
a first step in the magical world.

The next morning, the entire house was wake up by the loud hysterical howling of one of the rare specimens of terrestrial whale that resides in 4 privet drive, little Whinging. before he has any chance, Harry exit the cupboard to the kitchen to fix the huge breakfast that he has to cook for the family. Not wanting to leave any excuse for Vernon to stop him from going to London, he quickly fades in his room after being done and clean.

By seven, he was already in the car waiting for the rest of them to make their way. Thankfully and due to the fact that he was able to escape, the Polikiss have decided to accompany them to the Zoo, leaving them to take their son with them and thus leaving a free spot between him and Dudley in the car.

By half-past seven Harry exit the car on the outskirt of London, looking at the family driving away without a word in order to enjoy a freak less day in the Zoo. The time he came across his first clothes shop, the employee was already opening.

Making his way in the aisle for underwear, pant, shirt, jacket and finishing with a cap and shoes. Once his correct size found, he quickly fetches the corresponding items. Taking advantage of the empty shop he asks if he would be able to use the changing room and direct exit with is news cloth on. Seeing that they were effectively no one inside the store, the clerk allowed him to do so after retrieving the price tag on the different articles.

Ten minutes later, a new Harry Potter exit the shop fitted in a pair of straight blue jeans, a white shirt under a light grey jacket, an equally grey fedora on his head and a per of black sneakers and a bag graciously offered by the clerk for his old clothes and the shoebox containing his old shoes.

Turning in a back street he opens his item box behind a trash can. What open was not what he expected, his previous ten per twenty per ten-item box graduating to a twenty-five per fifty per twenty-five. While sliding the bag in the box he asks CS.

"What happens to the item box?"

-It must have upgrade itself yesterday it was a rank I skill, the lowest so it must have rank up.-

Sure enough, when Harry calls his status his item box has evolved from I to H. Happy with the change he made his way back to the main street before heading toward the closest bus station and buy a ticket for Charing Cross. By half-past height, He exits the bus before go up the street having passed the Leaky Claudron on his way to the station.

For the outside world, a young boy vanishes between a bookstore and office without notice, while young harry stood on the doorstep of a tattered, dark wooden door under a ... a leaking cauldron signboard.

-It official, the wizarding world doesn't have either plane good taste for cleanliness or architecture, it as if the whole building going to collapse on itself.-

"They're still the alley" Say harry, keeping a semblance of hope.

-Yeah right, and the queen going to lead the first intergalactic war.-

He opens his mouth but no sound came out before closing it.

"Whatever, let enter we don't have time, as long as it collapses after were out it ok."

-Let's hope.-

It was one somewhat hesitant Harry Potter who pushes open the door and enter the pub.

-Called it.-

It was what he fears it to be, a paradise for the health inspection who would want to make an example of a soon to be closed establishment. Wherever he looked, he could see layer upon layer of uncleaned furniture. The table was without the need of varnish, protected by a gorged wood of grease and what should be a mixture of Firewishky, butterbeer and other beverages available in the establishment. He was even starting to ask himself if the flooring was of this natural dark shade or was it the years of...

'Nope, I don't want to know.'

Thankfully, before his thoughts could wander on the rest of the pub, his attention was suddenly redirected to the bartender.

"What can I do for you son?"

"Heu, Diagon Alley?" Still unsure if it was the right choice to come, letting come out as a question.

Mistaking his expression and his question for what it appears, a young muggle-born perhaps coming for the first time in the Alley. Smiling, he exits off behind the bar.

"First time in the Alley?"

"Brother is with my parents on the other side, it's my turn this year." Come absentmindedly out of his mouth before he even knows.

Still smiling at the lost boy, he directs him to the other side of the bar, leading to a brick wall sporting some worn-out bricks. Mechanically tapping the brick in a used motion after taking out his wand. Turning to Harry he smugly looks at the face of the new young Wizzard who surely made his step in the wizarding world for the first time in marvel.

"Take care and enjoy, if you don't found your parent, came back and wait for someone to open the way." Not a single time concerned by the fact that a young boy made is way here alone.

-Well, they could be accused to be the brightest bulb in the box, let go were under timer.-

Coming back to his sense, he bolts past Tom, entering in the Alley proper.

Once the first impression slowly settles, he starts to look at the different shops, and in particular, objects he could make a correlation with the mundane world and make an approximation of the price. Madam Malkin shop was out as the material and the quantity of fabric used was not the same added to the fact they were manufactured magically and surely more pricy as well. Apothecaries where also out, after all, you can't found mandrake on the outside, let alone powered ones.

Is choice finally land on books, school book to be precise, entering Flourish and Blotts, he made his way between the aisle and the rising pile of books threatening to fall on you should you take one of its books. While making its way bookcase attract is attention, or more precisely the books on the display.

'CS is that...?'

-Yep, welcome to the marvel of the parallel universe my boy.- Cackling madly CS when he sees them.

'Fuck me sideways.'

In front of him was a complete collection of the Boy-Who-Lived stories. On the book cover, a brown-haired, brown eyes child with a wand in hand facing a dragon, on title one could read:

"James Potter and the Shrinking Dragon."

'I am in a fucking Wrong Boy Who Lived type universe!' Before he could meltdown, CS yet had to the blow.

-That not the worst.-

'How could that not be the worst!'

-Think, why would they categorize it in the fantasy section.- Calming down on the fact and thinking he respond without thinking.

'Well, it guardian should have made sure that ... Don't tell me...'

-Yeah, that what I think to.-

"Their alive" Came in a whisper as he takes support on a nearing table to stabilize himself. "Their alive and leave me with those monsters." Unwilling to let him spiral in those kinds of through, CS divers is attention on other matters.

-We need to found asap if you have another type of monetary support and claim them immediatly.-

Coming back, he immediately exits the shop after eavesdropping a sales between a young wizard coming buying his books for the new year.Going out before he was spotted by an assistant of the shop, he made his way toward the white building standing on the fork that divides the Alley in two down it.

Up a set of white stairs leading up to a set of burnished bronze doors. The doors flanked by a goblin in a uniform of scarlet and gold on each side a halberd in hand, strutting each wizard and witches climbing their stairs. Raising his head the moment he near the stairs before entering into a small entrance hall with another set of doors. Engraved on these silver doors the words:

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

Taking a firm step he enters.

"Let's do it."

I have found a marvelous site of where I will base most of my info on Potterverse:


Linrimcreators' thoughts