

Legend has it that, the heavenly realm once had a true god. He was an old man who lived with his only servant and few immortals who have not yet attained godhood. At that time, out of the the three realms now only the heavenly and the mortal realm were in existence. Seeing how powerful the old man was, his servant was tempted and he decided to find his way to that power therefore by playing all kinds of dirt. He even tried playing tricks on his master and he end up being chained in a bottomless pit. Thousands of years passed and this old man who chained his servant became very old and could do nothing, he knew his time was up therefore leaving a hope for the future generations he left a shard of his soul in the heavenly realm and then disappeared. After the servant head of his master's disappearance he tried all means to save himself from that bottomless pitch, years has passed and he has not been still be able to free himself until one day, with all his might he broke off all the chains and the forces that binds him. Knowing the heavenly realm was not a place for him, he created his own realm and named it 'demon realm' and named himself 'Lucifa'.He conquered the other realms, imprisoned the heavenly emperor and his officials and left all the realms in a turmoil. This turmoil went on for a very longer period until one day, a mysterious man with an unknown background and had peerless martial prowess appeared in the heavenly realm and saved them. With his ability and prowess, the whole heavenly realm recognised him as the true god because his power exceed all of them even including lucifa. Lucifa knowing this got infuriated and as a result countless battles were fought. Finally, one of the battles they fought led to the fall of the true god which resulted in undergoing incarnation in the mortal realm and being welcomed by all kinds of unexpected torment,betrayal,happiness and the likes as he travels the mortal realm.

Ezeko · Fantasy
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3 Chs

CHAPTER THREE:The beginning of incarnation

In the Aquatic Clan,

The king and his people has finally decided to interfere in the battle, at first, because of staying away from trouble, they decided not to meddle in this battle battle, but as a clan who call themselves righteous people can not sit there and watch as the demons fight against the heavenly realm, they therefore decided to side with the heavenly realm and fight lucifa and his people. After making up their minds, they departed to the battle field then sided with the heavenly realm to fight the demons.

Ezekiel's rod has now transformed into ancestor and he put up a great fight by smashing demons here and there, non of the demons he hits could withstand his power and they were dying like poisoned animals, he is indeed very strong. Those who witnessed this transformation and his abilities were amazed and surprised, the elders then remembered the answer Ezekiel gave years back when he was asked the reason for naming his servant 'ancestor', they finally understood the meaning of what he said "you will understand it well when you witness the reason yourself", so true god Ezekiel gave that name to his rod because its not an ordinary weapon and rod also happened to be the 'ancestor' of all weapons. The battle was still in progress when suddenly a black smoke started coming out of the demems as the demons suddenly had a strange power in them making it difficult for heavenly soldiers to kill them at a go, looking back, this strange power seemed to be the outcome of the pool they took a bath in it. Now, many demons has surrounded Alexo and they were all attacking him at once, Lisa saw him thinking he could be in danger then made an eye contact with ancestor to swap places, she jumped and hit the floor with her spear and all the demons surrounding Alexo scattered at once, this is called 'a heroine saving a handsome', it was such a powerful move. Alexo turned back to see who helped him and he saw a beautiful heroine standing behind him, at that very moment his heart skipped a beat just after seeing a beautiful woman standing in front of him, his mind was running wild to extend that he even forgot he was on a battle field until a demon was about to hit him then lisa pushed him away and saved him again then he came back to his senses and continued fighting. At this same hour, lucifa has killed all the guards guarding the stronghold and entered, has already started destroying the stronghold and almost done, true god Ezekiel arrived at the scene and a fight broke out between them, lucifa knowing he can't march Ezekiel, with all his might, he sacrificed himself to destroy the stronghold and if the stronghold is destroyed it will lead to the collapse of the heavenly pillar and result in the destruction of the whole heavenly realm. Lucifa's sacrifice shaked the stronghold and the heavenly realm realm also shaked once, viper now remembered what his father told him just a year ago "when you see the realm shaking, quickly take the soldiers and leave" and he did so. After a few minutes, the whole heavenly realm began shaking unceasingly and things started to fall apart, true god Ezekiel who has forseen this but still couldn't stop it stood there watching as the place collapse then he knew his time is indeed up because to save the situation, he has to sacrifice himself as lucifa did, the emperor and his people quickly rushed to the stronghold after the shaking has began and upon their arrival, they saw true god Ezekiel trying to turn things around by saving the stronghold, those falling apart things began forming back to it original form, they all wanted to go and help but the energy and power circulating that area were above them, even ancestor couldn't get closer, to their surprise they saw blood coming out of true god Ezekiel's mouth, Lisa became impatient and still wanted to go to his master even though it impossible but she continued trying and trying, after a while the whole heavenly realm was reborn which looks more and more beautiful than it was at first and this time, the stronghold has become unbreakable since he has sacrificed himself to rebuild it again after it was almost destroyed. He began falling down after finishing what he was doing and this time the energy and power circulating that area has scaled-down making it possible for them to approach him, he was on the floor when Lisa rushed over and held him on her laps, Lisa was about to take off his masks then ancestor rushed over to stop her, true god Ezekiel is not moving his body and had no breathe, looks like he is really dead. Lisa and ancestor took him away to his residence, at first Lisa didn't believe he was dead but after she took off his mask and saw how he was lying on her laps, she cried bitterly, she was very sad. "master aren't you the strongest and powerful in the whole three realms? how can you leave like this, wake up please... please wake up, myself and the whole realm needs you please..." said Lisa as she continued crying bitterly. The way Lisa was reacting, it looks like she didn't see true god Ezekiel as only his master but she also had a thing for him, ancestor wasn't that sad because he had known from his master that this would happen. Ancestor told lisa "master is not dead", Lisa got up and shouted "what..." in a sad confused face, "master is now going to start a journey in the mortal realm and he will be back on day" said ancestor and after saying that, Ezekiel started disappearing, Lisa saw that and held him very tight not wanting him to disappear, ancestor told her again "he told me to look after after everything when he gone but I can't let him go alone so I will be accompanying him in the mortals realm so I will leave this residence in your care", Lisa responded quickly "no! am going to join you in this journey", ancestor stopped her from joining them and convinced her to stay back and also told her not to utter a word to anyone about their master's incarnation. True god Ezekiel has almost disappeared then ancestor quickly turned himself into a wood-like wrist then rested on Ezekiel's wrist as he disappeared in a vapour- like form.

The whole heavenly realm were saddened by the death of true god Ezekiel, most expecially he didn't die of anything but rather sacrificed himself for the whole realm.

In the mortals realm,

the mortals realm is now in the year 2014 and the month of July, it was around 5pm when a little boy called Akyinabah was on his bed sleeping after a serious flood accident that occurred around their place in the morning,this time round in his sleep, he was crying bitterly and tears were flowing like a river under his eyes. His mother(winnefred) came inside his room and it was still going on, she worked him up and asked him "are you okay? were you having the same dream again and do you feel hurt anywhere"? She was touching him all over, turning him left right centre to see if he sustained any injury, Akyinabah looked at his sad mother and replied to her "yes mom its the same dream again and don't worry, although my face look sad but i really good and feel refreshed now", his mother hugged him and Comforted him, she later took Akyinabah to have dinner. They sat down as his sister(Vanessa) who was a few years older than he is brought the food to the table, while Vanessa was serving them his mother began to ask him about what happened again in his dream this time round, Vanessa began laughing and said "this time am very sure that, that ehm... what did you say his name is...yeah I remember, god Ezekiel, did he fall in love and was betrayed or he died?" she continued laughing and making fun of Akyinabah thinking all he has been talking about are nonsense. "don't mind her speak to me and I will always listen" said their mother, Akyinabah started narrating what happened in his dream "mom, this time a fight broke out and they fought and fought until the head of the demons sacrificed himself to destroy the whole place..." then his mom intervened "so did he succeed in his action", Vanessa cleared her throat and asked her mom not to intervene but rather let him finish his narration. Akyinabah continued as he answered his mom "he almost succeeded, things in that beautiful world were falling apart and prevent this this god Ezekiel sacrificed himself to save that world and died at that time, mom! it was really really sad". His mom was also saddened by what he said and his sister too although she was doubting Akyinabah but at this moment a little bit of sadness was drawn on her face.