
First contact with a foreign race

When my gaze sweeps around the room, I finally found a semblance of order. On my right row of tellers, each at their high counter, lording on the poor foul that verbally abuses them to access to their gold.

"Poor foul didn't recognize that if they want, the goblins could cut them off they access to their golds and they wouldn't be able to do anything." Mumbling Harry, unaware that the nearest teller hears him.

On the other side of the hall, rows upon rows of doors leading to the bowels of the land that was the goblin nation, not that anyone would be able to cross them. Looking everywhere and finally looking above, he notices board for each section of tellers. Searching for the right one before starting to go a little further inside the hall, completely missing the fleeting gaze that his action has set off to each free goblins that he passed.

Arriving in a corner that was mostly empty under the "Miscellaneous" section of the bank, he silently made is way in front of the counter where a goblin was busy scribing away on his parchment, unaware of his client who patiently waits for him to finish before interrupting him.

Under the gaze of now quite a few goblins, I wait for another ten minutes before I could see him wave a finger above the parchment, roll it and put it away. Taking it as my clue, a take a deep breath before speaking.

"Greetings teller." I was answered by complete silence and a sharp gaze snapping at me.

'Ooookkkk, no teeth, blank expression and silence, that should be still good for me.' Still unknown to me, having now the complete attention of the surrounding goblins.

"Greetings wizard, what Gringott can do for you today." Say the goblin in an even voice.

'I know nothing of them but as long as they don't say anything that should be still good right?'

-Yeah, they would be sarcastic as possible without being insulting if that was the case, continue but be carful.-

'Will do'

"I'm quite not accustomed to services that are offered in your establishment, so here I came. Being raised outside the wizarding world, I don't know of my origin and wanted to know if service similar to a blood inheritance?" Seeing the goblin nod at the term. "Blood inheritance was available."

"Yes, the tracking of a magical ancestor is a feat available to goblin nation for an unclaimed vault."

A few second pass before I understand what he was waiting for, he only says that they were available and didn't clearly say that I wanted one.

"Could you tell me the procedure for an appointment in order to conduct one, please?"

Again a nod before he responds.

"A blood inheritance test is not a time-consuming matter and Gringott possesses a department at this effect. Should one want he would only need to notify an employee of its bank."

"Then, could I bother you still and ask for one, please?"

Hearing this is gaze turn serious until now it was only an exchange of information but it now turns to business with the bank.

"We are a bank young wizard and deal with associate business."

Without a word, I retrieve a wad of fifty of my pocket to show to the goblin. They are a bank and need to be sure that their time will not be wasted with people unable to conclude business upfront. My thinking was right when I see him easing is gaze, understanding that I didn't come empty hand.

"Longfeet!" barking a goblin could be see rapidly make is way to the boot. "Take the young wizard for a blood inheritance!" nodding to his superior before turning to me.

"This way."

I was lead to one of the numerous doors leading further in the building, each turn leading to the exact same corridor that we just exit.

'I swear they made it that way for wizard being unable to found the office on their own'

-What did you expect, unlike wizard they actually think.-

'Too right.'

While I was speaking with CS, we finally made our way to our destination, waiting for me in front of a simple wooden door similar to any other further down the corridor, he knocks and waits.


Opening the door for me to pass before closing it behind, leaving me face to face with another of is kins. Contrary to the one I could see at the entrance, this one seems older and wears an actual suit while seating behind an imposing mahogany desk.

With a brief look at the mundane cloth he spoke.

"Greetings wizard, I am master Fingercutter. If I may how have you come to the knowledge of blood inheritance? Seeing your attire I would think of a mundane born and you seem to young to have been introduced to the magical world."

Now I have two solutions, a lie or being honest.

"Greetings master Fingercutter I am Harry. Wizards are dumb, I know what magic can do, it isn't farfetched to think that a race dealing with banking have the mean to track client linked to the vaults you possess below."

"Indeed, our work would be easier if more were thinking alike." respond the goblin with a straight face, seemingly in total accordance with my words.

-Wow, straight answer.-

'It not flattering for the wizards to be seen like this but he isn't wrong.'

While I was thinking, he retrieves an engraved stone bowl on the side of his desk and a silver dagger of one of his drawers.

"Blood magic has expected."

My word seems to surprise him by the look of its face.

"Are you also familiar with this?" I could feel a slight edge in his voice. Before he could make any ideas on the matter, I immediately shake my head.

"Blood is the lifeline of any creature of flesh, I would be absurd to think magic doesn't course through it."

A slight shiver runs down when I see the toothy smile at my answer.

"Maybe they still hope for the wizard kin after all."

-Low blow.-


Presenting the knife by the handle I take it in my right hand before raising my left hand above the bowl, receiving a nod of improvement for my action from him.

"Seven drops."

Without another word, I prick my middle finger with the tip of the knife, who pierce the skin with the slightest push, cutting through it without difficulty. Before blood could even touch the blade I swiftly retrieve it, catching the slight frown of Fingercutter, I couldn't help the slight cheeky grin.

'I'm not going to leave any blood behind.'

As if reading my mind Master Fingercutter sigh in resignation before turning his gaze to the bowl after taking a quill and a sheet of parchment. Looking at the quill I could see that it is not a regular one but it was the metallic coating at the end and the slight metallic container just above that attract my gaze. Before a single drop could land in the bowl I retract my hand taking care to not spill any.

"My blood will only be used for the inheritance test." Say harry in a firm voice, taking the goblin off guard with the quill still in his hand. He stays frozen for a second before sigh more heavily and put down the quill in the drawer and take a simple one and look at me.

"You are really different than the rest of the wizard outside, not a single one would have to say anything."

"Then they are moron, no one should let someone willingly take the blood of another magical being without precaution, but then again we have already confirmed that they are hopeless."

"That we do. If you will." Say it with a flourish of his hand toward the bowl.


Squeezing lightly my finger above the bowl to extract the seven need blood drop. With a backside wave of his hand, the cut was closed, leaving no trace of it. The moment the seventh blood fall inside, the runes on the side of the bowl glow a faint red, letting him drop the quill inside, lighting the second row of runes.

Without external influence, the quill rose and levitate to the parchment sheet between the two of them, waiting to be inscribed. Lines after line appear in the red ink, filling the sheet in a minute before, under the insistent gaze of Harry, Master Finngercutter ignite the quill, erasing all trace of its existence and any leftover of the blood on it, the bowl having vanished the rest still lingering inside it.

Take the dry parchment in is hand, Harry could see the slight raising of the goblin's eyebrows as he browses the document. Lowering it, his direct gaze and slight confusion was all he had before he himself look at it.

"You are quite the enigma heir Potter."


Here for today chap. I still have two others in reserve. The next one will be released, Friday. During that time I will accumulate more. If I see that I can easily keep up I will slowly increase the release rate but for now, 4 per week.

See you Friday^^

Linrimcreators' thoughts