
Chapter 2: A Happy Occasion

"Max Adams and Gemma Reed Are Engaged!

Max Adams proposed to his long-term partner, Gemma Reed, this weekend. Reed took to social media to announce the news to her many loyal followers.

"Said yes to the best man I know! @MaxAdams," she captioned in regard to a photo of her very impressive sparkler.

Fans, family, and friends have flooded her comment section with congratulations for the happy couple. Sources close to the couple share with Page Nine that it was only a matter of time - "Gemma and Max have been together for a long time. This was inevitable."

As we reported earlier in the week, Adams and Reed were spotted jetting into France together. We can only assume that they flew there for the proposal - can you say romance? Hopefully, we get photos of the proposal soon!

The happy couple are said to be ecstatic and ready to jump into this next chapter of their lives together. The corporate lawyer and Publicist have been together for 6 years in total, although we aren't sure how the two met.

What we do know is that the wedding is sure to be a grand affair. Of course, Max is part of the prestigious Adams family - well known for their wealth and influence in the city.

According to leading Jewelry expert, Jade Danson, the rock on Adams' finger is a large, emerald-cut diamond - "at least 6 carats". We can only imagine how much Adams spent on the brilliant gem but if it's any indication, the wedding will be the event of the season.

Congratulations to the happy couple from everyone here at Page Nine. We can't wait to keep following this amazing love story!"

"Well," Gemma drawled sarcastically as she scrolled through the article. "Thank you, Page Nine - I guess."

She was laying down on one of the couches in the living area of their suite in Paris. She'd been sifting through good wishes for a few hours since announcing their engagement. Admittedly, she was impressed Page Nine had written this up so quickly.

Max chuckled as he came back into the living room with a champagne bottle and two glasses. He beamed at Gemma happily, his platinum locks flopping over his forehead untidily as he approached her.

"Why are you reading that?" Max enquired as he set the bottle on the coffee table in front of them and looked at Gemma curiously.

Gemma shrugged and gave him a loving smile as she tossed her phone onto the couch next to her. "I just like reading about myself. Why else?"

Max shook his head and dropped a kiss on Gemma's head as he sank into the couch beside her. He beamed at Gemma as he popped the cork on the champagne before pouring two glasses and handing one to Gemma.

"Here's to us," Max said softly as he deeply looked into Gemma's eyes. "I knew from the moment I met you that we'd be here one day."

Gemma snorted and gave Max a disbelieving look, causing him to chuckle and shrug. "Okay, maybe it was that moment at the diner where you inhaled that cheeseburger."

Gemma giggled and raised her glass again with a smile. "Attaboy!"

They clinked their glasses together and shared a sweet kiss before sipping on their drinks appreciatively.

"You are truly something else, my Love," Max said as he smiled at Gemma with a twinkle in his eye. Gemma smirked at Max and gave him a slow kiss before pulling back and winking at him.

"I can't believe we're engaged!" Gemma squealed happily as she looked down at her hand. "And this rock - I have never loved anything more."

Max snorted in amusement and shot Gemma an amused look.

She shrugged abashedly and kissed Max on the cheek. "Obviously, not more than I love you though."

"Obviously," Max answered dryly with a smirk and a shake of his head. "I'm happy you love it and that you said yes."

Gemma punched him in the shoulder playfully and gestured around their hotel suite. "How could you worry about that? Look around - this was completely amazing."

There were stray rose petals strewn across the suite from the proposal the night before as well as the remnants of candles. The Eiffel Tower was visible through the open balcony door - giving them an excellent view and letting the busy sounds of the city filter into the room.

Gemma sighed happily as she remembered the scene from the night before. Max had the staff fill the room with white pillar candles and rose petals - creating a trail through the room and straight to the balcony.

When Gemma had stepped outside, she'd found Max on his one knee in a heart made of roses - the Eiffel Tower twinkling in the background against a clear night sky.

"Besides," Gemma murmured softly as she took Max's hand in her own. "I do love you more than anything and anyone."

Max looked at Gemma with soft eyes and cleared his throat then looked away briefly before grabbing her hand. "Were you surprised?" he asked with a grin as he wrapped his arm around Gemma and pulled her closer.

Gemma nodded into Max's chest, her eyes locked on her engagement ring once more. "I was babe, I didn't think you were actually paying attention to all my hints."

Max threw his head back and laughed, causing Gemma to smirk a little. They both thought of the many things Gemma was amazing at - subtly was not one.

"Baby," Max drawled. "I don't think you know what a hint is. You put the ring catalog in front of me with all the ones you liked circled."

Gemma shrugged unrepentantly. "You knew to propose in Paris though. I didn't have to tell you to do that."

Max laughed and shook his head before sipping on his champagne. "Only because Kit showed up one day with a thick binder - a really thick binder. So you cannot claim you didn't tell me where, when, and how."

Gemma shrugged again causing Max to shake his head in amusement and sigh. He looked down at Gemma and squeezed her fondly - pulling her closer.

"Well, we have a few more days here and then it's back to reality,” he said.

Gemma pouted slightly. "Don't remind me! I want to live in this moment forever."

"What about wedding planning?" Max asked with a knowing smile, causing Gemma to squeal happily and jump up in excitement.

"I can't wait to get started!" Gemma said thoughtfully as she started pacing. "There's a lot to do - especially if people expect it to be the event of the year."

Max chuckled. "No binder this time?"

Gemma shook her head seriously. "I'm going to need more than just a binder. We're going to have to find a wedding planner right away."

Max sighed and sank deeper into the couch. "Do we have to get into that right away? Can't we just enjoy being engaged for a while?"

Gemma nodded furiously before picking up her phone and shoving it in Max's face. "I had to silence my phone - it's still blowing up with messages, well-wishes, and requests. They already want to know who's doing my dress."

Max clapped his hands before standing and holding Gemma still by her shoulders. "Right now, why don't we just enjoy this moment? We can deal with all of that other stuff when we're back in New York."

Gemma looked at Max and smiled softly before nodding in agreement. "You're right! You're right - we just got engaged. We should be tearing this suite up with wild sex."

Max chuckled as he pulled Gemma in close, his tone lowering slightly. "That does sound like fun. Why don't we go on a date first and see about that when we get back."

Gemma nodded with a seductive smile as she wound her arms around Max's neck. "Or, we can have sex before and after our date?"

She kissed Max heatedly, her hands tangling in his hair as she pulled him even closer. Max groaned happily into Gemma's mouth as he enjoyed their heated kiss. He frowned into the kiss as he felt his pocket vibrating.

He pulled away from Gemma in frustration and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He looked at the screen and glanced at Gemma. "It's Kit."

Gemma watched him curiously as he answered the phone before immediately pulling it away from his ear with a wince from the loud squealing on the other end. "I think it's for you."

Gemma snatched the phone out of Max's hand happily and skipped across the room as she and Kit started chattering excitedly.

"We have to get on a video call so you can see it from ALL the angles!" Gemma laughed excitedly.

Max watched with a fond smile as Gemma video-called Kit and they started squealing again.

"Let me go outside so you can see it in the light!" Gemma gushed to Kit as she scurried outside. Max sank into the couch with his champagne with an amused sigh.

"I guess it's back to reality already."