
Return to the Past

Seventh Prince was once again pulled back to the ancient palace, standing before the Emperor. He silently vowed that this time, he would succeed.

The Emperor asked coldly, "Who are you?"

Seventh Prince replied firmly, "I am Yang Hao, and I am here to save the Yang family."

The Emperor frowned, "The future of the Yang family?"

Seventh Prince nodded, "Yes, I come from the future to change our family's fate."

The Emperor, puzzled, asked, "The future? What proof do you have?"

Seventh Prince took out a modern item and handed it to the Emperor, "This is proof from the future. You can trust me."

The Emperor's face changed as he examined the item, "What is this?"

Seventh Prince explained, "This is future technology. I use it to prove my identity."

The Emperor pondered for a moment before finally nodding, "Very well, I will trust you this time."

Seventh Prince took a deep breath, knowing that this chance was hard-won and that he had to seize it. He began detailing the Regent's coup plan and the countermeasures. The Emperor listened, increasingly shocked by the revelations.

Finally, the Emperor commanded, "Issue a secret order to mobilize the Imperial Guards and arrest the Regent!"

The Imperial Guards swiftly moved into action, arresting the Regent and bringing him before the Emperor.

The Regent, shocked and enraged, shouted, "How dare you arrest me!"

The Emperor, looking at him with cold eyes, said, "Regent, you dare to plot rebellion!"

The Regent, attempting to defend himself, said, "Your Majesty, I have always been loyal to you. This is slander!"

Seventh Prince stepped forward and presented the evidence he had gathered, "Here is the proof of your betrayal. Do you have anything to say?"

The Regent, seeing the undeniable evidence, fell silent, realizing there was no escape. He was taken away, leaving the Emperor and Seventh Prince alone in the chamber.

The Emperor turned to Seventh Prince, gratitude and awe in his eyes, "Yang Hao, you have saved me and the Yang family. Who are you really?"

Seventh Prince smiled slightly, "I am your descendant from the future, sent here to correct the wrongs and save our family."

The Emperor, deeply moved, said, "You have my deepest thanks, Yang Hao. Our family owes you a great debt."

Seventh Prince replied, "It is my duty to ensure our family's legacy endures."

The Emperor nodded, "With your help, we will ensure the prosperity and honor of the Yang family."

Seventh Prince, filled with a sense of accomplishment, knew that his mission was not yet complete. He had to ensure that the changes he made would have a lasting impact on his family's future.

With the Emperor's trust and the Regent's threat eliminated, Seventh Prince began to implement further measures to strengthen the Yang family's position in the court and secure their future. He worked closely with the Emperor, advising on political and military strategies, and rooting out any remaining threats to the throne.

Over time, the Emperor's rule became more stable, and the Yang family's influence grew. Seventh Prince's knowledge of the future allowed him to anticipate challenges and guide the Emperor through them successfully.

Years later, the Yang family stood as a pillar of strength and honor in the empire. Seventh Prince's efforts had not only saved his family but had also set them on a path to greatness. As he looked back on his journey, he felt a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing that he had fulfilled his destiny and ensured the legacy of the Yang family for generations to come.