
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs

The Basement

Stroking the crystal utensils placed on the table, Raymond carefully inspected everything in the basement.

Raymond was full of doubts about everything in this basement.

The books in the bookcase were all written in the common language. Unfortunately, Raymond was blind. He could speak and listen but did not recognize characters.

Fortunately, many of the books placed in the bookcase were illustrated. The fonts in them that were as printed as printing were all clear.

After recording all the books in the bookcase into the chip, Raymond rang the bell in the room.

Soon the pretty maid appeared at the door. Raymond, sitting at the long table behind, was too lazy to get up and directly ordered her to bring dinner here.

This basement was much cooler than his room upstairs, so after dinner, Raymond closed the door of the basement. He wanted to continue memorizing those symbols in this comfortable basement.

Raymond, who had mastered ten symbols, could now turn to the fifth page. The eleventh symbol on this magical book was more complex and difficult to memorize.

Immersed in memorizing the symbols, Raymond unconsciously absorbed active substances in the air. According to the monitoring of the chip, Raymond's genes were gradually changing.

"Ding, ding ding...ding ding ding..."

Suddenly, while silently memorizing the first symbol, Raymond heard the sound of what seemed to be bells.

"Alert! Alert! Unknown intensity field detected, evacuate immediately!" The chip's voice immediately echoed in Raymond's mind.

Getting up in astonishment, Raymond rushed straight to the door and immediately found something wrong.

The door that had not been completely closed was locked at some point.

The seamless bronze door could not be pulled at all.

And all the candles in the basement began to flicker without any airflow in the room.

The brightly lit basement began to show many shadows on the walls. The flickering candlelight could not illuminate all places.

With his back tightly against the door, Raymond felt a tingling scalp. Goosebumps appeared on his bare arms.

Stopping the chip's alarm, Raymond quickly gave a direct command. "Check the source of the field!"

"Task established, start analysis..."

Leaning against the door, Raymond was facing the wall clock. The time had just passed twelve o'clock.

The ticking of the pendulum made the atmosphere in the basement even more bizarre.

Seeing the shadows slowly appearing from the wall clock, Raymond's cold sweat finally flowed.

The flames on the candles placed on the table no longer jumped.

But the shadow slowly crawling out of the clock ignored the illumination of the candles. Like liquid seeping out from behind the clock, it covered the snow-white wall.

Echoing the ticking of the clock, Raymond watched the shadow appearing slowly from behind the clock like black liquid flowing down and finally swelling a small bulge on the ground.

Horrified, Raymond kept urging the chip, but the chip still did not show the result of the unknown field source that had just been established.

Like a puddle of mud, the shadow flowing from the clock to the ground accumulated on the ground, slowly crawling and rising slowly, stopping only when it reached the height of a person.

The shadow, which should have no entity, slowly stretched into a human figure under Raymond's gaze, with limbs and a head formed from the entire shadow, appearing before him like a human.

Only that face remained flat without eyes or nose.

"Ha, ha ha...ha ha ha..."

The shadow that had completely turned into a human figure suddenly laughed. At the same time, the chip produced the result: "Unknown intensity field, medium radiation dose equivalent, decaying slowly."

The chip's conclusion meant nothing to Raymond at the moment.

Because the shadow standing behind the long table was turning its head, seeming to observe everything in the room.

Slowly moving forward a few meters, the human-shaped shadow standing in front of the table rested its flat head on the book Raymond had just read, seeming to check it, remaining there for a long time.

The echoing laughter in the room, the chip could not detect the specific location of the source. This bizarre and crazy laughter seemed to come from behind the walls of the room.

Not until several minutes later, accompanied by crazy laughter, did the faceless, eyeless face of the human-shaped shadow standing in front of the table lift and face Raymond.

With the sudden disappearance of the loud laughter, a somewhat old female voice also went straight into Raymond's mind: "Little guy, were you reading this wizard book?"

Fear made Raymond's voice a little hoarse: "Yes, I was reading."

"The most basic wizard book. It seems you have just entered the first apprentice level with decent potential."

"Thank you for the compliment." The bizarre scene made Raymond sweat even more on his head.

"It's okay. Since you can appear here, you should be a descendant of the family. Tell me your name."

Taking a deep breath and frowning, Raymond told the truth: "My name is Raymond, but I am not a descendant of the Tolly family. I am just staying here temporarily."

The paper-like head lifted up, tilting on the slender neck, seeming to observe Raymond carefully.

The creepy Raymond, the data displayed by the chip in his vision, kept refreshing. The indicator showing the radiation intensity was decaying slowly, but Raymond did not feel safe.

The face without nose and eyes standing there was like a thin sheet of paper. When it turned its head, Raymond could clearly see that this shadow was just a thin layer.

After a while, as if finished examining Raymond, the shadow said slowly: "Little guy, it seems you didn't lie. Now tell me about the Tolly family."

Frowning, Raymond was a little speechless in the face of this human-shaped shadow.

Because this human-shaped shadow casually sat on the chair he had just sat in and even rested its thin paper-like legs on the table.

With a wry smile, Raymond had to tell what he knew about the situation from Hai Wentian today one by one. Finally, he also said about his own experience.

However, the experience that Raymond had told Hai Wentian before made the human-shaped shadow sitting in the chair laugh madly...