
Transported to One Piece

A Person was transported to One Piece... What Could Happen Grammar is very bad... I think... Just bear with it... Thanks. Copyright Disclaimer: I do NOT own any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. No copyright infringement intended.

inverted · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


When Camie leads Cero somewhere, he asked Camie. "Camie, who do you want to help? This is the first time I see you like this." She then replied."They're my friends, I last met them 2 years ago. When I was going back to the dormitory, I saw them unconscious... I tried to wake them up, they didn't respond. That's why I rushed back to the dorm then asked you to help them." Cero just nodded.

As both Camie and I arrived. I saw 4 unconscious people. They are Luffy, Sanji, Usopp, and Chopper. Camie turned to me and asked. "Cero-chin, can you carry all of them back to my room." I nodded and told Camie to watch them. I used Flash Steps and carry them one by one. When all 4 of them arrived at Camie's room,

"Thanks for helping me, Cero-chin..." Camie then grabbed both of my hands. Surprised by her sudden actions I just said." It's no problem." as I raised my hands and shook my head.

Cero stayed Camie's room for a while. 1 of the 4 starts to wake up.

Sanji woke up in a room in an unfamiliar room, as he looks around then heard Cero's voice. "So you're now awake." Sanji saw a person who has brown hair and light green eyes looking at him, he said to Cero. "Thanks, for helping us." Cero just shakes his head and pointed back. "Say thanks to her, not me." Sanji looks where he pointed suddenly became energetic and happily said. "Camie-chan~~, thank you for helping us~~" While Sanji was happy to see Camie, Usopp, and Chopper start to awaken as they heard Sanji. Usopp and Chopper saw Camie and thank her for helping them.

"Sanji-chin, Usopp-chin, and Chopper-chin thank him too. As he was the one that carried you here." Camie pointed at Cero. They said their thanks. I just gladly accepted it. I then introduced myself.

Cero: "I am Cero. and you all are?"

Chopper: "I am Chopper, a doctor."

Usopp: "I-I am Usopp, the bravest warrior of the sea.

Sanji: "Sanji, a woma- I mean a cook. That someone who is still sleeping is our stupid Captain, Luffy"

I suggested changing their clothes as they were wet. They nodded and I give them some Criminal clothes, then also said their Captain clothes. After changing we started to talk together, getting close to each other in the process. While we were talking, was interrupted by some coughs. Luffy starts to wake up. Usopp, Sanji, and Chopper ran to him.

Usopp: Yeah, he woke up!

Chopper: Luffy!!!

As Luffy looks around, he said."Where am I?" then he turned around as he heard. "Oh, Luffy-chin. I'm glad that you are okay, How are you?" Luffy stared at her then happily said. "Camie! It's been a while." Camie replied. "Yeah, long time no see! I'm glad to see you again!" Sanji hits Luffy on the hits when Camie finished speaking, pointed at Cero, and said. "Why don't you thank him first and introduce yourself he was the that carried us here."

Luffy then turned around and saw Cero then said. "I'm Luffy, thank you for carrying us here and please to meet you!" Cero responded with a smile. "I'm Cero, pleased to meet you too." After exchanging greetings. Luffy asked.

Luffy: Camie and Cero are here... That means... We landed on Fish-Man Island!?

Chopper: Yeah, we did!

Usopp: That's right. As a matter of fact, we just woke up a couple of minutes ago too.

Sanji brings Luffy's straw hat and said. "This Camie-chan's room." then throws the straw hat at him. "Here's your hat."

Luffy: Oh, this is Camie's room.

Camie: I'm sorry! I was gonna pick you guys up but I thought it was a month later.

Luffy: Don't worry! Where are the others?

Chopper sadly said. "Well... It looks like we got separated."

Cero reassured. "Don't worry too much, I'm sure they'll be fine."

Sanji: I think so. The bone can't do much in the sea but they got the robot and the green one so they'll be fine.

Chopper: Yeah, they'll be fine!

Camie: I wanna see the others too.

Cero said. "I wanna see them too. I'm curious about others." he wants to see the remaining members in person.

Camie: Oh. here! I know you're all freezing. I made the soup so have some and get warm. Ta-dah! Cold seaweed soup! You'll love it!


Cero just facepalmed and Usopp hesitantly said. "Cold... Soup...?" Camie realized her mistake, shouted. " You can't get warm with cold soup! What should I do!" then both Usopp and Camie shouted together.

Cero nevertheless drank the Cold soup and heard Sanji said. "It warms me up anyway!" Cero just knits his brows saying internally "How?"

While they were drinking the soup. Cero said to Luffy.

Cero: Luffy, I have a from Jinbe-san

Luffy: Jinbe-san?

Cero: Yes, He told me that he will meet you at the Sea Forest when you arrived at the Fish-Man Island.

Sanji: Jinbe? The former Shichibukai?

Luffy: Yeah... He was the one who helped me both at Impel Down and Marineford...

Cero: So... Will go to Jinbe-san now?

Luffy just smiles and said to me while hitting my back. " Shishishishi. Don't worry, We'll go there later and you will lead us to him."

The Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets enter the room and bring their dried clothes then giving back to them. Luffy asked who they are and Camie said. "They're my friends"

Camie told where they are now.

Camie: We're at the seafloor of the Mermaid Cove, and this is the girl's dorm for the Mermaid Cafe, so I have a lot of friends here!

Luffy: Then Cero, where are you are staying?

Cero: I am staying here too, As I'm working at Mermaid Cafe and only the male staying here...

Sanji who heard what Cero said. Rushed towards him and grabbed his t-shirt then shake him violently. "Cero, y-yo-you must be having the best place to live huh..." then suddenly got depressed. "Why I unlucky..." When Sanji got through his sadness. They changed back to their clothes and prepared to go out.

While they were riding towards the surface, Luffy asked Camie where Hatchan and Pappag is. Camie answered that Hatchan was at the Fish-Man District, while Pappag was living at Fishvely Hills, the high-class district.

As they arrived at the surface. They heard a girl's voice. "Hey, Camie and Cero!" Sanji turned to the voice, he looks at it for a moment and started to cry.

Chopper: Sanji is crying

Luffy: He's crying harder than when he left the Baratie.

Cero was laughing internally at Sanji as he witnessed this.

Sanji raised his arms and shouted. "I found it!!! This is my All Blue!!!

Camie introduced Luffy and others to the mermaids.


At the Fish-Man District, Hody Jones was sitting and evilly said. " I see. The Straw Hats finally got this far..." Hammond stuttered. "Y-Yes, Wh-What should we do boss?"

Hody Jones look at him and said. "Bring them...here!"

Flash Steps/Shunpo

invertedcreators' thoughts