
treasure : Searching for oneself

An interesting and enjoyable journey for a young man with tremendous intelligence, strong determination and who found himself in young age in mazes that he could not find a way out of, so he got lost in the mazes , so he decided to sail in the wide world to find himself Notices: The maze is a metaphor•__• *This is my first novel *If you are a fan of bloodshed, shock and action, you will enjoy this story *If you like the story, support me morally with a comment or financially *This story contains a lot of comedy, even at the wrong time, so don't be shocked *This novel is pure fiction and does not extend to reality, and I do not intend to offend any beliefs or myths.

Yassin_Slaoui · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

The five swords

someone opened his eyes and found himself in the midst of a sea of ​​blood, seeing everything confused except for a person with a rocky build and long river hair on a dark night, whose features seemed to be Asian and carrying a sword dripping blood.

Claude wakes up panting and sweating.

what is this dream? He gets up from his bed, and he does not remember anything about last night.

He goes to the bathroom. he looks at the Mirror, and the memory flow to him like a torrent in the rainy season.

So this is the most rare treasure in the kingdom.

someone said, shall we kill it?

His value is higher while he is alive, but there is no objection to breaking his bones.

Did you give up so easily?

Alpha shouted it while he was descending from the sky, and it was like the description of that man in Claude's dream. When he came down, the three guardians spoke to him arrogantly, and one of them tried to touch him and cut his hand in a split second.

The other got angry and tried to punch him, but Alpha caught it as if he was holding a fruit and He punched him in the face, and he exploded and the man died. The other two were afraid of him a lot, and one of them attacked him with a dagger because of his survival instinct, but it was not a wise decision. He even approached Alpha, but his head was lying on the ground, and the third tried to escape.


Alpha Shouted and before he realized what Alpha had said, he fell to the ground. He looked behind him to know what the problem was, He discovered that he had become without legs, He closed his eyes for a part of a second to absorb that shock. When he opened it, he saw Alpha standing like a tall mountain in front of him with looks indicating his intention.

No p••••• p••••lease don't.

The man begged him, alpha laughed hysterically.

If that child begged you would you leave him?

The man did not answer alpha.

I just treat you the same, then stick his sword into that scumbag man's eye and make him die a slow and painful death.

We go back to the present, and the king scolds Claude, as usually. Claude was cool like The North Pole does not show any reaction, which angered that king a lot.

Hi •••••• When he scolded you, you showed some remorse!!!

Claude ignored his words and asked him about what the two men said about it being a treasure.

The king sighed and then ordered everyone to leave except for Claude and started to speak. hmmmm ••••••••• You are not my son.Claude exploded all over the volcano and then Shouted

I knows this!!!!

Let me continue, when you was two and a half months old, a marine came to me and told me he had found you in the port, and there was a big commotion the night before you were brought to me, and when I saw you and I saw the Your night hair and the bloody eyeball, I knew you were special and I knew why.


asked Claude the King.

The king laughed and then stopped and said to him:

Find out for yourself. Claude was about to uproot the king's head from his body, but he controlled himself.

Claude came out of the throne room and was happy to know a simple thing about his past, although he did not know what was a treasure.

Eleven years passed, and Claude became sixteen, so his energy and stamina increased, and he became able to survive a whole week without eating, drinking, or sleeping.

The king summoned Claude.

I will allow you to go out and discover yourself.

The king said Claude almost exploded with joy, but the king continued.

but It seems that the five swords have another opinion.

Claude exploded after that, but of anger.

are you kidding me..... Oh, well, if you're going to let me out after that.

Claude turned to the five swords, and from their name they are five Men who were known as the five swords after the first greatness war.

Claude began to think that I could survive for a week without the requirements of life, and when they were my age, they were serving in the royal army, and in the great war, they only drank a cup of water a week for a month.

Claude began to remember the events of the great war.

Those were the inauspicious days thirty-four years ago.

Arthur had just been crowned, and he is the current king.

And the conditions of the kingdom were dire.

Poverty was widespread throughout the kingdom, and the nobles of the kingdom were considered middle-class in the rest of the kingdoms.

This was the case until that war.

We command the ruler of this kingdom to abdicate the throne and surrender this kingdom.

This person was an emissary from the Sacred Empire which was the strongest kingdom at that time, the king got angry and rose from his throne.

My ancestors did not build this kingdom to hand it over to you simply, he shouted at the envoy.

By saying this, you are declaring war on the Holy Empire.

Yes, I declare war on your empire.

Well then this war will be a week from now. The envoy left, leaving the king in shock. This was not enough time to prepare an army, and the soldiers who were ready with their equipment did not exceed thousands of soldiers.

The king decided to go out to his people and ask them to volunteer.

No one was brave enough to raise his hand, but five lions were the first to raise their hands.

The king rejoiced, and when the rest of the people saw the courage of these people, they broke their silence.

In the end, the king gathered nine thousand volunteers, meaning that the total number of soldiers became ten thousand.


The king shouted,

"We have one week to train you, and most of the state's budget will go to evacuating citizens, so there will not be enough equipment or food, so whoever wants to withdraw, this is your last chance."

No volunteers moved, well let's get move. A week passed and most of the citizens were evacuated, and for those who were unable to leave, they are on the margins of the kingdom and the possibility of them being harmed is small.

The king sent an expeditionary group of five soldiers.

Upon their return, they told the king that the enemy had twenty thousand cavalry, thirty thousand rams,

forty thousand horsemen, and ten thousand servants. power savvy.

That is, they gathered a hundred thousand, the king said, then he climbed except the mumber to raise the morale of his soldiers.

Brothers! Today we are gathered here to restore the honor of our ancestors, our ancestors who devoted their lives to protecting this land, this land in which the poor were treated as the richest people of the world and it will return as well, so I am here telling you that we will die but when we die we will make sure that the land of our ancestors has regained its honor what we want It is death, so what do we want?

The soldiers shouted

death !!!

I do not hear you louder What do we want?


The battle began, and the king's strategic plan and his wise leadership were the war for them, but despite the king's strategy, he could not do anything without the power of the soldiers, who ate and slept once a week.

The king began to lose his energy after two weeks, because he was not eating to preserve the largest amount of food possible, and he was not sleeping because he spends the night in developing strategic plans, Five soldiers noticed this, and they were the first five soldiers to volunteer. They took their food to the king, and he refused, but they insisted on it until he agreed, The king regained his health and regained his dominance in the battle, The five soldiers stayed on that solution until the end of the war, And in the last battle, there were 1,000 enemy soldiers left, while 900 of their soldiers remained healthy, able to move, and 8,000 could not move, but The nine hundred soldiers were afraid, and decided not to attack until they heard the king's orders, but the king's condition was worse, as he had a fever, and he could not sleep for a week, and when he saw his soldiers in a bad condition, he had decided to surrender But the first five volunteers called the soldiers cowards, and attacked the enemy before the king's telegram reached him, and despite not eating for a month, they attacked with all their might, using their skills, energy, and courage only, and they were able to return alive, not only that, but they returned with the head of the enemy army commander Since that day, they have been called the Five Swords, and they have given up their names and received titles, its :

Commander: Alpha

Second sword: silver

Third Sword: The great giant or gg

The fourth sword: cutter

Fifth Sword: Drgham

This is the most chapter I've worked on so far, I hope you like it

Yassin_Slaouicreators' thoughts