
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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40 Chs

Track 11 - This Means War

It was now mid-morning on a Sunday. Updike had done the heavy lifting, leading the investigation into everything that had happened. Prior to the meeting everyone was questioned extensively about their whereabouts and what they had faced last night. You found it strange how he had been so active all of a sudden, questioning you about the other team members.

When all was said and done Updike assembled it into a report.

Getting everyone together wasn't that difficult, though it was depressing. Since the night everyone had been in contact with each other, everyone having the same feeling as the culprit. It was painfully obvious who ordered all the attacks.

The Family.

Now secluded atop TGG were the remaining members of the team. The same place Nikku had threatened to bomb just weeks back.

There was a long table in the room where Updike's desk once was.

You were still on edge from last night. There had been no sleep since that brief stint before Theo asked you to set up his cameras. You were dressed in full uniform, back reading 'Displo's though it meant little now that the restaurant was gone.

You do a head count, having already done several since everyone had been assembled.

Tabi had spent some time in a 'healing tank' recovering his wounds. He had his hoodie unzipped which exposed the bandages that covered where Velseb had stabbed him. There were bandages around his snout and a bandaid atop it. He had awoken half an hour ago but hadn't said much. His eyes said all that needed to be said.

Kapi had been found hiding out at home, depressed with an unnamed friend. When agents picked up him up, he at first thought they were assassins and tried to club one. Some back and forth they managed to calm him down. Kapi asked the friend not be involved. He just sat quietly, starring down, a combo of stress and tiredness getting to him.

Nikku and S sat beside each other, puzzled as to why the mood was so grim. Questioning had found absolutely nothing had occurred to them. At first Updike found it suspicious but explained to you that Nikku's place was wiretapped by IRIS and they had no instances of either person being a mole. They really were innocent.

Pomona sat in one of the chairs, Amelia standing behind her, angry. Pomona was more confused. All she had known was that Zardy took out an intruder last night. She had been kept out of the loop and the exact things that demon said to Zardy. Amelia knew the truth and it made her furious. You didn't know the specifics but when she spoke it was clear she blamed the family fully. Static had left earlier, his parents picking him up. They were made to go temporarily into hiding, the possibility of him being targeted a real threat.

Huggy sat in a corner of the room, playing idly with sewn up hands. He had lost lots of fluff but the doctors were able to stitch him up back up to normal. They claimed not but you knew they had run tests on him too. Tabi probably as well.

There were two empty seats for Displo and Agoti. Theo sat in one of them looking awkwardly at all the new faces. Displo's fate you had learned grimly already. However, the digidevil remained elusive. Nobody could find him, nobody could reach him and S couldn't even find his phone.

While it put you on edge Tabi didn't seem too upset by it. He remarked that if anything happened to Agoti, Sol would be the first to know, Nikusa, the second. He said he must have been in hiding.

You recall Agoti saying he had been banished to a void once, and that Nikusa was the one who did it. But Tabi shook his head and said.

"Nikusa would have told me. She would have revelled in it too, taunting me that she had him. But she has no idea where he is. I asked already."

At which point Updike grew suspicious how Tabi could contact Nikusa and leading him to start believing that she had some hand in Earthquake. You said it was recent and that she had nothing to do and that it didn't even matter because there was more important stuff at hand.

And at the end of the table sat Updike. He had his hands resting, fingers interlocked as he pondered at the paper in front of him. Out of desperation you had told him the entire teams business from your first beating to everyone's own personal history with the Family. He listened and merely grinned when you had concluded, stating that 'Displo was a bigger man than I thought.'

The mood was very different to the final meeting everyone had weeks ago.

An assistant walked in and, ignoring everyone handed Updike a new piece of paper. He took it and just as quick as she had entered she left. He read it in silence before sighing.

"Displo is dead. So says IRIS. They are collectively working on data recovery but even if it's successful he won't be alive for several weeks. He had been trying to upload his consciousness before the restaurant blew." Updike said coldly. "I know nobody is expecting it but I must say with the turmoil IRIS is facing they will not be sending a replacement. TGG has our own project as well but none I can conclusively talk about yet."

He flipped papers, continuing to deliver the bad news. "My agents have been trying to track down Agoti. So far they have been unsuccessful. He is off the grid. Our agent confirmed nothing unusual happened at the apartment in the last 24 hours. So said the clerk."

Tabi didn't speak, instead let out a puff. You knew he was just appearing strong, but must have been as worried about Agoti as you were.

"His parents are off-planet and his brother over at a friend's. We do not know if he has contacted any. They don't appear to be in a hurry so we are assuming they do not know yet."

You looked to Tabi. "We'll find him."

Tabi didn't react, instead continuing to look forward at nowhere in particular.

Updike flipped a page. "I will now go over exactly the list of events last night. I believe we have a clear picture. Please bear with me."

Pomona's farm attacked by a demon. Slain by Zardy.

(Y/N) and Tabi attacked by a serial killer. Slain by Theo.

Kapi targeted by an assassin. Slain by his friend.

"A-about that." Kapi said, interrupting. "Am I still being targeted? I have a job. I have thing-"

"You can relax." Updike said. "Due to your friend's betrayal your case is effectively on hold. Until Connor is dealt with nobody will make a move against you."

"Really? B-but Connor. They're gonna be after him now!"

"That is correct. And since he arrived safely in Apollo I doubt the society would have much success in catching him."

"Wait, how do you know that?" Kapi asked, confused. He had been texting Connor and knew his location but how could Updike? "Your friend, the one named Dalia made contact with him just recently. She passed that on to the Nightstalkers." It raised questions about TGG tracking Dalia you were curious but nevertheless, this wasn't the time or place.

Updike continued.

Displo slain and his restaurant destroyed by an unknown assailant.

No moves seem to have been made against S or Nikku that we could identify.

Agoti missing, nobody knows his present location.

"It appears to all line up with what I determined."

"Determined? What do you mean?" S asked.

Updike tapped the papers on the ground. "There is one other thing that occurred last night." He said." An anonymous tip to IRIS of a recorded meeting of the Family a few days back." He played it.

It was a tough listen but answered some questions. It was the Family who ordered all the attacks on the suspicion the team was targeting IRIS, TGG and eventually them. It indicated they had spies in both IRIS and TGG. Updike plainly stated that the TGG spies had been already identified and were dealt with. Nikku asked what they did but he just smiled at her and continued.

"I suspect it was also donated to IRIS though their spy destroyed it."

They had apparently also ordered an attack on Tabi but nobody had heard anything about it. Updike clarified them. "I looked into police records. A body was picked up in the forest this early morning. Shot to death. Suspects unknown. If that was him then it appears someone else got to him first."

Tabi remained silent.

But in the end it was their belief was that as long as one of the killers succeeded the team would scatter. It was a silver lining. With Displo dead and Agoti missing they would hopefully have stopped. Kapi breathed a sigh of relief, though it didn't last long, realizing Agoti was in danger.

"Who tapped them?" Tabi asked.

"We do not now. It was sent in anonymously. That someone even managed to wiretap the Family is most impressive. We thought it to be a false flag or double agent. Either way we are still conducting an investigation into it. "

"Wait, can't we just go to the police about this? We have evidence." Pomona asked innocently.

As politely as he could Tabi spoke first. "That is not a possibility. They would just throw it out. Look what they did to (Y/N)."

"Oh." Pomona sulked.

Updike tapped the papers on the table. "So that's it."

"(Y/N) has explained to me the situation. IRIS is in a state of disarray because of the attack. That they have a spy in their midst is also causing concern. Suffice to say IRIS will not be working with you all currently. I have decided to pick up this team instead. I understand last night was hard for you all. So if any of you would like to leave and return to your lives do so."

You looked around. There were a few people with doubt but nobody got up. Even Nikku, who looked the most uncertain stayed down when she glanced at Pomona. Theo stayed too.

"Very well. Welcome to The Greater Good. It's a pleasure." Updike said with a grim smile.

"Who's the geezer anyways?" S asked as he pointed to Theo.

"Theodore Peterson. At your service. I seem to have gotten roped into this whole shebang. I am (Y/N)'s neighbour, and retired mechanical engineer. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Theo put his hand out but withdrew. Either he realized S was a hologram or too far away.

S' eyes gleamed with excitement. "Does that mean you could build robots?"

"I am not exactly a roboticist. More an engineer. Vehicles are what I specialize in. If you don't mind me asking. What exactly are you?

"Monster. Sometimes god. Sonic." S winked at Theo who wasn't sure how to take it.

Kapi whispered to Updike. "Is he okay?"

Updike cleared his throat and flipped to a different page.

"Theodore Peterson, age 57, former engineer for a litany of roller coaster companies. No paranormal angle that we could find. Lived all over the country. Two children and formerly married. One child deceased, as is the wife." Updike said calmly.

"Bulwark!" Theo stood up and shouted. "How dare you look into my past!"

"When it comes to the level of danger we deal with we need to make sure everyone is on our side." He put the paper down. "And you have is such a spotty past that I believe you want to do the right thing." Updike added. "I had to make sure you weren't an abomination."

"I am perfectly normal thank you very much." Theo said, misunderstanding what Updike meant. "Well you know I am mechanic and engineer. If any of you need anything built get in contact. I will do what I can. I don't think I can help much in the field. I was never much of a soldier." Theo said his piece and sat back down. "But I will also admit that this whole world of secrets intrigues me. Always fancied myself a spy. It is my understanding this 'Family' is quite a negative influence on this city."

"You can say that again." Kapi muttered.

You nodded at Theo, a silent thanks. Silently you realized the spark you saw in Theo earlier. This was his chance to start larping as a spy and 'do the right thing'. May as well bring him along.

"So nobody will be leaving?" Updike said. "Thank you all. We'll get revenge for Displo and destroy that Family. I swear on it." While the mission originally was to rob them you couldn't bring yourself to correct him.

Now Playing...

Game: Rusty

Song: Queen in the Dark Night

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcpOySCXHJk

Updike took charge from there on. He spoke with few pauses in a roaring, commanding voice.

Tighter security was needed. The Family may not have suspected everyone but that didn't mean they wouldn't pull anything again. He ordered that for the next few weeks TGG agents would 'babysit' the group, occasionally following them around. He said that this would not occur for S, Nikku or Pomona, noting that one was too remote and the others weren't even on their radar. You, Kapi and Tabi would be under surveillance though. This included occasional monitoring of assassin' boards, something TGG was apparently already doing.

Nobody objected.

Updike explained that the Family wasn't some surveillance state. They don't have wiretaps. They have whatever the police have and even then it would take them days and court orders to set up. The worst we should have to worry about was double agents and people who think ratting us out would get them brownie points.

A new base of operations was needed. The fact that TGG and IRIS had spies was alarming. They needed a neutral place run by someone strong like Displo. One that people wouldn't suspect. You knew there were other IRIS-fronts but with that state IRIS was in, it wouldn't work. When asked if TGG had any fake-restaurants Updike said no.

The question then arose if Updike was okay with the whole operation. That he wouldn't get in trouble with the company or the law. In an almost angry voice he proclaimed. "The law? Please. I'm not some starry-eyed do-gooder. Kill them or exile them from these lands. The law is merely a deterrent."

Tabi nodded in approval.

You'd disagree but this was not the time to debate politics.

Updike then identified several key points where the team needed before a serious plan could be draught up. He stated them clearly.

"We'll need a demon or representative in hell. Someone with a political prowess there that could cut off the Family's demon supply. Either that or someone crazy enough to sabotage them in the underworld.

"A new base of operations will be needed. Somewhere to hang up our coats. I cannot offer this place or any refuge under the TGG banner. This is something you'll need to find."

"A floor plan of the compound is needed. (Y/N) informed me that Displo had been looking. It appears he never figured it out. We ourselves have a map of the compound but that is just built from our own recon. Either we bug the place or have someone go undercover and map it out. Think on it."

"We need a demolitionist. Someone with explosive knowledge."

Kapi looked to Tabi who shook his head. "Pyromaniac. Not a bomber."

"Uh, what about Whitty?" Kapi asked.

Updike glared at him. "I've already said Whitty is dead. He will not be joining...under any circumstances." Updike cleared his throat and continued. As curious as you were to 'Whitty' you didn't press. It looked to strike a nerve with Updike.

"And with this party we'll need a distraction group. Maybe on standby, perhaps as a core element. We need to assume they'll be onto us so if we have some kind of group draws their ire instead. If we cannot find anyone then launching some kind of distraction would be ideal. Attack on some one of their assets, kidnapping one of them, we'll figure something out."

Someone interjected asking if this was a heist or an attack. Updike merely replied. "Nearly every single person sitting at this table has some history with the Family. This won't be a secretive heist. It will be a violent train robbery. This shall be a war and the prize their gold." He said rather poetically. You had to hand it to him. He seemed energized and furious. He must have been closer to Displo than you guessed.

Updike resumed his spiel. "And no. We cannot use an army of TGG agents. It will have to be a separate faction. A joint TGG-IRIS operation could work but with spies prevalent that is not a possibility. Additionally..." Udpike paused. "My compatriots, Sterling and Abott will be leading the IRIS investigation as well as taking charge of the company while I work with you all. They will help maintain appearances and will be unable to help us further."

"How the hell are we supposed to get an army? We're under a microscope here." Tabi complained.

"There are many factions within the city that would blindly join. The Family is not some popular group. And alas, as I said we may not need an army. It is merely a suggestion, goat-boy." Updike said rudely. Tabi just scoffed at him, too hurt to get into another fight.

"They do have many enemies." You mutter.

"What about TCF?" You ask, recalling Displo mention the name.

"Ha. If you can find any, we've neutralized most of the creatures. And staff was either killed or absorbed by IRIS." Updike paused. "Though there are a few stragglers we cannot find."

"You killed them?!" Nikku gasped.

"No. They are trollges. They have 'unfulfilled desires'. You fulfill them and they vanish. That's what we did. Even so, TCF's fallout was closer to IRIS. I would have to ask them."

"Could we recruit Sonic and his team?" Nikku asked innocently. S shook his head. "With the amount of crap going on Mobius he's too busy."

"Could you build a robot army?" Pomona asked Theo. "Oh I could control them!" S chimed in. "Oh Oh! And I could help command them!" Kapi said as a third.

"I appreciate the enthusiasm but as I said, I am not a roboticist...Though I could try..." Theo said, blushing.

"Enough." Updike said firmly.

Updike concluded his brief with an outline.

Several 'quests' were established.

1. Find a demon to join the team.

2. Get the floor plan of the Compound.

3. Find a new base of operations.

4. We need a distraction party.

5. Find a demolitionist (that wasn't Whitty)

Updike added the last part hastily. Much as you probably shouldn't you make a mental note to look into Whitty. Updike was hiding something.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Updike asked. There was one. From Theo. He first asked what Updike meant by 'abominations', wondering why Updike used the word earlier. Once clarified he had a follow-up question.

"A little off topic but am I correct in understanding you are in the business of capturing strange creatures you refer to as abominations?"

"That is correct." Updike said, a little off-guard.

"But alas, are you yourself not an 'abomination'? I don't judge on who is normal or not but per your people's definitions should not be a prisoner yourself?"

Nikku's eyes glowed. That had not occurred to her before. She was about to say something in support when Updike spoke first.

"It takes one to catch one. And I will acknowledge I am not perfect myself." He said coldly. "There are ones that we do not touch. Several of the ones in this room we have never made a move against."

Nikku was about to speak up but stopped, seeing Updike staring daggers at her.

"There's still a target on me right?" Kapi asked. It had been bothering him even though Updike said he was fine.

"That is correct."

"C-can't I just cancel it or something? I don't want them going after Connor." He said.

"A contract cannot just be cancelled-"

"So I'm just screwed then? Is that it?" Kapi said angrily.

"Not necessarily. The way the Society functions is that an administrator can override and 'buy-out' the request. Of course in order to do that you would need an archdemon to perform the request."

"Okay. That sounds possible. How can I do that?" Hope was quickly returning to Kapi.

"Well it is rather simple. Do you know any archdemons?"

"No.." Kapi's ears drooped. "I'm so screwed."

"Is the creature there not a demon?" Theo asked as he pointed to S.

"Lol nope. I'm from space. Never been to hell. I make my own." S declared.

"Oh! What about Zardy? He's demonic." Pomona piped up again, trying to cheer up Kapi.

A quick phone call to the farm, Kapi's hopes were dashed yet again. Zardy declined citing that he hadn't been in hell recently and that he wasn't considered an archdemon. He did however give some context. "It's basically like a manager. Sort of how the family is. They command. Find a demon like that."

"I believe I have an idea." Updike said. "Sarventes. That harlot of a heathen. I believe she is an archdemon."

"But she's in prison though." Nikku said.

"For demons, prison is merely a place to rest. If she so wanted she could easily return to hell. I suspect she is bound by her morals." Updike sighed. "I shall go ask her in the next day." Kapi's tail rose. "However, I would not get too excited. After her 'revelation' she may be too pure to be an archdemon."

Kapi sighed.

"Your friend is in capable hands. I assure you they will not get to Connor." Updike added, though not as an attempt to cheer him up.

As for other questions, nobody had any. It was all pretty straightforward.

As everyone departed Updike warned everyone to stay vigilante. That while the worst was over the family would remain predictable. Going down the elevator Theo pulled you aside.

"He is quite a ghastly fellow, isn't he?"

"He can be a handful." You said, a lie. You didn't know Updike that well. "You sure you're okay with this? I mean, you don't have a dog in this fight. I don't-"

"I will hear none of it. This is very much my battle. And based on what the cloud man said I would have eventually come into battle with them. They are the same kind of people that forced me to change the rides, disengage safety. They have no regard for the common folk. That man said I had a grisly past and he was correct. But for many of those rides. It was not my fault. This is something I must do. To right my own wrongs." He was determined. He was emitting the same kind of energy as Updike was just minutes prior, albeit from a more personal perspective.

You offered to give him a ride home. He accepted gladly.

Like everyone else, he had a vendetta, even if his wasn't personal.

Calm was starting to pour over you. Back home your mind was awash from fallout of the past day.

You had two thoughts circling your head. Updike was in charge. A base was needed.

Tabi went back to his room sleeping off his wounds and Huggy had gone back with Pomona. She insisted he stay with him for now. She nearly freaked out when she saw what Velseb had done to Huggy, vowing to slay him herself. It angered 'her that they would have even attacked Huggy'. You didn't feel like mentioning that Huggy wasn't even the target.

Sitting out the in backyard drinking water your train of thought is interrupted by a phone call.

Unknown number.

You let out a sigh, figuring this was some anonymous warning, threat or some other BS.

"Hello?" You say to it.

"(Y/N). Glad I reached you. I tried calling you from other numbers but you weren't picking up." It was the chief. You weren't surprised, you had blocked all their numbers after you left.

"Well, what do you want?"

"This town isn't safe for you anymore. I've spoken to a few friends. We're going to help you re-locate a few towns over, to Redditown."

"What?" You spit out the water. "You want me to move there?"

"The PD there is ready to take you in as a beat cop. I've pulled a lot of strings for this. You will start next week."

There was no deliberation. No weighing options. This new job wouldn't get a single consideration. You shake your head.

"I'm not going."

"(Y/N). This isn't up for discussion. I'm simply putting your best interests ahead. This city isn't for you."

"I said I'm not going. Period. I'm not a cop anymore. I grew up in this city. I won't leave. No matter what you say."

"You should never have gone after those people. You could have been someone. All you had to do was shut up and listen. I'm trying to help you out! You need a change of scenery. Get off your high horse!" He spat on the other end.

You didn't respond, not feeling the need to engage here.

"I've been like a father figure to you. Pulled a lot of strings to save you back then."

"Oh really? Yeah I'm totally fine. Thanks. Like it wasn't you who sold me out." You didn't know for sure who exactly the leak was but accuse him anyways. His next statement outright confirmed it anyways.

"I did it for your benefit. This never would have happened had you not gone after our allies. You screwed it all up. You could have been a real captain by now."

"...I was doing the right thing."

"Doing the right thing? You opened an investigation into some of our closest friends. For what? They cut in line front of you? Because they pissed you off somehow? Here's something you need to learn. There is no right and wrong, just who is in charge in this city." The chief shouted back.

You pause. It all made sense. You had a few discussions during the original investigation about why you had opened it up. You always listed the litany of reasons, the many things they did. It had been opened because they were evil people. The chief genuinely didn't understand you did it for some common sense of what-is-right. To him you had just targeted them off some petty reason.

"Well? Am I right?"

"You really don't know. You never have." You mutter. "Tell those people they'll have to find a cop elsewhere. Don't ever call me again. You come around here again I'll exercise my rights." You hung up before he could continue to lecture.

The chief had tried calling a few times after that but you ignored them all. Finally, a text came in. You check, finding it the chief's number. You thought you blocked it but checking the page you see the same one that S vandalized and took over, noting him a loser.

"This city will destroy you. You have no more friends in this PD and never will. And I'll personally make sure NOBODY will find your little excuse of a PI-business you washed up pig."

You just chuckle at it. To think, the whole game was ruined from the start. The chief really had no idea.

Your mind drifts back to the plan. You needed a base. You needed to find Agoti. It was time to get started.

This time it would be serious.

The Carnival had reformed.

And its declaration was war.

Theodore has joined the party!

Updike has joined the party!

Displo has left the party!

Agoti has left the party!

The next chapter will be called Longshot Gambit.

Image: Updike's Card - https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/The-President-1004253996

Image: Theodore's Card - https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/The-Inventor-1004253992