
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Shuriken eyes

Haku was out picking herbs when he saw you and Naruto. You were meditating near Narutos chest Haku smiled at the sight, 'They're cute' "He" quietly walked over and shook you awake, "You two need to get up, you'll catch a cold out here" You stirred a bit, but pretended to not hear him. Haku shook his head and tried to wake you again. Blinking a few times you finally opened your eyes, seeing Haku you instantly smiled, "Good morning" you greet. He backed up a bit, "Good morning, I almost didn't want to wake you, you looked very peaceful" you tilt your head then nodded. Naruto woke up shortly after, slightly groggy. Noticing a new figure he sat up straight, trying to see if they were a threat.

"I see you two are ninjas" Haku stated. Naruto relaxed, hearing the calming voice. 

"That's right! We're training to become stronger!" Naruto shouted, "I am to become Hokage so everyone in my village accepts me and so I can protect the ones I love!" Haku smiled, "Keep training and you will be able to protect any you hold dear" He then looked to you, "Do you have any you wish to protect?" 

"Of course I do! My friends! They mean everything to me, and they we're there for me when I had no one, I'd protect them with my life" You say, looking Haku in the eye. He saw no lie or deceit in them. He nodded and smiled, picking up his basket he began to walk back to where he came from, "By the way, I'm a boy" He said but before he left you said "then why do you not have an Adam's apple" she froze one last time before looking back and saying "being a girl is not safe in this world, best kept secret" before walking off. Naruto was confused as shit while I just scoffed. 


Everyone except Naruto and Sasuke were in the dining room enjoying dinner when the door was kicked open. Walking in were the missing boys, battered, panting and leaning on eachother. 

"We did it!" Naruto shouted while Sasuke smirked, both of them collapsing to the floor. I crawled over to both of them, and hugged them tightly, "I knew you two could do it!" I shouted. Naruto hugged me back but Sasuke tried to push himself away. 

"Guys dont hug!" He shouted. I smirked , 

"Sorry but I live with this knucklehead bound to pick up something" he just "tched" and Naruto said "HEY" I shrugged and walked off to bed.


Today's the day. The day we fight Zabuza for real. I'm nervous but I know I'll be fine, minus Naruto, i walk to the bridge. I see the unconscious bodies of the builders and I know that they're near. Kakashi gets in a defensive stance and everyone follows suit. 

"Wrathos, Sakura! Stay and protect Tazuna, Sasuke, you're with me!" Kakashi commanded. Everyone did as he said, and not too much longer Zabuza and Haku appear. 

"Hey your that tracker ninja from the first time!" Sakura yelled. 

"Haku, deal with the Uchiha kid, after that kill everyone else!" Zabuza shouted. Haku nodded, "I apologize, but he is precious to me, please don't take this personally" With that he began to attack Sasuke with senbons. Sasuke skillfully blocked each one with his kunai. 'Damn she's good with those senbon' I thought. I watched intently to see if any of them get hurt. Starting to see Haku begin his Ice Mirrors I rush over to them. 

"What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be guarding with Sakura!" Sasuke shouted, trying to push me out in time. 

"I cant let you do this alone! You're just a Duckling!" I shout back. As we were talking Haku threw a few senbons at the two of us, I managed to dodge few of them with my kunai as I let some hit me, and few had hit Sasuke, they are pretty painful. He growled and threw a few shuriken, but then Naruto came down in between and blocked them. 

"Naruto Uzumaki has arrived!" He shouted. Sasuke and I stared blankly at him, "Cant you come in more quietly?!" Sasuke yells. I just shake my head and sigh. 

"I was trying to save you!" Naruto yelled back.

"Can we just go back to the situation at hand?!" I scream, getting their attention. Haku started to jump between mirrors, slow enough at first to be able to catch up, but she soon became a blur to all but me. Now all the mirrors had Haku in them, the boys were looking slightly nervous, trying to find which one was the real Haku. I closed my eyes and heavily focused, I picked up a stronger chakra behind us. 

"Sasuke, its the mirror in the back!" I shout. He nodded and performed hand signs, "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" Sasuke unleashed it, a huge heat wave shot back at me when it was resisted by the mirror. 

"That weak jutsu cant melt my mirrors" Haku taunted. I racked my brain trying to find something to work. I thought up a good plan and turned to Naruto, "Hey, make your shadow clones attack the mirror, while I throw paper bombs to try and make it crack" I whispered. He nodded and made clones. After the first one hit the mirror, I threw the kunai and blew up the bomb, Naruto and I kept that up for quite a bit, eventually making it crack. 

"They crack?!" Haku said astounded. Naruto and I cheered, "Naruto! Hit all the mirrors now!" I command, Naruto did as I asked and all of them broke. As I was cheering again, Sasuke running up to me trying to save me from the Senbon heading my way i blocked them all but one and I aimed my neck for the spot where zabuza got hit. When one hit me in the back of the neck and everything went black.He was too late and seen me fall to the ground lifeless.He then yelled "noooo" there in his eyes was the mangekyou sharingan. <As we were still behind the mirrors no one could see us so> I activated my intangability while I was in my mindscape just after hearing him yell and drop to the ground.I then got up then put my two fingers on his forehead and locked up the memory of my fake death and his knowledge of this and his new abilities and scanned him with my screwdriver (if you dont know how to activate it and forgot it you have it can you use it no you cant.) <he was stunned momentarily wondering what happened> .