

The Emperor and the Regent entered the dungeon and found Seventh Prince imprisoned there. The Emperor asked coldly, "Is the assassin still in the cell today?"

The guard nodded, "Yes, he's here. Follow me to the cell."

The Emperor and the Regent approached Seventh Prince. Upon seeing them, Seventh Prince's expression changed slightly. "Your Majesty, you've come," he said.

The Regent sneered, "Oh, him? How did he end up here?"

Seventh Prince hurriedly said, "Li Shisan... it can't be true. Wasn't he lying in wait for you? Wasn't he supposed to assassinate you?"

The Emperor frowned, "What are you talking about?"

Seventh Prince panicked, "Yes, it doesn't make sense historically. Why haven't you taken action? Don't you want to kill the Emperor?"

The Emperor asked coldly, "Who did you say wants to kill me?"

The Regent shouted angrily, "Stop talking nonsense, or I'll kill you myself!"

The Emperor turned to the Regent, "Regent, he insists that you intend to kill me today."

The Regent hastily defended himself, "Your Majesty, please don't frighten me. Even if I had two hundred guts, I wouldn't dare harm you. Don't believe this nonsense from him."

The Emperor smiled faintly, "Of course, why would I believe his nonsense? Today is my birthday; it's not appropriate to take life. Tomorrow morning, drag him out and execute him, understood?"

The Regent replied, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Seventh Prince cried out urgently, "Your Majesty, please stay vigilant! He definitely has an ambush planned for you. If he hasn't acted, it's because someone leaked the information!"

The Regent said coldly, "Shut up! The Regent and I have had a friendship for over a decade. How could he betray me?"

Seventh Prince said angrily, "Friendship is nonsense! When he moves, it'll be the end of the Yang family!"

The Emperor waved impatiently, "Enough, Regent. Tomorrow morning, drag him out and execute him."

Seventh Prince shouted desperately, "Your Majesty, don't kill me! Do you know who I am? Your Majesty, I am your 18th-generation descendant! We can prove our kinship by blood!"

The Emperor looked at Seventh Prince coldly and left without a word, "I don't believe these lies."

Seventh Prince continued to shout, "Your Majesty, please don't go! Your Majesty!"

The Regent sneered, "Keep shouting. Even if you scream until you're hoarse, they won't come back."

Seventh Prince looked at the Regent, burning with anger, "Kid, tell me, where do you come from?"

Seventh Prince took a deep breath and decided to take a chance, "I am Yang Hao, the 18th-generation descendant of Emperor Taiyong. I come from the future to save my family's fate!"

The Regent burst out laughing, "From the future? Do you think I'm a fool?"

Seventh Prince said coldly, "You can choose not to believe, but I know all your plans. You've imprisoned the Emperor and aim to usurp the throne."

The Regent sneered, "Do you think I would believe such nonsense?"

Seventh Prince said firmly, "Believe it or not, the truth will soon be revealed."

The Regent gestured to the guards, "Take him away and lock him up tightly. He will be executed tomorrow morning."

Seventh Prince was dragged back to the dungeon, swearing to himself that he must find a way to save the Emperor and the Yang family. He knew time was running out and he had to come up with a new plan.

That night, Seventh Prince tossed and turned in his cell, recalling his life in the future and the glory of his family. He knew that only by defeating the Regent completely could he truly change their fate.

In the early morning, the guards came to the cell, opened the door, and said coldly, "Let's go, it's time."

Seventh Prince stood up, took a deep breath, and prepared to face the final challenge. He knew this was his last chance and he had to succeed.

The guards escorted Seventh Prince to the execution ground. The Emperor and the Regent stood on a platform, looking coldly at him.

The Emperor waved his hand, "Proceed with the execution!"

Just as the guard raised his sword, Seventh Prince suddenly shouted, "Your Majesty, the Regent really intends to kill you! He plans to strike tonight!"

The Emperor furrowed his brow and looked at the Regent, "Regent, do you have anything to say?"

The Regent laughed coldly, "Your Majesty, he's just struggling in his final moments. Don't let him deceive you."

The Emperor pondered for a moment, then finally waved his hand, "Take him back to the cell first. We will decide tonight."

Seventh Prince was escorted back to the dungeon once again. He knew another opportunity had come. This time, he must succeed in saving the Emperor and changing the fate of the Yang family.