
Twilight 8

It had been a whole week since Skylar found out she was Carlisle's mate. She had been hanging out at the Cullen household all week she was usually dragged away by Alice so they could spend some 'girl time'. Carlisle and Skye had hardly got time with themselves.

Edward was bringing Bella over to meet the family which made Skye a little nervous. She didn't really want Bella to know about her and Carlisle or her past. Jasper explained to Carlisle how Skye was feeling so decided to take her mind off it and go for a walk. "So Alice is Jasper's mate and Rosalie is Emmetts?"

"Yes, Rose found Emmett after he was attacked by a bear. I changed him and they have been inseparable since. Believe it or not, they're actually married," Skylar raised her eyebrows, "Alice had a vision of Jasper before she met him. They met at a diner in Philadelphia. Alice told him about our coven and they joined us in the '50s,"

"Wow, that so nice," Skylar smiled.

"How have you coped with what happened to you?" Carlisle put his hands in his pockets as he waited for his mate's response.

Skylar had to think hard, "I don't know really. Maybe because I wanted to experience what normal people did. I wanted to have a better life and I knew that one-day things would get better. I tried to look onto the world with positive thoughts, not everyone is like Papa, Dr Morganstar,"

The two walked in silence. As they walked they got closer together, their shoulders began to brush.

"So what about you? When did you turn?"

"I was born in London in 1640. My father was a pastor and he hunted vampires. Once he got too old, I took over the hunts. I was on a hunt when I turned," Carlisle sighed, "when I was bitten, I found a potato cellar to hide in during the change. I knew what my father was going to do if he saw what I had become,"

"After the change, I was horrified at what I was. I tried everything I could to kill myself. Drowning, starvation, everything. One day I was hiding in a cave when I saw a deer coming by. I was so hungry I couldn't stop myself from attacking it. After that, I decided to feed on animal blood,"

Skylar frowned, "So sorry that must have been so hard,"

Carlisle shook his head smiling, "I'm grateful now as crazy as that sounds. I found Edward and Esme and then the rest followed. Now I've found you,"

Skylar blushed and looked down at the ground, "I used to think of myself one way, a machine when I was with The Lab. But now I am something else, I'm still me I think...I don't know,"

Her mate smiled down at her and took her hand, "You just need guidance to help you feel comfortable around people, to trust them. I want to show you something, it might cheer you up,"

Skylar narrowed her eyes at the doctor but followed after him. It was another nice day in Forks as Carlisle led Skye over to where some sun rays came through the forest canopy. He dropped her hand and walked to the rays.

The man began unbuttoning his blue shirt and turned around to face Skylar. Her eyes widened in awe as the sun hit his skin. Skylar then walked up to the vampire.

She reached out her hand to touch his skin, "You know this doesn't make you very scary,"

His skin was sparkling in the sunlight. To Skylar, it looked like a thousand diamonds all shining at once.

"I know, but I thought it might lift your spirits," Carlisle spoke softly.

"Spirits lifted," She nodded.

The man moved out of the sun and began to fix his buttons. Skylar blushed when he saw her watching him.

"Come on Skye, let's go see Bella," The vampire grabbed her hand as they made their way back to the house. Once inside, Skylar walked to the kitchen to see what Esme was cooking.

"What are you making?"

"Italiano," Esme replied.

"Is she even Italian?" Rose came in the room with an annoyed expression.

Emmett turned around as he chopped up some food, "Her name is Bella,"

"I'm sure she'll love it anyway," Skylar smiled, then jumped when Carlisle appeared behind her, "I know I will,"

Suddenly all the vampires stuck their noses to the air and breathed in. However, Skylar grabbed the counter. Carlisle put his hand on her back, "Are you okay?"

"You guys can smell her scent, but I can feel her presence. She's so nervous that it made me feel dizzy," Skylar explained.

Rose threw Skylar a supportive smile before saying "Here comes the human,"

Skye tensed and moved closer to Carlisle who put his hand around her waist. They stood by the window so it made it hard for Bella to see Skylar. "Bella, we're making Italiano for you,"

"Bella, this is Esme," Edward spoke up.

"Bon Giorno," Bella said with an uncomfortable tone.

"Molto Bene," Esme smiled and walked back to the stove, "You've given us a reason to use the kitchen for the first time,"

Esme looked at Skylar and wink, she was thankful the vampire didn't give away her hiding spot. "I hope you're hungry," Emmett smirked.

"Oh yeah absolutely," Bella nodded.

"She already ate," Edward mumbled and Skylar rolled her eyes.

She watched as Esme's smile faded and suddenly felt bad for her. Suddenly the bowl that Rose was carrying smashed, "Perfect,"

"It's just because I know you guys don't eat," Bella tried to explain herself.

"Of course, that's very considerate of you," Esme gave her a half-hearted smile.

"Just ignore Rosalie, I do," Edward said, making Rose dislike Bella even more.

"Yeah, let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us!" she almost shouted. Skylar looked up to Carlisle, his eyes were on Rosalie.

"I would never tell anyone," Bella explained.

Skylar tried not to laugh. Bella had spoken to Skylar a few days before about the Cullens being vampires. Carlisle squeezed my hand, I noticed his tension so I put my other hand on top of his.

"She knows that," Esme gave Rose the death stare.

"Yeah well the problem is you two have gone public now...," Emmett said backing up his wife.

Carlisle let go of Skye and stepped into view. Skylar continued to watch him but pushed herself deeper into the corner, "Emmett,"

"No, she should," Rose cut Carlisle off.

Skylar leaned in to hear what Rose was going to say, "The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly,"

"Badly as in I become the meal," Bella nodded, awkwardly. Emmett chuckled and Skye had to cover her mouth from laughing. Carlisle looked at Skye in the corner with a look of amusement.

Skylar turned her head to see Alice walking in, Jasper following behind. The vampire walked over to Bella and hugged, "Hi Bella, I'm Alice, wow you do smell good,"

Edward raised his eyebrows before narrowing her eyes, "Alice what...?"

"It's okay, Bella and I are going to be great friends," Bella nodded and looked up to Jasper. He tensed and Skye felt bad for him.

"Sorry Bella, Jasper's our newest vegetarian," Carlisle explained.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Jasper said.

"It's okay Jasper, you won't hurt her," Alice looked her mate up and done.

Skylar cringed and Edward rolled his eyes as he grabbed Bella's hand, "Alright I'm going to take you on a tour of the rest of the house,"

The two walked away and Skylar came out of her hiding place. Alice skipped away with Jasper and Rose threw Skye a smile. Rose didn't care much for Bella or humans in general, but Skylar was happy Rose was giving her a chance.

"Well, I think that went well," Carlisle moved back to Skye.

Skylar rolled her eyes and laughed, "That was the most awkward thing I've experienced,"

"Clean this up," Esme pointed to the glass on the floor, "Now,"

Skylar walked over to Rose and put her hands out. The glass shards moved and brought the bowl back together, "I can't save the salad but I fixed the bowl,"

Rosalie thanked the human before Carlisle grabbed her hand and pulled her away. She noticed a large cross outside the door and assumed it was Carlisle's office. "What is this?"

"This is my office," Carlisle said then noticed that Skye was looking at the cross, "That was my father's,"

"Do you still believe in God, even though you're a vampire?" she asked.

"Yes, what about you?" Carlisle answered the question without hesitation.

Skylar thought for a bit, "I never taught much about God in The Lab. But Natalia taught me about it, so I guess I do. Even if he isn't really there has to be something that's higher up than us,"

Carlisle smiled and turned the doorknob, "Is Natalia like you?"

Skylar stepped into the office, "Yes everyone in the home is gifted, Natalia has the same ability as Jasper," Skylar looked around the room, it was bright. Some paintings hung on the wall along with another cross. In the middle of the room was an oak desk and chair. "Wow,"

Carlisle chuckled and leant against his desk, "Tell me more about Natalia. I've spoken to her before but there's something familiar about her,"

Skylar smiled, "I'm really sure about Natalia's story. I know she comes from Italy, though her accent is gone. She grew up here and I know that she had a lover but she never talks about him. I read her mind once and saw that he was killed by some Kings a while ago,"

"Also, Natalia and Henry - our butler slash best friend keeps talking about a connection you and I have. Henry's a telepath like me so he picked up on it," Skylar added.

"You're my mate, that must have been it. Were they against it?" Carlisle asked.

"I don't think so. But I don't want to say anything yet I'll let them lose sleep over it as cruel as that sounds," She said.

Carlisle hummed and looked down at the ground. That's why he knew Natalia, she was in love with a vampire named Will who refused to give Natalia to the Volturi so they killed him. Carlisle didn't want to tell Skylar anything just yet, he assumed she didn't know that Natalia knew that vampire's existed.

Skylar was now sitting down in his letter chair spinning it around. Carlisle walked over to her and stopped the chair spinning as he looked her into eyes. Skylar sighed before meeting his, "Rosalie really doesn't like Bella,"

"Why?" she asked.

"She believes Edward is risking our family by telling Bella our secret. She's happy here, she doesn't want to move anymore," Carlisle explained.

"Then why doesn't she care about me knowing,"

"With you it's different. You have a secret and a past that would hurt you if it got out into society. She also doesn't mind because of how horrible you've been treated so she doesn't want to treat you like she treats Bella. I think she understands how careful you have to be,"

Skye hummed, "And we're not doing anything, therefore, people don't take notice. They won't unless you and I go public like Bella and Edward,"

Carlisle frowned, "I know,"

Silence fell between the two once again. Skylar really wanted to be with the doctor, she felt safe with him. But then again she was worried about the age difference and what would people think. That was her little problem, she cared what people thought.

Skylar decided she wanted to wait a little longer before she spoke to Carlisle about their relationship.

"It's supposed to be stormy tomorrow. We're playing a game of baseball if you'd like to join us," Carlisle asked.

"Of course just tell me when and where," Skylar smiled.
