
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs

The Sea 1

The sound of scooping water echoed in the bilge.

Three girls were standing in the cleared area, scooping the accumulated water in the bilge into buckets with sweat on their foreheads.

Hobart, short and sturdy, became the laborer responsible for carrying the buckets up. Raymon and Bark, with curly hair, fished out the sea clan corpses floating in the accumulated water together and put them in separate buckets.

Although not the oldest, the steady Raymon had the highest strength. The reasons he gave were also convincing to others.

"Elvis is a knight. Even Jeffery is one level higher than us. From boarding the ship, we have entered the world of wizards. So don't expect fairness. Don't forget Principal Barmer's warning."

Raymon, the first to start clearing the accumulated water, did not say more nonsense. At least the smell in this narrow bilge was not particularly unpleasant, much better than the disgusting scenes on the upper floors.

After briefly explaining the current situation, the six people started to clean up after the division of labor.

Cleaning up nearly 100 square feet of accumulated water was quite fast. After a simple analysis by Raymon's chip, Raymon's heart sank upon seeing the sea clan corpses floating on the water.

The large and small corpses only carried weak radiation power and would not affect direct contact with the hands, except that some of the blackish corpses similar to octopus tentacles would cause itching when in contact with the skin.

Silently clearing such corpses in the bilge, Raymon took the opportunity to go up and pour water buckets to chat with the girl who sent the wooden barrels down.

It turned out that seven days ago, for some reason, the sea ship transporting teenagers with wizard potential from various continents collided with a small tribe of the sea clan.

The sea clan, trailing behind the sea ship, suddenly launched a large-scale attack at night, relying on surprise attacks to break through the sea ship's defenses and board the deck. All sailors and miscellaneous workers were slaughtered.

The scene at that time was very horrible. Countless strange sea tribes crowded into the interior of the sea ship, intending to kill everyone.

But under the leadership of Sir Haimens, three formal wizards and some third-level and above apprentices launched a counterattack from the inner cabin and gradually defeated these sea tribes and drove them back into the sea.

Unwilling to fail, the sea clan, although re-gathering manpower and even carrying human ranged weapons to attack, could not deal with the guarded sea ship. Under Sir Haimens's leadership, the formal wizards repelled their three frontal attacks before making them completely surrender and disappear into the sea.

Talking about the big battle that night, the girl named Rebecca was very excited because, under Sir Haimens's leadership, the cruel sea clan could hardly resist, and even the giant crab warriors with hard shells all over would be dismembered under his cyclone attack.

Rebecca, who looked very shy, was extremely excited and excited to describe the bloody scene at that time, leaving Raymon with a deep impression of this lovely girl.

After understanding these circumstances, Raymon understood why Sir Haimens looked pale when he arrived at Caden Port and was eager to leave. After such a large-scale conflict, no one would like to stay at sea longer.

Until the accumulated water in the bilge was cleared, Raymon and others who had boarded the ship from Caden Port were called to Sir Haimens's room. After his inspection, each received his warning.

Because almost all the ordinary people on the ship had died, many miscellaneous tasks after the voyage would have to be completed by the teenagers on the ship.

Diet, hygiene, and even the sailor's work of clearing the deck and hanging sails would be assigned to everyone.

It would take more than four months to reach the destination, so Sir Haimens solemnly warned everyone that although private fights were strictly prohibited on the ship, only personal strength would take effect from boarding the ship. Even the descendants of noble wizards should not expect to be arrogant on the ship relying on their backgrounds.

For Raymon, having no maids and servants was just a little troublesome, but not having a quiet meditation environment was Raymon's biggest headache.

There were dozens of teenagers on the ship, most of whom were at the second-level wizard apprentice level. Only a few extremely talented people exceeded the third-level apprentice.

Still, some reached sixteen but remained at the peak of first-level apprentices. Most of them carried the last hope to board the ship to the mainland where wizards gathered to try their luck.

The shy and lovely Rebecca was one of them.

The tedious voyage began to repeat day after day. After discovering that the wizard apprentices on the ship had formed groups, the few teenagers who had boarded the ship from Caden Port naturally gathered around Raymon.

As time went by, Raymon roughly understood the situation on the ship. This ship was specially responsible for transporting wizard apprentices to the place where wizards gathered.

In addition to Sir Haimens, there were two formal wizards on the ship, but they were slightly injured in the last sea clan attack, so they had been hiding in the cabins without coming out.

Sir Elvis, with the strength of a knight, was Sir Haimens's guard and usually handled matters on the ship.

Although Sir Elvis looked fierce, he was still easy to get along with. Once when Raymon was on deck duty, he took out his homemade cigar and shared it with Sir Elvis, successfully closing the distance between them.

It was said that this kind of tobacco from the East Continent, although available in places where wizards gathered, was choking and smelly without processing.

So Raymon generously gave Sir Elvis half of his homemade cigars. After that, Sir Elvis looked at Raymon differently. Basically, as long as it did not involve sensitive topics, he would explain clearly.

From his words, Raymon also understood some things. Although the wizard apprentices on the ship were full of illusions about going to the mainland where wizards gathered, going to where wizards gathered in large numbers also meant extremely high risks.

Taking advantage of getting closer to Sir Elvis, after learning that there were still many empty rooms on the upper deck of the cabin, Raymon tactfully requested Sir Elvis, successfully moving himself out of the bilge.

Because the voyage would take many more months, Raymon urgently needed a quiet environment to improve his meditation efficiency and strength as soon as possible.

It should be said that Jeffery, who reached the peak of a third-level apprentice at the age of fifteen, strongly stimulated him.