
Transcend Time

VOLUME 1 (ONGOING) Two angels fell in love during their last moments alive. A tragic ending. Then a rebirth. Join Eris and Daylon on their journey to discover who they truly are and remember their past to an extent all while falling in love. The struggles of teenage boys and girls are hard but what happens when you realize you're not your average teenager? That you are a mythical creature? She's the darkness and he's the light. Read their story to accompany them on their adventure filled quest for love and discovery. There's a lot of pain, tears, tragedy and suffering but there's also a lot of laughter, happiness, growth and love. Two angels, the light and the darkness. Transcending time together. VOLUME 2 (COMING SOON) Eris and Daylon are back in action! They must fight off the existing evil that challenges the peace of their loved ones while managing their lives as seniors and finding time to grow their love. She's with him, and he's with her. Eris will massacre anyone that dares hurt him and Daylon will obliterate anyone that speaks Ill of her. Things take a turn unexpectedly as they remember their past fully and discover their lost home and family, what's left of it that is. Would they be able to accept their past, keep their loved ones safe, keep the flames of their love burning, and still be alive for their graduation? Read on to find out what happens in the end. VOLUME 3 (COMING SOON) Being an adult usually requires getting a degree and a boring job but not for this mythical couple! They're back, stronger, matured and more in tuned romantically. And so is the heartbreak. Fate plays a cruel trick on them and causes a separation between the two mythical beings. Would they ever unite again? During the separation, danger looms for Eris's race and she discovers the hidden power of darkness that was long ago sealed in her being before her rebirth. To defeat the villain and save her race, she must team up with Daylon to uncover the divine power of light and darkness. But how will she do that when he's settled with someone else? Read to find out if everything burns or is saved, and to see if their love would transcend time once again.

EstherX_8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 17

"Hey, evening" he greets me,

"Evening" a smile purses on my lips, his presence always made me smile. He leads the way and I follow.

We arrive at the park and we sit on a bench, the stars decorate the sky and the moon dances with them,

"Beautiful isn't it?" He says lost in the stars, his eyes twinkling with them,

"Yes very" the words escape my lips, I feel his hand on mine,

"Eris, can I ask you something?" He starts,

"Um yeah sure"

"Is your family really like that? You look happy when you're in school and only few people can tell you're in a lot of pain" his words force thoughts in my head,

"Well, yeah, they're like that. From the day I was born" I smile a little, "appearances are deceiving, some things are not what we see them as" my words reach him, "it doesn't really matter anymore"

"You matter Eris" his words hit me and I turn to face him, his eyes were twinkling, "no matter what anyone says you'll always be important to me. I know we barely know each other but from the first day I met you I felt a connection, it's something I can't explain but I know it's there, because I can feel it"

"Daylon" his name escapes my lips unknowingly,

"I was destined to meet you and be your friend, it's fate" he gazes at the stars once more and then looks at me, "I'm happy I transferred schools" he sighs happily, "you might think I'm just being nice or dramatic but all these words are from the heart. You are important"

"I..." I barely had words anymore, he's making me feel so special, "thank you" was all I had,

"You should get used to all these words, I won't spare an opportunity to say them" he grins triumphantly.

I wish I could explain to him what I see whenever I look into his eyes or the dreams I have. But I fear he may think I'm just being paranoid, Mrs Brown was right. But what if it means something.

Then I'm an Angel.

And he's an Angel.

And we both died.

A migraine hits me square in the face and my discomfort calls his attention,

"Eris? Are you okay?" He places his palm on my face, "maybe you're coming down with a flu" he removes his hoodie and wraps it around me,

"No, I'm fine" I refuse, my eyes rest on him and his toned abs that were stretching against the fitted black long sleeve he wore, "you need it" I put it back on him, it's better that way.

I'm such a pervert.

"No, besides you look cute in it" he wears it for me, zips it up and pulls the hood over my head, "you look like a black cat; cute but dangerous" he grins, I roll my eyes but don't fight back, I liked the smell of it.

"I can't wear this back, Debbie will never stop talking about it" I sigh in defeat at the funny truth,

"Then consider it yours!" He makes fun of me, that's exactly what he wants, for everyone to talk. I smile a little and stare at the stars, "what are you thinking of?" His question intrude my thoughts,

"School, the tests actually" I lie and he sighs in defeat slumping on the bench, "what's wrong? Don't like tests??" I make fun of him,

"Only maths test" he sulks until a lightbulb flashes, "let's make a deal!"

"What kind of deal?" I'm interested,

"Be my maths tutor and I'll be your history tutor" he peers into my face, "not bad huh?"

"I don't know" I rampage my head for an excuse, "I mean, Debbie's there" a smirk creeps up my lips,

"Eris please!" He goes on his knees with folded hands,

"What are you doing?!" It looked so awkward,

"Please Eris you gotta help me! You don't know what my mom looks like when she's angry, you just saw her happy face!"

"Okay fine!" I pout and immediately his pleading face turns into the brightest of smiles, "whenever you're free just stride over" I roll my eyes,

"Trust me I won't disappoint! When I'm done with you history is going to be the only thing you love!" He brags and this forces a laugh out of me, "you look beautiful when you laugh like that" he stares at me,

"Get up Daylon!" My cheeks flush at his words, "do you have to flirt with every girl you meet?!" I punch his shoulder,

"I only flirt with beautiful girls that can throw a good punch" he remarks like an idiot while rubbing his shoulder, "and you're the only one"

"Why you?!" I throw another punch but he escapes it and runs far away, I chase after him. He needs my fist in his face.

We laugh as we walk back home, it's always fun spending time with Daylon, he makes me feel happy. We reach the window,

"So till tomorrow?" He asks with a smile on and his hands in his pockets,

"Yeah, tomorrow" I smile back and look at the window, I wasn't seeing a way to get up. I turn back and see him crouched offering his hands as support, I take it and he gives me a little boost to reach the ledge, I pull myself up and I'm in the room, "thanks" I whisper at him,

"No problem" he sets to leave,

"Wait! Your hoodie!" I attempt to quickly take it up but a hand gesture stops me,

"It's yours remember" he chuckles lightly and leaves.

I trace the fabric and I feel a thump in my heart, a smile creeps up my lips and is followed by a blush, he's really sweet. I inhale his scent and it gives me goosebumps, I didn't want to take it off anymore.

I jump in bed after glancing at my phone's clock which read 11:25pm, I cuddle my sister and place my head on her back. I close my eyes smiling and her breathing puts me to sleep.

He didn't look like an angel but he definitely did act like one.

"Eris! Eris!"

I respond with a loud moan,

"Wake up else we're gonna be late" Debbie shakes me harder but I'm barely budging. I smile in my sleep, "she's not waking up"

She thinks of a plan and it hits her, she grabs her phone and dials my number, my ringtone begins to play as she muffles her laugh,

"Who's calling at this early hour?" I moan out and roll in bed,

"It's Daylon" she lies,

"Daylon?!" I jump out of my bed and scramble to pick it, my eyes dart to her as her laughter penetrates my ears, I throw a pillow at her, "not funny!"

"You should've seen yourself, it was so funny!" She loses balance while laughing and falls. I face palm myself and try to hide my blush, I thought it was urgent,

"Just get in the shower!"

"So Now you wanna go to school? Because Daylon's going to be there?" She jokes.

I sigh and push her into the bathroom, she's always making fun of me.

"Don't look now Eris but here comes Daylon" she whispers playfully into my ears and my eyes spot his smile that always knew how to light up a dark room, "I know he gave you the sweater you were wearing"

"Oh be quiet!" My response makes her giggle even more. He's leaning on his locker talking to his friends with hands in his pocket, he's wearing a classic white round neck and some ripped blue jeans and sneakers that rhyme with his color code,

"Morning Eris" he greets me from a distance,

"Morning" I greet back with a small wave,

"Excuse me boys" he excuses himself and strides over to me tall, proud and confident, "so Eris, ready for maths?" He shows his pearls,

"Only if you don't chicken out" I grin,

"You're supposed to make me feel relaxed not scare me away" he scolds and the playfulness in his eyes hit me,

"My Way's always been different sweetheart"

"That's what makes you special" he whispers.

"Hey Daylon! Let's get to class!!" One of his friends call out to him and I could tell his pals were laughing,

"Be right behind you!" He answers back and turns to me, "so see you in class?" He chuckles a little and takes his leave.

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