
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Danahdanahdanah pedomaru attack.

Screams echo all through out the forest. Sakura and I were walking cautiously ,while Sasuke and Naruto were acting like they do this everyday. 

"I gotta pee" Naruto stated while unzipping his pants. Sakura gasped and punched him in the head, "Not here!" Naruto pouted but went behind a tree. I pull out a kunai in preparation for the rain ninja. 'Naruto' came out sheepishly rubbing his head.

"You wouldn't believe how long it took, I spelled my name" I didn't give anyone time to speak and threw the weapon at him, Sasuke did as well, "I know its gross but that's no reason to do that!" Sakura shouted. 

"Do you really not see that that isn't Naruto?" Sasuke yelled. 

"Look closely Sakura!" I commanded. 

"What are you guys talking about?! It's me!" 'Naruto shouted. The pink haired girl gasped as she indeed saw that it wasn't him. 

"If it is you where is that scratch the proctor gave you?" Sasuke asked. 'Naruto' chuckled and changed back to the rain ninja. 'Is he testing him because I know he heals fast.'

"Wrathos, go find Naruto, Sakura and I will deal with him" I nodded and went to search around the original tree Naruto went behind, I found him not to far away and cut his ropes, "Thanks Wrathos-nii" We went back to meet up with Sasuke. 

"Did he have the scroll?" I ask, he shook his head. 


"Our enemies can disguise themselves as us, we need to come up with a password to know we're eachother" Sasuke said. We were all in a circle somewhat crouched down so we could whisper. 

"What do you think it should be?" Sakura asked. I raised my hand, "Pick me, I got this idea cuz of that creepy lady she reaked of snakes!" Sasuke sighed, "What should it be?" 

"Slitherin away in its burrow is where the snake hides.Is it hiding in fear no, no its scheming to make you fear. Watch out for the sounds of hissing for then it be too late. All it takes is one bite then it's good night." I finish with a proud smile

"Umm, could that be shorter?" Naruto asked. 

"Idiot! I got it down in seconds!" Sakura argued. 

"No I got it! Just thought it was a password not a pass speech" He countered. After agreeing on the password we began walking again, until the giant snake came out of no where and ate Naruto. Sakura screamed and Sasuke got out a kunai. 

"Naruto! Can you hear me?" I ask.

"Yep!" He replied. 

"Use your clones to burst it open!" Soon the snake began to swell up, and then ripped open with a disgusting sound. A hundred Narutos popped out as well as slime and guts rained on us, "Aw hell no!" 

Naruto ran up to me, "Where did Sasuke and Sakura go?" I look around and indeed didn't see them. We frantically ran through the forest trying to find them. I spot them out in a clearing, Orochimaru was about to attack Sasuke, but I threw a explosion tag at him. 

"Oh I see you made it back from my friend" He said slowly. 

"Back up snake man!" I yell, his eyes seemed to have brightened at the sight of me. 

"Naruto! Wrathos! Get out of here, you don't know what your up against!" Sasuke shouted frantically. 

"No way! She has to pay for hurting my friends!" Naruto shouted, "You better go back where yo-"

"You can have it" Sasuke interrupted. 

"What are you saying Sasuke?!" Naruto asked angrily. 

"Shut up and stay out of this! Naruto, give her the scroll!" The whisker faced blond had enough and punched Sasuke in the face, "I don't know the password, but I know who I am!" 

"What are you talking about?! It's me!" 

"Liar! I know the real Sasuke wouldn't give up to the enemy that easily!" 

"Naruto that is Sasuke! Wrathos help me!" Sakura pleaded. 

"I thought you were a Uchiha Duckling? Are you just going to let you clans name be tarnished by you being a quitter!" I shout. Sasuke turned to me furious, but that seemed to have knocked him back to reality. 

"Looks like I'll just have to kill you and take the scroll" Orochimaru finally said. He bit his thumb and made hand signs, "Summoning Jutsu!" Another large snake appeared, "Finish them off" The snake summoner commanded. The serpent lunged towards Sasuke, but was blocked by Naruto, whose eyes were red. 

"Not hurt are you? Scaredy cat!" Orochimaru had enough and reached down to Naruto, grabbing him by the collar. Pulling him back and lifting up his shirt I knew what he was about to do. As fast as I could ,I jumped on the snake and ran towards them, "Five Prong Seal!" He shouted. I was too late, but at least it looked like I tried. He flung Naruto, who was unconscious, at a tree. 

"No!" I yell, trying to catch him. Orochimaru tried caught me though but I was to quick and went invisible(when ever in invisible I can also trigger intangibility) , and seemingly teleported behind him trying to slash his neck as fast as I could. He bent his neck back and twisted his arm to catch mine <seemingly like he didn't have bones without even turning around. He caught my hand when it was an eighth of the way through. He then did a backflip away while bleeding from his neck ,then bent over and regurgitating a new body. "kukuku was that the fourths technique, or a new one."

"Wrathos!" Sasuke yelled angrily 'Was he jealous or angry at the snake proubably both'

"Now I have heard a great deal about you, but to think your on my level of physical speed. kukuku I have been working on something, I think you're the perfect subject to try it out on" He had sent more snakes to try to wrap around me, but when they seen me they froze then retreated."kukuku Seems like the info I got was correct ,animals fear you. I could use a body like that ,it would help me greatly against the other sannins summons. "It's a good thing I came prepared" as he said that I felt a bit on my leg and I felt my chikra fluctuate out of control. "H..OW wh...en? i said with widened eyes. "Now now, if you struggle too much it will get worse"

"As for how let's just say I made special seal that locks away fear, and I had the snake go on you when you were playing with sand. I heard of your intelligence so to make sure, I put a special weightless seal on it so you wouldnt feel the difference; when it slither on you." Orochimaru cooed. "kukukuku now now, I know you can escape"Its a wonderful thing because that seal is useless on anything above 1 pound, it'd be a shame to collect dust. So I would excape before you black out, I dont want you interfering with my plans.I gritted my teeth'this didnt happen in the anime how, well there is nothing I can do now . I have to escape or he will give me a hickey too' orochimaru licked his lips with his long tounge.

"Dammit sorry guys but hes got me good. I'm sure he doesn't want to kill you , or he would have done so already I got to go now bye."

"kukuku smart indeed. I wanted to play with them for a bit more, no matter now go off you go"

I quickly disappear flying away from them a little then 1 mile into the ground. I then make a pocket in the earth and go into it. I then try to use time energy to get rid of the poison, but I guess it dont work on poison.So I try to focus really hard using water chikra finding the poison in my blood , then use a clone to take out the poison using blood bending. I feel my chakra deplete very fast doing this, because of the instability of my chikra.I use way more then I have to it's like naruto and the clone jutsu.If wasn't for my great control over my plentiful chakra, I would have not been able to do it. I can feel the effect of chakra exhaustion , so I decide to meditate to replenish it faster. After what feels like forever, since I have a large supply it takes longer. I open my eyes then fly off to find my teammates while invisible, to then join up with them.

***3rd POV***

Sasuke couldn't move as he saw Orochimaru dealt with his best friend ,and made him run away. He then felt rage course through him, because this snake made his best friend seem like a coward. When the true coward was the snake for using such underhanded tricks.By the time he was about to act it was to late as Sannin quickly stretched his neck , to Sasuke and bit him. The Uchiha groaned in agony. 

"What did you do?!" Sakura shouted.

"Just a little gift, he will be mine soon" Orochimaru said as he slithered away, back into the darkness of the forest. Sasuke soon passed out as well, leaving Sakura alone. She pulled sasuke and naruto into a hollowed out tree, and tried to make them as comfortable as possible. 

'Please be okay' She thought.


It had been three days since the attack.Sasuke and naruto dont look any better. While you are just hiding in the shadows underground, closer to the group then before. Waiting , to at least give kabuto a piece of your mind torture. Sakura had tried her best to help ,but the mark just got worse when she used any medicine she has. Off to the side she could see a squirrel about to set off the trap she had placed. Grabbing a kunai she threw it at the rodent, scaring it off. 

"Well well, what do we have here?" Preparing herself Sakura looked up to see the sound ninja that attacked Kabuto. 

"Looks like shes alone, Lord Orochimaru was right" Kin said. 

"You work for him?!" 

"Yes, we were sent to kill the black haired kid" 

"I wont let you!" 

"What can you do?" Zaku mocked. He started to walk forward when Dosu stopped him, "Wait, this grass doesn't grow this time of year" He disabled the trap. The sound ninjas continued on, ready to attack when Sakura slashed the rope holding the hidden log trap she had been hiding, squashing the team. Sakura cheered at the success of her trap. The victory was short lived when Dosu destroyed the log. 

"You think that cheap trick can stop us?!" He shouted. 'This is it, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you guys' She thought.

"Leaf Hurricane!" Suddenly Lee came down from no where and knocked back the group. 

"Lee?!" Sakura shouted. 

"Don't worry, I will protect you" He looked back at you, "Did they do that to them?" Sakura turned her attention towards the ground, "No, someone else did. They're here to kill Sasuke" Lee became angry, "They have no honor, attacking a defenseless team, how low" 

"Honor? Don't make me laugh!" Zaku shouted. 

"What did Orochimaru do to Sasuke-kun? Tell me! What is this mark?!" Sakura begged. 'He gave him the curse mark? I see now' Dosu thought. Zaku wasted no more time and lunged toward Sakura. Lee was quick to punch the ground and pull out a large log. Dosu punched the log with his device. Lee unwrapped his bandages and put them around him, "Primary Lotus!" He spun Dosu around, but Zaku stopped his fall. 

"How did he stop it?!" Lee said shocked. 

"I can control the air pressure with my chakra, I used it to cushion his fall" Zaku explained.As Lee tries to kick him, but Dosu had turned on his device, making Lee's ears bleed. 

"Can you guess how I'm doing that?" He asked. 

"Vibration!" Sakura shouted. Soon it turned to a yelp when Kin grabbed her hair.

***Your POV***

I continued to mold my spirit energy and mental energy strengthening them, condensing it into a new attack that I call mind scramble.It will send the user into their best dream, then slowly but surely change into their worse nightmare imaginable. I also add time energy as a kicker, so it can make the time their trapped in there seem like forever.By my calculations it will take a joinin out for 2 weeks but it will feel like 5 years have passed.Also the trauma it causes should last at least a week. This takes a long time to finish though about 15 minutes.


Meanwhile Sakura is being held by her hair. 

"Kill Sasuke" Dosu told Zaku. He nodded and grabbed a kunai. 

"No" Sakura strained out. "Ahah, I want you to watch him die" He taunted. 

"What the?! Kin, kill her!" Zaku shouted. 'She must of cut her hair' While Dosu hearing the bushes rattle glanced to the side, and sakura smiled when she saw team 10 pop out. 

"Let them go!" Ino shouted. 

"Great, more leaf brats" Zaku commented. 

"Ino" Sakura muttered. 

"If you think you're going to steal the spot light from me, you better think again!" Ino yelled. 

"Where is wrathos?!" Shikamaru asked. sakura looks over to him looking sad then said "We were attacked by a Sannin he was fighting him bravely but he stood no chance. So he had to retreat due to being poisoned.....we dont know where he went." She announced. 

"I-i Seee...?" Shikamaru said hesitantly

"Do I have to fight?" Choji asked 

"Bring it on fatso!" Zaku taunted. That got Choji.

"I'm not fat, I'm big boned!" 

"Ino, take the girl! I've got the mummy guy!" Shikamaru shouted. Choji turned into a large spinning ball. Zaku tries to stop him with his windpipes but to his surprise he can jump. Ino is in front of Kin, Dosu tries to help but Shikamaru has him caught in his shadow possesion. 

"Ninja Art: Mind Possession Jutsu!" Ino said before fainting. 'Kin' held a kunai to her neck. 

"What are you doing Kin?" Dosu asked. 

"If you want your friend to live give us your scroll. Once I know your far away from here ,I'll release her" Zaku ran up to 'Kin' and punched her. 

"We don't care, we didn't take this test to become chinin, kill her" Dosu taunted. 

"What kind of person are you?" Ino asked horrified. Shikamarus shadow possession was released. 

"So it only can last five minutes?" He stated. Then TenTen and Neji had also arrived, "You wanna fight too?" 

"You beat up a teammate of mine, but it looks like I wont be your opponent" Neji said. Everyone could feel the hatred that radiated to the right of us. Sasuke fully stood up, "I've never felt such power. I know what I am. I am, an avenger" 

"Choji! Ino! Fall back!" Shikamaru commanded. 

"Who did this to you Sakura?" Sasuke asked. She couldn't speak because of how scared she was, "Where's Wrathos? Is he alright?" he asked angrily(got to be jealous of the mc) She shakily answered "I-I Dont Know". Once he heard that his eyes held a silent rage.

'I'll get that snake and wrathos for holding back on me!' Thought sasuke

Sasuke turning around to face Zaku. Seeing the pure enjoyment on his face, as he tore off his arms. Dropping the limp appendages he faced Dosu, "You're the last one" 

"That's enough!" Sakura shouted, hugging Sasuke from behind. He didnt stop, this time he instead just dislocated one of his arms instead of tearing it off.

"Dosu!" Kin shouted. She just finished cautarising zakus wounds,her jutsu was down but the rest of the teams were still holding their ears, except Lee, who was still bleeding from the ears. He was in the same spot as before, watching in disbelief.

"You son of a bi***!" Kin said. Sasuke could see her run towards him from the side. He quickly charged at her reaching her he then grabs her neck, and squeezed. Kin struggled to get away, "Why are you doing this?!" 

he didn't answer and tightened his grip. The sound ninjas lips started to become blue, and were drooling a bit. 

"Sasuke! Stop! They're done!" Lee shouted. Sasuke then slam's her to the ground and quickly grab both of her arms, bending them back then there was a large snap. When she hit the dirt, their earth scroll fell out of her pouch. 

"Sasuke, I said that's enough!" Sakura shouted. "Tch" He then walks closer to her 

"Y-You're crazy!" Kin yelled. Kins face becomes pale white full of fear, "Stay away!" He then knocks her out. Then Dosu grabbed the rest of his team, and sealed the appendages in a scroll.'Perhaps hes going to find a medic nin hmm' (He had one arm dislocated but he could replace it with a tree and one arm) and scrambled away from us. I then decided to appear as I have gathered enough energy and I'm ready to attack kabuto. I will however wait till after he heals my allies.'I wonder what's taking him'

"What happened?" I asked. Lee didn't answer me, I noticed that his ears were still bleeding, "Can you not hear me?" I mouth while pointing to my ears. He shook his head. I look around for someone who maybe saw what had happened. 

"Neji!" The Hyuga looked over at me, "Did you see what happened?"

Sasuke he quickly glanced around he spotted the earth scroll, and snatched it up before anyone else could. Then he sees me and walks closer.(Hes exauhsted so he cant fight)

"HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG!?(He considers me strong cause I actually hit orochimarus)He demmands

"I'm not strong it's just I use training weights to strengthen my body further, I took it off for the test. I also noticed Lee does the same. (I said trying to divert his attention ) "Tell me where to get them." I tell him where and all the details of the different kinds of intensity ect.

Nei decided to step in and answer my previous question. However when he looked at me he had wide eyes.

"No. That girls sound jutsu made us disoriented. It took us a while to get back to normal" Neji stated. 

"Well, thank you guys, all of you. If you hadn't of come I think that might of been the end of our team, I owe you one!" 

"You don't owe us anything, just pass this troublesome test" Shikamaru said. 

"Will do Shika" 

"Don't worry...Wrathos...I'll save you" Naruto murmured. 

"Can I kick him?" Ino asked excited. 

"I think we can deal with him" I say. Just before Team 10 decide to leave neji comes up to me "can we talk in private." I nod and leave with him, Lee's team leaves too in a different direction. 

"So what you want to talk about." I said

"Well could you explain first why you have two hearts is it a form of bloodline or something" Neji asked "I see where this is going I wonder what he see's. I'm going to have to alter then activate my perception filter, so that it works on my chakra system. No wait Brilliant."

"Well I was born this way, it was likely a genetic mutation" I said wait a yawn

"Weird but okay what i really want to know is, why your chakra is different from everyone elses?" He said seriously with curiosity

"Well i cant explain why, because it was the only technique i have from my parents. It makes my chakra more dense thus taking less to do more. Anymore questions?" I ask

"Well it's hard to explain but your chakra has different colors in it and there seems to be chakra inside you not just your network." neji asked

"Well that's a clan secret one of the reasons my clan went nearly extinct ,then into hiding for a long time . Stretches back to before the first hokage was born." I said 'Well thanks for all the info time to forget everything, I dont want you knowing, and implant that you only remember seeing my two hearts.' "Oh, what's that" I say as I try to control a rock near a Bush to make a rustling sound. As he turns ,then prepares for combat against rock-kun. I go invisible then touch his forehead locking the memories. I then use alot of chikra to make a genjutsu over abnormalities except my hearts, so people cant see the strangeness. This is a special genjutsu that due to the properties of chi , it becomes undetectable and almost unbreakable. (Since it's done just over the network and other innards. It won't cause everyone to see my network, making them allarmed.). He slowly regains himself. I ask "is that all?" he nods and we take off back to the groups but then they go their own way.

"Sakura promise me something" Sasuke whispers, "Keep the mark a secret from Naruto and wrathos" 

"But why?" She asks.

"Because he'll worry and try to avenge us, plus he'll tell Freckle-Sensei" She still looks hesitant but agrees anyway. Naruto starts to move more and wakes up. He glances around confused before turning to look at all of us, his eyes widened. 

"Sakura-chan! Your hair!" I sweat drop. 

"My hair was in the way, so I decided to cut it" She laughs out nervously. He nodded and then looked at me. His face sprouted a frown, "Wrathos-nii, what happened?"

"Oh it was just that woman from earlier, I kicked her ass but she got a few good hits in" I say rubbing my neck. Telling him a little white lie wont hurt. 

"Hey, we have the earth scroll, we can go to the tower!" He said happily.

"To the tower!" We all say

*Warning the next two chapters the mc has a youthful encounter * 1st chapter Half of the chapter of guy talking with the mc. 2nd chapter mc talking with guy pritty much nonestop. So if you cant handle all the youthfulness , then find a icha icha and get lost on the road of life. Be late reading by 1 day, then make a kakashi excuse that would make obito proud.

Wrathoscreators' thoughts