
Chapter 1: Back to The Beginning

Gemma entered the room with a dubious look as she tugged at her black and yellow plaid skirt. "I'm having second thoughts about this costume." She looked down at her outfit again with a slight frown and couldn't help but wonder if the yellow was clashing with her red hair that was falling past her shoulder in a wavy curtain.

The room was dimly lit and the halls were festooned with spider webs, jack-o-lanterns, and other Halloween decorations. Kit had the stereo in the corner playing a Halloween playlist at a moderate volume and the room was scented with a pumpkin spice candle. The whole ambiance nearly hid all the framed photos of Kit and Gemma displayed on the walls.

Kit answered without looking away from the 'Halloween' banner she was affixing to the wall. "What's wrong with it?"

Gemma shrugged and pouted. "I think the yellow is clashing with my hair. What do you think?"

Kit chuckled and finally turned to look at Gemma, studying her with an amused smile. The girl in question had her beautiful green eyes full of doubt while her plump lips were pulled down in a frown as she worried about how she looked.

Fortunately for her, Gemma always managed to look good in everything she wore.

"We can always switch costumes if you want?" Kit suggested as she twirled playfully, showing off her own coordinating black and white plaid outfit. She had chosen to ditch the matching hat, fully showing off her waist-length box braids. The red cardigan she was wearing under her blazer matched her crimson lipstick - both accenting her dark chocolate complexion.

Gemma shrugged and looked at her outfit thoughtfully again. "I guess it's okay but it's a little cliche isn't it?"

"It's a classic!" Kit exclaimed in amusement as she turned to give Gemma a good look at her outfit. "Everyone's going to love it."

Gemma rolled her eyes but smiled at Kit anyway. "I guess you're right. I do look really cute."

"Now that the crisis has been avoided, are you going to help me decorate?" Kit asked dryly.

Gemma looked around the room and smirked playfully. "From what I see, looks like you have everything covered." She shuffled over to the table pressed against one of the living room walls - it was covered in a selection of snacks and drinks. She grabbed the bottle of tequila and waved it at Kit.

Kit chuckled and shook her head playfully as Gemma approached her with the bottle threateningly. "Not even going to use shot glasses, Gem?"

Gemma shrugged as she uncorked the bottle and sniffed the tequila. "It's Halloween! We can get a little wild tonight."

Kit watched with amusement as Gemma took two big swigs from the bottle in quick succession. She accepted the bottle from Gemma with a dubious look before taking her own shots from the bottle.

"Whew!" Kit exclaimed as she felt the tequila blazing down her throat. She handed the bottle back to Gemma and laughed as she immediately poured a good amount into the punch bowl on the table.

"You didn't even taste it first!" Kit giggled as Gemma mixed in the tequila.

Gemma shrugged as she ladled two full cups for her and Kit to enjoy. "More tequila never hurt anyone."

Kit accepted the cup from Gemma and sipped it gingerly. "Okay, just make sure you're not too drunk before most of our guests arrive."

"What?" Gemma exclaimed breezily. "I would never, this is our last Halloween party in our apartment as college students! I just want to make sure it's memorable."

Kit smirked at Gemma. "At the pace you're going, I doubt you'll remember much of tonight."

"Loosen up girl!" Gemma giggled as she turned the music up and started dancing around their living room.

Kit was about to say something when their doorbell went off. She smiled at Gemma before going to let the first of their guests into the apartment. Gemma watched Kit with an excited smile as she carried on dancing - she knew that tonight would be memorable, despite Kit's warning.


Gemma stepped out onto the balcony and sighed in relief as she felt the cool air caress her heated skin. She'd lost the matching jacket to her skirt a few hours earlier but still felt swelteringly hot. The sound of music and conversation filtered out onto the balcony through the open door.

"Hey," a deep voice called out from the other end of the balcony.

Gemma looked to the right, surprised to find a muscular man leaning against the wall with his legs crossed in front of him. His platinum blond locks were perfectly coiffed and he was dressed in a preppy manner - sweater slung over his shoulder, pastel-colored polo shirt, and tan pants.

"Who're you supposed to be?" Gemma asked curiously.

The stranger chuckled and beamed at Gemma before flicking the ash on the end of his cigarette off of the balcony. "I guess it's not obvious without the other half of the costume. I'm Ken."

Gemma giggled and walked closer to the stranger. "Okay, Ken. Where's Barbie?"

Ken shrugged. "Last time I saw him, he was making out with a totally different Ken in a corner."

Gemma chuckled as she finally reached Ken and leaned against the wall next to him. "Barbie's always been a sl*t. Sorry you had to find out that way."

Ken chuckled and looked down at Gemma with interest. "If only I'd had you to warn me earlier…"

"Gemma," Gemma supplied helpfully with a flirty smile and an outstretched hand.

"Max," he responded while enveloping her hand with his own. "The other half of your costume wouldn't happen to be Kit?"

Gemma nodded as she watched Max curiously. "Yeah, do you know her?"

Max chuckled and nodded his head. "Yup. We've had a few classes together over the last few years - she actually tried to set us up once."

Gemma cocked her head quizzically as she looked at Max with interest. "When?"

Max chuckled and placed his hand over his heart. "Ouch, how many guys do you typically stand up?"

Gemma chuckled and shrugged. "I don't have a number off the top of my head but I'm sure I'd remember standing you up."

Max smiled and nodded. "Apparently, you got last-minute tickets to a concert."

Gemma flushed slightly and gave Max a brilliant smile. "Okay - maybe that rings a little bell in the back of my mind."

"And?" Max asked curiously as he stepped closer to Gemma.

"And what?" Gemma asked as she looked up into his eyes.

"Any regrets about going to that concert?" Max asked with twinkling eyes.

Gemma ran her eyes up and down Max's body openly before meeting his gaze with a flirty smile. "I wouldn't say regret, but I am sorry I stood you up."

"I'll accept your apology if you make it up to me," Max smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Gemma giggled and shook her head slightly. "And how would I do that?"

Max shrugged and shoved his hand into his pockets. "I'm hungry and the diner is open late tonight."

Gemma laughed incredulously. "You want me to leave my own party?"

Max nodded with a smile. "You're also paying for my meal."

Gemma shook her head as she laughed before holding her hand out to Max. "Come on then, Ken."


"Look who made their way back home," Kit commented dryly from the couch as Gemma emerged from her bedroom at midday.

Kit was sitting on the couch in her pajamas, a bowl of cereal in her lap as she watched the TV. The room was strewn with empty cups, Halloween decorations, and random parts of various costumes.

Gemma grunted unintelligibly as she made a beeline for the fridge, rummaging through it for orange juice - the one thing that always helped with her hangovers.

"Where did you disappear to?" Kit asked in amusement as she put her cereal aside and watched Gemma collapse onto the couch next to her, the whole carton of juice in her hand.

"I went to the diner," Gemma said breathlessly as she finished taking a giant swig of juice.

Kit raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Gemma. "You ditched our party to go to the diner? You must have had a really strong craving."

Gemma winked at Kit smugly before taking another quick sip. "I didn't have a craving but I had a really strong motivator."

Kit gave Gemma a quizzical look before her mouth fell open as Max emerged from Gemma's room - sleepy and in his underwear.

"Morning ladies," Max greeted hoarsely with a lopsided smile as he walked further into the room.

Kit turned back to Gemma and cackled with glee. "So, you finally met Max, huh?"

Gemma shrugged with a small smile, her eyes locked on Max as he wandered over to her and plucked the carton out of her hand - helping himself.

Kit smiled widely as she watched the two stare at each other with sappy smiles. Gemma and Max had seemingly forgotten that she was even there.

Kit shook her head and pointed at the two of them. "I better be your Maid of Honor one day!"

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