
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime e quadrinhos
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47 Chs

Mapping the world Freeing Sirius black

"We missed broom practice" Tonks says as we walk back to the castle.

"I shall inform Madam Hooch that you will not be needing to be disciplined." Dumbledore told her.

Dumbledore's beard is quite magnificent. Intricate braids along with it's impressive length make it quite a sight. I start to replicate it.

Hagrid, Dumbledore, Tonks and I enter the Great Hall laughing over our new beards. I'm sure it made quite a sight.

Taking up our usual seat, we tuck in. Most of the school are currently in, I can see Harry and Hermione hunched over the beginners occlumency book. 'Maybe hes teaching her and figuring out more about his own'

I wave my hands, bringing up my 3d grid. 'I should come up with a name for it. wrathos grid? hmm nah what about brilliant! Magenformatics'

I start trying to create filters for it. Filter out life from the scan. Magical cores, different types of wards. This would probably pick up legilimens and veela allure and that would probably flood the scans.

My thoughts are interpreted by Tonks screeching in my ear. 'Geeze woman you think this would be her response to my dragonform, but no its cute. I mean sure it's a baby but still. Just wait till I show the recording to DW himself, hahaha '

There is a rat on the table. The magenformatics 'Still missing something there' says it's not a rat. Scabbers. Peter. My hand shoots out and I send a powerful stunning spell through my fingers ,as I grab him then I stand up. Holding 'Scabbers' in one hand and the magenformatics network in the other and walk to the teachers table.

"Headmaster." I say, breaking his conversation with McGonagall. "This is not a rat." I say, holding said rat out in front of me.

"Why it is not moving?" McGonagall asks me.

"I stunned it wandlessly. Anyway, This is not a rat." I explain.

"May I ask then, what it is?" Dumbledore asks me, his eyes are twinkling.

"This" I shake him. "Is a man."

"A man?" Flitwick asks me.

"To be precise, a wizard." I glance at my magenformatics network and hold it up infront of McGonagall. "Yes, yes." I mutter, holding it over Peter again. "An animagus."

The staff table gasps.

"Is there a way to force him out of the transformation? This might just be a student, in which case he is breaking the rules." she says

"But I don't believe that any students here are thirty-one years of age."

"Mr. Outsutsuki, if you could set the rat on the pedestal." Dumbledore asks, whilst vaulting the table spectacularly. While transfiguring a tile into a pedestal beside me. "The spell is slow, so if you would ,kindly place a body bind on whomever it may be." He raises his wand as I hold my hand near the rat.

He waves the elder wand at the rat, who grows into a small fat man.

I punch him in the gut.Just hard enough to know any wind out of him.

"Was that necessary?" Dumbledore asks me, eye twinkling.

"Of course, I felt it necessary to ensure that your sell didnt wear off my stunner." I say with an innocent face and voice.

Everyone looks at the frozen fat man.

"Peter Pettigrew." McGonagall whispers.

"Pettigrew!" I hear people shout.

"Minerva. If you could please call the Aurors and Madam Bones. I do believe there is an innocent man in Azkaban. Ennervate." He points at Peter.

The man groans then freezes as he realises he is a man.

"P-professor!" He squeaks out.

"So to enlighten everyone, who is this guy?" I ask with a sly grin.

"This swine." Have to love Snape sometimes. "Betrayed the hidden location of the Potters to the Dark Lord." 'Isnt he supposed to not blow his cover, oh yeah he's not oldbones lapdog anymore.'

I look at Harry, He is staring slack jawed at the fat man. Then he looks at me with utmost gratitude and thanks.

"Harry." Dumbledore says softly.

Harry stands up and begins to walk to the front of the hall. All eyes follow him. He gets to the front on the hall, looking around me at Peter, I appear to have placed myself in the wrong spot. He looks at me.

"Thank you." He says with the smallest hint of a smile.

'Ahh poor lad, here is your early birthday gift.'

"I think hes sleeping and thats quite rude being in the presence of lord potter ,of which family he betrayed. Do you want to wake him?I do think he has earned it." I wink at him then step out of his way. Motioning for him to go forward.

Harry stares at the fat man for a short time. The Aurors enter the hall and begin swarming in.

"You've got time for one good kick, before the Aurors take him to be imprisoned. Till he escapes which is probable." I say as fast as I can, Glancing around again. "Make it count, Lord Potter." I wink at him.

"Mr. Outsutsuki!" McGonagall gasps at me. Harry seems to get my meaning and takes a few fast steps and kicks Peter in the teeth. A sickening crunch resounds around the room.

The Aurors roughly pick a wailing Peter up off the floor. Madam Bones walks to Harry.

"If I didn't stop then, I would be no better than him." He says quietly as he spits at him.

"I think he deserve another kick ,somewhere more private." I say with disinterest.

Harry listens then kicks Peter in the balls.

"Mr. Potter!" McGonagall gasps again, looking at Madam Bones.

The Aurors exchange a look with the Head of the DMLE. She looks at me and pales 'I guess the picture I sent them ,helped with identifying me' then shrugs. I grin.

"Oh, He is an animagus. Just in case it wasn't mentioned ,when you were called." I supply helpfully.

"Mr. outsutsuki, I presume?" She asks me reluctantly. 'At least shes not afraid ,of doing her job properly'

"Yes, Ma'am"

"Unfortunately, I will need you to come to the Ministry to answer some questions. I hope that wont be a problem ,with your father will it?" She asks politely and visible shakes at the last part.

"Of course, not my father will be delighted that you do your job as you should. In fact I'm delighted to help the potter house, in the time of need." Then she looks at Dumbledore. "Normally I would not do this in school time, but as this will be a high profile case, I have to take him now. You will also need to come for obvious reasons." She explains.

"Come along, Itachi" He says to me.

We follow the Aurors to McGonagall's office, it's the closest that has outbound floo. A large dark skinned Auror grabs some floo powder.

"Ministry of Magic. Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Hippogriff." He says loudly. Nice choice of password.

"Bend you knees." Dumbledore says to me as we walk through.

There was a spinning of colours and lots of fireplace grates flowing by. I then arrive through the Ministry fireplace. I hover out of it as to not touch this corrupt place.

"Never seen anyone fly out of a fireplace before, kid." I hear a intrigued voice beside me

I turn to see a face that ,a mother wouldnt love on payday. He apeared to be from the unspeakable department at least his face matches . He is big chubby with a long crockered nose his face would be flat without the fat. He had greasy black hair and glazed eyes and his teeth were glowing a small tiny of green and yellow.

"I decided to fly out because ,I seen how even the flow channel bowl is unclean. I dont want a black plague or something equally disgusting. Not to be rude but my father gets quite upset if I'm harmed. Infact the great blackout that happened, was due to him casting a spell on someone who tried to rob us. Scaring me in the process, he had to use a spell to replace a forest but that was the easy part. Sir." I say to him, smiling all the way. "Curious set-up though." His face along with everyone else went pale and started shaking all thinking. 'What spell could cause such a thing to happen. There must not even be a hair left.'

I walk back to the fireplace before pulling up a magenformatics network. Ceramic with metal, ect. Ah, runes. Seems to be connected to a large grid that spans all over London. Only security is the password ward ,and it just seems to disable a gridlike ward that makes coming through impossible.

"There is a incompatible substance on this bowl. I would recommend cleaning it up." I mumble to the crowd, including an Unspeakable who was staring at my magenformatics network

"May I suggest we move on to the questioning chamber?" Dumbledore chimed in, getting the crowd to move.

"Are there any forms of magical transport ,that isn't so archaic?" I ask him when we begin to walk.

He chuckles. "Apparation isn't so bad once you get used to the feel." He explains to me. "Perhaps you could create a new one? We haven't gotten a new one recently." I nod slightly, using my network to scan the Ministry.

"Pretty big place they got?" I say, spinning on the spot scanning everything we walk past.

"Yes." Dumbledore says. "This is the largest magical building in Britain. Many floors full of many mysteries."

"Mysteries?" I ask. "There is a whole floor that seems to be shrouded." I start twisting and moving some of the grids around. "Brilliant! My scans says that it matches, with our portals to the inside of the veil." I look closely at the moving parts.Everyone of the unspeakable go stiff at that, but pretend they didnt hear me not confirming or denying the claim. "Although the doors tend to stay put, the rest of it is moving due to the spiritual energy." I hold it up to Dumbledore, who doesn't even pretend to understand it.

We arrive at the elevator, which has expanded to let the Aurors and us inside. I casually toy with the scans. I then see another person join us after my statement seemingly interested.

"Hey, kid." Mad-eye says. 'Hes like ollivander not scared because his curiosity is overwhelming, plus being a warrior you dont show fear' "What is that thing? Not even my eye, can penetrate the Department of Mysteries." He asks me. I can understand him feeling unsettled by it.

"I call it a magenformatics network." I explain. "It can be a scanner or an information holder. Anything really. It's how I saw that the rat was a man, The scan showed that he was similar to Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore, in the respect that they are all animagi."

"What about when you looked into the DoM?" The Unspeakable asked.

"Initially I couldn't see it, I had to filter out the veil energy fluctuations. Although there is one room that was unsettling, but I think it's supposed to be a secret."

"What room?" He asked, he was sweating.

"Erm." I mess with it figuring the right words. "There is a creepy arch thing inside.Its a gateway to death himself.From my estimate its unmovable, that's why this building was built here to hide in plain sight." He goes pale at this correct statement and says hastily

"Some things are best left hidden and unsaid, however I am very impressed by your ingenuity."

"Thanks I guess." I say shrugging

The elevator opens and I get led to a questioning room, Dumbledore speaks to me before I enter.

"Do not forfeit your wand, nor submit to veritaserum." He tells me, I nod. 'Gots to be fear of my father'

Madam Bones is in the room when I enter and take a seat.

"Mr. outsutsuki, Firstly we would like to congratulate you for finding this man ,and the Minister himself would like for you to come to the Ministry tomorrow morning for a few minutes so you can be thanked in person. He wasn't sure you wanted to come, but he said that he will say nice things so it eases the political pressure on your father." She said in a motherly kind of voice.

I lay the magenformatics network on the table instead on banishing it. It's mapping out the ministry, but they don't need to know that. 'Using the runes from the map and some timelord runes with seals, I can now scan the world but I'll have to do that in a secure location. So I dont get caught, causing a blackout of the worlds laylines.

"I suppose I could get up early and have breakfast here, I'd hate to miss potions." I explain to her.'BS but have to act the part.'

"That can be arranged." She says. "Now, could you explain to me, how you captured Mr. Pettigrew?"

I gave a brief recount of how I was fiddling with my magenformatics network, and saw a rat crawling on the table.

"So what is this uh magenformatics network you speak of?" She asked me afterwards.

"Unfinished." I smirk at her.

"Of course it is." She smiles and shakes her head. "I will collect you from Hogwarts at seven. You will be back in an hour at latest. Pick up the Daily Prophet"

I left the room to find the Unspeakable pestering Dumbledore.

"Ah, Itachi. We were just talking about you." He says, brightening up now that the Unspeakable has stopped talking. "We had best get back to Hogwarts before you miss Astronomy." We head for the elevator.

"What's going to happen to that Pettigrew guy?" I question him.

"He will be sent to Azkaban. What happens inside is anyone's guess." He said curtly.

"I have a feeling that the Minister isn't the type to sit down for tea to say thanks, is he?"

Dumbledore thought for a moment before speaking.

"It's likely that he will give you a medal of sorts, and then try and bask in the spotlight next to you in front of the press."

"The same press that slandered my father?" I ask venomously

"Floo back? Or are you going to disappear again?" He says, smiling at me wryly,but I could see his skin is a bit whiter then normal. 'Wow his shields have to be pritty good to control himself so well.'

"Flooing is more appropriate I suppose."

"Hogwarts Headmasters office." He says clearly before striding into the flames.

I quickly find my self spinning again before appearing in his office. His Phoenix bites at me ear. 'Shit I guess the weddings off hahaha o well I'll just tell her not to tell the old man' I then send a mental command to her and she bows.

"Hey girl." I mumble out. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Ah. It would seem there are only minutes until you class begins." Dumbledore says to me. "Walk or disappear?" He asks curiously

"I'll just disappear faster that way." I say, disappearing and flying off to the room of recreations. 'Hmm maybe I can finish making my tardis half real by finishing my experiment, on making my own room of requirement. I would have finished by now, if it wasn't for the calculations of my mana being 75% less effective in other worlds.[What you thought he'd go to class hahaha. Nope hes going to perfect this map , by scanning the world, while having a alibi clone in class]