
Transmigration: In the world of ONE PIECE

Trevor, an ordinary young man from Earth, finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into the treacherous and chaotic world of One Piece. As he grapples with his new reality, he discovers that he possesses the Solo Leveling system, a powerful system that will help in his journey of becoming the strongest person in the world. In a world dominated by powerful pirates, ruthless Marines, and deadly sea monsters, Trevor must quickly adapt to survive. Will Trevor conquer this new world, or will he succumb to the overwhelming forces that seek to control or destroy him? Will Trevor become a Shadow Monarch, or will he surpass that level and become something even greater? Only time will tell as he embarks on a relentless quest for survival, power, and ultimately, freedom. ___________________________________ The system that our Mc has is the same one that Sung Jin-woo had in the Solo Levelling Novel. Though it won't be absolutely same as there would be some modifications made in order to fit the One Piece Universe. As for what those modifications are, I guess you have to read the chapters and find out as the story progresses. ___________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------ I own nothing except the main character of the book. The One Piece world and it's characters belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/Wordalchemist

Word_Alchemist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

2. Memories

The pain finally eased off after a few agonizing minutes. Trevor lay there, catching his breath on the chilly floor of his cell, feeling overwhelmed by the memories flooding into his head from the person who used to be in his body. It was like being hit by a tidal wave of thoughts and feelings, too much to handle all at once.

Gradually, as things calmed down, Trevor sat up against the damp stone wall, trying to make sense of everything that had just crashed into his mind. He rubbed his temples, trying to sort through the jumble of images and emotions.

After a long, silent moment, he muttered to himself, "I'm completely fu*ked."

Despite feeling scared and panicked, Trevor, drawing on his experience as a subsea engineer, tried to stay calm. He remembered past tough situations and tried to find clarity.

Amidst the chaos, he sought clarity, reminding himself that panicking wouldn't help him now, and he took deep breaths to calm himself down. However, that turned out to be a mistake, as the cold air flowing inside his nose caused him to sneeze.

'Shit, I might just freeze to death like this,' Trevor cursed, huddling himself closer in an attempt to keep warm.

He then focused on the memories of the person whose body he was inhabiting.

The memories Trevor now had belonged to a guy—actually, a prince—whose life got turned upside down by tragedy. Trevor sighed, hugging himself tighter to keep warm. Despite being in the world of his favorite anime, there wasn't much to feel happy about. If he'd ended up here at a different time, maybe he'd celebrate. But now, he was stuck in a tough spot, facing bleak prospects.

The guy whose body he was in used to be the fifth prince of a small kingdom linked with the World Government, somewhere along the Grand Line. It wasn't a big deal kingdom, but it was his home, and things seemed pretty good, at least from what Trevor could tell from the memories. The prince was a gentle guy, loved by his siblings and had a kind dad who ruled with fairness. Life was simple and chill for him, mostly about books, music, and taking it easy, far from any royal drama.

If the prince had one flaw, it was being lazy. He was even more laid-back than this Admiral Borsalino dude known for being super slow. His days were all about eating, reading, listening to tunes, and, of course, napping. He was all about that snooze life.

His dad, the king, tried to light a fire under him, giving him tasks and stuff to do, hoping he'd stop being so lazy. But despite his dad's efforts and occasional lectures, the prince didn't change much.

Days passed without anything exciting happening or the prince getting off his lazy butt. He was adored by his siblings, especially his big sister, who spoiled him rotten, making it even easier for him to be lazy.

Life was good for the prince until one day, a Celestial Dragon showed up, turning everything upside down.

During his trip on the Grand Line, the Celestial Dragon came to the Kingdom of Light, hoping to enjoy its famous hospitality. But things turned dark when he decided he wanted the prince's eldest sister as his slave. This shocked the royal family, who knew how much power the Celestial Dragons had and feared the consequences of saying no. Even though they were angry and upset, they couldn't speak up.

The princess felt hopeless as she realized what might happen to her. Tears filled her eyes as she saw no one standing up for her. Then, out of nowhere, the fifth prince bravely spoke out against the Celestial Dragon. Everyone was surprised, even the king. The king tried to stop him, worried about angering their guest, but the prince wouldn't back down.

Outraged by being challenged by someone he saw as beneath him, the Celestial Dragon's face twisted with anger. He ordered his guards to make the prince kneel and beg for forgiveness. To further humiliate them, he demanded the princess kneel before him and strip if she wanted to save her brother, making the situation even more horrifying.

Overwhelmed with desperation and unable to bear the shame, the princess pulled out a hidden knife. With a quiet apology to her brother, she ended her own life to escape her fate. This act enraged the king and his remaining sons, who, driven by grief and anger, rushed to avenge her. But they were quickly overpowered by the guards, unable to reach the Celestial Dragon.

In a cold fury over the loss of what he saw as a good sl*ve, the Celestial Dragon ordered the brutal slaughter of the royal family, sparing only the fifth prince. The Celestial Dragon, his power unchallenged and his cruelty unchecked, hadn't forgotten how the fifth prince had dared to curse him, shout at him, and even tried to strike him. These acts of rebellion, rare and unthinkable from someone so lowly, were an unforgivable insult to the Celestial Dragon's dignity.

In his rage, the Celestial Dragon saw a chance for a twisted revenge—not just to punish the prince but also to set a grim example. Rather than killing the prince quickly, he chose a more sinister fate. He made the prince watch the brutal execution of his entire family, every moment a torment to his soul.

As the king and his sons struggled helplessly against the guards, the Celestial Dragon gave the order. One by one, the royal family members were brutally killed in front of the prince. The king, with his last breath, looked sorrowfully at his surviving son, his eyes silently apologizing for his failure to protect him. The prince, surrounded by the bodies of his loved ones, was consumed by grief, rage, and helplessness.

The horror didn't end with the massacre. The Celestial Dragon devised a vile scheme to further degrade the prince. He framed the young man for the murder of his own family, twisting the story to make him look like a traitor and patricide. The evidence was expertly fabricated, and the prince was arrested on the spot by marine officers who followed the Celestial Dragon's orders. His royal status was stripped, and he was condemned without a trial, his protests drowned out by the false proof of his guilt.

The prince was then taken to Impel Down, the world's most feared and secure prison, known for its harsh conditions and brutal treatment of inmates. He was thrown into the depths of Level 5, a place reserved for the most dangerous and hated criminals. The icy cold of this level, known as the Freezing Hell, was a stark contrast to the warmth of his former royal life.

Yet, the Celestial Dragon's cruelty wasn't satisfied with mere imprisonment. He declared that after one year of suffering in Impel Down, the prince would be brought to his residence for execution. This final act was meant to be a spectacle, a clear message to anyone who might dare oppose the Celestial Dragons. The prince, once beloved and carefree, now faced a future of unimaginable pain and ultimate death, all because he dared to stand up against tyranny in a fleeting moment of courage.

As Trevor exhaled, seeing his breath turn into mist in the freezing air of his cell, he couldn't shake off the feeling of responsibility for the prince's fate now hanging on him. It had been a week since he got here, and he was really starting to feel how tough things were. Surviving for a month in this freezing place seemed impossible, let alone a whole year until the planned execution.

'Yeat 1520 of the Sea Circle Calendar, huh!' Ryota found out the current ongoing year after going through the memories.

'From what I know, Luffy will leave his village in the year 1522. The main plot will start in just two years from now,' Ryota concluded and shuddered due to a cold breeze passing by.

Looking at the weak body he was stuck in, Trevor felt frustrated and mad at the lazy prince who didn't bother to get ready for tough times like these. He cursed quietly, wishing the prince had some muscle or fighting skills to defend himself here. In the world of One Piece, being strong wasn't just nice, it was necessary to stay alive. Trevor blamed the prince for not taking that seriously.

But even with all that frustration, Trevor's mind raced with thoughts of escape. Using what he knew from watching One Piece, he started making a plan.

First, though, he had to get out of this icy cell.

Just as Trevor had that thought, a glowing panel suddenly appeared before his eyes, standing out brightly against the dim, cold surroundings of his cell.

The words "Initiating System..." slowly moved across the panel, immediately catching his attention. In that moment, a flicker of hope sparked within him, cutting through the despair that had been weighing him down.


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