
Transported to One Piece

A Person was transported to One Piece... What Could Happen Grammar is very bad... I think... Just bear with it... Thanks. Copyright Disclaimer: I do NOT own any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. No copyright infringement intended.

inverted · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


As they arrived at the Sea Forest.

Luffy: So this Sea Forest!

Shirahoshi: I... always wanted to come here! Thank you very much, Cero-sama! Luffy-sama!

A few moments later...

Luffy found Sunny and Franky.

Luffy: Hey, Franky! I didn't know that you were here!

Franky: Luffy?

Franky lifted up his sunglasses. and looked at Shirahoshi.

Franky: What the hell?! You're with quite a pin-up girl!

Luffy just laughs.

We landed next to Sunny, Luffy starts to introduce us.

Luffy: Let me introduce you. She's Shirahoshi and He's Cero

Cero: Nice to meet you, Franky.

Franky: Me too! Super!!!

Cero: Luffy let's go to Jinbe-san

Luffy nodded.

Jinbe: Don't go I'm already here.

Luffy: Jinnbe! Oh, Jinbe!

Jinbe: It's been a while! And Thank you, Cero for telling Luffy!

Cero: No problem.

Jinbe: You look stronger now, Luffy!

Shirahoshi: Boss Jinbe-sama, It has been a long time.

Jinbe: Oh, Princess Shirahoshi-sama, you're here too! Long time no... WHAT?! PRINCESS SHIRAHOSHI! Why are you here?!

Cero: Shirahoshi wants to go to her mother's grave. So Both Luffy and I brought her out here.

Jinbe: Is that so...

Chopper: Oi, Franky! Can you help me with Hachi and Sanji?

Franky: Yeah! Oh... You're the octopus guy! What happened to you?

Jinbe: Hachi?! What?! How were you injured! Before that why are here at the Fish-Man Island? Hachi didn't answer.

Shirahoshi went straight to her mother's grave and did what she wanted to do. Sanji didn't need help as he is now cured. A few moments later, Nami and Camie arrived.

Nami/Camie: Cero!/Luffy-chin!

Cero: Nami, Camie why are you here? I thought were at the Palace.

Nami: Hody entered and attacked the Ryugu Palace and both me and Camie escaped.

Cero: And the other?

Nami: At the Palace, they got captured. Don't worry they won't die so easily.

Jinbe: Is that true? Hody did it? I never thought that such things could happen at the Ryugu Palace.

Jinbe and the Straw Hats talk to each other (they are talking about the backstory of Fisher Tiger and Queen Otohime). Cero just excused himself out and went to the Poneglyph. As he arrived at Poneglyph in thin air. He shocked Robin unintentionally. Robin looks at and stances as she will use her devil fruit to fight.

Robin: Who are you?

Cero: I'm Cero.

Robin: Why are here? Take me to Ryugu Palace?

Cero: No, to meet you.

Robin: ... What do you mean?

Cero: I'm here to tell you that Luffy arrived at Sunny. That's all.

Robin: "..."

Cero apologized and bowed to Robin. "Sorry, for disturbing you. I'll take my leave." he then disappeared in thin air. Robin looks at the place where Cero disappeared.

Robin: What a strange person... It's Cero huh... Interesting...


Currently, the entire Fish-Man Island is in chaos due to the New Fish-Man Pirates. Hody Jones is going to the Gyoncorde Plaza to execute King Neptune there. That's all


Cero went back to Sunny and saw Luffy and Jinbe fighting. As they're fighting Cero just Flash Step in the middle.

Nami: Cero!

Luffy: Cero! What are you doing there! Move!

Jinbe: Cero! Move aside!

Before both of them could hit him. Cero just raised his arms catching their fist. Then throws them aside.

Cero: I don't know why both of you are fighting but you could settle it peacefully. Right?

Jinbe: Think about it, Luffy! What will happen if yous resort to violence now on Fish-Man Island? Every time Fish-Men tried to open their hearts to humans, they only disappointed them. What happened in the past planted those twisted ideas in the Fish-Man's minds! They will just hate you!.

Luffy stood up, looked at Jinbe."Get out of my way, Jinbe! You gotta let me go!"

Jinbe: No, I won't! Leave it up to me!

Luffy veins popped. "You bastard! Then I'll just beat my way past you!

Jinbe: I'll fight you as many times until you understand!

Cero just sighed as he just a task and clapped." Now now. Don't fight again. I have come up with a plan."

Luffy/Jinbe: What!/What!

Cero: Let's make Luffy a hero that saved Fish-Man Island. I'm sure the Fish-men will change their opinions about humans if he saves King Neptune.

Luffy: Hero? No! We're pirates!

Robin: I agree with his plan Luffy.

Luffy: Oh... Robin. No! I don't want to become a hero!

Jinbe: Luffy, just listen to him and I'll give you lots of meat!

Luffy: I understand.

Chopper: What?! It's resolved like that?!

Cero then told the details about the plan.

Jinbe: I understand. Let's go, Princess-sama.

Then they left


At the Gyoncorde Plaza

The 3 Princes arrived to save the King but got easily defeated by the Officers as they have taken an energy steroid. the 3 princes got tied up. After some time. Princess Shirahoshi and Jinbe got caught in a trap. Presenting them in Gyoncorde Plaza.

Shirahoshi: Father-sama Brothers-sama

Hody: How lucky I am! We caught the two that I concerned about the most, all at once. This is too good to be true!

Shirahoshi: I-I am very sorry! You wouldn't have to go through this If I hadn't been fooled...

Jinbe: What's done is done so never mind.

Hody: So you're here as I thought. Jinbe, I liked you back when you were a wild man.

Jinbe: What happened to you Hody. You look so different from before.

Hody: Now, everyone that I wanted to see is here. It was easier than I thought. My only concern now what the Straw Hats will do.

People started to gather at the Gyoncorde Plaza

Hody: There are 30,000 human slaves we've caught in the sea over the past month. And 70,000 Fish-Men who knows how to use arms. They all came from the Fish-Men District. Behold! The 100,000 outlaws altogether!

The outlaws: WOOO!!!!

Madam Shyarly arrived at Gyoncorde Plaza then told Hody. "The one who determines the fate of the Fish-Man Island is not you, Hody, but Straw Hat Luffy." Hody didn't say anything he stood and shoot something at Madam Shyarly. The Fish-Men panicked as there saw Shyarly injured. Hody then told the truth about Queen Otohime's saying that he was the one that killed her. The entire people at the plaza were shocked. Was shocked again as Shirahoshi already knows it. Hody didn't care and turned back started to throw Shark Arrows to King Neptune and the 3 princes repeatedly. King Neptune can't handle the damage, falls down. Hody then asked for a sword saying that he will that the execution.

The entire fish-men asked Straw Hat Luffy to show up. Repeating his name. Hody got fed up grabbed King Neptune's hair stating the execution will start.

Hody: Listen, you stupid citizens! I'm going to proceed with the execution of the former King, Neptune now! Watch it very closely! As I cut former King Neptune's head off! Then, this half-assed king without a drop racial pride will be gone forever and the new Kingdom of Fish-Men will rise, which will dominate the pathetic humans! I'll put an end to the shameless Ryugu Kingdom!

Hody raised his sword and said. "Farewell!

Shirahoshi cried. "Luffy-sama Please save our father-sama! Luffy-sama!

Before the sword could hit King Neptune's head. Megalo started to struggle as if he was keeping something on his mouth. A few moments later he spats out something. before Hody knows what Megalo spat out. He was kicked away by Luffy, sending him away until he hits a wall.

The Fish-Men: Ei!! Th-that's... Straw Hat Luffy. He really showed up!!!

A Fish-Men: Hey, did you see that? He saved King Neptune.

A Fish-Men: Yeah! And right before that Princess Shirahoshi cried for his help.

Nami appeared out of nowhere a shows Jinbe a letter from the Celestial Dragons? Robin then unlocked King Neptune and the 3 Princes. freeing them. Above the sky, a ship can be seen. The King's pet Hoe appears in front of King Neptune and the 3 Princes. Jinbe told them to get away and succeed.

Thousand Sunny landed in the middle of the plaza. One by one people started to get off the ship.

Chopper: Wow! Look at how many people there are!

Usopp: Oi Oi, are they all our enemies?!

Cero: I think so.

Sanji: It looks like there are 70,000 or more than that here.

Brook: That's a little tough!

Zoro: You can go take a nap or something. If you want. I'll take care of them.

The fish-men started to ask the Straw Hats If they want destroys the island.

Luffy: Friend or foes? That something... You'll have to decide on your own!

Cero: Good answer Luffy. Now... Let's start the party!