
Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel

Upon opening his eyes, Elias was confronted with a sight that was both unfamiliar and strangely familiar. He found himself trapped in a world vastly different from his own, where futuristic technology blended seamlessly with Victorian-era architecture. It was a peculiar combination, one that Elias recognized from somewhere. As the realization dawned on him, he couldn't help but wonder—was he really trapped inside his favorite novel? The thought sent a shiver down his spine. Who was this character he had transmigrated into? Not a main character, not a side character, not a support character—not even a background character! Who in the world was this Quill Nocturne?!

UntoldQuill · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

The Illusion of Belonging

Meeting up with Silas at the entrance of their Defender Dorm, they made their way outside.

Previously, Quill had been fixing his hair, searching for cologne—which fortunately was present as part of the room service—and looking for the best outfit.

Only to remember that the students literally had only one uniform, just multiple sets of it, making what he was wearing technically the best he could do.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Quill got irritated by Silas's attempt at sniffing him, coming unpleasantly close to his neck.

"Dude, don't tell me you used the perfume that was given to everyone in their rooms?" Silas asked, his tone half-amused, half-disbelieving.


Quill's silence was answer enough.

"You didn't have your own?" Silas sounded genuinely surprised.

Quill shook his head. In fact, he had nothing of personal baggage except the contents of the black suitcase he got from "his" grandfather.

Not wanting to be shamed any further, Quill simply started walking.


As they reached the entrance of the Sentinel Dorm, both of them were instantly struck by the sheer quality difference in the interior from their own dorm.

Rich, dark wood panels lined the walls, adorned with intricate carvings and gilded accents.

Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting a warm, inviting glow over the polished marble floors.

The air was filled with a faint scent of old books and fresh roses, a peculiar yet pleasant mix.

Holographic displays flickered with information and art.

Automated doors opened silently, revealing cozy lounges furnished with plush, velvet armchairs and advanced touch-screen coffee tables.

Even Quill couldn't help but stare in awe.

This didn't last long as he was interrupted by a robotic figure greeting and scanning him.

The robot was a marvel of design, standing about six feet tall with a humanoid form.

Its body was encased in polished brass and bronze, giving it a regal, almost aristocratic appearance. The head was sleek and oval-shaped, with a single blue eye that glowed softly, scanning the environment.

"Welcome to the Sentinel Dormitory," the robot intoned in a polite, yet slightly mechanical voice. "Please proceed for identification."

A beam of light scanned over Quill and Silas, confirming their identities.

"Sir Nocturne and Sir Edel. Unfortunately, I cannot allow you to pass since you are not registered residents of the Sentinel Dorm," the robot stated, its mechanical voice polite but firm.

Silas stepped forward, his confidence evident. "Let me handle this," he said, patting Quill's shoulder.

"Good Robot sir," he addressed the robot with a dramatic flourish, "we have been invited by one of the residents—Emrys Caster."

The robot's response was immediate. "I understand. For safety reasons, I will need to confirm this with Mr. Caster. Please wait a moment."

The robot stiffened, its display turning blue. "Yes, hello Mr. Caster. There are visitors asking for entry... Yes, it's Mr. Silas and a companion... His name is Quill Nocturne. ...I understand. Thank you very much."

The blue display turned off, and the robot refocused on them. "Thank you for your patience. Mr. Caster's room is located on floor B, number 12."

Silas turned to Quill, a smug smile on his face. "See? Told you, connections."



Standing in front of the room marked "B-12," Silas knocked on the door, which opened shortly after. They were greeted by a handsome young man with brown hair and striking purple eyes.

"Ah, welcome, Silas. I'm glad you could come," Emrys said with a reassuring smile that was almost blinding in its brightness.

"Of course! There's no way I'd decline an invitation!" Silas said, waltzing into the room.

Left alone in the hallway, Emrys's purple eyes locked onto Quill's red ones, neither saying anything, resulting in a brief awkward silence.

'...Should I say something...?'

"Ah, sorry, I was zoning out for a bit. You're Quill, right? Welcome." Emrys reached out his hand. Quill looked at it for a moment before accepting the handshake.

Entering the room after Emrys gave him a subtle nod, Quill immediately noticed the stark difference in their accommodations.

'...I didn't think the differences would be this great.'

 The walls were lined with rich, dark wood panels, intricately carved with floral patterns and gilded accents.

A set of plush, high-backed chairs and a very comfortable-looking couch were arranged around a polished mahogany coffee table that had a holographic interface subtly integrated into its surface.

The room also boasted a grand fireplace with an ornate mantel, above which hung a large, framed mirror that displayed various digital readouts and could transform into a screen with a simple voice command.

Quill's own room seemed modest in comparison. He even had a whole living room, something Quill didn't have.

Entering the living room, Quill saw multiple people already present and chatting with each other.

Silas was already comfortably seated on the couch, animatedly talking with the group.

Besides Silas and Emrys, Quill saw other familiar faces.

Violeta Sol was munching on snacks, her fiery red hair contrasting sharply with the golden bow that tied it.

Quill promptly avoided making eye contact with her; after the provocations he had caused earlier, he wasn't keen on confronting her. 

Nearby, other students mingled. Sev Sieben, the chubby fellow with freckles and orange glasses matching his short orange hair, was engaged in a hushed conversation with Oliver Arc, a student from a different class.

Quill knew little about Sev, as he was practically a background character.

Oliver Arc, however, was a different case. While he currently remained in the background, his role would eventually become significant—for better or worse.

A small, sad smile clung to Quill's face at the thought.

Luca Ivanov was notably absent, likely still healing from the earlier sparring match. Given his solitary nature, Quill doubted he would have attended even if he were well.

But one presence stood out above the rest.

Even if he had never seen her, her aura was unmistakable.

The long white-haired young lady sitting gracefully on the couch next to Violeta was none other than Weiss Licht.

Her dark blue eyes sparkled with intelligence and beauty, and her serene expression only enhanced her appearance.

She was effortlessly pretty, her presence commanding attention without her needing to say a word.

She seemed to be enjoying a conversation with Violeta, her laughter light and musical.

'She... is breathtaking,' Quill thought, unable to take his eyes off her.

Violeta and Weiss occupied the couch, Emrys sat in a plush high-backed chair, and the rest mingled around the polished mahogany coffee table, which displayed a holographic interface with floating news and entertainment displays.

The crystal chandeliers above cast a warm glow, creating an inviting atmosphere that made the large room feel intimate.

A part of him thought he would regret coming here, but now, seeing his beloved characters seemingly enjoying their afternoon and having the chance to be among them, he knew there was no way he would regret it.


Shortly after arriving, Quill already regretted coming.

While the rest of the group, spurred by Emrys, started playing truth or dare, Quill found himself sitting alone in front of a huge TV that wasn't even on.

He didn't even know why he had been so optimistic in the beginning.

It seemed like excitement had clouded his mind.

Nobody liked Quill Nocturne.

Quill Nocturne was surrounded by many rumors, none of them good. Even Silas, someone he had only spoken to a couple of times, surely had ulterior motives.

'Should I just leave?' he wondered, feeling increasingly out of place.

Emrys had invited everyone to form relationships. Despite his knightly demeanor, Emrys was cunning when it came to gaining an advantage. 

He knew that walking as a lone wolf would only make things harder and more stressful.

Those not blinded by their noble titles, like Violeta and Weiss, grew to respect him as a talented and promising youth despite his humble background.

Quill understood why certain characters were present: Violeta was tempted by the snacks, Sev practically invited himself, and Oliver was Emrys's childhood friend.

But characters like Silas and Weiss didn't seem to have a real reason to be here.

'Why was Silas even invited? They had no history together. Have they even talked before?'

It wasn't like Silas was known for his fighting or any other achievements.

'Plot holes like these became more apparent when you were living through them I guess.'

"Truth or dare?" Emrys asked, directing the question to Weiss Licht.

As they played, Quill remained seated away from the table, observing the fun from a distance.

Weiss tilted her head, her long white hair cascading over her shoulder as she considered her choice.

"Truth," she said, her voice cold yet somehow melting.

Emrys leaned forward with a curious smile. "I read in the magazines that you always dodge the question of what your favorite color is. I won't ask why you do that, but let me ask this: What is your favorite color?"

All eyes turned to her, but Quill kept his head down, deep in thought.

Weiss tilted her head slightly, a playful glint in her eyes. "Hmm, that's a good question. But I usually avoid answering it too. ...If anyone can guess it, I will confirm it."

The room buzzed with anticipation. Silas was the first to speak, practically shouting, "It's the most obvious and best choice: blue!"

Weiss shook her head with a soft smile. "No, it's not blue."

"It's obviously white," Violeta guessed confidently, but Weiss denied it with a simple shake of her head.

"Maybe something gentle like you? Green?" Emrys tried, his tone thoughtful.

"Nope," Weiss replied, her expression unchanging.

And so the guesses continued.

"Yellow," someone suggested.

'No, not yellow...' Quill thought, trying to remember the answer from the novel. Her favorite color was tied to a memory of her deceased brother.


'No, no, it was something more specific...'



"What about brown? ...That would be a horrible choice, though," someone muttered.

'Brown.... Wait, I remember...!'

"BEIGE!" a sudden shout took everyone by surprise as they turned to the boy sitting in front of the TV.

"Come on, man, beige? Try har—" Silas began, but was abruptly cut off by Weiss.

"Th-That is correct," she stammered, looking at Quill with shock.

'Freaking idiot,' Quill thought, wanting to slap himself.

This was too much attention. Why did he have to open his damn mouth?

"Wow, you guessed it right away, Quill," Emrys responded first, his face beaming.

"I guess even an idiot has his lucky moments," Violeta chimed in, while Sev glared daggers at Quill.

Surprisingly, Silas remained silent, just locking eyes with Weiss.

"Well, that means it's your turn now. Truth or dare?" Emrys asked, shifting the mood. All eyes turned to Quill.

After a moment of contemplation, Quill finally said, "Truth."

At first, no one asked him anything, awkwardly exchanging glances. Seeing that it wouldn't go anywhere, Emrys began, "So, uh, have—" but was completely cut off by Weiss Licht's soft yet commanding voice.

"Have you ever committed murder?"

Emrys looked confused at the sudden question, as did Sev and Oliver. Violeta didn't pay attention, focusing more on choosing between chocolate or cheese dip. Silas's eyes were directed at Weiss with a concerned look, and so were Quill's.

'What kind of question is that? Or am I overthinking it... No, it's Weiss; there's never anything without meaning.'

Quill took a deep breath. "No, Nev—" he stopped himself.

He never finished the sentence, leaving everyone to their own interpretations.

He didn't know why he stopped himself.

It felt like he would be denying the guilt of what he did in his own life, in his own world.

"I'm not really surprised if he actually killed someone," Sev was the first to react, his voice smug, only to be slightly nudged by Oliver sitting next to him, prompting him to be quiet.

"...Quill, everything alright?" Emrys asked, his tone filled with genuine concern.

Weiss's eyes never left Quill, who was staring down, lost in thought.

Standing up, Quill made his way to the door. "I'm sorry, but I think I'll head back to my room."

Emrys quickly stood up too. "Yeah, of course. Let me walk you to the entrance."

"Thank you, but that won't be needed," Quill replied, forcing a weak smile. With that, he opened the door, leaving the room and closing it quietly behind him.

The moment the door clicked shut, his legs gave way, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Haaaaaaaaa," he exhaled shakily, clutching his chest.

His breath came in ragged gasps, and he felt as if his heart would burst from his ribcage. His mind was ablaze with panic and confusion.

"What the hell was that?!" he whispered, his voice trembling.

He tried to stay quiet, fearing that someone might come out and see him in this state.

'...Was that bloodlust?'

He had felt it—a searing, palpable hatred directed solely at him.

It was the feeling of a predator closing in, ready to strike.

The pressure had been so intense, he thought his bones would shatter.

As his hand had reached for the door handle, the oppressive force had hit him like a tidal wave.

It was a miracle he had managed to open the door and stumble out.

The hallway was mercifully empty.

"Ha ha," Quill gasped, still struggling to catch his breath. His heart pounded violently in his chest, and his skin was clammy with sweat.

He had never felt so close to death as he had in those few seconds.

He was certain that if he had turned around, he wouldn't have lived anymore.

'But who?' he wondered, his mind racing through the possibilities.

Slowly, he forced himself to stand. His legs trembled, but he managed to steady himself against the wall.

Right now, he needed fresh air, a moment to clear his head and gather his thoughts.

'Oliver and Sev aren't powerful enough to emanate such a presence and aren't adept at hiding murderous intent,' Quill pondered, his mind racing.

Whoever it was had to be strong and capable of precisely directing their bloodlust without anyone else noticing.

If anyone else had felt it, they would have immediately gone into a defensive stance. But there had been no reaction whatsoever.

As he rode the elevator down, he mulled over the possibilities, feeling the weight of his confusion pressing down on him.

'Silas... No way. He can be brutal, but his skill level isn't nearly close enough at this point.'

Exiting the elevator, he was greeted by the sight of the large lounge where students were lounging in chairs or playing billiards.

The room buzzed with casual conversation and laughter, a stark contrast to his turbulent thoughts.

'Violeta? No, she wouldn't do something like this. Even if she disliked Quill...'

He continued to walk towards the entrance, completely absorbed in his thoughts.

'The only two who could have done it are Emrys and Weiss...'

Quill could imagine Weiss doing it as she was rather tigress-like, not withholding her fangs and not avoiding bloodshed.

'But why would she harbor such intense hatred for Quill? It doesn't make sense.'

'There's no way Emrys would do this, even if he hated me somehow... Maybe... Maybe it was the Reaper inside him...?'

This seemed the most plausible explanation, given the limited information he had about Quill Nocturne's interactions with Emrys.

'Maybe the Reaper sensed something off about me, or maybe I did something by accident... But if the Reaper emitted such pressure towards me, Emrys would have surely reacted to it?'

Recalling Emrys's actions and facial expressions, it didn't seem like anything unusual had happened to him.

In fact, he had been polite and friendly to Quill.

'Just wha—'

"Ah!" Quill suddenly bumped into someone, both of them falling to the ground.

He immediately jumped up, aiming his right arm where his gauntlet was hidden beneath his uniform at the person in front of him.

His heart pounded rapidly.

"Ah, I apologize! I shouldn't have been watching where I was going," the petite young lady said, sitting on the ground and rubbing her head in pain.

Realizing the situation, Quill relaxed.

There was no danger; he had just been too immersed in his thoughts.

Reaching out his hand, he said, "No, I apologize. I was lost in my daydreams."

Taking his help, the young girl hopped up, and Quill finally realized who she was.


The wavy golden-haired, doll-faced student patted her long skirt. "Ah, thank you!" She tilted her head slightly. "My name is Ophelia Sunshower."

"Quill Nocturne. I'm, uh, very pleased to make your acquaintance."

"If I'm not mistaken, aren't you the gentleman in my class?" she asked, her eyes bright with recognition.

"Uh, yes, that's right," Quill replied, feeling a bit flustered.

"How wonderful. I didn't know you were ranked as a Sentinel," she said with genuine curiosity.

"I'm not. I was just visiting a fr—no, I was just visiting someone." 

"Oh, I apologize for assuming. But surely I am hindering your plans. It was nice chatting with you. See you in class," Ophelia said, her voice melodic and warm.

She tilted her head slightly in farewell, a gesture Quill found himself mimicking.

He watched as she gracefully entered the elevator, her presence leaving a lingering sense of calm. "I need fresh air," he murmured to himself, finally stepping outside.