
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Map data , unicorn blood.

I now only really go to eat instead of going to classes, I'm experimenting in the room of requirements. Currently I was at the ravenclaw table talking with good old tonskie.

"Here ya' go Tonksie, a book my father made on transforming techniques.I'll get us some butter beers for free." I've grown quite attached to the sweet drink since I stayed in the Leaky Cauldron.

"And where, oh lord of magic, would you get butter beers from?" She asks me dryly.

"Oh I know a couple of red-heads that wouldn't say no to me as I have given them good information."

I turn and leave the common room in search of George and Fred.

I find them on the third floor.

"George and Fred." I say as they turn the corner, they jump slightly. "You look like something's got you spooked lads." I grow and put an arm round their shoulders."Been snooping around looking for puppies?"

Their heads snap round and look at me. "You've seen it?"

"The three-headed puppy? Of course his name is fluffy." I tell them

"Mate, I don't know when you went..."

"But it's a bit more than a puppy now."

"You guys mean it's taller than 20 feet now?" I put on an excited face, I go and pet him from time to time hes not like a dog. Hes smarter then that and doesnt have wet dog smell. Also I dont think he likes water maybe lava.

"If you call that a puppy... " Fred shuddered and trailed off.

"Anyway, I was hoping the two of you could procure me a crate of butterbeer for free of course." They look less startled now, business is their game.

"Certainly but for free you would owe us a favor" One of them asks.

I turn into a third Weasley. "Oh, Let's say that you needed two twins to be seen somewhere for an alibi, whilst the other was otherwise busy." I waggle my eyebrows.

They exchange a grin. "One crate of butterbeers coming up. Wait here whilst we go to the common room."

"Fat-lady portrait, second floor. I don't want to be waiting around with the Cerberus, I'm coming with you."

If they were shocked that I knew about their common room, they didn't show it. We took the stairs before they moved, cutting our trip down a ton.

"You'll have to wait out here though." They said when we arrived. As they left I sent a wood clone to stay put invisible, until it's time to tell snape about where they store their pranks and other supplies. To cheat them out of a favor.

"Just get going." I wave my hands at them. A few minutes later they come back with a tiny box.

"Well then gentlemen. One alibi, available when you need it, just not on Saturday or lesson times of course." I shake their hands and head back to the Ravenclaw tower.

"Here we are Tonksie." I announced as I got back to the tower. "One for you and one for me." We clink the glasses together.

"I wonder if they actually put butter in this." She muses aloud.

"What's on the agenda tomorrow?" She asks me.

"Uh, double defence with Quirrel," I read from my time-table. "Binns after lunch for History, but We'll go see Hagrid instead. We could play around with disillusionment charms during broom practise."

"I thought those were really difficult."She says.

"Ah, That's what I was forgetting. Books." I pull out a few of the magical theory books. "It's all in your mind, Tonksie. Forget everything anyone has ever said about magic. After you read those books there is another but its controversial"

This is of course Gellert's book, but the less time it's out of my possession, the better. I could hide the name with genjutsu.

"G'night Tonksie." She ignores me, already digging into the books. "Don't stay up too late." Mostly to myself.

I head down to breakfast alone, Tonks wasn't in the common room when I got up.

I was roughly grabbed by Fred and George.

"No time to explain, Pretend to be George for breakfast. Someone tipped off Snape as to where we hide some of our stuff, George is going to get there before him." 'Good job clone'

Sensing the urgency, I change into George and sit down at the head to breakfast with Fred. I stop just outside the hall to right the words 'Going red for breakfast I.'.

"Follow my lead." I tell Fred as we walk towards Tonks.

"Looks to me like we are missing a metamorph, oh brother mine." I say as I hand Tonks the parchment.

"He said to pass along a message. Decided to go for a run around the lake." He countered.

When she'd read the note, she bunt it and said "Thanks fellas." With a wink. We walked to the Gryffindor table.

We ate for a bit, then I leaned over to Fred.

"Want to tell me what the fucks going on?" I would have preferred some notice.

Fred run his finger through his hair. "We don't tell anyone where we hide this stuff. Yet we wake up this morning and see Snape sticking his nose around the seventh floor, near where we stash it." he said

"And you happened to be on the seventh floor to see him?" I asked

The map.

"I suppose you're right, George tripped over when he heard." He said with a small smile.

"So you did get the item ." I whispered to him, some people looked scared, no doubt knowing nothing good comes from the twins whispering.

"Yes, yes. Back to Snape, We saw him lurking about the seventh floor. George and I use the secret room to hide our stash, It's not on the map."

"You mean the library?" I say playing ravenclaw.

I use it more of a blasting room for experiments gone wrong, I had to put 10 sets of shielding runes and silencing seals.

"Typical bloody Ravenclaw. That room can turn into anything, and you had it make a library?" I grin at him. "I want to know how the greasy git found us out."

'I told him of course to cash in a favor.'

"Legilimens on other students" I gasp.

"Come again?" He says.

"He could have investigated the matter find the people who are closest to you ,use it on them to see through their eyes."

"WHAT!" Fred shouted, going for his wand.

"Hold your hippogryphs, my handsome brother." I say in a conversational level voice. People look away, the banter is like norm.

"There are counters to it, pay attention to those around you. Fortunately I can give you two invisibility charms but they dont last forever ,10 uses." 'Got to love truth that's BS'

"Keep a look out right. Oh, biggest grin you can manage." He nudged me as Snape stormed into the hall. We grinned at him.

Fred continued.

"From what I read, He would have to pull a wand on you to do it without eye contact. So although your safe others aren't"

"Good. figures when we get him in a prank he tightens his inspections." he sighs

"It's illegal to use the spell, unless you are duelling criminals. However windless is impossible to prove. Let's go meet with George so I can get your ugly mug of my face." I take another gulp of cinnamon apple cider before heading out to meet George.

"Thanks" George says as we meet him on the third floor. "Really owe you one for this." I shake my head.

"Butter beers for an alibi."

"No way, This could have lost us our whole stock. Anything you need, let us know." Fred tells me. 'Nice two for free'

I make a mental note to actually make a real deal with them next time.

"Perhaps I could hold the map for a second?" They seem to share a mental conversation for a few seconds. 'I'll just inspect the runes ,and figure a way to map out worlds, then solarsystems and universes. This could be very useful for raids. Maybe make an analyzing field of some sort.'

"We've learned all the routes now, You can have it. We'll need it sometimes when we need to know the whereabouts of people, I'm sure you can understand." they hand me the map I look at it with my dojutsu, then take out my screwdriver to scan it. They look curiously at what I'm doing but I interrupt them

"It' wont be needed, just testing a device I made" I grin at them. "Mischief managed" I hand it back

"Dont hesitate to" fred starts

"cash in the favor." George finished

"Well I got to go to class." 'Might as well scare him like a squirrel'

On my way to DADA, I see tonks

"I've been meaning to ask you i heard of your mage sight ,what does it look like when you see magic?" Tonks tells me when I sit beside her in Quirrel's class.

"A bunch is wisps but when you do spells it depends on the spell, the floating charm creates tendril that lifts things in the air."

"G-g-good M-m-m-morning, C-c-class" Quirrel somehow managed to stutter out.'Wow hes worse then hinata. He's begging to be scared. He sees me as I cough and say Tom riddle ,gaining his attention as he goes white with fear.

" 'Mione. Read this, This class won't teach you anything anyway." I subtly pass them a book on occlumency. "Don't look Quirrel in the eye, I'll explain later."

"What was that?" Tonks whispers to me.

"Apparently wizards can read minds through eye contact." Tonks gasps.

"Mum said they could, but not many people knew how."

"It's what got the twins rumbled this morning, Snape can do it. I guess Harry wouldn't want him sliding around in his noggin ;after that first potions class he had." I whisper loudly so Harry and Hermione can hear.

"Lucky for us, we can just add a thin, one-way mirrored film to the inside of our eyes." Tonks closes her eyes to morph them.

The rest of the lesson consisted of Quirrel stuttering, before handing out a short quiz about general things. 'Hmm dont want to alert the darklord ,of my prowess' I knew he would try to use mind arts on me ,but I made mirrors on my eyes. He got a splitting headache. Then spent the duration of the quiz staring at Harry. Lunch couldn't come soon enough. At the end the teacher asks to see me after class. I stay behind he closes the door then takes off his turban then Voldemort says

"How do you know that name." he asks hissing

"Found a dairy recently, it wasn't meant for me, to find but I figured something out. The anagram. Afterwards I put it back where I found it, as it's not my concern. " We are both men who like to get right to buisness. I need a drop of unicorn blood."

"Very well but what's in it for me?" moldyturban said

"The location of the philosopher's stone, and how to get it." I say 'Although I can break the curse on unicorn blood ,i just want to mess with him make him underestimate me. Or at least not bother me and the people I encounter.'

"I'm listening, but first when I rise again are you against me or with me." he says

"I dont plan on staying that long as I'm not human , I travel from planet to planet." I add

"Disappointing, but no matters I'll get you the blood by the end of the night; you can pick it up in the morning. Be prepared to tell me and if your lying you will die an excruciating death." says turbanmort.

"Understood, I'll be there" I say as I walk backwards out of the classroom. To make it seem I'm wary of him.

I find tonks and catch up with her. We walk through the castle, heading for Hagrid's.

On the way down, she manage to pull off a 10 foot Hagrid morph while I used henge to do the same , Almost his full height. We knock on his door.

"Hagrid!" He shouts as he opens it.

"Hagrid!" Tonks and I yell as we walk inside. We turn to eachother. "Hagrid!"

"'ope ye don' mind I told Dumbledore." He says when we settle in.

"It's ok, He seemed to find it funny." Tonks explained.

"Well, today yer' in luck. The thestrals are righ' near the edge of the forest. Best not be looking like me though, migh' spook em. I ol' so erd' about your father 'ad a pet dragon " We change back to something less Hagrid.

"Sure I'll show him to you one time ,hes quite friendly, hes a rare breed. They are called dragonking ,they can become small or be bigger then this castle.They are intelligent dragons very proud, if my father was weak; he wouldnt follow his commands." They both look pale and tonksie says "Y-our pranking us right?" she says hesitantly not really wanting me to answer foreboding it.

"Completely, my dad wouldnt have anything less deliver his mail."

"I 'ay 'te 'ore to 'et" Hagrid says with a boisterous laugh [I am having a hard time with his speaking and writing it but here you go Hagrid translator: i say the more to pet] Tonks looked at him like hes crazy 'I guess his love for magical animals outweighed his fear. Then again hes friends with those forsaken spiders. Makes sense'

A short walk from Hagrid's hut, we came across a clearing just inside the tree-line.

"Ain't they beautiful?" He asks, gesturing to the clearing.

"I can't see them." Tonks whispered to me.

They all bow to me

"Er Hagrid. Sorry about that all magical animals do that." I tell the huge man.

"Oh righ'" He says, scratching his beard. "Forgot 'bout that. I 'erd 'bout that. No 'arm. 'ol so you can on-ly see 'em if u seen human death."

Tonks is curious as to where Hagrid has seen human death.

"Don' look at me like tha'." He says with a small smile. "I ain't as young as I look. I was a young man when Grindlewald rose to power, n' fought beside Dumbledore in those days as well as against You-know-who." He finished proudly.

I knew Hagrid is at least 60, so he would have seen death in the wars.

"So." Tonks began. "How do we get around this obstacle, oh great itachi." She said mockingly.

I turn away from the thestrals activating my dojutsu closing my eyes. Thestrals. Hidden by some sort of magic and can only be witnessed by those who have seen human death. So the problem is the lack of site. You can smell them, touch them and hear them, even taste them. So how does one get around the sight? I spin back round. I see a small squirrel near the tree.

"Right. There are thestrals here." I say walking into the clearing. I hear shuffling of feet, they don't want me to walk into them. "I can hear them and I can touch them." Hagrid looks jealously at me touching them.

Does seeing death put some sort of film over your eyes? Does it affect your magic? I take a look at tonksie and hagrid then I look at the squirrel, then cast a spell using only my will.

The squirrel sees the beasts and runs away.

"There we go the squirrel can now see them. Apparently seeing human death effects your magic.I think its cause your soul subconsciously has your magic latch onto anyone you know around you. Leaving a peice of their magic behind, so they can watch you from beyond ." I muse aloud whilst pulling my wand out.

"Best scenario, I've just invented a spell to see thestrals." I hear a chuckle, definitely not Hagrid or Tonks. I open my eyes.

"They're bigger than expected." The large skeletal horses begin to form a circle around me.

Hagrid broke out of his shock first. " 'lil 'ella can see 'em now?" He asked.

"Yes that's why it ran away, it seems like a black film covers the eyes. Quite beautiful really" I tell him, reaching my hand out.

"I 'ont l 'oke when 'ye do 'dat. 'Ye 'ould get 'urt!" Hagrid calls out, much too late.

"It's fine. They like me." I say as I scratch the side of it's neck. I hear Tonks shift nervously

"So the rumors are true, as I have never seen a thestral take to a human quite like this." Dumbledore speaks up.

"Fantastic creatures like fantastic people, Albus." I tell him with a smirk, He chuckles.

"Quite right dear boy." I'm sure his eyes are twinkling

"But what makes them tick?" I say softly. "No discernible organs. No blood." I use my will with my magic and cast a spell on it. To analyze it. A small grid appears, like an npc character sheet.

Dumbledore takes a step closer, trying to see the grid whilst ,also eyeing the thestrals cautiously.

"Interesting." I speak up again. "No blood in the traditional sense, but they have a veil like substance moving around in them, like a circulatory system. Oh, this one behind me is a male. And they are all made up of pure spiritual energy laced with magic to materialize. It seems the wards of Hogwarts are messing with the spell, so I don't know if it is good or bad magic."

"Interesting spell you made. It reminds me of an old friends, was this based off of arithmancy used in runes?" Dumbledore inquires

"Er. Actually yes, yes it is." I answer seemingly surprised. However i figured something like this was made, by the maker of the philosopher's stone.

"Yeah that's very similar, his also didnt work well near hogwarts." He finished, nodding slowly.

"Oh, well I agree I think this needs some more work. I dont like to be a copycat even if I did so unknowingly." 'Perhaps make it like a video game designers creation program.' I tap the screen with my finger lacing my magical intent. "I've adjusted it as much as I can to make it more unique, wards are not effecting it anymore. However it takes more mana then I like. I'll have to calculate a more efficient way to make this spell." 'Figures it's like a computer, more the advanced design software the more the processing power needed. Although its minuscule to me, it's not clever enough and I want to make a spell useable by all.

'Interesting i can see they have souls'

I changed the screen to programming mode and a keyboard apeared infront of me, so i start manipulating the spell.

"I can't even begin to tell you how much harder making such intricate changes like this would be, without having lots of control over magic." I say with pride. The thestrals had opened the circle, allowing Dumbledore to cautiously walk to me.

"I've never seen magic quite like this." He says in awe.

I laugh at this. "I don't think anyone besides me could have done it, Tonks could probably manipulate the bits that are not as intricate, if she had more mana.Thats only because she is special for you wouldnt be able to ,unless you want to split all your finger bones apart and put heart strings inside them?" I smirk at him.

He chuckles softly, still eyeing the thestrals. "I think I will stick to one wand." He pats the elder wand.

"Ah." I say. "That's why the thestrals are reacting strangely to you."

He stares at me, no twinkle. 'Oo touched a nerve'

"Your wand sir." I explain. "A thestral's tail hair inside, at least that's what this tells me." I have all the information on it right here, even down to it's age, which makes alot of sense as death is older then this world.So I decide to tease him, by doing alot of adjustments. Which does nothing, but brings me back to the screen I was at. I then point at his wand.

"Wow." I let out a low whistle. "Your wand is old, older than the castle"

He stares at me wide-eyed. It seems he realises how much information this can display.

"If it makes you feel any better, The thestrals aren't going to attack you because I'm here." He bows his head slightly.

"Perhaps we should go to dinner. I believe the house-elves will be ready soon." He says quietly.

"Great! I'm starving over here." Tonks says.

We leave to go eat then I went to bed. When I awoke I went to get my blood sample ,maybe I can clone it for potions. I then tell him the information he wants ,which tbh he would have figured out himself eventually.