
Growing up part 1

I didn't even know how much time passed as I slept in my mother's womb. Time seemed to stretch on and on. My little body was healing from over using mana. I didn't realize that it had hurt me. "Baby I need to know that you're okay either you wake up now or I'm using the extra mana you gave me to forcefully age you up so that I could have some peace of mind." Said mom worriedly.

I just wake up and hear that omg how long was I sleeping and it feels a little more cramped in here now. I send a mana message that I am awake but am feeling a bit cramped. "You worried mommy with sleeping for three straight months. If the healer didn't come to say that you were still alive I would have felt horrible and I wouldn't forgive myself for making you expend all of that mana in order to save us." Mom said to me while rubbing her belly.

The more I think back on what happened I realized that I have limitations right now. I realized that right now I am in a very weak body and it can break down if abused like I did before. I have to learn how to manage it better. Right now I don't think this body is ready to use all of the mana at my disposal.

"Mommy is there a way to restrict the accessibility to my mana temporarily until I grow bigger?" I mana message my mom. "Hmmm… I'm not sure. I'll have to ask the healer if said thing can be done?" Mom replied. "I'm going to go call the healer to come over and we will find out what we need to know." "Thanks mommy." I message.

After some time the healer has arrived and we moved to another room. "Hello madam Gloria may I be of service?" The healer asked. I realized that this was a different healer than the one from before. "Hello grand healer I am glad you agreed to come out and talk with me. I have a concern about my daughter." Mom says elegantly. "What is your concern dear? I am here to help." The grand healer says. "When I learned that I was pregnant I also learned that my child has a massive mana pool. I am concerned that with so much mana that her little body would suffer from the usage of her mana. Is there a way to temporarily block her mana from being used until she grows up some?" Mom asked sounding genuinely concerned.

The grand healer listened to mom. "I was taught a method to do so but in order for her to regain her mana she will have to train her body to be physically strong. If she doesn't train there will be no way for her to gain her mana back." The grand healer said. "What is the method? How long will she have to train for? Or can we train her while she still has access to her mana?" Mom fired of a series of questions. The grand healer sighed. "I am certain that she is not strong enough for the method to stop her mana in its place. She's still a few months away from being born and she will have to be raised away from all the dangers that come with traveling. Train her to fight with her fists and weapons it should help ease the burden of her mana hurting her. How did you manage to learn that the baby can already use her mana?" The grand healer said.

"While I was on my way home from learning I was already four months pregnant with her. We almost got attacked and she funneled her mana into my body which gave me an abundance of mana that I still have. I'm not even sure how much she funneled into me. The amount of mana scared away the attackers though so I didn't fret about it until she mana messaged me and being tired and that she was stopping the mana transfer." Mom told the grand healer.

The grand healer gasped in surprise. "Already such control over her mana while in the womb. Such a wonderus child. She will also have to visit the cathedral in order to keep track of her growth and condition as well as control of her power.

*** system recommends that host go to store tab***

Huh? The system finally says something after all this time. Oh well might as well see what it says.



Name… Nova Frosthand

Age… in womb 7 months


Hp… 70/150 Healing still in progress…

Strength… 0

Luck… 100%


Chaos magic

Fire ball



Shape shifting

Armored skin






Mana transfer

Mana message


Chaos blessing

(<3) blessing < p>

*&$#)(* blessing

#$@$/#%* blessing

#$@ blessing

&$#@*+-= blessing

&#*" blessing

Honesty's blessing


Comedian divinity

System points: 10000

Store tab

Mana lock …..

Locks mana until user is 5 years old….. cost: 5 sp

Strength candies …..

Adds 0.5 strength to strength attribute….. cost: 10 so

*** these are the only options that the host can use right now***

Hmm…. The mana lock might sound good right now but I don't think it's the right choice. Though the strength candies sound better because they possibly could allow me to regain my mana faster. I should tell mommy about my system and the options that I just received.

"I will think about it grand healer. I'm not sure what Nova is thinking about but I will be sure to ask her opinion." Mom replied. "She replies to me with something I call a mana message."

"Intriguing! This young one is going to require more than just a little help then if they are already able to use mana to such an extent while still in the womb."the grand healer said.

"Really then what would you recommend for me to do with her?" Mom asked worriedly.

"I recommend leaving the child alone and let them figure it out for themselves since they are a genius." The grand elder said with a sigh.

"Thank you elder healer your knowledge is very important for us."mom said courteously.

"Young lady we of the church are here to help you if you need us. I will not have you do anything that you don't need. That child of yours is very special and she will do great things in the future wether bad or good only time will tell." The grand healer said.

So I have to figure out what to do on my own. I'm not feeling very happy about this but if it is what I need then I'm going to have to roll with it.

" Nova you have been silent this whole time are you sleeping or are you thinking?"mom asked. I heard everything she said and I think she is right.

I mana messaged mom. That I was listening and I thought that the old healer was correct in assuming that I'd have to figure it out for myself.

I’m just writing as it comes to me.

Drake_Willowcreators' thoughts