
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

odaocer · Video Games
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40 Chs

Track 12 - Longshot Gambit

Now Playing...

Artist: Unknown Artist

Song: A Pillow of Winds (Trance Remix)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjFYkoz0qdw

You weren't sure where the energy came from. You only took a small nap following the 'showdown' with the chief. You would have slept longer but Tabi roused you with a request of his own.

And thinking on his words you realized this wasn't the time for rest. Not yet. You had a newfound energy building. The group had been attacked. Revenge would be had. It was the only silver lining to the events that had transpired. They were no doubt in your mind.

They would suffer for what they did to us.

And while you had half a mind to walk up to the compound and start shooting there was another pressing matter.


With Tabi leading he demanded to be taken to Agoti's place. With the map's guidance and Theo dropped off you made your way to the Andromeda apartment.

Paranoia completely faded and you drove with stoicism. Tabi likewise wasn't hurting anymore, he was just pissed. Within him a flame burned, just waiting to unleash.

"You sure Nikusa had nothing to do with it?" You ask aloud.

Tabi stared out the window at the passing sidewalk. He just had his hat on, not concealing a thing about him.

"I'm sorry for this." You blurt. It just comes out, an apology for the events. Tabi stops you. "It's not your fault. It's that stupid Family's."


"We'll gut them." He may have meant to say 'get' but the message stuck.

Hearing your earlier question, Tabi spoke up, shifting in his seat.

"It wasn't Nikusa. She's a nuisance, psycho and a vile woman but she would not have done Agoti. And she wouldn't have done it for that family."

"What the hell would they have done to him?"

"I don't know."

Mid-afternoon the streets were full of people going for lunch, you put on the radio but there wasn't much. Just a cycle of weather and some minor crimes that occurred last night. As soon as they mentioned the restaurant you turned it off, sighing.

This must be how Tabi feels.

Someone swerves into your lane, nearly causing an accident. On first thought you get ready for combat, but an old man waves you by apologetically.

Still following the route guidance Tabi's phone rang. He sighed, the most expression he'd given since he woke up.

"Hello?" He tried to say cordially, but his disappointment was heard.

"Yes. I know. He did? Yeah, yeah. We're already on our way. Be there in 10." Tabi hung up.

"It was Aldryx."


"His older brother."

"What does he want?" You ask, voice getting a little higher. Maybe it was all the negativity but your mind drifted to good news. Maybe Aldryx knew?

"Says Agoti sent him a message this morning. Wants to know if we know what it means."

"What did it say?"

"I don't know. Ald didn't say." He sounded worried.

"They wouldn't have, y'know kil-"

"No." Tabi said sternly. "We'll find him."

He shifted in his seat again just as you drove through a yellow light. Next left on Ukino Avenue. The robotic voice said.

"It's Sol I'm worried about." Tabi said finally.

"What do you mean?"

"He loves that boy. And when he finds out Agoti's missing...he's gonna be out for blood. You've never seen him angry. You don't want to be around when he's seeing red."

"Call S." You say in an expressionless tone.


"Call S. He should be looking too. Better the more people we have looking right?"

"Right. I'm sure Agoti's hiding in some VR game."

"It's better than nothing. And S doesn't just look in VR." You shot back.

Tabi didn't reply, instead shooting off the text to summon the eldritch being.

"Wow! A text from you? That's rare. Very rare!" S decreed as he entered Tabi's phone. Already exhausted from the conversation he put his phone into the holder so S could face you instead.

"So what's up?" S asked gleefully.

"Agoti's still missing. Can you look around for him?"

Your eyes were focused on the road so you didn't see S' perplexed gaze.

"Anywhere specific?"

"I don't know. Anywhere. Your websites, internal e-mails, calls, security cameras, y'know. Anywhere? We don't know what happened to him."

Based on the timeline you concluded you were attacked first and Displo last. That put Agoti's disappearance possibly in that time frame.

"Alright, well I'll check around. I already scanned headlines, didn't find anything there. But I will find him!"

"Were were you last night?" Tabi asked suddenly. He already heard the official explanation but still wanted to hear his answer.

"Last night? Hmm. I was talking to Nikku about Sonic! I thought she knew about him but she didn't! I couldn't believe it. Had to give her the whole chilli dog."

"The whole night." Tabi asked, rather flatly. I sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Well there was a lot to cover. You got the history of Mobius, Sonic, his kingdom, his lover Sally the Princess, his encounters with the ultimate weapon, Eggman's father, the blowing of the moon..." S trailed off, continuing to list events.

It was a combination of his wounds, empty stomach, lethargy and S' unwavering happiness but Tabi just asked him to stop and groaned. S had nothing to do with last night's events that he knew for certain.

"What's wrong with him? Matter a fact, what's wrong with the both of you?" S asked innocently. Had you a little more energy you could have reminded him of the events of last night but decide not to. It was highly probably S just didn't understand or see an issue in what happened. Or maybe he just didn't pay attention to Updike's report.

"It was a rough night for the both of us. Just. Find Agoti please."

You just mumble.

"Alright..." S said, a little dejected. "But get better! The both of you! Don't want a bunch of crybaby's in this group!" He said before flashing off.

You drove on expecting Tabi to grab the phone and cuss out S but he didn't. After a long pause he snickered. "I guess he's right," before adjusting again. He starred forth, a reflective expression on his face, lost deep in thought.

It seemed to have cheered him up, almost slightly.

Agoti's place was a penthouse apartment located at a rather tall building with no set name. A tower that stood in a hip area, surrounded by buildings just as tall. It was every urbanites dream to have a flat here, so in tune with the hustle and bustle of the city. Much within walking distance of it as well as several venues around for musicians. A hip area, and one Agoti loved very much.

Just next to the building stood a parking lot. Tabi informed you which spot to park, a guest spot next to Agoti's assigned place. Agoti's car sat present but untouched. It was here you announced the investigation would begin, letting your inner detective flow.

A classic vehicle, one made well over 40 years ago but well maintained. Not an electric vehicle, the most electronics it had was a cassette player and old-school analog radio. Bright red sheen on it indicating Agoti's kept it clean...at least the outside. Peering through the windows the car was messy. Some garbage on the seat floors as well as a crushed can in a cup holder. Nothing that indicated a struggle. A potential kidnapping with Agoti's car would have caused them to either scatter the trash more or if Agoti was kicking, have shoe marks on the dash. None were present.

Tabi just watched as you went over. This was your element after all.

The hood of the car was cold. As expected, it was unlikely anyone had driven the vehicle in the last few days. A look around the car was next. No keys anywhere, not even in the bush nearby. Whatever happened to Agoti did not involve his car in any way. They had gotten to him instead of hitting his car.

The vehicle had not been tampered with and no skid marks or unusual markings on the lot. He wasn't taken here if at all.

The next was a retracing of his steps. You and Tabi walked to the front of the apartment building looking for any signs of a struggle, anywhere someone could have picked him off. With the positing you started to figure it was a kidnapping. But you were getting ahead of yourself. Time had lapsed since the investigation, meaning if there was a struggle it might have been cleaned up.

You rule out police being called as there would have been some remnant of a search. Cops don't move fast.

"Can we see Agoti's apartment?" You ask.

Tabi nodded. "Aldryx is gonna ring us up soon."

Stepping in you look around the lobby. A lavish one at that, with bronze and marble walls. A fountain was present in the small lobby, occupying the entirety of the left wall. No signs of any struggle though and your mind was drifted elsewhere.

You recalled the recording of that meeting. Though no names were said you tried to see if you could connect any of the threats.

...bounty on this one... - Kapi and the hitman.

...we'll call big red... - Which meant Velseb who tried to kill you.

...after that prank I did on him... - It must have meant whoever they sent after Tabi. The one shot to death in the park.

...deal with this one personally...

...serve this one up to the pigs...

...IMP still owes me a favour...

There was no telling which of them meant Agoti, Pomona or Displo. You weren't aware who Imp was either. Nothing indicated a kidnapping either. Maybe IMP was the name of the demon that tried to attack Pomona? You shudder. If so then it could've meant he got 'dealt with personally'. And if that was the case there would be no telling what they did with him. No that can't be.

"Did Agoti have any other enemies? Like other than Nikusa?"

"No. The only time he brushed with them they used her."


"I guess that girl and her boyfriend were enemies as well." Tabi added under his breath.

"Damn, what happened to you?" A new voice called out. You both turned. Stepping out of the elevator came a digidevil.

"I had a rough night." Tabi muttered.

He stood just slightly taller than Agoti was and looked more mature. He still wore that same grin his brother did, though his eyes were sharper and indicated a deeper understanding. He did bear the same empty-sky like eyes that had no iris. He stared directly at you, a grin on his face.

Unlike Agoti his 'digidevil-ness' went far deeper and all his visible skin was red. Humanoid but far less human-like than his brother. You guessed it to be an age thing.

The tendrils, his hair weren't as long as Agoti's but appeared much sharper. But, while Agoti's head was a dark black, Aldryx's was a crimson red which matched the red and black sneakers he wore.

He wore an undershirt which just barely hit a toned chest. Atop that and unzipped was a dark grey jean jacket complete with red buttons. He must have made a conscious effort to have red all over as even his belt buckle shone a ruby-tint.

He wore beige pants, not khakis but they appeared to be a kind of formal pant. He conducted himself professionally, but not enough to be stuck-up. Just to show he meant business.

His grin grew serious as he got closer.

"Who's your friend?" He spoke.

"(Y/N). My partner." Tabi said.

"Pleased to meet you." Aldryx held out a hand which you shook. He squeezed hard, not enough to cause discomfort but enough you noticed. It was clear he was trying to read you, not yet sure what to make of your presence.

He had the same kind of fingerless gloves Agoti wore, though his had a metal plate atop the knuckle. You recognized it. It was the same kind brass knuckles would easily attach to. And like the rest of his body, his hands were a deep shade of red.

"Partner?" He said, as if unsure how to pronounce it.

"(Y/N)'s a former cop. I live with 'em now."

"Yeah, I've heard of you. Agoti mentioned you a few times." He scratched his head. "I already searched the place, no sign of him. But let's head up anyways." He still had the same raucous attitude Agoti carried but more subdued. Whether it was because that was who he was or 'cause he missed his brother you couldn't tell.

The three of you got into the elevator and went up towards the condo.

Just up close you could tell he was much stronger Agoti, having put the work in to be. There appeared to be some kind of scar near the top of his chest but you knew better than to ask about it.

"When was the last time you heard from him?" You asked.

Aldryx glared at you for a second. "This morning. But I wanna wait till we get to the apartment first." He said. You weren't sure what you did to piss him off but he seemed irate off the bat.

Sporting the grin again he spoke to Tabi. "So this is the lovebird, surprised someone like you got it. Good job though."

Tabi just glared at him, not saying anything. His eyes did all the talking.

Stepping into the apartment you look around. The kitchen and living room were one with no wall separating them. All in all you counted four bedrooms and a washroom. You figure one of them must have been a guest room.

Before you could start investigating Aldryx stopped you. "Bro texted me this morning. You wanna tell me what it means?"

Aldryx showed you his phone. It was one message from Agoti, and one hastily written. There were several spelling errors and zero punctuation. Corrected, it read:

"You need to find (Y/N). Tabi. They know why. I need you to join the band in my place. Don't tell dad. But know I didn't do it. They are lyin-"

It was a strange message, and you had to reflect on it for a second. It was clear Agoti wanted Aldryx to replace him, wherever he was going but the rest didn't make sense. What didn't Agoti do? Who was lying? It didn't add up.

"You guys were a band?" Aldryx asked.

Tabi shook his head. "We worked on music but we weren't a band." He said ominously. You kept quiet, figuring Tabi wanted Aldryx out of this.

"What about you chief?" Aldryx asked you directly.

"I think I know what he means, but you really have no idea where he could have gone?"

"As lost as you. What the hell were you three up to?"

"Did you ask the front desk?" You asked.

Aldryx nodded. He had wandered to the kitchen, looking the table over as if something new was added.

"I'll go ask them." You had an idea but wanted to confirm it. You weren't sure what

"You can try. I've already asked the clerk. Said they saw nothing. Said dude hasn't left his room all night. I know he's either lying or an idiot. Agoti locked the cats in the bathroom. I know he'd only have done that if something was after him."

"I'm a little more persuasive. I'll find out." You say confidently.

"Tabi and I will search the place further." Aldryx seemed to like that and smiled in agreement. He tossed you his key as you step out.

As soon as you left Aldryx turned to Tabi. He stared at him from the across the room, studying the bandage on his face.

He took a deep breath. "Now that the pencil-pusher is gone, you wanna tell me what really happened?"

"Nothing happened." Tabi looked away.

"You don't have to lie to me. Agoti told me 'bout the operations. Dude was really proud of them you know? Talked about how he was practically a spy. If something happened to him you need to tell me." He said seriously.

"If you got him caught up into your crap, Tabi I swear." He said it in the same way Sol would have said it but more subdued. Lying to Sol was one thing but when it came to Agoti's older brother, Tabi knew he didn't hold back any punches. That was a warning.

"I know he wanted me to replace him. But what exactly are we fighting, Tabi? There's only one group I know you two would be stupid enough to go after." He spoke as if he knew the answer. "Tell me you didn't." He growled and stepped closer to Tabi.

Tabi glared back at Aldryx, not responding. He wasn't sure how to respond, tell him that his brother may not be among the living anymore.

"I can tell that bandage is cause of whatever the hell you, he and that cop were doing." It was fast becoming a threat, the way Aldryx closed the space between them.

Tabi considered it for a second, if he could lie to Aldryx. But there was no use in hiding it anymore. It would only be a matter of time until Sol learned as well. He may as well spill the beans. No doubt, Aldryx already knew it was the Family.

"Shut up. I'll talk." He was at least glad he had a place to live elsewhere.

...I didn't do whatever they said. It's all a lie.

...deal with this one personally...

...serve this one up to the pigs...

...IMP still owes me a favour...

Imp must have been a demon. There was no doubt in your mind. They couldn't have come personally because Agoti should have said so.

I didn't do it. That was it. You heard that line tons of times before.

"He was arrested." You hear yourself say. "They said they'd serve one up to the pigs?"

Riding the elevator down you check your pockets. Sure enough, it was still there. Your police badge. Meant little now but who would even check it? Long as you conduct with confidence nobody would've thought otherwise.

There was a security guard at the desk. Bulky, wore a black suite, white shirt, black tie. You'd seen it many times before. He fit the decor perfectly. He was glancing at several different monitors, not paying you any attention.

You pull out your badge and in a booming voice, proclaim,

"Detective (Y/N). I need to ask you a few questions about last night's incident." You didn't know if there was an incident but the guard didn't know you were lying.

"Another one? I thought I said all I needed to." The guard said bored. He glanced briefly at the badge but didn't react to it.

"We just need to make sure all the ground is covered." You say.

You check your jacket, the pen and notepad were still present, though unused. You pull them out, making notes.

"Well, they said I'm not to speak to anyone of the event. Pretend like it didn't happen and all that." He shrugged.

"I know. Just bear with me." You go for a specific story, hoping it lines up. "We had a minor complaint from one of our officers about the clerks at the time. That wouldn't have been you would it?"

Nothing specific, but enough to raise questions.

"Complaints? That jerk. It wasn't my fault. I told him that. What? Is he gonna press charges? I'll get my lawyer, I swear."

You shake your head. "Not necessarily. Can you go over your side again? I heard his claim and between you and me, it's a little shaky."

"Oh well, I'm glad someone believe me."

He had a thick accent, though you couldn't place what country. He spoke as if he was commanding, though likely couldn't control the emotion in his voice.

"Please just bear with me. Start from the beginning."

"That SWAT team showed up, told me to keep quiet. Then the bloody bast- knocked my drink over, started yelling at me. But he swiped it. I swear on it. You gotta believe me. He was out to get me."

You nod in agreement. "Can I see the security footage?"

The guard shook his head. "I checked it already. You can't get a good angle."

"Well, who says we can't see certain things on it." You wink.

"I like the way you think, boss. Here. Come round. I'll show you it." The guard started clicking madly as he scrolled to find the recording.

"Thanks." You go around the desk and he starts the recording.

Several hours earlier...

Agoti tossed and turned, finally waking up in the early morning. It had been a rough night. He just couldn't shake the feeling something was off. Nightmares wrecked his mind and he had not a clue why. Yesterday had been such a good recording session. Tabi had gotten back in the booth. There was much cause for celebration. But why he dreamed so horridly he couldn't figure out.

He laid sprawled out on his bed. The covers were all over the place, having been ripped out of the bed as he struggled in the night. As he lay looking up at the ceiling fan he sighed. He couldn't even recall what he had dreamt about. "Must've been the void again." He muttered.

He felt his chest. Not toned and only vaguely human-like. It was another thing that separated him from humans and anthros. While it appeared human in the centre of it was a large black spot. It looked like a hole but was made of the same dark material his head was. There were strips of VHS tape running through it like veins on the actual heart. Occasionally he could see pictures of the previous day in them. However, this time they were all black.

The clock read 6:23AM. His favourite cat, Snowflake was on top of the bed, a small look of concern on her face. He knew her to always do that when he had a bad night. "Morning Snowflake." He muttered, indicating he was okay.

Figuring there would be no more sleep to be had he got up and dressed. As he stepped out of his room wearing his usual red hoodie, black jeans he asked Sol what was for breakfast. Then he remembered his parents had to leave suddenly yesterday. Something about 'outer-galactic politics'. Aldryx had left as well claiming he wanted to meet someone last night.

Sitting at the table he made some breakfast.

Agoti yawned and checked his phone as he sat in the dining room. There were several messages. From you, Pomona, Displo and Kapi. As he scrolled through he was left confused. There had been an attack, or several. The team was in shambles. No texts from Tabi either which only made him more confused. He continued reading, not sure what to make of everything.

Outside the apartment building a few black cars pulled up. Had you'd seen it you'd of known exactly what it was. SWAT. The cars were unmarked and moved silently. They were not to disturb the target.

First came out a team of 12 cops, blue uniforms and all. They started escorting people out and clearing room. They cordoned off the perimeter as some other officers presented warrants to the desk manager. They had no choice but to stand aside as they went to work.

A team of 10 officers, fully decked out charged into the building. They carried riot shields and assault rifles. They moved with precision, guns down so as to keep the peace. Many of them herded into the elevator as it went up.

Agoti was still confused as he checked social media. He saw it on his feeds first.

Local android-operated restaurant Displo's was the scene of a bombing last night. This makes it the second bombing of an android-owned business in the recent times. The article read.

"So they attacked Displo. But why? How the hell would they have known?" Agoti muttered.

As the elevator doors opened the SWAT team poured out onto the floor lobby. They checked the doors, looking for the right number.

"There would have to be a meeting today." Was the final message he had read before the screaming and banging started.


Agoti nearly fell out his chair. "W-what?" He said in disbelief.

"COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP. GO PEACEFULLY." A cop screamed from behind the door.

"Oh no." Displo's message rang in his head. "They're coming for you." That's what it had to be. Then. They couldn't find out.

"I-I'm coming! Just gimme a sec to get dressed." He yelled. He acted on autopilot now. When asked about it later he couldn't remember exactly. He grabbed his phone and sent one message. There wasn't much time. If he was going down it would be up to Aldryx.

"(Y/N) and Tabi are the key. Find the cop. Join the band. I didn't do it-" He wrote. He had a brief flash of idea to take on the cops. He knew Sol would back him but decided against it. They'd just go after the others. He didn't want to see Pomona on a wanted poster.

The banging on the door got louder. Threats of busting down the door. If it was the Family then seeing his phone would be bad. They'd find out the other team members. But if they already knew then what? He didn't have time to think. He smashed the phone against his knee, breaking it in half.

He wished someone else was there. Even Nikusa. Maybe he could run for it. Lay low. His cats had apparently picked up on the severity of the situation and ran into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry snowflake." He muttered. He closed the door on them, making sure they couldn't leave. He looked to his phone next.

They could crack it, even if the phone was destroyed. He'd eaten electronics before. He knew it could work. Would mean he wouldn't be hungry for days but that was the least his concerns now. Seeing no other way out he stuffed the pieces of the phone in his mouth and swallowed, hoping none of the screen would scratch his throat. He coughed a bit but it went down. Needed something to wash it down.

The door burst open, cops piling in guns raised. Agoti raised his hands and surrendered. A click of the handcuffs later he was being led out. They read him charges but he knew none of them were real. Human trafficking, attempted murder, domestic disputes, it was all BS. He just hoped Aldryx got the message.

You returned back up the elevator. With a swipe of Aldryx's pass the doors opened and you found yourself in the hallway just before the apartment, doors lining both walls to other condos. Walking to Agoti's flat you heard yelling. Not distress, but two people were loudly arguing. A swipe of the card and you found out who it was.

Tabi and Aldryx stood right at each other's throat, both looking very angry. It looked as if they were seconds away from getting into a fist fight. They don't even notice you enter.



"Easy, guys." You say calmly. It seems to work as they do take note of your appearance. Aldryx just steps aside from Tabi and points to you, still angry.

"You knew too didn't you?! That they'd take him!" He screamed at you, looking ready to charge you.

You shake your head, keeping your cool. "They attacked all of us. We hadn't even had done anything in the last two weeks. They just 'figured' we were planning something. Look-it doesn't' matter. I know where Agoti is."

It looked to work as Aldryx lowered his hand. He was still angry, but had calmed. "The where is he?"

"He was arrested. Likely on false pretences. I confirmed it with the clerk downstairs. They got it on surveillance."

"The bastards can do that?" Aldryx asked.

You nod. "There's a lot they can do."

"Well where is he being held? Let's go bust him out right now." Aldryx said, finally showing his raucous side.

"I have someone checking now. That's what Agoti meant by him not doing it." You add, not mentioning it was S you had sent to go check. He was apprehensive at first but you gave him the okay to screw with the cops. "Cut loose." You said. You had told him to "Get into the police database. Check for any reports and statements made to cops in the 16 hours. Anything in this area."

"Are you crazy?" Tabi finally said. "We can't bust him out yet. We still have to-"

"Uh-uh. No way! You guys got my bro arrested. You guys are getting him out! And if they lay a hand on my bro we'll burn that whole PLACE DOWN!" Aldryx looked back to Tabi. "And then we're taking down that Family once and for all."

Tabi gave you the same look he had when Agoti first joined.

"So you're in then?" You ask.

"Damn straight. They're gonna pay for this. Oh they gotta go!"

"What about Sol?" Tabi asked. Aldryx rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll keep it a secret. But y'know he's gonna find out. Just a matter of time."

Aldryx pointed to the bandage on Tabi's nose. "Those chumps did that to you as well?" Tabi nodded. "We'll get 'em bro. We'll get 'em." Aldryx said, sounding more like an older brother to Tabi than he had ever so far. His demeanour changed too, ready to join.

"We're going to do a prison break?" Tabi asked, surprised and looking back to you.

You shrug. "Guess so."

Tabi rolled his eyes. "Fine, may as well piss off more people."

Aldryx walked to the living and jumped down into the couch. "Now then. I wanna know everything my bro did with you 'team'." He said, satisfied.

The next chapter will be called Cellmates.

Aldryx has joined the party!

Aldryx's Card: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1739271381290815667

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a good day!


Wtf was I.M.P.? As I wrote in the notes or some other chapter (or didn't, depending on site you're viewing on) I.M.P. was heavily considered to be one of the assailants against the crew. For reasons explained already it would not have worked.

Let's just say they were too busy so Lemon Demon was sent instead.

odaocercreators' thoughts