
The New life

I start to realize that I am not dead. I am alive and well. I'm just not sure what is happening with me right now. I am sure that I have become a fetus. I can't open my eyes yet but I can wiggle my body a little.

"Oh? What's happening? I feel nauseous right now." A voice says in a language I don't know but somehow understand.

I'm guessing that is the voice of my new mother and the sound that I have been listening to for a while now is her heart beating.

I move a little more. "Okay? Not nausea but maybe something else?" She says. I'm just realizing maybe she doesn't know that she is pregnant.

I move one more time which stops her for a moment. "Oh my. I think I need to go talk to someone about this." My mother says.

We go somewhere that I don't know about. I am tired so I sleep until I hear her voice again. "What does it mean for me to feel weird sensations in my tummy?" She asked whom ever she met. " let me examine you and I'll tell you what's going on in a few minutes." What sounds like a doctor said.

Next thing I know I am feeling a sort of energy coming from goodness knows where. I stretch my spiritual energy to touch the energy that I feel. "Good golly Gloria you are expecting a child!" The source of the energy said.

"What?! I didn't even know that I was with child. How far do you think I am along from what you gathered?" My mother who's name I now learned is Gloria said to the magical doctor. "From what my mana has told me the baby is about 4 months in development," the doctor said.

"Wow, I am going to be a mommy! I don't know where the baby's daddy is though." Mom said. I'm here and healthy I mentally tell my mom. " I guess it's to early to tell me what gender my baby is?"mom asked. "According to my mana the baby is a girl and she is not only smart she's incredibly talented with the arcane arts even though we all get the arcane art later in life. She will be born with it." The doctor says astounding my mother into silence.

"Wow a magical genius!" Mom acknowledged. "What else have you learned about my baby?" "Her mana pool is immense! I haven't seen anything like it before!" The doctor told my mother. "I can't tell you what it means to have such a massive mana pool but it is very important for their development."

"You mean to tell me that my little genius is most likely going to be someone very important later in life?" Mother fretted. "Yes." Said the doctor.

Oh my goodness they are annoying me with this stuff. I move to show my dissatisfaction. "Oh my she moved!" My mom got excited. "She will move about a lot whenever she is ready."the doctor says. "Eat healthy meals," the doctor reminds my mom. "You can go home now remember to eat healthy food."

"Thank you healer," my mom says. I'm perplexed… She just called the doctor a healer. Am I in a world where magic is law here? Wow magic! This is going to be lots of fun. I wiggle as I think how I will basically be able to cast infinite spells and not deplete my mana. Home I wonder where home is? I'm getting excited about this world.

Mom gets in what sounds like a carriage and we set off. I doze off while mom is doing her thing. "Madam Gloria we have company," said a male voice said.

"What kind of company bad or good?" Mom asked the man. "It doesn't look like it's good madam." He said. "Crap just when I got good news for once." Mom said.

"Ready the other mages to defend me from the threat." There must be something I can do to help mom. Hearing what the man said woke me up and I need to do something.

I remembered that I have ultimate good luck. Maybe I can pour some of my mana into my mom. I start to concentrate on my mana and my mom's mana.

*** host has learned mana tranfer ***

Cool I learned a new power. My mana starts to move. "Mmmm… why do I feel like I'm overflowing with mana?"mom said. I send a thought through the mana link to tell her that I am doing this. "So it's you my little super nova," mom said. "Nova, I like that for a name. Do you like it too baby?" I send her the message that I love the name. I also remind her that we are currently in danger. "Oh yeah thanks for the reminder little one." Mom thanked me.

"Madam the other people sensed a mana spike in our midst and are running away." The man reported. "Good that's the effect that we needed to get home."

"Madam if I may ask how did you get so much mana?" The man asked. "My little secret."mom said. "Okay madam."he replied.

I send a message that I am tired and need to go to sleep and that we should be safe for now. My little body is forcing me to get rest. I send a message that I'm cutting off the mana transfer and that I'm going to sleep.

"Madam if I may ask what did the healer tell you?" The man asked. Mom stayed quiet for a few moments before she decided to answer him. "I'm with child," she said. "Wow big news madam. No wonder those people were in our path. They must have thought that if you gotten pregnant or something like that, that it would weaken your mana supply in order to protect the baby from harm." As he said this mom's face fell. "I didn't think of that." She said. "My little secret kept us safe though." "Yes it did madam." He replied and with that he withdrew from the carriage and went back to his post. It stayed like that until we got home.