
Transported to One Piece

A Person was transported to One Piece... What Could Happen Grammar is very bad... I think... Just bear with it... Thanks. Copyright Disclaimer: I do NOT own any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. No copyright infringement intended.

inverted · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs


Cero followed Camie as she leads Luffy and Usopp to Madam Shyarly. As they arrived, Both Luffy and Usopp went straight looking at the crystal ball. When Luffy tried to touch it. Madam Shyarly stopped him.

Shyarly: Don't touch it, Straw Hat

Cero: That's the crystal ball she uses to look into the future. Madam's pre-vision is well-known in the Coral Hills.

Shyarly said. "I'm not practicing anymore." Camie was surprised when she heard that. Shyarly smoked the pipe and said. "It's better not knowing the future."

Luffy just suddenly asked Shyarly. "Well, how about this? Do you mermaids poop?" Usopp then hits Luffy said to him. "What does that have to do with her pre-vision?"

Madam Shyarly suddenly became angry to asked Luffy. "Don't you have any class?" Cero laughed and Shyarly turned to him. "Are you the same as him, Cero boy?" he just shakes his head saying no.

Camie: A-Apologize to her, Luffy-chin!

Luffy and Usopp bowed at her saying sorry. Madam Shyarly then said."Cero, Camie, you can take a day off today. Show them around the island."

Camie: Huh? Really?

Shyarly: Both of you always work hard. And... these days we don't have human pirate guests and my business is drying up. The girls from the cove will come soon, so we have enough workers.

They leave at Madam Sharly's place and Cero leads them to the Mermaid Cafe. As they stood at the entrance and the door opened. Two people got out of the Cafe and they're Brook and Pappag.


Luffy/Usopp/Camie: Brook!/Brook!/Brook-chin!

Brook: Oh, Luffy-san and Usopp-san! And it's been a while. Camie-san! And this person is?

Cero: My name is Cero, please to meet you, Brook.

Brook: So It is Cero-san. Please to meet you too.

Pappag: Straw! Nose! I missed you guys! I didn't know that you were here!

Luffy: Long time no see!

Usopp: So you were with Pappagu!

Brook: Yes, I didn't expect to be rescued by Pappag-san. I was so lucky! YOHOHOHOHO!

As they were talking. Pappag decides to let them visit his house. Waited for a taxi. When it arrived, Brook was climbing the sea monster, stops, went back down and go to a wanted poster of Vander Decken. He asked Cero. "Why are they looking for him," Cero replied to Brook that he will tell about him later. Told him to get on the taxi first. As en-route, Cero tells them about Vander Decken.

Cero: Vander Decken was sending love letters to the Mermaid Princess of the Ryugu Kingdom at least once a week. Before long, the letters became packages, then threats to marry him. And his eccentric behavior made the Mermaid Princess afraid and it became a National Concern.

Camie added. "Yeah, the Mermaid Princess's Father, King Neptune got mad and those three princes have been looking for him with the army.

Brook: But what I can't understand is, Vander Decken must be a ghostly pirate from hundreds of years ago...

Cero: It is true that Vander Decken is a ghostly pirate existed years ago but I think what you saw is probably his descendant. Vander Decken IX.

Brook: What?! His descendant?! Oh, is that so? That means he's not a ghost. I thought that it was a real ghost and felt more dead than alive since I'm a skeleton. That's good. That's just good.

While they're talking, They have arrived at the highway. The taxi is now heading towards Pappag's house at a rapid pace. En route, There was a factory with the flag of Big Mom Pirates above it. Luffy asked what it is.

Cero: That's a candy factory. The flag is from the Big Mom Pirates, one of the Four Emperors.

Luffy: Is that so.

Cero: Before the war, Whitebeard was protecting the island from pirates nut now it's Big Mom. But she demands a lot of sweet candies every month in exchange.

Luffy: Big Mom huh... One of the Four Emperors like Shanks. Wonder if I'll meet her someday.

The taxi is now almost at the Fishverly Hills, the town of the celebs. When they arrived at Pappag's mansion, he started to boast about his fashion line, Cero and others ignored him as they were curious about the Criminal Store. Luffy and others ran to the store. Cero followed them. Outside the store, you can hear a customer complaining. When they saw who was complaining. It was Nami.

Luffy: Hey! Nami!

Camie: Nami-chin!

Nami: Camie! It's been a while! How are you?!

The shop clerk tells Pappag that Nami is complaining about the price of the clothes. Pappag said to Nami that it's all free as they helped him 2 years ago. Nami proceeds to wipe out inside the store with the help of Luffy, Usopp, and Brook. Pappag regretted his decision.

Nami noticed Cero and pointed. "Who's this" Luffy answered. "He's Cero. My new friend, Shishishishi!"

Cero walked towards Nami and raised his hand to shake hands with her. "Nice to meet you, Nami-san"

Nami grabbed Cero's hand and blushed a bit.

As they were getting to know each other. a employee of Pappag rushed in saying that King Neptune is coming. They went out, saw him. Luffy and others starts to rudely describe his appearance.

King Neptune: Hey, Megalo! Are you sure that it was this people-jamon?

The Straw Hats knew the shark as they have saved him before. King Neptune then invites the Straw Hats to the Ryugu Palace. Camie and Pappag were shocked by the invitation.


At the Fish-Man District. New Fish-Man Pirates are all present because a lot of human captives had attempted to escape.

Hody Jones said. "I'll go, Get the bubble ready." he then grabbed a handful of energy steroids and consumed it simultaneously. After a few moments, his eyes turned as his pupil had sunk. His muscles became bigger and sturdy than before. He grabbed his trident then chased them and kill the captive on one fell swoop.


At Madam Shyarly, she is currently causing a commotion as she grabbed her head. The fish-men and merfolk are worried about her.

Shyarly: We have to do something before it's too late!

The merfolk: Hey, Madam! What's wrong?

Shyarly: Look for him! The pirate boy with a straw hat! And throw him out of this country!

The fish-men: Is it a pre-vision again?

Shyarly: I wasn't planning on using it. But I felt something about him, so I couldn't help looking into the future.

Shyarly start to breathe in a fast manner.

Shyarly: I hope it won't happen. I hope it'll be proven wrong! ha... ha... ha... A human with a straw hat on... At Straw Hat Luffy's hand... at his hands... the Fish-Man Island will be... DESTROYED!!!