
Sean is bitten

Sean and Ivan reached the school parking lot they looked for a spot to pack their car when they have done that step out of the car to go into the wood at the the school compound their they hear a wolf howl in the distance do you think it's safe to be out here in the night asked sean worriedly but ivan hooked his worries away yes beside we will not be the only one around and besides a lone wolf is not likely to attack a group of people sean stare at ivan in disbelief as if he had two heads in front if him, h head this sickening telling that something would go wrong this evening but he didn't want to disappoint is friend because he was excited to come out this evening so he said how do you know that it a a lone and not a pack of wolf that's out there beside there as being a lot of dead bodies with animal attack in few months oh come on don't be scare you are with me and beside I have a good feeling about this night said I am let's go We are missing out on all the fun that is happening in the woods.

As lvan pulling Sean into the wood the bad feeling he he been having was getting bigger as they went dip in the wood hmm I think this is a bad idea let just go back home m not liking this all said Sean still following his friend suddenly he stumbled and heard ivan shouting keep u and continue on his way without looking up, Sean stoop up to clean his body and heard the breathing of something all the hair in his body stood up his instinct told him to run and he didn't just that without looking this back he ran like he had never ran before in his life.

Sean knew that he was been followed but he was too scared of look back but he new it was near him and he had no way of escaping he knew he was going to dead better still eating alive like the other bodies that was found in the woods he thought what was going in the other victims mind as they fought for their life or how his mother would survive without him thinking all this something jumped on him and he fell in a big hole before he lost consciousness he saw a half body.......