
Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Join me on this journey full of excitement and memorable moments, from traveling with Gandalf, facing the perilous paths of Middle-earth, forging alliances with noble races, and ultimately standing against the fearsome Nazgûl of Sauron in the heart of Minas Tirith. Together, let us write our own saga, where courage and camaraderie shall prevail in the face of darkness. English is not my mother tongue. This work is inspired by the novel “Star with the Lord of the Rings” by author Shen Hai Lao Mao. I wanted to make my own fic but I didn't know where to start, so I took the Chinese fic as inspiration. All rights to the creator of the image, if you see this and want me to remove the cover photo, feel free to let me know. patreon.com/Mrnevercry

Ax_nevermay_cry · Filmes
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61 Chs

Chapter 31: Rivendell

[Aldril POV]

A feeling of familiarity welled up inside me; it was as if this elf and I were related, adding another unanswered question to the many I had. I was getting tired of this; I felt like I would explode emotionally.

Fortunately, we would soon reach Rivendell. Something deep inside me told me that in that place I would find all the answers. I was anxious to get there, plus I needed a proper rest, and what better way than to rest in a bed made by elves. 'Surely they would be very comfortable,' I thought, as I rode beside Gandalf.

We rode together for a few minutes until I remembered what the elf had said a few moments ago. I turned to look at him and curiously asked, "Did they know we were going to Rivendell? Also, why did they call you Mithrandir (Grey Pilgrim)?".

With amazement written all over his face, Gandalf looked at me and asked, "Do you understand the Elvish language?" Curiosity was clearly reflected on his face, without answering my questions.

'They were speaking Elvish? Shit, now what do I say?', I thought. My mind worked quickly until I came up with a simple solution. I put on a puzzled face and said, 'Were they speaking Elvish?' To tell you the truth, even I didn't know I could speak it."

At my reply, Gandalf was silent, but I could see a lot of doubt in his eyes, which looked at me as if he wanted to see inside me and find out all my secrets. Looking away from me, Gandalf gave a sigh and looked straight ahead. Apparently, my puzzled face convinced him that I really didn't know the reason. "Forget it. If even you don't know, I won't know the answer either. And to answer your questions, I had encountered an elven scouting party when I separated from the group. I told them that I would take Thorin Oakenshield expedition team to Rivendell and that I hoped Lord Elrond would give us shelter."

"As for my name, I have traveled many places in Middle-earth, so I have had many names over time - Mithrandir to the Elves, Tharkûn to the Dwarves, Incánus to the Southerners, and in these parts I am known as Gandalf."

"It sure is a pain in the ass to have so many names," I said as I laughed lightly. This was something I was unaware of. I always wondered why in the movies the elves called him Mithrandir, while with the men it was Gandalf the Grey. Now I know why.

Giving a sigh of exasperation, Gandalf shook his head slowly and said, "It tends to be a nuisance at times to introduce myself by different names depending on where I am."

"It sure is. So what's your real name," I asked curiously. I remembered that in my past life, being Jonathan, a co-worker who was a Lord of the Rings fan told me that Gandalf wasn't his real name. When I asked him what it was, the bastard told me I should read the books to find out.

With a mysterious smile, Gandalf looked at me and shook his head before saying, "You can call me Gandalf the Grey or Mithrandir, since you understand the Elvish language."

I knew he didn't want to tell me his real name and I respected that. We've barely known each other for months and I doubt we've built up enough trust for him to tell me if it's so important to him. 'Although I don't understand what's wrong with telling me his name,' I thought. Shrugging, I didn't pursue the subject any further.

The rest of the ride was uneventful. Without the adrenaline of being chased by orcs, our bodies relaxed, and tiredness overcame us. We didn't talk the whole way; exhaustion had done its thing, and we could barely stay awake.

However, sleep did not stop me from admiring the nature around me. The road to Rivendell was full of natural beauty, with majestic trees, green leaves swaying gently in the wind, grasslands teeming with life and, every now and then, an animal could be seen stopping to watch us. Yes, a most beautiful environment.

As we moved forward, I felt a strange mixture of anticipation and calm. The elves escorting us were having a gentle conversation with each other; their melodic and soothing voices blended in with the surroundings.

Finally, as we rounded a final bend in the path, Rivendell unfolded before our eyes. It was so beautiful that sleep took a step back and allowed us to admire such beauty.

The valley of Rivendell was a masterpiece of nature and Elvish architecture, with its buildings elegantly integrated into the landscape, surrounded by green hills and waterfalls that fell in harmony with the environment, as if time itself had stopped to preserve the beauty and serenity of this beautiful place.

At the entrance to Rivendell, we were greeted by the warm welcome of Elrond, who lay elegantly and majestically with several guards around him.

The sense of familiarity I had felt intensified as I stood in his presence, especially when he met my gaze. I could see his body go static for a few seconds; it was as if he had seen a lost relative. His eyes shone with a mixture of joy and nostalgia, and I could read his lips when, in a whisper, he said, "Elros." Then he pulled himself together and smiled politely at all of us as he opened his arms, inviting us to approach.

"Welcome to Rivendell," Elrond said with a gentle smile. "Here you may rest from your hectic journey." The Elven leaders who led us quickly got off their horses and joined Elrond side.

Thorin, being the leader of the expedition, stepped forward and, with a nod, said, "I thank you on behalf of my people."

Still smiling, Elrond looked at Thorin and in his melodious voice said, "Thorin, son of Thráin, I have heard of your plight and understand the burden of your journey."

As if his hatred of Elves was stimulated by Elrond words, Thorin's face grew serious and in a cold voice he said, "An Elf cannot understand the burden of my journey." At Thorin's tone, all the other dwarves grew serious and tensed their bodies.

Elrond looked at Thorin and, in Elvish, said, "All Dwarves are the same, stubborn and aggressive." Clearly Gandalf and I were the only ones who understood Lord Elrond's words. But the dwarves, not understanding the language, quickly became defensive, believing they had insulted Thorin.

"Are you insulting us?" asked Dwalin sharply, as he picked up his axe. At the dwarf's behavior, the elven guards drew their weapons to protect Elrond.

I could see the group of dwarves tense up as they watched the elves draw their swords; they were preparing for a possible confrontation.

Gandalf, seeing that the situation was not good, immediately stepped into the middle of the two groups and turned his gaze to the dwarves. "No! Lord Elrond said that we seem to be exhausted and need to rest." Hearing Gandalf's explanation, all the dwarves understood, but they were still upset with the elves.

After the little mishap, we were all led into Rivendell. Gandalf and Lord Elrond led the way, followed by the Elven guards. As we climbed the stairs, I caught a glimpse of the beautiful elves; they were extremely beautiful and their presence was almost ethereal. We clearly attracted attention, as it is not often that we see a group of dwarves in elven territory.

As we moved forward, the dwarves' whispers reached my ears, causing me to wryly smile at the rude comments they were making. Apparently, their weariness had worn off, for they were talking non-stop.

"Elves are too thin," Dwalin commented disdainfully.

"Yes, the cheekbones are too high; not enough facial hair and the skin is too smooth," Ori added, shaking his head.

"Tall, thin, fleshless; clearly my wife is more beautiful," Glóin said with a tone of superiority, puffing out his chest with pride.

"Shame on you," commented Bilbo, who stood next to me. I could see how he covered his face with his hands, embarrassed at the dwarves' impudence. I patted Bilbo on the shoulder and said with a smile, "You should know by now how brazen they are, Bilbo. Remember they emptied your larder without asking you."

At my comment, Bilbo clenched his fists tightly. "It's true, they have no decency. They are very rude when they are mere guests," he replied, frowning.

As I laughed lightly at the sight of Bilbo getting angry, two elf girls walked gracefully past us. I turned to look at them and they looked back at me. They gave me a soft but beautiful smile, a charming smile, and then waved at me in greeting.

As I returned their greeting, they smiled even more charmingly. No woman in my previous life could compare to these beauties. Letting out a sigh, I looked ahead.

"How beautiful Rivendell is."


It's already night, filthy orcs! Here is today's chapter!

Our dear Aldril has entered Rivendell and has already obtained a small clue about his origin. Remember that you can support me on Patreon, where there are 10 chapters in advance and where the prologue of my next fic has already been published. I've been thinking about offering a $2 subscription for those who want to have 4 chapters in advance. What do you think?


Give me your power stoneees!!!

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