
Tower of God: Gamer System

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Ch. 37 20th Floor pt. 1

( Zero Pov )

" Then you wrap it around like this and pull it... gently!!"

" Ah!" I shouted as Arie pulled my hair as she taught Arie to braid hair since I was going to cut it.

" You're not being gentle, you know?!" I shouted.

" Oh? Is that so? I'm just teaching Yui how to braid hair. So shut up." She replied, pulling my hair again.

And Seung? He was across the room drinking tea after Yui used him as a testing dummy with those messy braids.

" It's your time now." He muttered before pushing me into the hands of the devils.

And I am suffering the hands of Arie as she didn't hold back, but luckily, Yui is gentle with her hands as she braids my hair.

" You're the absolute worst hairstylist." I said to Arie, who almost punched, but luckily, I dodged in time as I picked up Yui.

" Come on, let's see what the 20th floor has to offer. " I said as I walked out of the door.

" Yay! Let's get some food!" Yui shouted.

" Alright, alright, we'll get some food." I said as I put Yui down.

I put on my sunglasses as my mask got ruined on the last mission we took to find an eels egg, which are delicious.

We found a cafe that sold Yui's favorite sweets. Seung got a sweet tooth from the time Yui offered some to him. And Arie was drinking tea like the noble lady she is, and I was eating just snacks from my system rewards.

" So, what do you think the test will be?" I looked at Seung, who ate a cupcake from Yui's hand.

" A fight between regulars with only one that passes to the next round. The next test will be in a team of seven." Seung remembered from his memories.

I nodded, and just as I was about to speak, I felt a little disturbance in the Shinsu in the air as I looked outside.

A FUG member walked through the streets, his long hair swaying in the wind.

' Bam?' I thought as I saw his eyes.

" It's a FUG member. Yui, do you remember how to lower your presence?" I looked at Yui, who stopped wagging her tail and immediately lowered her presence, and so did everyone.

" We don't know if any other FUG are around. It's best to keep yourself hidden and act normal. " I spoke with a serious face.

I already spotted a few FUG members in the street, and in the crowd, it seems they are here to monitor Bam and not to protect him since I could feel the strength radiating from Bam.

" Sigh, looks like everything will be going into chaos..."

" What do you mean?" Arie asked as she put her hand on her sword.

" A slayer candidate is on the same floor as us. We need to be careful. He's strong, but we don't know how strong he is." I said as I slapped Arie's hand off her sword.

" We need to finish this floor test faster than we thought." Insaid as I got up.

" Come on, it's best we hurry up and get off this floor." Everyone nodded as they stood up, and we quickly packed up and headed towards the test administrator's building.

As we ram towards the building in the distance, Yui was tying my hair into a ponytail since we didn't have time to cut my hair.

" Shit! Looks like we have separate rooms." I said as I looked at everyone's room number.

" Alright, everyone. Try not to attract too much attention. If you have a chance not to fight, then don't fight." I looked at everyone who nodded and went to their respected rooms.

As I opened the doorz I found it to be empty.

' Lokks like I'm the first one here.' I thought before hearing the door open.

Someone tried to attack but immediately swatted it before grabbing his neck and slamming him to the ground to knock him out.

I waited for the rest to show, and it wasn't too hard to beat them. After defeating every regular, I was taken to the elevator and down to a stage with the test administrator standing on as I took a seat.

I locked eyes with the test administrator.

It didn't take long for the others to show up, and it was only us, seung, Yui, Arie, and me, which made the test administrator's eye twitch.

He coughed into his hands as he brought up some machine.

" For the next test, you'll be testing your shinsu." He pointed at the machine and the numbers on the board that will tell us our shinsu number.

" I'll go first." I said as I manipulated the shinsu to my hand and flicked it to the machine.

This confused the test administrator as he looked at the screen.

548,670 points. I sat back down as I was placed at the number one spot. I gave Arie a challenging look as she stood up next.

237,594 points. Thus enraged Arie as she tried to strike down the machine with her sword, but the test administrator stopped her.

Next was Yui, who punched the machine with her claws that busted with a blue flame.

78,560 points, placing her in third.

And Seung got a score of 78,540 points. We all looked at him with a disappointed look as he turned his face away in embarrassment.

" Ahem! Well, it seems there is less of you. The next test requires seven members. So I suggest we wait for the next group yo arrive. " He finished as i looked at him.

" Wait? Why should we? When we're already a team. I think it's best you should let us go." I spoke.

" That's the rules. Are you challenging the towers rules?" He argued.

I stood up and looked at him dead in the eye as I increased the shinsu in the room. And I'm sure he noticed as he narrowed his eyes.b

" Fine, since you look like a good boy." I replied.

We all sat back down as everyone relaxed as I'm sure they thought we would have to fight.

" Looks like our chance meeting with "him" has increased." I said to the group as they nodded.

" Well, I think it's best that it's time to stop hiding." Arie spoke as I raised an eyebrow at her.

" Oh, come on! How long are you going to hide behind that mask... I mean sunglasses! Aren't you confident that you could now face them?!" She spoke, taking my sunglasses off.

I looked at my system. [ Level 64 ] I was already stronger than most rankers.

' She's right. I've been hiding like a cockroach. I guess it's time to face reality now.'

" Sigh, you're right. I mean, we all improved in the last three years. So I guess it's time we start making names for ourselves." I replied.

" Ahem! I think you don't need to worry about making a name for yourselves, Ashborn, the Cold king. " the test administrator spoke

I gave him an annoyed look before he Aldo stated the others.

" Seung, the silent demon. Arie Oteria. The sword princess and Yui, the mascot."

Arie had a smug look and Yui looked like she was about to burst in anger from her title.

" We're having a moment here, doll face!!" I shouted, which irked him.

We now had to wait for the next group, which also means our points are invalid, but we still pass.