
Transported to One Piece

A Person was transported to One Piece... What Could Happen Grammar is very bad... I think... Just bear with it... Thanks. Copyright Disclaimer: I do NOT own any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. No copyright infringement intended.

inverted · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


At the Gyoncorde Plaza. Chopper is looking at the New Fish-Man Officers.

Chopper: These guys got their captain beaten by Luffy. How come they don't seem worried?

Robin: You're right. That's odd.

Cero: Their captain wouldn't be defeated so fast. As he took a lot of energy steroids.

Robin: Energy steroids?

Cero: The one energy steroids can enhance the strength of the user two-fold. The side effect, the pill shaves some time off the user's remaining lifespan.

Robin: Then how many times did he consumed the pills?

Cero: Who knows.

Chopper: What a terrifying drug!


Outside the Gyoncorde Plaza.

A fish-man: Look! there is someone besides the Straw Hats and Boss Jinbe! Isn't he the "Red-Eyed Waiter" of the Mermaid Cafe?

A fish-man: That's right! What's is he doing there? Is he a part of the Straw Hats?

Robin who heard what the fish-man said. Asked Cero."The "Red-Eyed Waiter". is he you?" Cero nodded. Robin asked again. "Why are you called "Red-Eyed Waiter"?"

Cero responded. "It is just to make the customer at the Mermaid Cafe. That's all" Robin was not convinced about his response but didn't pry on it anymore as there are more things to deal with.

Nami gave Shirahoshi the letter of the Celestial Dragons. Shirahoshi thanked her. At Hody Jones. he stood back up after he got kicked by Luffy.

Hody Jones: Vander Decken was so useless! I needed him to get rid of Shirahoshi. So I need to take out Shirahoshi as soon as possible, but you people fooled me completely. Jinbe. I should have noticed when you gave in without resistance. But can you beat us all? 100,000 of outlaws?

A fish-man: Straw Hats and Boss Jinbe have only 11 people. Are they gonna be okay?

Hody Jones: Kill them all, New Fish-Man Pirates!

New Fish-Man Pirates: WOO!!!

Chopper: Ei!!! Here come 100,000 enemies! How can we fight them all?! It's impossible.

Robin: Before we fight, we could get squashed.

Usopp: Squashed?! No!

Sanji: There are 11 of us. So we have to beat a lot of them.

Zoro: They outnumber us but it doesn't mean they're stronger. It's not like they're elite Navy soldiers. So don't be a wussy.

Sanji: What did you say, you stupid Moss head?!

Zoro: Bring it on, you Bloody-nosed, two-bit Chef!

Cero: Now now, If you don't want to go first then I'll go.

Zoro/Sanji: Huh?!/Huh?!

Cero: I'll turn the battle into our favor.

Cero walked forward to the enemies.

Jinbe: C-Cero-kun

Shirahoshi: Cero-sama

Luffy: Oi! Cero! you let me fight Hody!

Cero: Yes yes... I'll you leave all some to beat.

Cero just walked forward fearlessly. And activated Sharingan.

Cero: Hody, Long time no see.

Hody who looked at Cero. Remembered something. "Y-yo-you, That red eyes... Why are you still here?!

Cero: I'm here to speed up the fight.

Cero then released a huge shockwave. A few moments later. All of the 100,000 New Fish-Man Pirates started to fall.

A fish-men: Wh-what happened?

A fish-men: All of them... All of the 100,000 are all down!

A fish-men: He didn't even move. Right?!

Madam Shyarly: I didn't think that Cero boy is stronger than I thought.

At the Straw Hats. Nobody spoke a word when they saw this.

Robin thought. "That's Conqueror's Haki!"

Jinbe: Is this Cero's real strength?

Zoro: What a killjoy. I was going to test my new moves here.

Sanji: Same here. I didn't think that he would take 100,000 people down.

Franky: Not SUPER!!! I was going to show you my new things, but I'll that next.

Nami, Usopp sighed in relief. Thankful to Cero. For reducing a lot of their enemies.

Luffy: Oi! Cero! Why are you hiding your capabilities!

Cero turned back and went to the Straw Hats.

Cero: It's no fun to show all at once, you know.

Luffy crossed his arms. "Hmph!"

Cero: Don't be like that Luffy.

At Hody Jones, He was in disbelief as he saw 100,000 of his men get beaten by Cero in a single moment. The 5 officers are now sweating. As they have to lose the advantage. Demoralized, they tried to escape.

The Straw Hats starts to move. not letting them away. They fought them and defeated the officers easily. Hody and Luffy fight, they fought a long time, and finally, Hody was defeated by Luffy. The Straw Hats tied them up and the entire Fish-Man celebrated.

Robin: That ended faster than I thought.

Nami: Yeah... I never thought Cero was that powerful.

Robin: If he went out to the New World. He will be a strong figure there.

Usopp: I'm glad that he wasn't an enemy. If he was then...

Zoro: Then we be fighting a losing battle. I don't know how powerful he is. Even all of us here I think we can't even him.

King Neptune and 3 princes arrived back at the Gyoncorde Plaza. shocked that the Fish-Man Pirates were defeated already. They thank the Straw Hats for saving the kingdom.

Jinbe: Neptune-sama, If you want to thank someone, thank Cero. He was the one that did most of the work.

Cero: Rather than say thanks, Let's have a proper banquet at the Ryugu Palace.

Agreed at what Cero said. They proceeded at the Palace to have a banquet. There it was a lively place. Laughter can be heard every in the palace. Cero was just observing at the Straw Hats. He then heard Luffy asking Jinbe.

Luffy: Jinbe, why don't you join our crew.

Jinbe: Can you hold off first. I'm still affiliated with the Big Mom Pirates.

Luffy: Then, when will you join us?

Jinbe: If I cut off ties with the Big Mom Pirates then I'll join you.

Luffy: Hm...

Jinbe looked at Cero.

Jinbe: Luffy. Why don't you ask Cero to join you?

As soon as he said that. Before Luffy could ask him. Cero said.

Cero: I'm sorry but I refuse.

Luffy: Oh...

Cero: Luffy, can you lend me a ride until we reached New World?

Luffy: Of course! Shishishishi

Cero: Thanks.

Cero walked around the palace. Heard Robin and King Neptune conversing about Shirahoshi being the ancient weapon Poseidon. My Observation Haki sensed someone eavesdropping on them. Silently walked towards it and knocks him to the ground with Armament Haki.

King Neptune: Who's there?

As Cero knocked him out. it sends something outside. The kidnapped mermaids and some riches. The person who Cero knocked out was Caribou. Cero untied the mermaids. and Cero drags him to them.

Cero: Sorry about that. Someone was eavesdropping on both you were talking.

Robin: He is... I think he was on the Sunny before.

Cero: Neptune-sama, this is the one that kidnapped the Mermaids.

Neptune: Really! Thank you Cero! I'll handle the rest.

Neptune called some guard. And cuffed up him up with sea stone. After the banquet, the Straw Hats are packing to go. Saying goodbyes. Luffy then declared that Fish-Men Island is his territory. They then leave Fish-Men Island, Of course Cero said his goodbyes to Madam Shyarly and others.

While unto the New World. Cero was looking around the Sunny. Straw Hats are just doing their things. A few hours later they arrived in New World.

Cero: We arrived at New World huh...

Luffy: Are you going to go now?

Cero: Yes, but I'll meet you again.

Luffy: You promise!?

Cero: Of course. I'll bring some people to meet you all.

Luffy: Huh?! Who?!

Cero: You will know it later.

Cero said his goodbyes to the Straw Hat.

Robin: When you will meet us again?

Cero: Sooner than you think.

Robin "..."

Cero used his Bankai on the ship, surprising everyone on the ship then flies away.

Robin: A devil fruit? But Aokiji has Hie-Hie no mi. Just who really is he.

Cero arrived at an empty island. Sighed to check the system.

"Task Completed: Saving the Fish-Man Island, Reward: Arc of Embodiment"

Cero cursed the system for giving an overpowered skill, saying that readers will complain to him. The system replied. "This is a gift for your new adventure."

Cero: New Adventure?

"As I, the system is unreasonable. I then shall give a task. You will be forcefully transported to an alternative universe of One Piece and bring some people here!" the System said.

Cero: Why are you doing this?! The readers will drop this immediately. You f***er!!!!

System: No questions asked. *beep* *beep* *beep* So you will be transported today the time here will stop.

Cero just said sorry to the readers for this sudden development and before he could react, he was then covered by bright light and disappeared on the spot. Time stops here.

Pls no drop

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