
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Missing ninja no more

As I looked up at him, "I said there was a sealed genjutsu trap, it used sage chakra so it can work on even the sharingan" as he was going to ask more about it but I use the timelord shut up technique on him.<only useable one on any livingbeing> I snap him out of it by saying "Sasuke! it's your time to shine!" He smiled a bit, "Right let's kick ass" We both stood up and looked back at Haku, who started to created her ice mirrors again. Sasuke could see where she was and threw a shuriken, hitting the space above her shoulder. 

"Naruto! Attack him again!" He yelled. Naruto complied and continued to hit Haku with his clones again and again. After five rounds of this Naruto collapsed panting, and passed out. Sasuke turned to me, "Do you know any useful jutsu?" I sweat dropped, "No" 

"What do you mean no? There's a library!" He yelled. 

"I never had the chance to go to the library I was to busy doing physical workouts!" I said, trying to defend myself. Haku noticed that we weren't paying attention to her and threw senbons at Sasuke. I saw them fly threw the air and pushed him out of the way, taking a few in my side and leg. I fell to the ground, 'I was right, they hurt worse when they lock up your nerves' Sasuke ran over to me, "Why did you do that?!" He yelled. 

"I cant let you get hurt Duckling, I'd never hear the end of it from Sakura" I joked with a smile. His eyes were wide for a second before falling into a smile slightly larger than normal. then said "You are unbelievable, you know that" i nod. I see Haku about to throw the needles at Naruto, I try to get up to take the hit myself again. Sasuke sees my urgency and turns around, then jumping in front of Naruto and gets hit multiple times. Remembering I need to be able to rush in front of Haku I begin to pull out the needles, they certainly hurt more coming out than going in. Naruto woke up and saw a bloody Sasuke. 

"Why? Why did you save me?! I never ask for your help!" He shouted. 

"M-my body moved on its own....my brother is still out there, I cant die...before I kill him. Naruto, don't die...protect wrathos, especially when I cant" With that Sasuke collapsed to the ground. Naruto stood up and radiated a dark chakra, he was in nine tails mode. 'Its so cool but I want to touch dem tails the real ones' He turned to me, "Help Sasuke" I nodded and crawled over, and began to pull the senbons out of him. Almost done I hear something shatter. Looking around I see the ice in broken pieces, as well as a tired Naruto and Haku on the ground. I started to put chakra into my feet and heal some wounds with time energy. I'm getting ready to dash and save the day. As Haku dashed off I followed, standing in front of her with my arms stretched out blocking the hit with a thick chakra cloaking my arm. with the other arm I touch haikus forhead with my two fingers locking his memory of my meraculous recovery from earlier. Kakashi noticed too late and hit my shoulder. I screamed in pain because of the momentum and backlash so i fell to my knees, gripping my bruised shoulder. The three of them looked at me in shock. Kakashi's hands shook and he went down to my level and gripped my face, "Why did you do that?! I could of killed you! Did you even think about that?!" I smiled at him, 

"If I would of died, I would of died happy. Their not bad people Sensei" Naruto heard me and turned to Zabuza in anger. 

"He likes you! He would of died for you, do you still just see him as a weapon?!" He didn't see Zabuza start to put his head down, "You don't deserve Haku! Why cant you see when someone loves you?!" 

"Kid" Tears started running down his face, both Naruto and Haku gasped at this, "Please stop" 

"Hey, I hate to break this super sweet moment, but Gato and his men are about to come and betray you" Zabuza whipped to me, "How do you know we work for him? Or that we're going to get betrayed?" 

"I figured it out when Tazuna told us it was Gato who was after him, and then you showed up. As for the betrayal, do you really think Gato is the type to stay true to his word?" As I finished Gato and company showed up on the bridge, looking for a fight. 

"Kid, let me borrow a kunai" Zabuza asked Naruto, which he complied. 

"Naruto" I called to him, he walked over to where I was, his eyes widened at the amount of blood I had lost. I tapped him on his forehead(doing the same as sasuke) as he took of his jacket and put it on my shoulder, I then say "Naruto, make some clones to help Zabuza, he'll die if he does it alone" He looked at me confused, but nodded and made eight clones. The clones and Zabuza rush off to the group and attacked them. Zabuza was killing whoever while Naruto simply hit them so hard they fell unconscious. I see Zabuza killing Gato and smile. The rest of his crew ran in fear when they saw Inari show up with the villagers. After they left the two mist ninjas came over to me, who was currently being held by Kakashi, since I did lose a good amount of blood. 

"Thank you for helping us, we could never repay what you've done" Haku said sincerely. I shook my head, 

"Don't worry about it just, what are you two going to do now?" I ask. 

"We don't know, we cant go back to the village, I'm not going to do assassinations anymore" Zabuza stated. It was silent for a bit before I spoke up, "What if you come to the leaf village?" Everyone looked at me like I split in two, "What?" Naruto said in disbelief. 

"What if they come to the leaf, become ninjas again? I'm sure Zabuza would become a Jounin right away, Haku I'm sure you could be in Anbu" The two looked at eachother, having a mental discussion. Nodding, Haku grabbed my hand gently, "We would love to, if they would have us" 

"Its settled! Lets go back to the village!" I said cheerfully, but winced as I had moved my shoulder. 

"Not till you heal a bit" Kakashi commanded. I groaned, "Healing equals sitting in bed forever, which is boring as shit!" 

"You're staying in bed longer for you still using that language when I tell you not to"
