
Transcend Time

VOLUME 1 (ONGOING) Two angels fell in love during their last moments alive. A tragic ending. Then a rebirth. Join Eris and Daylon on their journey to discover who they truly are and remember their past to an extent all while falling in love. The struggles of teenage boys and girls are hard but what happens when you realize you're not your average teenager? That you are a mythical creature? She's the darkness and he's the light. Read their story to accompany them on their adventure filled quest for love and discovery. There's a lot of pain, tears, tragedy and suffering but there's also a lot of laughter, happiness, growth and love. Two angels, the light and the darkness. Transcending time together. VOLUME 2 (COMING SOON) Eris and Daylon are back in action! They must fight off the existing evil that challenges the peace of their loved ones while managing their lives as seniors and finding time to grow their love. She's with him, and he's with her. Eris will massacre anyone that dares hurt him and Daylon will obliterate anyone that speaks Ill of her. Things take a turn unexpectedly as they remember their past fully and discover their lost home and family, what's left of it that is. Would they be able to accept their past, keep their loved ones safe, keep the flames of their love burning, and still be alive for their graduation? Read on to find out what happens in the end. VOLUME 3 (COMING SOON) Being an adult usually requires getting a degree and a boring job but not for this mythical couple! They're back, stronger, matured and more in tuned romantically. And so is the heartbreak. Fate plays a cruel trick on them and causes a separation between the two mythical beings. Would they ever unite again? During the separation, danger looms for Eris's race and she discovers the hidden power of darkness that was long ago sealed in her being before her rebirth. To defeat the villain and save her race, she must team up with Daylon to uncover the divine power of light and darkness. But how will she do that when he's settled with someone else? Read to find out if everything burns or is saved, and to see if their love would transcend time once again.

EstherX_8 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 18

Maths class and other classes come and go like a gentle summer breeze and it's break, I'm trying to finish up the extra homework I received as fast as I could so I could rest.

I sink in my chair after I close my notebook and let out a sigh, I look at my makeshift bracelet and my fingers slowly dance on the feathers, there was something about it that drew me to it. Probably because it's a feather from a mythical creature. Well not mythical anymore.


I turn to see who called my attention and my gaze rests on a pair of emerald orbs,

"Did you miss me?" He grins,

"Not really" I answer, he takes his seat and places a stack of books on my desk,

"Too bad, I missed you" he flirts,

"No way! You have the latest edition!" I marvel at the textbook and he rolls his eyes, "perks of being a rich kid" I grin ear to ear at him,

"I don't like it" he pouts, he dips his hand into his bag and brings out a lunch box,

"Mommy made lunch for you too?!" My grin was getting wider,

"She insisted" he sighs and peers into the container, he sighs even louder, "she made too much, want some?" He pushes the box towards me and goes after his bag for something else,

"No I can't, she made it all for you" I kindly decline,

"I don't think she had only me in mind when she made it" he brings out two bottles of juice, pineapple and orange, with an exhausted look, "besides you can't teach me on an empty stomach"

I smile at him, "I can't join you, thank you for the offer"

"Eris" he brings out two forks as proof, "she put two forks, she obviously wants me to share" he sighs and hands one over to me, "there's double of everything. The cuts of meat, the cabbage, the eggs, corn. Oh and look, there are TWO tarts for dessert. She didn't make lunch, she made a feast!"

I burst out in a fit of giggles, "okay, maybe I'll join you" my statement lights him up, he says a quick prayer and we dig in, "your mom's really good" I praise,

"Yah she is, but I'm sure you're good too" I eye him and he laughs, "so what do you think maths test is going to look like?"

"Well" I swallow, "Mr Brown loves difficult things so expect tough questions, but there's a trick" I sip the pineapple juice, "the question is twisted but the basics still apply. Once you figure out where to use the basics, everything becomes clear"

"That's it?!" He couldn't believe it, I nod in affirmation, "I knew I was right to pick you" he sings my praises yet again,

"So that's what we'll be doing today. The basics" I chew slowly and his phone rings, he grabs it and cuts it immediately after seeing the caller, "looks like you are not in the mood to speak to anyone"

"She bugs me all the time!" He growls,

"Who is it?"

"No one important" he puts off his phone and slips it in his back pocket, "well the food's all gone so why don't we get down with maths?" He's full and pumped.

I head down to my locker and I spot Debbie talking with a boy, she was acting so shy and all, a smirk decorates my face,

"Hey there!" I enter the conversation,

"Hi" the boy responds,

"Eris, you're back. This is Bryan, Bryan Amberdale" she introduces him,

"Eris Stone, nice to meet you Bryan" we shake hands with smiles.

Bryan is about Daylon's height and possess similar build with him too. He has fuzzy and curly brown hair and enchanting brown eyes, a moderate nose and a great smile, he's also lightskin. He's in geography class with Debbie and judging from his movements, he was into her.

"So we'll see when you're free?" He winks at her with his books in his hand, about leaving,

"Yeah sure" she blushes like a fool and he walks away,

"So Bryan huh" I stretch out,

"He's so..." She sighs lovingly then in exasperation, "you're going to take revenge on me aren't you?" She puts her books in her locker,

"Well" I start and follow her gesture, I lean on my locker, "I don't know but I'm sure you wouldn't mind being in his arms for the whole day"

"Eris stop!" She whines covering her cheeks, she was so red right now and she could barely contain herself,

"Oh I love payback" I laugh triumphantly.

The sun sets and rises and we're having gym class. I'm doing Russian twists with a weight and Debbie does jumping jacks, she collapses on the floor beside me,

"How do you do it Eris?!" She wheezes, "how many abs do you have?" She was panting like a dog,

"It's not so hard if you put in more effort" I roll my eyes and drop the weight,

"But I'm giving it my all!!" She adjusts her glasses,

"Better put in more effort. Look at Bryan over there" I point at her crush who's at the pull up bar flexing his muscles, Debbie gulps, her body already ablaze, "don't want him to think you're lazy now do you?" I smirk, she wheezes and gets back to her jumping jacks.

All to impress a guy.

I join her to support, "he's so cute Eris, I don't know how to get him to like me?" She sighs,

"Bryan already likes you"

"He does??!!"

"Yeah he does" I increase my speed, "didn't you know?"

"I had no idea" her face becomes hotter, she looks over at Daylon, "look at him go!"

I see him doing push ups with Mrs Briggs standing right on him, all the girls were gawking at him and I just roll my eyes,

"He's showing off" but I admit it was impressive, no wonder he had that kind of build,

"Give him a break Eris, he deserves to show off a bit" Debbie laughs, "I think he's trying to attract you" he gets up and wipes off all the sweat, his pecs were just begging to be free, it was tempting.

"Whatever" we move to squats but I did mine with weights, I loved the burn and then we were done, "what a workout!" I stretch my limbs,

"Yeah I'm exhausted" she wheezes and checks her watch, "still 10 more minutes left. Wanna stretch?" She offers and I give in,

"Looking good girls!" Daylon and Bryan greet us,

"You guys look good too" Debbie nervously responds, hiding her blush away from her crush while I look Daylon straight in the eye.

That's the difference between us.

"Do you really want a response from me?" I cock my brow, currently I was on my belly and my left leg was stretched over my head,

"I've got the response I need" Daylon whistles and a blush creeps up my cheeks, I jump up to meet his face,

"Why you?!" I try to punch him but he dodges and runs away like the coward he his, "get back here!!" I chase after him and I have to admit it was fun. He could be so naughty at times.

Daylon and Bryan were in the shower washing up all that sweat,

"You just had to step on her toes" Bryan glances at Daylon,

"It's fun to make fun of her. Love her reaction every time!" He laughs at the thought of me chasing him,

"Do you think Debbie likes me? I mean she's nice to me and all" Bryan pours warm water on his head seeking an answer,

"I'm sure she does" Daylon washes his legs, "you should ask her out" he advises,

"I think I would" he smiles.

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