
Transform into a mechanical empress

Story of: Transform into a mechanical empress It doesn't matter if she wears the wrong gender and becomes a young lady, because she is no longer prepared to be a human being, and her gender is nothing. She has a system called 'Return of Consciousness from All Realms', which allows her to split her consciousness and reincarnate randomly in all realms. In just three days, her consciousness will return with a lifetime of experiences and memories. Once, she consciously traveled to Cyberpunk 2077 and learned the implantation technology. She decisively transformed herself. Once, she went to the world of Transformers and obtained the source of fire. From then on, she was no longer human. Once, she went to Marvel. Because she was keen on transforming other people, many people were no longer human. The mechanical empress is rising, the story is exciting, so stay tuned.

amilia101 · Filmes
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24 Chs

Chapter 24

"The foundation of the Light has been given to you, and in the meantime you have time to pray to the Light, and when you feel you can release it, call me. Alice was ready to leave.

"Sister Alice, when will I have angel wings like you?" asked Barbara expectantly.

"When you're religious enough. "

Seeing Barbara off, Alice flew back to Center City, Missouri, from Gotham City, New Jersey, in thirteen minutes.

The sun had just set when she returned.

Before she could enter the house, she received a call from Caitlin Snow who invited her to a bar.

Alice didn't enter the house at all, and went directly to the bar where she had made an appointment, and met Caitlin who had already arrived.

The two sat in the corner of the bar, sipping wine and chatting.

But to be honest, Alice's current body has no sense of taste at all, whether it is eaten or drunk in the mouth, it will be annihilated by the material energy releaser in the stomach, completely turning matter into energy.

For example, if we use a tree branch to light a fire, the flame will quickly burn out the branch, but if the branch is annihilated, the energy generated by that branch is enough to keep a light bulb on for tens of thousands of years.

This is a very advanced energy technology, a technology from the Puppet Lady's Tinder Source database, similar to positive and antimatter annihilation, which is still controllable.

The two women basically talked about science at the beginning, but as the relationship between the two became familiar, they could talk about more topics, no longer limited to science, but also about some women's topics, such as entertainment gossip, cosmetics and clothes, shoes and bags.

But to be honest, Alice doesn't know much about these things, and she never uses makeup, because her skin is good enough to seem to have a beautiful face.

Caitlin noticed that Alice seemed to know very little about them, and even if she was dressed in fashion, she probably copied them from the clothes on the magazine models.

So Caitlin volunteered to teach Alice how to be a woman.

Miss Alice has mixed tastes.

In the following month, Alice and Caitlin would go out shopping or go to a bar at night whenever they were free, and their relationship became extremely familiar from the initial strangeness, as if they were already friends.

Until the morning of this day, Caitlin was on vacation, and while the two were drinking cold drinks at the Chinese restaurant in a shopping mall, Alice discovered another side of Caitlin that Caitlin herself did not know.

Caitlyn, she actually transformed in front of Alice.

Her hair turned from brown to white, her lips to purple, her eyes to ice blue, and the crisp cold air that filled her air.

This can't be Caitlyn's second personality, the Frost Killer, right?

In the comics, the Frost Killer has a brilliant record of overturning everyone in the main league one-on-one, although the sneak attack factor accounts for most of it, but it does not deny the power of the Frost Killer.

As we all know, temperature is conductive, and the ice of the Frost Killer can absorb the heat in the body of Superman, who is strong out of the atmosphere, and freeze it into ice, which shows the awesomeness of the Frost Killer.

Despite knowing this, Alice pretends to be shocked when she sees this scene: "Caitlin, how are you....."

"I'm not Caitlin!" the Frost Slayer narrowed her eyes, as if being called Caitlyn made her angry.

"Uh, are you the second personality of the legend?" Alice continued to pretend here.

"You can call me Frost. Said the Frost Slayer.

"Oh, you can call me Alice, too. Alice said, and then asked her curiously, "Do you know anything about Caitlin?"

Frost nodded.

"And does she know about your existence?".

Frost shakes her head and warns Alice, "Don't tell her about me, or I'll kill you!"

Alice pretended to be afraid, and said again and again: "Absolutely not, don't worry, unless Caitlyn finds out herself, I will never tell her about you." "

The Frost Killer nodded in satisfaction

In fact, Alice is not very afraid, the danger of the Frost Killer is reflected in physical contact with her, once in contact with it, the Frost Killer can choose to freeze people into ice cubes in an instant, if the other party just releases freezing gas in the air, Alice can easily dodge.

The most important thing is that Alice didn't see that the Frost Killer had any intention of attacking her, and she seemed to come out to make friends with her?

Alice likes to make friends the most, and the experience points when she is friends with Caitlyn will accumulate to the Frost Killer, because the two are one person, and it only took Alice less than a day to brush the Frost Killer's favorability to the level of Caitlin.

In the evening, as the Frost Slayer prepares to go back, she says goodbye to Alice and agrees to come back to her the next time she comes out.

Seeing Frost leave, Alice also returned home, because she had made new friends, and she was ready to reincarnate again.

Well, she is actually just looking for a random reason to play reincarnation, and she hasn't sent her consciousness to reincarnate for a month.

Just as she was about to do so, the system began to brush up on the presence:

[In view of the fact that the host already has a good ability, the host will be given a random world temporary pass.] ]

Alice looked at the card condensed by the light in her hand, first froze for a moment, and then became excited.

It's going to be crossed again.,What world will you be random to this time?

She pressed the card's button, and the button disappeared, revealing a piece of text on the card.

[Space Traveler 120-year pass, you will experience 120 years of space drifting time in the Avalon spacecraft.] ]

Alice: "..."

It's a pit man!

She has seen the movie "Space Traveler", which is about the Witch and Star-Lord, and tells the story of the male protagonist played by Chris Pratt who wakes up from the hibernation capsule by accident and finds that his hibernation chamber is broken and cannot enter hibernation again.

It will take another 80 years for this space journey to end, and if he can't go into hibernation, he will spend his entire life in this spacecraft.

In order to get rid of his loneliness, he awakens the heroine played by Jennifer Lawrence and spends her life with each other on a spaceship.

Well, that's pretty much the story.

For 120 years, she will waste her life when she is full.

But the tragedy is that she has pressed the button on the card, and she is going to go whether she wants it or not.

Alice wanted to cry without tears.

"System, I'm ¥%#%@¥%#%¥" she ranted at the system in the letter.

Then she lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, she found herself in a hibernation pod, which had been opened.

The system's voice rang out at the same time: "The Avalon spaceship has set sail, all the passengers have gone to sleep, you are the only one awake here, and I wish you a happy journey for the next 120 years." "

"Pleasant you fairy board. "Alice is about to cry, Nima's, 120 years, or 120 years of loneliness, what's the difference between this and putting her in prison!! the system is definitely cheating on her, absolutely yes! Let me go home, I don't want to stay here!! ."