gave the spiel. We lost one person, everyone else is on board." Updike responded. He still smiled, no doubt relishing over Aldryx's embarrassment.

"No matter."

Updike threw the remote to Sol. Next he dimmed the lights and set up the presentation, just as he did the other night.

A map of the prison appeared on screen. "I've already spoken at length with Updike about the plan. Here is the rough draft."

There were a few ideas Solazar and Updike already considered.

1. A prison break will occur led by Ruv. Having decided he has spent enough time locked up, he will have organized us to break him out. It will be implied he is doing it under threat. In the ensuring chaos of Ruv breaking free, Agoti will join him, seeing it as an opportunity as escape with some other prisoners. Ruv will betray them in the battle and Agoti will slip free. An accident will occur and 'Sugar' will have been killed in the break. A death certificate will be filed confirming the death of 'Sugar', effectively ending that line.

2. Ruv breaks out and Udpike will 'capture' Ruv and use the result as leverage to place more 'abominations' under TGG's care. If Agoti is not caught he will petition to get Agoti as well, noting he is just as deranged. With Agoti under TGG care, he will be freed or fake-killed. Or placed under closer supervision.

3. Depending on prison security and the guard's treatment of Ruv, getting him alone with Agoti in solitary is possible. At that point all the team would have to do is break into solitary, take or 'kill' him then he was free.

Launching a full-scale attack on the prison was not possible and would attract too much attention.

"What will I do?" Pompom asked eagerly.

"We haven't figured out roles yet. We still have more planning to do."

"Well I wanna help more. I barely did anything last operation!"

"When we plan we will consider that." Solazar responded.

Continuing on, Updike mentioned that TGG had an agent inside the prison that was in charge of the medical facilities. A one 'Dr. Jack Springheel'. He noted that Springheel could easily fake death certificates for Agoti and even Ruv, though that possibility more unlikely. "We could also put Agoti directly under Mr. Springheel's care. He has expressed interest in watching over Agoti multiple times."

"Is he

"He is one of our best agents and specializes in studying abominations. If Ruv wasn't in the jail, Springheel would have found Agoti instead."

The question came up about how Updike could even communicate this to Ruv without suspicion. "The guards fear Ruv. He doesn't out of courtesy but if he wanted to we could meet with him privately and without supervision. Which we did today." Solazar added.

"I could probably get to him too." S suggested.

"That is correct. There are a several options we have. I am going to conclude this meeting but I expect we will get my son out of there. Once that is done, we'll look about finishing what we have started. Are there any questions? We shall determine roles next meeting."

The lights came back on. There were no questions.

Updike concluded. "We will get him back. That is our current goal. For Agoti."

"For Agoti." Solazar said.

"For Agoti." The rest of the team said, making it into a chant.

When it died down everyone split for the night. Solazar took Tabi and Aldryx to a side room to presumably yell at them. Tabi muttered to you. "Wish me luck," before leaving.

Aldryx was upset about the situation. You could hear him arguing with Solazar loudly.

"Oh come on, dad! He recruited Agoti, got him stuck in the first place!"

"Yes. Yes he did. But who covered for him? Who lied to me? He didn't tell you to lie either. I know that for a fact."

Aldryx shook his head at Tabi as he went to the room.

You stopped Pomona, curious to know something. "Your mom gonna be okay with breaking into a prison?"

Pomona looked puzzled. "Of course! I'm freeing one of my friends. I'm sure she would love it."

"This isn't a 'pentest', though. This could be dangerous."

"If I don't face it now I'll never be ready. Plus, I've been getting better at magic and I've been training with Zardy. I doubt those guards can be more scary than Zardy's friends."

Pomona paused. "Ehn. If it's so bad, I'm sure mom will help."

"Well, do tell her. Just in case."

"I will!" Pomona saluted before teleporting off.

Kapi apparently left without saying goodbye, slunking off again. S was a lot more irate about it, porting directly to your phone. "Who does he think he is? Being all mopey. Oh boo woo. What's his problem?" He spat at you.

"I mean, he's constantly in danger."

"Well I got something planned for him. Gonna lift his spirits. Or else. Nikku!" S left your phone and jumped into Nikku's gauntlet. She walked up to you. "We're gonna go help Kapi." She said, determined. You nod and she and S run off.

Tabi returned a little later, looking more beat-up than usual. "You okay?"

"Somewhat. He wasn't as pissed as I thought he would. Wants to see you."

"Really? What does he want?"

"Beats me. Probably gonna tell you watch me."

You shrug. "Alrighty. I'll be back."

You head to the side room, unsure what to expect.

Aldryx was leaning against the wall, an annoyed look on his face. He didn't react to you entering. A typical meeting room, though on a smaller scale than the current meeting room. There was a table built into the floor, large screen at the end for presentations and a window which was now all black.

"(Y/N). I don't believe I have formally introduced myself, though I'm sure you are more than familiar with me." Solazar said.

"I am."

"I wanted to ask you something about your endgame. After all, you are, de facto the leader are you not?"

"Well, we're all about equal. There is no leader."

"Ah, but you are the one that started it all, yes? Even started Tabi's miraculous change. He was quite a different person a few months ago, you know."

Solazar stepped back and looked to the rest of the room. "You do realize that by going after that Family it will put a target on your heads. All of you. Possibly forever. I hope you understand this isn't some game."

"Who's to say they're even gonna find out?"

"Optimistic, good. But I am serious."

"The plan is to use Pompom's 'memory-erasing' spell."

"I have heard. There is a flaw however. This team is bloodthirsty, especially Updike and Tabi. I wouldn't put it past anyone here that during the operation members of the family will be killed. And when that happens that spell won't work."

"They need to be stopped. They don't and they'll just get more powerful. We don't do it now, it may become impossible. "

"Nonsense. There is no such thing as 'too big to fail'. But semantics-"

"It doesn't matter. You've seen what they done to all of us, not just me and Tabi, and not just what they've done to Agoti recently. Did Updike mention that we were attacked based off a hunch? They didn't have any proof we were even planning. We're all good fighters and lucky, but if they're attacking people based on 'hunches' then there's countless more that weren't able to fight back like we did. Something's gotta be done."

"I am aware. You know, when this first started Tabi phoned me out of the blue, asked me to tail you, learn what I can. He was worried you might be an undercover cop, or worse. I can see now that isn't the case."

"He did?"

"He was paranoid. Can you blame him? But alas, so long as you know the risks I will assist."

"I won't back down."

"As I won't either." Solazar turned back to you. He looked you up and down. For what, you weren't sure.

"You know demons have a different outlook on life than you or me? It may be possible that he just not come after you. Like how wolves know avoid other pacts, or how bears know not to attack the porcupine. It's an animalistic trait. A form of 'shock and awe'. And if we do that in such a way, he simply won't come after us."

"I'll have ample time to run if he does." You smirk.

Solazar smirked back. "Well. Aldryx and I should be going. I am glad to be a part of this team, even if the circumstances are abysmal."

"Have a good night, Sol."

"As I hope you will too. Keep an eye on Tabi for me. He can be quite a troublemaker."

With that you and Tabi departed, elevator to the basement parking lot, pulling out of your newly designated parking spot underground.

You had a melancholic feeling, that there was no going back now. The road had been bumpy, but still plenty to go. You hardly believed you were the same person back then. A do-gooder, believing the law the only thing good-

The reflection was cut short as Tabi picked up on someone following you. It was a black car, license plate obscured by its brights. They had followed moderately behind for a few blocks. You pull a circle just to make sure.

They were still following.

You got Tabi to page S who, conveniently was off doing something else. Probably with Kapi. You get Tabi to at least write down the license plate as you drive towards the station, completely out of the way. With your badge still present you pull into the police station's parking lot, the gate going up. The badge didn't work but the guard let you in after you explain the situation.

It apparently worked as you watch the tailing car drive off. With S still M.I.A., you call Updike and have him run the numbers.

"I can tell you those aren't my people. Looking at it now it's a rental car, rented under the name V. R. Probably an alias. I'll see if I get an agent to find it, see who owns it. Stay safe out there."

"I will."

You drove out carefully and started to go home. Even with Tabi's hyper-vigilant look and your contact glances the car never re-appeared.

Solazar has joined the party!

The next chapter will be called Double Nickels on the Dime.

 Solazar's Card: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1744346240957943892