
Sean Journey

In the silent night were creatures' sounds can be heard in the simple house a small sound of music can heard from the window of a beautiful yet simple house down the line inside the lovely house you can hear heavy breathing from a teenager Sean Alexander jr doing press up he is determined to make the basketball team this year that as been his dream to be among the cool kids this year.

It's not that Sean is not handsome he is but he does not process what will call an athletic body that makes a girl like him. You may say he has a crush 😊 that he trying to woo but Sean is tired of being bullied or made fun of he wants to be able to stand up for himself and his friends talking about friends where will his best friend be now after a little exercise he would call him, a knock in the window made him look up, open the window, Ivan Andriy said to Sean who quickly opened the window what are you doing let go out, it late replied sean its school night and I am practicing for the game. I have got the feeling that l would make the team tomorrow hmm before that replied Ivan let go to the party in the woods near the school there is a party in the wood yes it first day of school tomorrow and I heard some of our class ate talking about in the mall today, so let's go beside added Ivan I also heard the Caroline will be there gonna try my luck with her later. you still have that silly crush on Caroline she doesn't even know you exist I can bet she doesn't know your name of course she know and this is the year and I m going to shoot my shot in this party you got to support me who has been your loyal friend since 3rd grade ok said Sean to his friend if it is nothing he can win in an argument with ivan but he love him like he would love his brother he had one but he doesn't who would have thought that two people who are different in every way would be best of friends Sean being an introvert and ivan being an extrovert would blend so well like two pea in a pod.

My car is outside get dress so that we can make on time .