
Trying to Tame an Evil Overlord (BL)

Yuan Xuelan was a plague upon all three Realms. In the end, he burned his own palace to the ground and never stepped out of those scarlet flames that turned everything black. If this insane, terrible and pitiful Yuan Xuelan was asked in his final moments if he would have done things differently given the chance then, of course, he would shout a resounding yes! But the one that would be given a second chance would not be Yuan Xuelan, but instead Liu Sumeng, the stoic general who stood at this mad emperor’s side. After being reborn in the year he first met Yuan Xuelan, Liu Sumeng vowed to save not only the world but Yuan Xuelan himself from that twisted fate. However…he slowly uncovers truths that really put a wedge in his original plans! Wasn’t Yuan Xuelan in love with his Shijie!? What do you mean it’s someone else!? --------- Cover art drawn by yours truly~ please don't steal! --------- Join the discord! https://discord.gg/DU9S2Y4 --------- Buy me ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/valiantxvillainous

valiantxvillainous · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
292 Chs

He didn't know a lot

Yuan Xuelan wasn't surprised to hear those words.

In fact, they were sobering to hear, like waking up from a lucid dream. 

"Oh," he replied dumbly. It wasn't as though he wasn't able to register the meaning of what Sumeng was saying, rather, there was nothing he didn't already expect.

But more importantly... "How does Sumeng know that?"

"..." Again, Liu Sumeng turned quiet. Impatience nagged Yuan Xuelan's heart but he held his breath and counted quietly in his heart.


"Sumeng?" The Ivory Sword Saint tensed at his own name and Yuan Xuelan felt that he was doing something wrong again. But no, this was important, he couldn't back down. As Xuelan wrestled with his feelings, he ended up saying, "Sumeng, please. I need to know."

He didn't expect to receive hollow laughter as a response. A well of sadness congregated in Yuan Xuelan's throat, thick and merciless.