
Seeking the Truth

Seventh Prince brought his grandfather to a modern cityscape filled with towering buildings. Pointing at a skyscraper, he said, "This doesn't make sense. This should be the place where the family records are hidden. How did it become a high-rise?"

Grandfather sighed, "Haohao, could this all be just a dream?"

Seventh Prince firmly responded, "No way! There must be a truth. I won't give up!"

At that moment, a mysterious figure appeared in front of Seventh Prince, whispering, "The sword on your bed is yours."

Seventh Prince, shocked, asked, "Who are you?"

The mysterious figure sneered, "Boy, if there's a problem, hang this traitor up."

Seventh Prince shouted angrily, "You think you can just cut me down like this? Today, you must die!"

The mysterious figure waved his hand, "Come, I will die by my treasured sword."

Seventh Prince watched in astonishment, "If this is a dream, it's too real."

The mysterious figure coldly asked, "Why are you staring at me?"

Seventh Prince hurriedly said, "Nothing, have we met before?"

The mysterious figure laughed, "More than you can imagine. You think this is a dream, but it's your reality intertwining with the past."

Seventh Prince, confused, said, "What do you mean?"

The mysterious figure replied, "You're not just experiencing memories. You're reliving your ancestor's struggles. This skyscraper stands on the remnants of your family's past. The truth you seek lies buried deep beneath it."

Seventh Prince turned to his grandfather, "We need to dig deeper. The answers are here, hidden in the foundations."

Grandfather, still skeptical, said, "Haohao, this sounds impossible. How do you expect to dig up the truth from under a skyscraper?"

Seventh Prince, resolute, replied, "If I don't try, we'll never know. We have to find a way to uncover what's been hidden."

As they contemplated their next move, a construction worker approached them, overhearing their conversation. "You're looking for something buried beneath this building?" he asked.

Seventh Prince nodded, "Yes, it's something very important to our family's history."

The worker paused, then said, "I've heard rumors about an ancient artifact buried here during the construction. The project manager might know more."

Seventh Prince's eyes lit up with hope, "Can you take us to him?"

The worker led them to the project manager, who listened to their story with interest. "There were indeed some unusual findings during the excavation," the manager said. "We stored them in a secure location. If you believe they're connected to your family, you're welcome to see them."

He took them to a storage facility where various artifacts and old documents were kept. Among them, Seventh Prince found an ancient box with intricate carvings and the Yang family crest. His hands trembled as he opened the box, revealing a set of scrolls.

Unrolling the scrolls, Seventh Prince saw detailed records of the Yang family lineage, tracing back to Emperor Taiyuan. The documents confirmed the betrayal and fall of their ancestors, mirroring the stories he had experienced in his visions.

Grandfather, reading the scrolls with him, said in awe, "It's all true, Haohao. Our family's history, the betrayal, everything. You were right."

Seventh Prince, filled with a mix of triumph and sorrow, said, "Now we know the truth. But it's not enough to just know. We must honor our ancestors by reclaiming our legacy and ensuring our family's name is restored."

Grandfather nodded, "You have the courage and determination of our ancestors, Haohao. Lead us to a better future."

With the truth unveiled, Seventh Prince felt a renewed sense of purpose. The cycle of fate had brought him to this moment, and now it was up to him to change the destiny of the Yang family, ensuring their legacy would endure for generations to come.