
Trapped Destinies

“The fragrance of your love always flows in my veins,” Asher said coming dangerously closer to Louisa “How do you?” Louisa asked shocked. For some unexplainable reason her heat skipped the rhythm listening to those lines “Babygirl from now on you will only be answering my questions” Asher spoke caging Louisa in his arms “The past is gone just like the water under the bridge, you can’t get a second back; what matters is ‘now’ the right now and where will we go from here” he whispered into her ears smiling viciously The way he said those lines contemplated something in her mind “Why do his eyes look like the ones I knew?” she thought trying to get out of his tight embrace which is making her feel suffocated. “I am loving this Babygirl, where I can see you out but you can’t see it; It’s giving me inevitable pleasure,” he said leaning towards her lips but she pushed him away “Babygirl; if you are still thinking of running away, you better give up that silly idea of yours. You don’t have any other way than this as we had our destinies trapped together,” Asher said following her -------------- Synopsis: Louisa Miller: Born with a silver spoon in the affluent Miller family. She is strong, independent, and talented. Some memories were engraved deeper into her heart than the tattoos on her body. Life was never easy for her but she knows how to beat the hurdles and rise against the odds Asher Carter: Mystery runs in his blood. He is like the brightest moon, who still have a darker side which scared him about the worse things it can do and one day everything he was scared of happening, happened and it changed everything. __________________________ This novel has a mix of all the emotions ranging for happiness to mysteries, with the unexpected twists and turns I believe that the story can keep you hooked. The starting chapters maybe a little lousy but every chapter is important for the main crux of the story. I hope you will shower the love, feel free to comment, and correct my mistakes. The cover doesn’t belong to me and was downloaded from pinterest and was edited by Sree_Exol#1214

Thelost_soul7 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
260 Chs

Devastated Hope

"Louisa, when we searched for you I have found nothing suspicious in the cameras," Rudy said to Louisa who is working on getting the information

"Rudy, will you stop pulling me down! Here I am on the verge of life and death and all you are doing is demotivating me," she yelled

"I am just saying what I felt Lou, just hear me out. In the case he is really here to meet you, don't you think that he will handle the security cameras?"

After listening to his words Louisa's fear grew ten folds.

"Was he really present there or is that just an illusion?" she thought to herself

"I am not going to give up before finding the details, if you stop with your stupid rant I will concentrate on my work," Louisa yelled which came out like a cry

Rudy kept a finger on his mouth while Louisa cracked the code and got access to the videos. Her body started sweating while waiting for the video

"Lou there it is," she opened her eyes listening to Rudy's words. He forwarded the video to the time she walked towards the room

"Look out carefully Ruds, you will see one hand pulling me inside the room," she said rubbing her hands against one another

They looked into the video with wide eyes and they saw Louisa entering the room all by herself, Louisa's head started spinning after watching that

"Lou, don't panic we have access to the whole video and we may find something in the tape which inside the room," Rudy said in order to make Louisa feel at ease

She just nodded in response and he wiped the sweat on her forehead before resuming the video

They saw nothing but pith blackness in the video, they improved the brightness changed the angles but found nothing. Tears started brimming in her eyes and when Rudy thought of stopping the video, he heard some voice

"Did you just hear that? It's a masculine voice Ruds. I said to you that I have not been hallucinating right? I am right he is here listen to that and you will know the truth," she said with tears in her eyes

It's now Rudy's time to get scared. "How can that be him? It's impossible," he thought

"Lou lets watch the whole video before celebrating," saying that he resumed the video

They heard some voices but nothing is clear. Louisa started arguing that it's Ivan's voice, Rudy replayed the video back and started listening to the conversation intently by increasing the volume to the maximum level

Louisa's happiness went on a tour once she clearly heard the voice. It's not the voice of Ivan but the voices are of Rudy and other members who were trying to find her in the pitch dark room. The lights came in the video and that's when Louisa saw Asher pushing away the strands of her hair, which came out of the bun.

Her eyes lingered on the video and she saw Asher lifting her from the floor and making her sleep on the couch while Rudy was trying hard to get her senses back, She saw how Asher stopped Rudy from slapping her on the cheeks to regain her consciousness

She observed how his hands moved on her face as if he is touching the most delicate thing in the world, she saw him nudging her cheeks while Rudy fetched the water. She saw Asher's eyes leaving a small smile when she opened her eyes

While Rudy made her drink water, she saw how Asher rubbed her back and she observed how intently Asher was looking at her when Rudy was bombarding her with the questions

His whole body language was different around her from the way he presents himself in the outer world. She had this gut-wrenching feeling of seeing his eyes somewhere

"Lou, now that we got the confirmation will you please cooperate with me?" Rudy asked bringing her out of the thoughts

Once Louisa's thoughts got broken, fear got into her nerves. The thought of going to the hospital sent shivers down her spine

"Lou, there is nothing to worry about this, I will be with you. This is the first time you have experienced this again after a couple of years. So this will not be a problem and the doctors will just send you home with some medications," he said trying to ease his friend

"Ruds, I still can't believe that it's just an illusion. I felt his breath on my nape and I lost my senses when he kissed on my birthmark. Why is this happening to me? Again? I don't want to go back to the dreadful place and go through the same shit," she said breaking into tears

"Lou, listen to me; nothing will happen over there we just visit the hospital tell them the situation, and return home with the medication. I won't let you get admitted in the hospital, I promise you," he said rubbing her back

She kept crying hugging him tightly while the flashes of the past played in her mind.

"Rudy, I am experiencing this unbearable pain in my head," she shouted

"Lou, we can't waste one more minute here. Let's get started or else you will not be able to stand on your legs if this doesn't get treated," saying that he helped her in standing up

She wiped her tears while he wiped the sweat from her face. He started to walk but was stopped when he caught his hand

"Rudy, make sure that no one knows about this other than us; not even my mother," she requested

"I won't Lou and I am so sure that Mrs. Miller won't have the time to care about her daughter's well being," he said assuring her

She nodded at that and gave his hand to her and he led her towards the stairs. She still can't believe that she is going back in time and is experiencing the illusions

The water dried out of her mouth and she didn't get the voice to stop Rudy to ask for some water. Rudy just looked all the other sides to escape from other's scrutinizing eyes

She patted on his hand and signaled for some water, he looked at every side to find either water or the monitoring staff who can fetch some water for them. When he found no one near them he made Louisa sit in a chair and went to fetch her some water

Louisa lifted her head from her hands when she saw someone passing a water bottle to her, her expressions changed when she found Asher standing opposite to her offering her the water

"You were sitting silent without yelling back at the people passing their comments on you, so I assumed that you may have drained out of energy after fighting with everyone and your own heart. So here take this," he forwarded her the bottle by opening the cap

Louisa hurriedly started drinking the water "It's very easy to shut other's mouth but how will you shut the inner voice questioning your existence?" Louisa coughed spitting the water out listening to his words and when she stood up from her seat, he is nowhere near her.

So what do you people feel is it really a illusion? Is someone playing a game with Louisa? What do you feel about Asher?

Lovelies your votes and comments give me the immense boost, please do that

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