
Twilight 9

The sky above Skylar grew darker every minute. Skylar felt the breeze sting her skin. She stood next to Esme, Alice and Rosalie who were discussing the upcoming game. Jasper, Carlisle and Edward were busy setting up the field.

Skylar had never played baseball or even watched. Being stuck in The Lab for most of her life kept her from experiencing things like this. Even with Natalia, Skylar never watched a game, no one in the house was very into it. So, because this was Skylar's first game of baseball Carlisle wanted it to be memorable.

In the distance, Skylar could hear Edward's car engine. The girls quickly moved forward and Skylar hid behind Alice. She watched Bella hop out of the car and waited for her response.

The two walked over to the 3 vampires and human, whispering between themselves. Bella looked up with a face of surprise at Skye, "Skye? What are you doing here?"

Skylar stepped away from Alice the shield, "Alice invited me,"

Bella nodded and looked up at Edward. He gave her an uncomfortable smile before looking back at his family.

Thunder and lightning strike rolled over the sky and Alice looked down at the bunch with a smug look, "It's time,"

Skylar walked next to Esme who put her arms around her. Then put her other arm around Bella, "I'm glad you two are here, we need umpires,"

"She thinks we cheat," Emmett strolled past the three with a smirk.

"Oh I know you cheat," Esme replied almost instantly.

The vampire gave the three girls a glare before running off to his position. "Call em as you em," Esme instructed.

Bella and Esme crouched at home base while Skylar moved back to her mate. He smiled and gently wrapped his hand around her waist. Skylar kept an eye on Bella ready to move away if she looked back.

Rosalie stepped up to the plate first and took her position. Alice narrowed her eyes at the vampire and hiked her leg up, before throwing the ball. Skylar watched as Rosalie's bat connected with the ball which went flying into the woods. "Now I see why you need the thunder,"

"That's gotta be a home run," Bella said.

Esme curled her lips and shook her head, "Edward's very fast,"

Skylar was sure Rosalie was going to make it back after all she couldn't see Edward. But suddenly she saw the ball come flying from the forest and into Esme's hand. "You're out,"

Rosalie gave Bella a filthy look, "Come on babe, it's just a game,"

She rolled her eyes before walking up to Skylar and gave her a smile, "That was a good hit Rose,"

Carlisle was up next. He winked back at Skylar who blushed before he got in position. Skylar ran her eyes over his body but was nudged by Rosalie who gave her a playful smile. "What?"

Carlisle's bat hit the ball and went flying into the forest as he took off towards first base. Skye watched as both Edward and Emmett jumped for the ball. Emmett almost had it but Skylar took control of the ball and flicked her wrist a bit making the ball go up a few centimetres more. Just out of the vampire's reach that he crashed into Edward. She cheered when Carlisle made it back to home base.

As Carlisle high fived his mate, he intertwined their fingers and pulled her into him. Skylar laughed, no longer caring about Bella's prying eyes.

Jasper moved up to the plate next. Alice pitched the ball and Jasper hit with a crack. The ball disappeared into the forest, "Stop!"

Skylar's head snapped to Alice who was distressed. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open, "They were leaving when they heard us,"

Carlisle froze and looked down to his mate who looked confused. He didn't want to worry her so he grabbed her hand and led her over to Edward. "Get them out of here and take her with you,"

Edward nodded and grabbed the girls hands "Come on, let's go,"

"No, it's too late!" Alice called.

Carlisle gave Skylar a sorrowful look before removing his jersey and hat. He gave his items to Skylar, "Put these on and untie your hair. I'm so sorry about this,"

"What? Why? Carlisle, what's happening?" Skylar asked as she pulled the jersey over her and placed the hat on her untied hair. Alice and Rosalie stood in front of Skylar as they shielded her from the three vampires that were entering the field.

Her eyes looked to the redhead first. She had a smug look and her red eyes watched the group. The man in the middle had dark skin and dreadlocks, he looked like the leader of the group. Skylar noticed her held the ball that Jasper had hit. Finally, she looked at the last one. He had blonde hair that was tied back into a pony tail. His lips scowled as he examined each member of the coven.

Skylar glared a the three vampires, she allowed the feeling of her powers to take over her. She had an inkling that these vampires were going to cause trouble. She was prepared to attack if need be.

"I believe this belongs to you," the leader of the group spoke up as he threw the ball to Carlisle.

Carlisle caught the ball and twisted it in his fingers, "Thank you,"

"I am Laurent and this is James and Victoria," he introduced.

"I'm Carlisle and this is my family. I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused somewhat of a mess for us," he said with slight annoyance in his voice.

"Our apologies," Laurent said calmly, "We didn't realize this territory was claimed,"

"Yes well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby,"

Skylar saw the look of surprise on the 3 vampires, "Well we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through,"

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east," Victoria spoke up.

Skylar's eyes landed on James who was intensely watching Edward and Bella. She entered Edwards mind and watched as he read James' thoughts, ready for his next move. "I'm the one with the wicked curveball,"

She left Edwards mind and looked to Victoria. She must've missed some of the conversations and assumed they were joining the game. The new editions to the game started walking to their places when a wind rushed in. Great.

Skylar's hair flew back and she turned around hands at the ready. James' eyes landed on Bella, "You brought a snack,"

The Cullen's crouched in an attack position and Edward hissed at the vampire. Skylar brought her hands a little higher and let her eyes change to golden orange. "The girl is with us. I think it's best if you leave,"

"I can see the game is over now," Laurent said, "We'll be leaving now...James,"

James stared at Bella for a moment before turning to Skylar. He saw her golden orange eyes, they were a warning. He smirked and walked away with his coven.

Carlisle was over to Skylar in a flash and he was pulling her to Edwards jeep. He flung the door open and help Skylar into the jeep, "Carlisle what's going on,"

"I'll explain later. Go with Edward and Bella, I'll meet you back at the house,"

She didn't get another word from him and watched as he sped to his car. Skylar shut the door and buckled her seat belt. "Edward, care to tell us what's happening?"

"James, he's a tracker. The hunt is his obsession and my reaction at the field set him off. This is going to be his most exciting chase yet. He's never going to stop," Edward explained.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Bella asked as she looked back at Skylar in the back seat.

"We have to kill him. Rip him apart and burn the pieces," Skylar's mouth dropped open. It wasn't because of how gory James' death would be. It was because of Edwards thoughts, he had asked Skylar to rip him apart with her powers. She knew she could do it, but that would bring back to many memories.

"Where are we going to now?"

"We're going to a ferry in Vancouver,"

"No! I have to go home," Bella instructed, "Take me home,"

"Carlisle said to meet him back at the house. Get Bella home, then me to Carlisle," Skylar decided.

"I'll tell him I have to go home. Meet me upstairs and help me pack," Bella planned as the pulled up to their house.

The couple got out, leaving Skylar on her own. She pulled out her phone and rang Natalia.


"Nick?" Skylar's friend who she considered a brother answered the phone. She smiled at the sound of his voice. He had been away in Russia for the past month on an important mission. Nicholas or Nick had electromagnetism, the ability to manipulate electromagnetism.

"Yeah, it's Nick who else?"

"Is Natalia there?" she asked.

"Yeah, just hold on," Nick pulled the phone away from him, "NATALIAAAA! SKYLAR WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!"

There was a moment of silence when Natalia's familiar voice came through, "What is it, Skylar?"

"I'm taking Bella Swann to Phoenix. There's someone after us, mainly her but it could be me too," she explained.

"It's the tracker isn't it," Natalia said plainly.

"Yes - wait you know about the vampires?" Skylar was confused

"Henry...and I didn't fully know until you gave it away,"

"Oh okay then um...yeah so I'm going to Phoenix. I'll be back,"

"That's fine, as long as you come home safe and sound,"

Skylar wasn't scared, she didn't need to be. She could control her powers enough to protect herself. But she still didn't like the idea of hurting someone even if that someone wanted to hurt her and the people she loved.
