
Transported to One Piece

A Person was transported to One Piece... What Could Happen Grammar is very bad... I think... Just bear with it... Thanks. Copyright Disclaimer: I do NOT own any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. No copyright infringement intended.

inverted · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


As I enter the Fish-Man District, its surroundings look like any slums in the world but not in the past because it was a giant institution for orphaned children. But eventually, it was unsettled and therefore the institution became a lawless district where the outcasts of Fish-Man Island gathered. Fisher Tiger eventually declared himself the boss of the location and protected his fellow fish-men within the area.

As I ventured deeper into the district, all kinds of things can be heard. Shouting, cursing, screaming everywhere. when I saw a lawless bum with the tattoo of the New Fish-Man Pirates. I coldly asked. "Oi... take me to Hody Jones..." the lawless bum violent replied." Huh?! who the hell do you think you are..."Before he could raise his arms I kicked to him to the nearby wall. Grabbed his head and said."This is the last time I am going to ask you... TAKE. ME. TO. HODY. JONES." the lawless bum didn't say anything, he just nods violently.

After a few minutes, we arrived at the place where Hody Jones. I just glared at the lawless bum to tell to scram. I kicked hard the door breaking it in the progress. The fish-man inside surprised by the newcomer. I just calmly walked towards Hody Jones. Now looking at him with his 5 officers standing beside him. Slowly said to him. "Hody Jones, I have decided to destroy the place." the fish-man surrounding just loudly laughs. But Hody Jones did not.

"Hooo... A human huh... what guts do you have to take us all... A mere ant... This why fish-man is superior to humans..."Hody Jones said. I just scratch my ear and replied to him."Let's get over this." while ignoring Hody Jones's vein popping out. I just silently cast Tensō Jūrin. which made the surroundings become dark, then used Conqueror's Haki not to get rid of the can fodders inside. Hody Jones surprised by the shockwaves that I sent became more surprised as his underlings started to faint. Few seconds passed only 7 people are okay including me.

"Y-Yo-YOU!! you dare to attack me..." Hody angrily said while veins on the head are almost going to pop out, then said."GET HIM FOR ME!" Hody commanded his officers.

As soon as I heard Hody Jones's order. I used Shunpo to get away from the five officers as I could not beat them all together at once unless I am courting death. As I was not seen by them. They started to split up. While I was observing from above a building. I choose my first prey.

"Where is that sneaky human-much" Ikaros Much said. As a giant squid fish-man, Ikaros is extremely tall, towering over every other member of his crew, and possesses eight arms. Each pair of arms seems to have a corresponding pair of pectorals, as eight of them are visible on his chest. He has a long beard complete with a mustache, white skin, and a bulbous nose.

As he was looking for me. I activated my Sharingan then use Shunpo land behind him. Then slash my Zanpakuto creating a flow of an ice shaped Dragon. Rushing towards Ikaros Much. As Ikaros noticed something was wrong, sadly he reacted too late. As his body was covered with Ice. I just finished him as I coated my feet with Armament Haki then kicked him hard to knock him out. I just repeated this strategy for the remaining officers. Before confronting Hody Jones I started to cast Rokui Hyōketsujin. It is a trap by placing five snowflake-shaped ice crystals on the ground in a pentagonal formation. When an opponent steps into the trap, each snowflake sends a line of ice towards them. The space within the pentagon is then encased in a large pillar of ice, trapping the opponent.

I plan to lure Hody Jones to the trap as I don't have the confidence to beat him head-on. It is better to play smart than nothing. I went back to Hody Jones dragging his injured officers. Threw them at him like a ragdoll. Currently, Hody Jones is fuming so hard a smoke can be seen on his head. As he releases his killing intent. I poured salt on him.

"Hody Jones... Is this what you mean of a superior race... How laughable, I thought you were right but you are just acting so good I almost believed it. Superior race you say. I think got that wrong."

Can't hold back his anger. Hody just dashed toward me. At this moment. I feel that I just overestimated myself. Even both observation Haki and Sharingan can't even react to his attack. When I saw for a second in the future on what will he do. I did not expect his speed exceeded my predictions. Hody hits me on the chest. I coughed blood while I was sent flying through buildings away from him.

I looked at my chest. Blood is pouring out like a river.

Hody Jones then wet his arms then shouted."Yabusame" Sensed something fast coming towards me due to my Observation Haki. With my Sharingan, I can see them but can not dodge them all. As a result, my arms and legs are now bleeding. I struggled to persist as I lure Hody towards the Rokui Hyōketsujin. I am now on my fastest speed leading him but he is just to faster than me. As I continued running away. Rokui Hy��ketsujin finally caught Hody, but I can't rely on it any longer.

"You Puny Human! Is this what you are good at? I guess you only good at spouting nonsense." Hody shouted inside then tries to break the ice pillars. As every second passed Hody is almost out from the Rokui Hyōketsujin.

While Hody is breaking out. Cero just focused on gathering his strength as he is planning to go all out. Afterward, Cero now applied Armament Haki on his Zanpakuto. he then used Shunpo arriving in above of Hody Jones while raising his arms. Seeing Cero, Hody Jones's instinct kicked in that he needs to avoid it. Sadly, Cero was a step ahead of him as he loudly shouts.

"GETSUGA TENSHOU!" what followed is the slash shaped of a crescent moon with dark-colored ice on it crashing to the land causing the ground shake violently even it can be felt all over the Fish-man island.

After the impact what was left is a long straight line drawn on the ground with dark-colored ice spread at the ground.

At the Ryugu Palace. "What was that. What kind of power that causes the entire Fish-man Island." King Neptune asked."King Neptune, the impact was caused at the Fish-man District" a royal soldier said.

"Send troops to go to Fish-man district. Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, and Manboshi go there too." King Neptune ordered. "Yes, Father." the three Prince said together bowed then go to the Fish-man District.

When they arrived at the Fish-Man District all they can found debris caused by Cero and Hody Jones. What they also found was a person laying before the long line caused by the Getsuga Tenshou. The person was bleeding from all over his body. Only Fukaboshi can only recognize who this person.

"Take this person back to the palace and patch him up," Fukaboshi commanded. While Ryuboshi and Manboshi were confused about why their eldest brother wants to save that him. Fukaboshi just said. "He was the one that did cause the ground and he is also the rumored "Red-Eyed Waiter","

Fish-Man Island did not know that Cero just did at the Fish-Man District will unintentionally save them in the future.

Is it good or not? Very curious about it

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