

Legend has it that, the heavenly realm once had a true god. He was an old man who lived with his only servant and few immortals who have not yet attained godhood. At that time, out of the the three realms now only the heavenly and the mortal realm were in existence. Seeing how powerful the old man was, his servant was tempted and he decided to find his way to that power therefore by playing all kinds of dirt. He even tried playing tricks on his master and he end up being chained in a bottomless pit. Thousands of years passed and this old man who chained his servant became very old and could do nothing, he knew his time was up therefore leaving a hope for the future generations he left a shard of his soul in the heavenly realm and then disappeared. After the servant head of his master's disappearance he tried all means to save himself from that bottomless pitch, years has passed and he has not been still be able to free himself until one day, with all his might he broke off all the chains and the forces that binds him. Knowing the heavenly realm was not a place for him, he created his own realm and named it 'demon realm' and named himself 'Lucifa'.He conquered the other realms, imprisoned the heavenly emperor and his officials and left all the realms in a turmoil. This turmoil went on for a very longer period until one day, a mysterious man with an unknown background and had peerless martial prowess appeared in the heavenly realm and saved them. With his ability and prowess, the whole heavenly realm recognised him as the true god because his power exceed all of them even including lucifa. Lucifa knowing this got infuriated and as a result countless battles were fought. Finally, one of the battles they fought led to the fall of the true god which resulted in undergoing incarnation in the mortal realm and being welcomed by all kinds of unexpected torment,betrayal,happiness and the likes as he travels the mortal realm.

Ezeko · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

CHAPTER TWO:The great war.

The messenger was about to speak when someone shouted 'father!' then they all turned to look who it was, to their surprise, they saw Alexo(the Prince of the Aquatic tribe) standing in front of the door. This young man with his other two friends beside him went in to greet them, the king was very surprised and happy to see his son. The young men were asked to take their seat after they have greeted, the messenger withdrew himself from the hall as what he was about to report was there already. The king to test his son as to how mature he has become, he left the case of the men who has violated the law of the tribe to his son who just arrived to handle, Alexo handled the case very well and meted out the required punishment they deserved. His father and all the elders there were impressed by the way he handled the case. After a while, the meeting was over, Alexo and his father were walking side by side as his two friends were walking behind them."so son how has been with you staying with your uncle at the military base", said the king, "all is well dad, and I have really miss you people" said Alexo as he had smile all over his face. "Yes how can you not miss us since it has been almost five hundred(500) years when you last came home", they chatted until they got to the King's room.

Alexo looked around to see if he can find his sister andmother but saw no one then asked his father "where is my mom and sister"? the king sighed when Alexo asked about his mom and sister "they both not around, your mom went to the mortal realm and your sister went into seclusion to cultivate herself after your last visit". Alexo asked his father the place he can locate his sister and his father showed him. He then asked his two friends to find his mother in the mortal realm as he also went to find his sister. When he got to where his sister is , he saw her seriously practicing and he hide behind a big stone there to watch her as she practice. while watching her an a idear came to his head then he put on mask making himself look like a killer, he sneaked attack her as she was in practice, she was still able to dodge Alexo's attack. "who are you and what do you want? if you really wants to fight me why don't you fight me head on but rather sneak attack me" Alexo placed his hands at his back then started to walk around her "you are about to die and you are talking soo much, and two am here to kill you so what is wrong about my sneak attack". He attacked her as soon as he finished talking, they fought and fought but it wasn't easy to take each other down since they were both very strong. After a long fight, his sister realised she may be at disadvantage if they continue to fight and therefore wanted to end the fight by summoning a great power that can hurt the assassin and even kill him. Alexo recognise the move she was about to make and knowing the effect when the user does not use it properly, he then tried to stop her sister from making such move by taking off the mask and showing himself to his sister, "it me Alexo! sister can't you recognise me? she stopped just after hearing the name 'Alexo', he got closer to his sister then hugged her, but she didn't show any reaction to Alexo's hug and after a few seconds she threw off Alexo, he was surprised by that action of his sister but before he could ask her what happened, his sister sneak attacked him and he couldn't dodge his sister's strike and he was hit but luckily she restraind herself so Alexo wasn't hurt but he still felt pain, he held where he was hit at and stood there watching his sister, she started laughing and said "hey! how was it, amazing right". Alexo walked towards her and stood in front of her while holding where he was hit "what is soo amazing about attacking someone who is not aware and prepared for your attack", said Alexo. "hah.. look who is saying this! am giving you a taste of your own medicine and you are complaining", they both looked into each others eyes and burst into laughter then finally hugged each other.

Now the two friends of Alexo has gotten into the mortal realm and are in search of the queen, they got to an area when an object they carried along with them which could help them locate the queen, began to shine "hey! seems were are close, looking at how the 'water orb' is shining it has sensed the queen" said one of the two friends of Alexo who were in search of the queen. They headed towards the direction where the orb was shining from, they got to a very big clinic called 'All possible' located in Agona Nkwanta town, they went inside and to their surprise, the queen was the head of 'All possible', they found her and relayed the message to her, she was very happy to hear that but she told them she can't leave that very moment because she has some few things to take care of so she leave right away after its done. They both waited and help her as to where they were needed so that they can return with her when her business is done. None of the workers at 'all possible' new the identity of the head, and a gossip started flowing as soon as the two young men entered the clinic,"could they be her sons" said one of the apprentice, and another replied "but master never talked about having a family so I don't think they are her sons" another apprentice who just arrived intervened,"what are people gossiping abou..." she didn't finish her statement when the senior apprentice who has been watching them gossip for while came to them "what! you people are too free to gossip around eh, good! the two of you go and clean the store room, the place seem a little dirty and the rest of you follow me" and she assigned to them another work apart from their own work.

The next day, the queen called her senior apprentice and told her told her to take care of everything because she will be leaving for a while. She left with the two friends of her Alexo after leaving everything in the care of her senior apprentice.

The king of Aquatic tribe knowing when both his wife and children are coming, prepared a banquet to welcome them.

At this hour, both the queen and her children arrived at the banquet, it was a great reunion for them expecially the king, he was soo happy to reunite with his family, the queen was very pleased to see both of her children coming and she hugged them. The banquet proceeded as they all enjoyed themselves.

In the demon realm,

in the last battle between the demons and the heavenly realm, the demon emperor(lucifa) sustained a very serious injury of which he almost lost his life. After a long time, he has finally recovered from the injury. He summoned his son(viper) to his room, "dad are you okay" said viper as he entered the room, "although i was really hurt this time but am not that weak to die from this injury, am good son, don't worry" and he then asked viper about the mission he gave him when he was in seclusion to he heal himself, "dad don't worry, our spy has already infiltrated the heavenly realm long ago and she will complete the mission. She is very smart,capable and since she hasn't been caught at this whole time, i believe there will be good news soon". Viper gave his word to his father when he said these to his father, "good! I believe in you but tell them to speed up things we have no time left" said lucifa. Viper responded "yes" and got up on his feet then exited the room.

In the heavenly realm,

A group of young ladies whom by their outfit can be recognised as maids in the heavenly realm, they were heading towards meeting hall of the emperor and his ministers, a lady who was at the bottom quickly diverted and began sneaking around "this time I have to find the place, its really been a long time since I came here" said the young lady as she spoke to herself, she looked around for a while and she finally got to a place which nothing seems to be there but some guards were there guarding the place. She hide herself there and looked at the place carefully but there really seemed to be nothing there, "so if nothing is here why are the guards here, no something is not right here", after speaking to herself, she casted a spell to open her third eye but still could not see anything but something looking like a mirage, she looked very disappointed and was about to leave there when an object which looked like a broken mirror in the pouch on her waist vibrated, she took it out and her master(viper) face appeared in the mirror-like object,"how is it going" viper asked her, she told him not to worry because she is sure to find it very soon."but master, I just spotted a suspicious place but after checking it out I couldn't find any thing but place really look very suspicious", after hearing what the lady said, viper became impatient "if that place is really suspicious as you say then don't let go of any tiny clue you find and make sure to finish this within today and tomorrow", the lady responded and placed back the object, she was about to leave and check other place when she head the guards mention the stronghold. The lady sneaked and went closer so as to hear them well, she listened to them as they speak and her mission was completed just after hearing what they talked about.

Ezekiel's residence,

Lisa has now grown into an unmatched beauty in the whole heavenly realm and years of being true god Ezekiel's disciple has shaped her into rare talent in the three realms.

At this hour, Lisa and her master were standing in the drill ground of the residence as they stood face to face with each other ready to fight."master this is our third battle and this time round, I promise you won't be disappointed", Ezekiel smiled at what lisa said and told her "I hope you are not just talking and mind you this is the last time and is going to determine whether you are going to get a weapon or not". As both master and disciple were looking at each other, Ancestor who was at the other side and was about to enjoy the fight shouted "little Lisa fighting! you can do it! fighting! you can't fail! Lisa closed her eyes for a while and within that short period she thought a lot and encouraged herself "yes Lisa, 'Don little'(ancestor) is right I can't fail" she opened her eyes and gave her master a serious gaze then made her move, she moved like a flash and attacked her master but she bounced back like a ball thrown against a wall, as to how she bounced back she could not tell but she wasn't surprised at all because she knew what her master is capable of, she made another move and this time, she attacked as she jumped very high which looked like flying to his Ezekiel's destination, both of her hands turned to fire as she approached her master but before she could get him, he vanished and appeared behind her as he grabbed her in the air, Ezekiel was about to smash her to the floor but she managed to save herself from that hit. Lisa tried many moves but still to no avail.

At this hour in the demon realm, Viper was in a very rush to see his father, he found his father at the black lake of the demon realm and he was casting a spell on the lake, "father there is news from our spy" said viper as he was standing behind his father, lucifa turned around to face his son "go ahead am listening", viper told him their spy found the location of the heavenly stronghold. "good! good! good! you didn't let me down, hurry and gather our people and let them take a bath in this lake I have prepared then wait for my other" said lucifa as he was very pleased with the news viper fed him and he left the place. Viper did as his father said gathered them all to immersed themselves in the black lake, they seemed to be in pain but that was all to prepare them for the battle ahead of them.

In the heavenly realm,

Lisa and her master has fought the whole day and she hasn't been able to hit Ezekiel, she has used all her moves including her deadly moves but yet still she hasn't been able to accomplish her aim of hitting his teacher. Knowing his master's character, she decided to pull a little trick on her master, Lisa stood there for a while with smiles on her face and Ezekiel became confuse as to why she was smiling in that state she was in, she made another move as she intentionally exposed herself to her master's blow and she was hit by her master, she was going to hurt when she falls down from that hit and to prevent such thing from happening, Ezekiel saved her from falling and getting hurt, she took advantage of her master saving her to hit him on the chest "how is it master! did I do well" said Lisa as she had a victorious smile on her face, ancestor started clapping for her "wow what a good plan, Lisa you are really great" said ancestor as he continued clapping. Ezekiel stood there for a while and "quite scheming eh! not really bad", he took lisa to a hall that Lisa has never been there since she entered the residence, the hall was full weapons and those weapons were too powerful to be even handled by the other gods in the heavenly realm. She took fancy to a lot of the weapons there but she wasn't able to possess any of them, Lisa became disappointed and she wasn't going to give up, she finally saw a piece of a broken spear, she picked it up and to her own surprise, the rest of the pieces came together and the whole spear was formed. "This is a weapon that has already lost it soul but it has formed again as soon as you touched it, this means it got it soul back and a reason to live on, it looks like this weapon is going to accompany you throughout" said Ezekiel, Lisa was very confused by what her master said then asked him "what are saying master! do you mean to tell me weapons have souls and they live like us?" Ezekiel took the weapon from her hand look at it and said "don't worry, you will understand what am saying very soon" he returned it back to her and they both came out. Ezekiel called ancestor and left lisa in his care as he went into seclusion. Later, Lisa told ancestor she will be visiting her parents the next day and if he will like to join her, ancestor told her he won't be joining her since he has to manage everything after master has gone into seclusion.

The next day, in the heavenly realm, the emperor and ministers were having a meeting when one of the guards started shouting from afar report! report! report! and he entered the hall, he then knelt before the elders, they asked him what is going on and he said to them "your highness, lucifa and his soldiers are attacking us" they were all shaken by the report and the emperor told them to put things in place and fight this battle against lucifa, they left the hall gathered the heavenly soldiers and they went into war.

This was a very great battle and god were fallen, demons were dying. Few hours after the battle started, lucifa has already taken down the heavenly emperor and the strong one's which has made the demons to have the upper hand and the heavenly realm be at disadvantage.

Ancestor has escorted Lisa to the gate and went back, Lisa stood at the entrance and said "master I will be back soon after i meet my parents" then she also left.

As soon she got to the place, it was all messed-up, people running up and down, she then knew the demons are messing up, anger striked her like thunder and she summoned her weapon, she vanished to the battle field and scattered the demons, with one strike and they floating in the air like pieces of paper blown by strong wind. With her ability, she was able to influence the heavenly soldiers and leaders who were already down to get up on their feet to fight harder. Now seeing how strong Lisa is, lucifa wanted to take her down himself then his son(viper) came to intervene and lucifa left his son to deal with lisa, viper was a strong opponent and he was able to hold up lisa from attacking his people, at this point the heavenly realm was on the road of losing the war and looking at their faces, they were all expecting a saviour. At this hour that all their hopes were dying, a rod flew from the sky and landed on the battle field, the power from the rod destroyed all the demon around that area and behold, a man in a white rob with a mask on his face and had a shiny black hair running to his waist appeared to be standing on the rod, Lisa smiled when he saw him "great! master is here" at that moment all attention was directed to him which made the battle stopped for some few seconds, people(both the heavenly soldiers and the demons) where whispering 'its the true god Ezekiel', with his appearance at the battle field a sudden fear grew in the demons and at the same time, the heavenly soldiers were in high spirit suddenly and got on their feet again. At once a very loud shout came from lucifa "killlll!" then it began again but this time the heavenly soldiers were able to turn the tide, lucifa seeing the situation left the battle field then headed towards the location of the heavenly stronghold given by their spy, his aim was to get hold of the pillar of heaven and destroy the whole heavenly realm, the emperor and his ministers wanted to follow and stop him from his plans but they were confronted by some strong leaders in the demon realm. Ezekiel also left the battle field to go after lucifa and he moved like a flash as he passed through the people in the battle, he was soo strong to the extent that just movement he made to tail lucifa burnt hundreds of demons into ashes as he passed by them, after he was gone, his rod was still on the battle field and a demon tried to take it, he was burnt but the power of the rod, all of a sudden the rod began shaking then flew into the sky and landed again and this time it turned into ancestor(Ezekiel's servant).