
Transported to One Piece

A Person was transported to One Piece... What Could Happen Grammar is very bad... I think... Just bear with it... Thanks. Copyright Disclaimer: I do NOT own any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. No copyright infringement intended.

inverted · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs


The year of 1524 Month of August.

In Sabaody Archipelago, the shore at Grove #42. The rendezvous point of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Currently, the crew is surrounded by the Navy.

At the Thousand Sunny.

Franky: The floating is removed.

Nami: "Okay! What about the sail." she then looked up

Zoro: "We're ready"

Luffy: "Is it time to go, Nami?"

Nami: "Yes, at your command, Captain

Luffy didn't say anything, he just looks at his crew for a moment and said.

Luffy: Alright...

(One Piece OP 15 plays)

Luffy: You guys!!! I've got a lot of things that I want to share with you but in any case, thank you for going along with my selfish decision for 2 years!

Sanji: That wasn't the first time.

Usopp: He's right! You've always been selfish

Luffy just laughed then breathe-in then shouted.

Luffy: Spread the sail!

Zoro/Brook: Yes!/Yeah!

Luffy raised his arms and loudly said.

Luffy: Set Sail!

The crew: Yeah!

Luffy: Let's go to Fish-Man Island!


Cero just thought about that... somehow he was right as it happened above. he then shrugged his shoulders and gets to work.


At Fish-Man District figure walking towards the new headquarters of the New Fish-Man Pirates. That figure is Vander Decken IX, he is a tall individual with beige-colored skin, slim build, and lanky limbs. His most distinguishing feature is his four legs. He has a short, scraggly goatee, a long, wavy mustache with spiky edges, and similarly, long, wavy and spiky black hair.

When Decken arrived at the headquarters, he went inside and saw 6 figures, and 1 of them is Hody Jones. he now a scar that appears to start below his right shoulder and goes down his chest diagonally to the left and the remaining 5 are his officers that are now healed. "Hody Jones, a pleasure to meet you." Decken said then crossed his arm over his chest with each of his hands holding two fingers in a 'victory' sign. Hody Jones didn't say about his strange gestures. he just greeted back.

"Let's get to the point Decken" Hody suddenly said.

Decken asked him. "Hody Jones, what is your plan." Hody stared at him then calmly said. "I plan to use human captives to infiltrate the palace. When they found the switch that opens the connection corridor to the palace. If it is opened both you and I fight the royal guards. When we secured the palace. You could go take Princess Shirahoshi." Decken was satisfied with the plan. he puts on a glove, they shook hands and they formed an alliance.

At the Ryugu Palace, Cero is now consoling Princess Shirahoshi as she was crying that her pet Megalo is missing when he went away for a while. I told Shirahoshi that Megalo will be back. As he knows that Luffy will save Megalo as he is struck due to the Kraken. When they go towards to Fish-Man Island.


At the Straw Hat Crew. Currently 7000 meters below the sea level. And are now finding Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji as they got separated due to sea currents.

At Thousand Sunny.

Chopper: "Ha...Ha...Ha..."

Franky: "What's the matter, Chopper?"

Chopper: "I don't know. I feel hot all of a sudden."

Usopp: "It's hot! What happened?" said as he took off his jacket.

In front of the ship is a pillar of smoke.

Usopp: "Wh-what's this? Smoke? It's blocking our view forward.

The crew walks towards the ship to see to smoke while Chopper is laying on the ground with tongue out.

Chopper: "Smoke from the seafloor? Why?

As Nami looks at the smoke, she realized something.

Nami: "It's... It could be...Hydrothermal deposits!

Usopp: "Huh?!

Nami: "A volcanic area in the sea!"

Usopp: "What?!

Nami pointed. "Look, you can see that there were volcanic eruptions here!"

Franky ran toward the helm of the ship

Franky: "Let's get away from here! If it erupts, were going to die!

Chopper currently was suffering by the heat.

Chopper: "It's hot... It's hot...

Chopper notices something towards the ship.

Chopper: "Something's after us!

Usopp was shocked. "Carnivorous Tubeworms!

No choice Franky used little Coup de Burst. he repeatedly uses it to avoid the coming sea monsters. After a few moments, they succeeded to escape. In a minute or two. Chopper suddenly gets sad and said.

Chopper: "Luffy and the others can't survive here. I'm starting to get sad. I finally got to see him after 2 years...

Usopp: "Cut it out! They are not gonna die so easily!

Franky thought about the remaining air as he used Coup de burst little by little, then suddenly saw a bright light in front of them. As the bright light slowly goes towards the ship. Franky noticed what it was suddenly exclaimed. "Oh no!"

Usopp: It's an angler! He tricked us!

Franky then used Coup de Burst to avoid it. Afterward, Franky sighed that angler missed its attack became stunned at the new figure that arrived. A sea bonze. The sea bonze raised its arms. As if he will hit the ship. Everyone in Thousand Sunny panicked... well expect Robin.

Surprised that the sea bonze did not hit the ship but punched the angler.

Sea bonze: "Hey Ankoro! You can't do that! Don't eat the ships! How many times do I have to tell you that? Captain Vander Decken-sama won't like this!"

The crew thought the sea bonze was helping them. Usopp suddenly told Franky to get away here. In a distance, a ship is slowly floating towards them. Brook, who knows about the ship explained to them.

Brook: "The infamous Flying Dutchman! It should not exist in the real world! It happened several hundred years ago. One stormy day, the captain of the ship suddenly lost his mind and killed all his crew by throwing them into the troubled waters one by one! And he even cursed the Gods! The name of the Captain was Vander Decken and the ship was the Flying Dutchman!

Brook then grabbed his head and said. "The Gods got mad at him and set him adrift forever under constant torture!" he then pointed at the ship. "And the ship right front in us is Captain Vander Decken's haunted ship!

Usopp and Chopper started to panic while Robin is drawing the ship.

While Franky told the crew to calm down. Robin suddenly said.

Robin: "We just saw the Kraken which was believed to be an imaginary monster, so it's not that surprising to see a ghost ship.

Nami, Usopp, and Chopper stopped for a second then Nami fearfully said.

Nami: "Then maybe that's...

Usopp: A real ghost ship!

Chopper: I'm scared!!!

Brook just collapsed and Franky told Robin that she can't entertain herself by making them scared. Robin just softly laughed as a response.

At the Flying Dutchman. Vander Decken IX ordered the sea bonze to punch the Thousand Sunny. As he tried to hit the ship. The Kraken suddenly intervenes as he pushed the sea bonze.

Currently the Kraken "Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora" the sea bonze.

Three people can be seen at a distance. Luffy was waving at the crew on the ship. Sanji saying repeatedly. "Nami-swann! Robin-chwann!" and Zoro was just sleeping on the small bubble.

As the three of them entered the ship. The crew was happy that there were safe and surprised that Luffy tamed the Kraken. While they were talking. The seafloor suddenly started to shake violently.

Nami: "Oh no, The undersea volcano's gonna erupt.

Nami asked Luffy to tell the Kraken to get away from here. But Kraken is already running away. While the Kraken was running. Robin commented.

Robin: "He runs awful"


The volcano erupts, spouting lava on the seafloor. The crew starts to tell the Kraken faster. As he is running, A sheer cliff can slowly be seen. Surume, the Kraken jumps at the cliff. As he is falling an avalanche of rocks and earth occurred. As Zoro trying to get out on the ship. Only to be stopped by Robin as she said if they go out, they will be crushed by the water pressure. Luckily stopped Usopp stopped the avalanche for a second. They made it out alive. Unlucky, Surume was hit by a rock and was knocked out, then descended rapidly. A short period of time they unknowingly arrived 10000 meters below sea level. The place was bright.

The Straw Hats looked around as Nami told them that they have almost reached Fish-Man Island. Sanji starts to imagine the mermaids he will meet. Suddenly engulfs himself in flames.

Chopper: He's burning!!!

Usopp: " The flames of his eroticism!!!

While they were talking, a group of sea monsters approached their ship. Usopp, Nami, Chopper, and Brook starts to panic again... On the sea monster, several people can be seen. Kraken, who knows them dropped Thousand Sunny and ran away. On the sea monster, Cero can recognize one of them. He is Hammond. The person Cero has beaten up before. Hammond tells the Straw Hats to join the New Fish-Man Pirates or they will be sunk by the sea monsters. Unwilling, Nami told Franky to use all air remaining on the coating to charge to the Fish-Man Island. As Franky used Coup de Burst. They are now flying directly to the entrance of Fish-Man Island.

Franky: "We're heading in!!!"

Sanji: "Wait for me, my dear mermaids!!!"

As they have entered. Another Bubble is in there way. As they hit it. Water flowed on the ship. As they entered it. Luffy, Chopper, Robin, and Brook started to drown as they have eaten a devil fruit. The crew started to separate.


Cero at the Mermaid Cove was resting suddenly heard Camie barge into his room and quickly said. "Cero-chin, please help me carry my friends!" At this moment, Cero thought to himself that Straw Hat Pirates has arrived.

Straw Hats dialogues are from the anime btw~~

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