
Transmigration: in another world with my harem - (Moved to a New Link)

Note: this will not update anymore you can read the continuation exact copy posted on this site of my original. Nash's ordinary life takes an extraordinary turn when, in the midst of completing an English assignment, his classroom chair begins to glow. Suddenly, his voice becomes inaudible to his classmates and teacher, as if he has ceased to exist. Before he can process what is happening, he is transported along with the chair to another realm. There, he meets Sophie, the mysterious girl who summoned him. She reveals his mission: to purge the land of an evil summoner's dark magic. To do so, Nash must harness his unique ability — the power of the harem. By engaging in intimate encounters, from touching and kissing to full intercourse, Nash can activate his powers. However, there’s a catch: without a mystical amulet bestowed upon him by the king, his powers cannot be amplified. The amulet becomes a critical element in Nash's journey, serving as a conduit to enhance his harem powers. As he forms deeper connections and engages in intimate moments, the amulet glows, magnifying his abilities and making him an unstoppable force against the forces of darkness. As Nash navigates this perilous new world, he must balance his burgeoning powers with the challenges of forming and maintaining relationships, all while battling the forces of darkness. His journey is fraught with danger, desire, and discovery, as he strives to become the hero this realm desperately needs. The stakes are higher than ever, with the amulet serving as both his greatest asset and his greatest vulnerability. Will Nash be able to master his powers, protect the amulet, and fulfill his destiny? In this thrilling and sensual adventure, every encounter brings him closer to his goal — and to the heart of the mystery that binds them all.

Gamer_Fantasy · Fantasia
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78 Chs

Ch 70: Tanaka till her other friends in group how to get her stronger

As days passed and Nash spent more time focusing on Tanaka's recovery, Sophie, Niya, and Sylvia couldn't help but feel a bit neglected. It had been a week since Nash had visited their room or spent time with them outside of brief encounters during meals or when Tanaka needed their collective attention.

One afternoon, Sophie couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "It's been a while since Nash came to our room. Do you think he's avoiding us?" she mused aloud, voicing the concern that had been nagging at her.

Niya, sharpening her sword with deliberate strokes, glanced up thoughtfully. "I don't think he's avoiding us. He's probably just caught up with Tanaka's recovery. It's understandable," she replied, trying to reassure herself as much as Sophie.

Sylvia, who had been tuning her bow, sighed softly. "I miss his company though. It feels strange not having him around," she admitted, her usually cheerful demeanor tinged with a hint of melancholy.

Meanwhile, Tanaka, outside sweeping fallen leaves and humming a tune, was approached by Sophie. Startled by the sudden interruption, Tanaka turned with a surprised expression. "Oh, Sophie! You startled me," she chuckled softly, setting her broom aside.

Sophie smiled warmly, her hands gently resting on Tanaka's shoulders. "Sorry about that. What have you been up to? You seem so cheerful," she observed, genuinely curious.

Tanaka's face lit up with a smile. "I've been helping Nash with my recovery exercises and enjoying the fresh air," she explained, her happiness evident in her demeanor.

Sophie nodded, her curiosity piqued. "That's good to hear. But, Tanaka, can I ask you something?" she inquired, her tone turning a bit teasing.

"Of course," Tanaka replied, her gentle expression showing she was open to whatever Sophie wanted to discuss.

Sophie lowered her voice playfully, leaning in a bit closer. "What are you two doing alone every day? Are you keeping secrets from us?" she teased, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

Tanaka's cheeks flushed slightly as she realized what Sophie was hinting at. "Oh, no, nothing like that! Nash has just been helping me a lot, and we've been focused on my recovery," she explained, trying to alleviate any misunderstanding.

Realizing the implication of Sophie's words, Tanaka suggested they gather together. "Let's join the others at the table. I have something to share with all of you," she proposed, hoping to clear the air.

Sophie nodded in agreement, and together they joined Niya and Sylvia at the table, where they could discuss openly what had been on their minds.

In their new home, nestled within the heart of Oze City, Nash's companions gathered around the table. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of surprise and curiosity after Tanaka's revelation. Tanaka, blushing slightly, took a deep breath before speaking up.

"Nash mentioned that for me to break my mana cap limiter, we need to... engage in intimate moments more," Tanaka began tentatively, her voice soft yet hesitant as she glanced around at her friends.

Sophie, quick to understand, nodded thoughtfully. "So, you're saying that by sharing more intimate moments with Nash and receiving mana energy from him every day, it will help you prevent yourself from collapsing when using your ultimate healing skill?" she asked, her tone a mixture of comprehension and support.

Sylvia chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Ah, that explains why Nash has been focusing on you so much lately, Tanaka. We were all wondering," she teased gently, nudging Tanaka playfully.

Niya, usually composed, took a moment to process the information before nodding in agreement. "I see. It's a practical solution," she remarked calmly, though a faint blush colored her cheeks.

Tanaka nodded gratefully, relieved that her friends were taking the news in stride. "Yes, exactly. Nash believes it will help me manage my powers better and avoid overexertion," she explained, feeling more at ease as she spoke.

Sophie leaned back in her chair with a smirk. "Well then, it sounds like we need to be ready to support him in this," she said playfully, exchanging knowing glances with the others.

Sylvia nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! We've always been there for each other, no matter what," she added with a reassuring smile.

Niya smiled gently. "Indeed. If this is what Nash needs to become stronger, then we're all in," she affirmed, her voice steady and supportive.

As they continued their discussion, the initial surprise gave way to a sense of camaraderie and determination. They were a team in every sense of the word, willing to support each other through challenges both on the battlefield and in their personal lives.

Meanwhile, Nash remained focused on honing his skills at the training grounds in Oze City, unaware of the conversation unfolding back at the house. He trusted his companions implicitly, knowing they were capable of handling whatever came their way. Their bond was built on trust, loyalty, and a shared commitment to protect each other and their world.

Back at the house, the girls exchanged playful banter and words of encouragement, their laughter filling the cozy surroundings. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing they had each other's backs no matter what.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over their new home, Nash returned from his training session, a serene smile on his face. Stepping through the door, he felt a deep sense of gratitude for his friends and their unwavering support. Together, they were not just a team—they were a family, bound by trust, loyalty, and a shared determination to overcome any obstacle that crossed their path.

As Nash returned to their new house in Oze City, Sylvia greeted him warmly, "You're back, Nash."

Niya chimed in, teasingly, "It's been a long time since you bothered us more."

Sophie, holding Nash's arm with a teasing smile, added, "So, you've been having fun with Tanaka alone all this time?"

Nash blushed, and Tanaka did too. "Yeah," he admitted, feeling slightly embarrassed.

They all sat down to eat, and Niya and Sylvia began serving a variety of dishes, filling the table with a feast. The ten types of food they dished out were:

Roast Chicken - Perfectly seasoned and roasted to a golden brown.

Grilled Vegetables- A colorful medley of bell peppers, zucchini, and asparagus.

Spiced Lamb Stew - Rich and hearty with chunks of tender lamb and vegetables.

Garlic Mashed Potatoes - Creamy and smooth with a hint of garlic.

Fresh Garden Salad - Crisp greens with tomatoes, cucumbers, and a light vinaigrette.

Baked Salmon - Flaky and moist with a dill and lemon sauce.

Butter Naan - Soft, warm bread brushed with melted butter.

Stuffed Mushrooms- Filled with cheese, herbs, and breadcrumbs.

Fruit Platter- An assortment of fresh fruits including berries, melon, and grapes.

Chocolate Cake - Decadent and rich, topped with a velvety chocolate ganache.

As they enjoyed the meal, laughter and conversation flowed, bringing a sense of warmth and camaraderie to their new home.

As Nash took a bite of the chocolate cake, he thought, "Wow, chocolate cake in this world is surprisingly good. It's amazing how the girls went this far to make it taste so great."

He looked around the table, appreciating the effort his friends had put into the meal, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and contentment.

As Nash finished savoring the chocolate cake, he looked up at his companions. "Did Tanaka tell you what we've been up to?" he asked, a bit nervously.

Sophie, holding onto Nash's arm, nodded with a teasing smile. "Yeah, we know."

Sylvia, her tone a mix of curiosity and mild reproach, added, "But why did you leave us out that time?"

Niya, still enjoying her chocolate cake, chimed in, "This is so tasty," before looking at Nash with a questioning gaze. "Yeah, why did you leave us out, Nash?" Sophie asked again, her eyes wide and pleading like a puppy's.

Nash rubbed the back of his neck, blushing. "I'm really sorry. I got so focused on helping Tanaka improve and manage her powers that I just... forgot. I didn't mean to leave you all out."

The girls exchanged amused and understanding glances. Their initial curiosity and mild reproach eased into a warm camaraderie. They continued their meal, enjoying the food and each other's company, appreciating the bond they shared as a team.

As they changed the topic, Nash took a deep breath. "I was really hoping that the events with Tanaka wouldn't have happened. She's a key component of our team when it comes to fighting harder enemies."

Sylvia shook her head, guilt evident in her eyes. "No, it's my fault. If it wasn't for my careless attack, I wouldn't have been sliced in my hand, and Tanaka wouldn't have had to heal me."

Niya bowed her head, her voice trembling. "Forgive me, Nash. I was the biggest burden. I was so worried about Sylvia when she got hit that I lost focus fighting the three dark ninjas. That's why I was stabbed in my stomach and almost died. It was a deep wound."

Tanaka, tears streaming down her face, tried to reassure her friend. "It's going to be okay," she said, her voice breaking as she recalled using her ultimate skill, Time Reversal Healing.

Nash moved closer to Niya and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. You all fought your hardest and managed to win."

Niya shook her head. "But we only won when the ninjas became uncoordinated and lost their footing."

Nash spoke calmly, his voice steady. "It's okay. The past is part of us, but our focus now is to become even stronger. Back then, General Kai almost killed me, but I was lucky. I harnessed my full power because of my greatest anger... of my family death."

The four girls surrounded Nash, hugging him tightly. "Sorry to hear that, Nash," they whispered, their voices filled with empathy and sorrow.

Nash gently caressed their hair, offering them comfort. "It's going to be alright," he assured them, his voice soft and reassuring. In that moment, they found strength in each other, their bond as a team growing even stronger as they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the four girls hugged Nash, sensing his sadness, Sophie began to think. Suddenly, a realization hit her. "Wait a minute," she thought. "It's clearly impossible for anyone to travel to your original world, Nash. Even with their full power, they couldn't reach it. Plus, they don't even know the faces of your family."

Nash's face brightened. "Is it true?" he asked, lifting Sophie and swinging her around in joy. Sophie laughed, sharing in his happiness.

"Wait, wait, wait," Tanaka interjected, confusion evident in her voice. "What do you mean he's not from this world, Sophie?"

When Nash put Sophie down, she leaned in and whispered, "Shhh, Tanaka. He mustn't know that Nash is from another world. It's a great secret. Not all people know, except the first king in my original home."

Tanaka's eyes widened. "Oh, only Sylvia, Niya, the king, and I knew. And now, since you hear it, you're completely on board with our journey. But please, you must promise never to say that Nash is from another world. Never, ever. Got it?"

Tanaka smiled and nodded. "Got it."

Then she said, "That's why he's so powerful."

Sophie laughed. "Not just his force. Without his amulet, he's just a normal guy."

"What do you mean?" Tanaka asked, intrigued. "Is Nash completely powerless after all?"

"Not really," Sophie explained. "He can amplify his power using his amulet."

Nash nodded. "That's right. I'm not completely powerless."

Tanaka looked at him in amazement. "Wow, that's incredible."

She then chuckled. "I've been wondering why your companions are always women."

Sophie burst out laughing. "It's because without sexual intercourse, his power can't be sustained. We call it the harem mana juice."

"Harem mana juice? That sounds complicated," Tanaka said, laughing.

Nash, Sophie, Sylvia, and Niya joined in the laughter, and soon Tanaka was laughing too. The room filled with their joyous sounds, and the bond among them grew stronger, ready to face the challenges ahead.