
Transported to One Piece

A Person was transported to One Piece... What Could Happen Grammar is very bad... I think... Just bear with it... Thanks. Copyright Disclaimer: I do NOT own any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. No copyright infringement intended.

inverted · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


On the other side of Fish-Man Island. Nami, Robin, and Franky can be seen

Nami: Did you see Luffy and the others?

Franky shakes his head. "No, I can't find them

Nami sighed. "We just got together again..."

Franky: But there's no need to worry! They wouldn't die so easily.

Robin: He's right.

Franky: We have to find Sunny too but first, should we check with some inhabitants? I saw a town nearby.

Nami and Robin nodded then go to the town nearby.


At Cero and others, Sanji started to remove his clothes and happily ran towards the mermaid. Jumped in the water and swam with the mermaids.

Luffy was watching Sanji said. "I wanna swim like you guys." Cero looked at Luffy. "Luffy, you can swim with a bubble on,"

Luffy responded. "Really?"

Cero nodded and said. "Yeah, any craftsman in the City can make one for you right away.

While both on them were talking, The Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets arrived said that the Royal family's ship is coming towards them. Camie and mermaids told Luffy and others to hide as they entered Fish-Man Island illegally. As the ship arrived in front of them. The three princes can be seen. Fukaboshi asked. "I received a report of illegal entry. Didn't they come here?" Camie and other mermaids lied that they didn't come here, but Cero answered. "Yes. they are currently here." Camie and the other mermaids including Luffy and his friends were surprised by what I said, Thought that I have snitched on them.

Fukaboshi: Is that so... Let me see them...

Camie in disbelief said. "Cero-chin... you..."

Cero: Don't worry, they are not coming here to arrest them. They just want to see Luffy and others.

Camie sighed in relief. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper showed themselves. Fukaboshi said to Cero. "So you told them the message Jimbe-san gave you."

Cero: Yes, I will guide them to Jinbe-san, Prince Fukaboshi, I'll take care of them. So rest assured.

Fukaboshi: Then I'll be troubling you, Cero

Cero: It's no problem.

The ship then turned around and left. Everyone except Cero sighed in relief.

Usopp: Haaa... that was scary... I thought Cero sold us out.

Chopper: Yeah. I was kinda shocked when he told the Prince that we were here.

Luffy laughed and said. "Shishishishi! Me too."

Cero: Prince Fukaboshi and I were asked by Jimbe-san to look after you when you arrived here.

Camie: Is that so.

Cero looked around and said. "By the way, where Sanji?

Currently, Sanji was laying on a mermaid's chest. His heart was beating rapidly. After a few seconds. he had a huge nosebleed.

Luffy: That was too much blood. He's in danger

Usopp: He couldn't hold it! All that pent-up excitement exploded!!!

While Chopper was asking the mermaid for a blood type S-RH negative blood for transfusion. Hammond, Hyouzou, and Kosagoba arrived.

Hammond sneered at them, "These humans are talking nonsense." Luffy who knew them said. "Those guys with sea monsters!

Hammond: There is nobody on this island who would give blood to such lowly creatures as humans. If someone does, he risks the punishment of the Dark Night from human haters. He can just keep losing blood helplessly and die! There is this old law in our kingdom. Donating blood to humans is prohibited.

Usopp: What?!

Hammond: Make no mistake! You, humans, set the rule first! You have a long history of fearing us as monsters and refused to get your blood mixed up! That's why Fisher Tiger, the hero of the Fish-Man Island died.

Luffy: Fisher... Tiger...

Hammond: He risked his own life to free slaves from all races but after a bloody war, he lost his life although he could've survived if he had a transfusion! Those heartless humans refused to give blood so he died! Straw Hat, here is what I want you to do. Just give up on your crewmember's life and come to the Fish-Man District with us! The captain of the New Fish-Man Pirates, Hody Jones is expecting you guys.

Hammond then raises a rifle equipped with trawl nets and said. "If you don't comply... I'll take you by force."

Before Hammond could fire the rifle and Luffy to fight. Cero grabbed Luffy's shoulder and coldly said to Hammond. "I guess I didn't beat you up hard enough huh..." Hammond turned to Cero then became scared. "Yo-You, Why are you here?!" Cero didn't respond, he just disappeared on the spot. Before Hammond and the 2 could react, they were already got hit by Cero and the 3 of them flew back few meters back until they hit a wall. Then the sea monster rushed at Cero. Only to be stopped when Cero used Conqueror's Haki on the sea monster. The sea monster starts to whimper.


Everyone was surprised by Cero's strength

Usopp: The monster gave up without fighting.

Chopper: Cool! Cero!.

One of the mermaids said. "What was it? Cero's unbelievable" Luffy just stared at Cero and thought to himself. "Conqueror's Haki huh... And he's strong too"

Cero turned around and said to Luffy. "Luffy, let's bring Sanji to the town. There are many humans in the harbor of the town. Hurry up! Sanji is losing a lot of blood." Luffy nodded and carried Sanji with Usopp, Chopper, and Camie following us.

When Cero left. Back at the mermaids, they saw a barrel that was firmly sealed. The mermaid asked the two fellow mermaids if they want to open it. One mermaid just grabbed a crowbar then proceed to open it. When it is opened, they suddenly got engulfed by a swamp as they try to resist being pulled in, they only sink faster. After a few seconds, the three mermaids disappeared. The swamp solidified itself to a human, he then was ecstatic that he was able to get out and sneak onto the island, and plotted to kidnap more mermaids so he could sell them on the slave market.

Back at Cero. When they arrived at the town, Cero and others started to frantically, After a few minutes, Chopper found a blood donor for Sanji. While Sanji was ongoing to his blood transfusion. Cero and others rested. They thanked the blood donor, The donor received their thanks then leaves. As Sanji woke up, grabbed his head that he didn't remember he happened. as he tries to recall to he stopped by Chopper. Saying he will get a nosebleed again. Sanji thanked them for finding a blood donor for him.

Camie told Sanji to rest and asked the Straw Hats to follow her as she has someone to introduce to. Chopper didn't go as he will be nursing Sanji back to health.


Somewhere in Fish-Man Island

Zoro is currently lost, trying to find the town, was suddenly surrounded by the soldiers of the Neptune. One soldier said to Zoro. "Are you the Pirate Hunter, Zoro" Zoro put his hand on his sword and said. "So what If I am"