
Shocking Turn of Events

Seventh Prince muttered to himself in the cell, "Why haven't you acted? I can't be wrong. You definitely want to kill the Emperor!"

Suddenly, the Regent walked in, staring coldly at Seventh Prince. "You bastard, you nearly ruined everything for me, almost got me killed."

Seventh Prince sneered, "So I was right. You do want to kill the Emperor, don't you?"

The Regent laughed heartily, "I might as well tell you, the Emperor's preemptive measures were already known to me. His informant is my man. Every move the Emperor makes, he informs me through notes. Fortunately, I pulled back in time."

Seventh Prince was shocked, "So there's a traitor."

The Regent smugly said, "It's a pity you learned this too late. What I don't understand is how you know about my secret plans. Let me ask you one last time, where exactly are you from?"

Seventh Prince coldly said, "Not telling, huh? I'll find out. The Emperor will die tonight."

Seventh Prince cursed angrily, "Traitorous dog, eating from the bowl and smashing the pot!"

The Regent laughed, "Keep yelling, won't change a thing."

Seventh Prince watched helplessly as the Regent left, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness.

Meanwhile, the Emperor and Empress were discussing in the palace, "We almost wrongly accused the Regent today. Perhaps we weren't mistaken after all," the Emperor said.

The Empress asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

The Emperor explained, "Today we set a trap in advance, and he didn't act. Doesn't that mean we almost wrongly accused him? But I still feel something is off. What that kid said doesn't seem entirely fabricated. And every time I see that kid, I have an inexplicable feeling."

The Empress comforted him, "But he didn't act, and that's a fact."

The Emperor pondered, "Empress, do you think our plan might have been leaked?"

The Empress shook her head, "That can't be."

Just then, footsteps were heard outside. A guard came in and reported, "Your Majesty, the Regent is here."

The Emperor and Empress exchanged uneasy glances.

The Regent entered the palace with a concerned smile, "Your Majesty, Empress, what brings you here?"

The Emperor asked coolly, "Regent, do you have something to report?"

The Regent smiled, "I just wanted to check on Your Majesty and the Empress, to see if you were frightened today."

The Empress said coldly, "Thank you for your concern, Regent. We are fine."

The Regent nodded, "That's good to hear."

The Emperor asked impatiently, "Is there anything else, Regent?"

The Regent's expression turned serious, "I am concerned for Your Majesty's safety and have arranged for additional guards for your palace."

The Emperor waved his hand, "That won't be necessary. You may leave."

The Regent smiled, "No, I think you need them."

The Empress asked angrily, "What do you mean?"

The Regent sneered, "Come in!"

At his command, a group of guards rushed into the palace, surrounding the Emperor and Empress.

The Emperor shouted angrily, "Regent, what do you think you're doing?"

The Regent said coldly, "Empress, what does it look like I'm doing?"

The Emperor yelled, "How dare you! If you harm us, I will have your entire family executed!"

The Regent laughed, "My dear Emperor, at this moment, you are no longer in control. Blame yourself for not believing that kid's words. Today marks the end for your Yang family."

The Emperor and Empress were dragged to the main hall. The Emperor glared at the Regent, "How dare you!"

The Regent sneered, "What are you waiting for? Seize them!"

The guards stepped forward, subduing the Emperor and Empress. The Emperor shouted angrily, "Regent, you traitor!"

The Regent laughed coldly, "Traitor? From today, I am the Emperor!"

Seventh Prince heard the commotion from his cell, his heart filled with anxiety. He knew the Emperor's fate was hanging by a thread, and he had to find a way to escape and save the Emperor and the Yang family.

At that moment, a guard suddenly entered the cell and whispered, "Seventh Prince, I am loyal to the Emperor. We must escape quickly!"

Seventh Prince hesitated for a moment, then followed the guard out of the cell. They ran swiftly and finally reached the main hall.

Seeing the situation inside, Seventh Prince was filled with rage. He knew this was the final chance and he had to give it his all.

Seventh Prince burst into the hall, shouting, "Regent, stop!"

The Regent looked at Seventh Prince coldly, "You bastard, still alive?"

Seventh Prince gripped his sword tightly and said firmly, "Today, I will avenge the Yang family!"

The Regent sneered, "Just you? Seize him!"

The guards rushed forward. Seventh Prince swung his sword, fighting fiercely. His swordsmanship was sharp and swift, quickly repelling the guards.

The Regent's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly called out, "Protect me!"

Seventh Prince said coldly, "Regent, today is your death day!"

He thrust his sword at the Regent, who fell to the ground, his eyes filled with terror and despair. He struggled a few times before finally stopping.

The Emperor looked at Seventh Prince, his eyes filled with gratitude, "You saved me and the Yang family."

Seventh Prince smiled faintly, "All of this was for the future of the Yang family."