
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

The tower fights and training.

"Well rest here for now" Sasuke announced, "We'll start a fire for heat, and since there's a river we'll fish for food" 

"I'm gonna rinse my hair out, it still has snake guts in it" I say while walking towards the water. Sasuke helped Sakura start the fire and joined me, as did Naruto. I used waterbending motions to have a stream of water drop on my head. I then bended the water in and on my hair to take out the impurities. Deeming it clean enough I lift my head out of the water, drying myself off with air bending.I then create a ghost clone to go find kabuto then use mind scramble on him because I haven't seen him yet. Orochimaru must have not wanted him to die.

I head to where they where fishing i then caught fishes left and right catching enough fish for all of us, we cook them and make a plan on how to get to the tower safely. Deciding that night time would be best to move on, we rested till dark. My clone came to me at night, and said mission complete and gave me a video of it. 'Aww sweat vengeance, wait does that mean I'm part duckbut... nah' Our plan worked, and we were now inside the tower. I was still uneasy as orochimaru has an interest in me now, and has shown how truley cunning he can be. We found the riddle on the wall, and I explained what we had to do. Once our scrolls were on the ground a large cloud appeared, and so did Iruka. 

"Iruka-Sensei? What are you doing here?" Naruto asked. 

"I'm here to congratulate you on passing the second phase" He started to explain the reason for the exam, I didn't listen since It was boring.I could see Iruka leading us to the room with the other genin, Walking though the door way I could see that everyone who was supposed to make it, made it. Looking around the room I could spot a familiar pointy hat. Getting a crazy grin I sneak my way over to Kankuro, I was about to pounce to take my hat when I could hear the siblings talking about the invasion so I left quietly.Walking past everyone and lay down on a bench, hoping to get some rest before the preliminaries. 


It was now the next morning, everyone was in the arena standing in a block type formation. I was next to Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto was at the very front. Looking up at all the jounins present I see Zabuza and Haku, happy to see them I wave, "Zabuza! Haku! How are you guys!" They heard me and kindly wave back, well, Haku did, Zabuza looked embarrassed to even know me. 

"I want to congratulate you on passing the second exam. But I must tell you the real reason for the chunin exams. It acts as a replacement for war among countries. In the third phase, each shinobi fights to protect their country against their opponent. If a country has strong shinobis, they get more clients. If its weak, they get less clients. We will have a paramilitary before the third exam" The third says. 

"Why do we have to take a preliminary?!" Shikamaru shouted. 

"We felt that the first and second exams were too easy" Hayate volunteers, "Too many of you passed. The preliminaries will be one on one matches. The winners of those matches will move on to the third round"

"Turn on the screen!" Anko shouts. I turn to Sasuke, "I bet you go first" He frowned before smirking, "I think you lost" Confused I look at the screen.




"No fun" I mumbled

 Everyone had cleared out of the arena, leaving just me, tenten.

"Are both of you ready?" Hayate asks. 

"No complaints here" I say.

"I'm ready" 

"Begin!" Just as he said that I quickly encase my self into the ground. Everyone watching looked stunned , how I did so with no signs. I quickly phased the the ground behind her using my ghost powers,while still invisible. I then turn the invisibility off ,and back chop her neck and it was over. This surprised people aswell since they didn't see me come out of the ground.

"I hate to disappoint the audience, but if I continued it would be shaming my opponent. So I didnt hold back using my full capabilities in the fight." Just as I said that I hear the eyebrow duo cry and make exclamations of youth.

"Winner Wrathos" said the proctor

The rest of the fights went as it did in the anime except, tamari was sent against shikamaru in this battle and not the finals.

"Good, now that everyone has one, tell me you number" Ibiki says. We all state our numbers respectively. I got 10 while Dosu got 9, 'But he dies, who will I be fighting?' After the Hokage had explained everything he had dismissed us. As I was leaving Kakashi grabbed my arm, "Meet me at the usual training grounds, tomorrow to start your training"

I didnt want lazy kakashi to train me as there would be nothing to gain. So I prepared two super exclusive editions of icha icha, to bribe him to let me choose who I want to train under . If they accept that is.

Although kakashi said seriously that he will be here on time this time, I know that's bull so I decided to do something constructive. I was doing my meditative floating practice again. This time I was floating a full foot off the ground.'Finally I was able to complete this got to thank that chikra is alot easier to manipulate. Also breaking her hold of my chakra, It had helped alot.Anyways time to try air walking, this would hurt if I didnt harden my skin ,to granite level last night."(mc is always using chi to improve body in every way he can)' I can sense kakashi heading this way. (Earthbender toph level sensing plus chakra =op)

Not too much longer he came with the wonderful excuse of, "I forgot". I've never wanted to hit someone so hard in my life. 

"Whatever, you're here to teach me i dont want it. I want to find someone suitable to teach me better taijutsu." "So knowing you might outright deny me of this, I have prepared this for the occasion. I said as i pulled out two icha icha supreme deluxe versions , i got a while back for 1 million yen. (now i only got 8.9mill and some change left in the money inventory) When he seen them his eyes bulged out then he started reaching out to grab them but I slapped his hands away and said "not till we have a deal"

"Yeah sure whatever just give me my precious"

He said as some blood was coming out of his nose. I gave it to him he immediately holds it right to his heart and says nothing, as he disappears in a pile of leaves.

I then head off to find guy I went and looked everywhere, the forest ,the hokage mountain, then I was about to give up. To just practice air walking in our apartment but I heard. "Youth!!!!" I turn to see the gai running on his hands doing laps ,starting from the hospital ,around village so I decided to call out to him. "Gai-sensei!" He turned to look at me and then runs up to me and says " Wrathos, to what is the purpose of this youthful encounter?"

So to get him to train me seriously ,maybe even the gates technique. I say with burning passion in my eyes " Gai-sensei I seen how much you fanned the flames of Lee's fires of youth! So I was thinking of just how to increase mines even more, so I thought if I cant beat them join them till I can. So I sealed off my chakra. With a seal that I can remove if need be with a key. Then I saw you here so I decided if I could spar and train under you, further increasing the intensity of my flames of youth!!!" I said as there was a literal flame now surrounding me. I then said quickly " See just talking with you my flames are getting stronger and stronger." I then take my flames off and just have them in my eyes. I looked at gai-sensei and he has star's in his eyes soon replaced with fire and then he said. "I have never seen such a display of youth in my entire life, even if I have to die ;I will not fail the trust you put in me. To further fan your already bright flames of Youth!!!!! " then we both say "youth" With shiny teeth so bright it caused all the civilians and ninjas near us, to duck for cover. Gai-sensei collects him self then asks"What about my eternal rival is he not teaching you?"

"He was going to teach me gai-sensei, but he was late by 2 hours then he found a very unyouthful book on the ground and ran away. Besides we both know the flames of youth cant wait, especially for such a unyouthful person." Guy sensei then solemnly says "How unyouthful of my rival, truley sad day it is; to make it up for his unyouthfulness let's go right now. To my training ground and let's fan those flames of youth ,to the brightest we can!!" 'hook line and sinker' [There they went shouting youth under a never ending sunset teeth gleaming as if made by a sun]

**Special event**

Help the mc get a wife find a book,anime, or even movie. Where it would be possible, for the mc to gain the ability to copy or steal powers of others. No Dragonball, no pokemon since the mc doesnt want to be part ditto plus he could become part arceus and that be too op in the timeline that just started. Of you find one I agree with I'll give you one bonus chap release.

Wrathoscreators' thoughts