
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Not ready. Chunin exams

"You're a problem Naruto, you know that?" Sasuke taunted. 

"Why do you think you're better than everyone?" Naruto said angrily.

"Not everyone, just you" 

"Would you two quit it, your teamwork clearly needs improvement" Kakashi sighed. I did as well, today has been hella tiring. First we picked weeds, then Naruto picked the herbs the lady had been growing making a competition out of iy;losing horribly. Then we picked trash from the waterfall, and Naruto fell in, Sasuke picked him out by his ankle. Then the last mission was dog walking. All of you except Naruto was sensible and picked a little dog. He of course picked a big dog, which he couldn't handle, so I glared at it with a quick flick of my ghost eyes and sent a mental message to not hurt the boy or else. and.Looking to the right I see Zabuza and Haku walking around, I smile at the memory of them coming to meet Lord Hokage. He had said that they could stay, as long as for three weeks they were monitored to make sure they weren't planning something. After they were cleared they applied to be Jounin and passed, occasionally the three of us got together to eat and talked about things that happend and whats new in our lives. They spotted me as well and waved, I waved back. 

I saw Kakashi look up at the sky and suddenly get serious, "I have a meeting to attend, I'll drop by the Hokage office and give report" Then he disappeared in a flash. 

"Hey Sasuke-kun, why don't we do something to improve our teamwork? Just the two of us?" Sakura asked shyly. He huffed and put his hands in his pockets, "You're just as bad as Naruto. Instead of trying to get me to take you out, why don't you practice being more useful?" He said coldly and walked off. Sakura got depressed and Naruto tried to make her feel better by him asking her out. She wasn't having it. I noticed a small box trying to sneak up on Naruto, 'Its Konohamaru! I'm about to meet Gaara!' 

"I'm Mogei, the sassiest kunoichi in preschool!"

"I love algebra! Call me Udon"

"I'm the number one ninja in the village, Konohamaru!" 

"And we are the Konohamaru Ninja Squad!" I clapped when they striked their pose, "That was so great! You might wanna work on yours though Udon" 

"Hey Boss, who are they? The pink one is she your girlfriend?" Konohamaru asked.

"Thats wrathos-niisan and sakura" "yes!" Naruto replied. Sakura got angry and punched him, sending him about five feet away. 

"Boss! What is she? An Alien?! Shes got to be look at that forehead!" He shouted. Everything got still when he said that about her forehead. Sakura turned around scarily, "Run!" I shouted and we all took off, Konohamaru in the front, and Sakura trailing not too far behind. Konohamaru looked behind him for a second, then ran into Kankuros leg, "That hurt" He said as he picked up the small brunette off the ground. 

"Put him down Kankuro, we're going to be yelled at" Temari said. 

"Hey! Let him go!" Naruto yelled. Kankuro only held him closer to his face. 

"Do what you want, I'm not getting involved" Temari sighed. 

"Let him go" I said darkly. Kankuro just laughed, "Or what Loser?" Naruto just about had enough, "No one talks to my friends like that!" He shouted, running up to Kankuro. As he trips Naruto I run up to him myself and punch him square in the face. As he was holding his face I grab Konohamaru and fling him back towards Naruto. Kankuro grabbed the front of my shirt and held me up, "That's it!" He pulled back his fist and was about to hit me, when a pebble hit his hand. Looking up to the tree we all see Sasuke chilling on a branch. 

"Took you long enough Duckling" I say. He just sighs, "How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that?" 

"How many times am I not gonna listen to you?" He ignores me, "Why are you in our village? You're a long way form home" He said while crushing the rock to dust. Sakura and Mogei squeal at the sight. Kankuro just got angrier and started to unwrap his puppet. 

"You're using Crow?" Temari asked. 

"Stop it" A deep voice commanded. Out of the shadows stepped Gaara. 

"I'm so sorry Gaara, they started it" Kankuro tried to explain, "Shut up or I'll kill you" Gaara stated. He then turned to you, staring at first then spoke, "I'm sorry for any trouble they have caused" I'm silent for a second, "You look cuddly like a panda?" Everyone was quiet as they stared at me shocked, even Gaara had his eyes wide. 

"Oh sorry about that, I apologize if that was weird, but back to the situation, it's cool, no hard feelings" I say, reaching over and patting his shoulder at the end. Gaara stiffened while Temari and Kankuro gasped 'His sand didn't react?!' They thought, 'Oh maybe his mom approves of me or just because I've got no negative intent'. Gaara went back to his normal face and commanded that he and the siblings leave, they were about to when Sakura stopped them. 

"Hold up, judging by your headbands your from the hidden Sand, although the Land of Fire and Land of Wind are allies, its forbidden for shinobi to be in another village without permission, state why you're here!" 

"They're here for the chunin exams Sakura" I state. Gaara continued to stare at me, I just look back at him and smile.

"At least hes not living under a rock" Temari sighed, showing her pass.

"Whats your name" Sasuke asked. 

"I'm Gaara of The Desert. I would like to know your name and the whitish silver haired boys name" 

"Sasuke Uchiha" 

"Wrathos, I hope we can still be friends after this whole fiasco, but that Kitty needs a leash!" I say while placing my hand on Gaaras shoulder. The siblings looked shocked again, but then Kankuro got a tick mark growling he said, "Kitty?" 

"Yep! Cause your hat looks like cat ears" He got angry, "Don't call me that!" 

"Then don't wear cat ears on your head" Gaara signaled for them to continue walking, and they turned for the final time and left without being interrupted. 


We were all at the bridge that Kakashi had said to meet at. Not too long after meeting Gaara he said that he wanted us to be at the bridge in a couple hours. Hearing a poof I look up to see Kakashi being yelled at by Naruto and Sakura, "You're late!" 

"Sorry, I got lost on the path of life" He said as a lame excuse, "Liar!" They shouted. 

"I know this is sudden, but I've recommended all of you for the chunin exams. Here are you application forms, the choice is entirely up to you, if you want to take it, meet in room 301 on Friday" After saying that he poofed of again, leaving us alone. 


I had just left Ichirakus after eating with Naruto in celebration for getting recommended for the exams, he stayed to eat more while I wanted to go home to rest for when tomorrow I wake up I'm leaving to another world. I notice a old lady near the apartment, knowing it was Iruka I rush up to him, "Hey Iruka- Sensei, what cha doin?" He whipped to me in surprise, "How did you know?" I chuckled,

"You smell like ramen, almost as bad as Naruto, so I could tell it was you, anyway, goodnight Sensei!" I could see him blush a bit before I turn around and run into the apartment.


At 5 in the morning you could see me all dressed and ready to go I slow down time perception and entire my mindscape. 'okay so which world's should I go to to get strong enough. I need to get stronger physically and gain more powers to increase my odds of not dying here. Even though I can regenerate I can only do so many times. Also who knows if rennigan can kill me just by ripping my soul out. So another energy in my body to nurture and improve it would help. In addition, it would give me some new powers/abilities.Oh I know just where to go.

Oh the next chapters title is New world Legendary Ice breaker. Make a guess if you guess right I'll release 3 chapter tomorrow.

Wrathoscreators' thoughts