
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs

Recipe 2

Raymond frowned. He didn't expect that potion formulas would actually belong to potion masters' proprietary secrets and were rarely sold on the market.

Even for commonly used potions like hemostatic ointment, the success rate of making them was extremely low. As a result, the prices of all potions sold in the Transaction Tower were extremely high.

"Except for the formulas of these two common potions, you have to pay a high price to acquire others," the straightforward shop owner quickly packed the materials Raymond needed and sincerely persuaded in a sincere tone. "Making potions requires a lot of magic stones accumulation. I suggest you try it moderately."

Hearing the shopkeeper's advice, Raymond was a little speechless. This was the first time he had met such an excellent shopkeeper. Instead of eagerly promoting the goods in the store, he advised people not to try making potions.

But it could be seen that this middle-aged shopkeeper also had good intentions. So after Raymond paid the full amount of magic stones and thanked him, he carried these things and left.

After leaving the Transaction Tower, Raymond snapped his fingers lightly after making sure no one was around and left a message for the agent Elfie, asking him to pay attention to potion formulas sold on the black market.

But as soon as Raymond's message was sent, Elfie's reply came back quickly. "It seems that an incomplete potion formula is for sale. I'll contact you right away!"

Raymond, who had no hope in the first place, was stunned when he heard the message standing at the entrance of the Transaction Tower. He shook the weight of the utensils and materials in his hand again and smiled bitterly.

But before Raymond decided whether to return to the room first, the ring on his finger flashed again.

It turned out that Elfie was now in the basement of the black market, and he had already contacted the seller of the potion formula. "Raymond, hurry up and come over. The seller is leaving the Scarlet Marsh today. If you don't come over now, he will leave directly!"

Elfie's second message made Raymond no longer hesitate. He carried the things in his hands and rushed directly to the black market. Although it was an incomplete version of the potion formula, it would be worth buying if the price was right.

Walking quickly, Raymond appeared at the entrance of the black market half an hour later and found the waiting agent Elfie smoothly.

"Raymond, the seller is an ordinary person with the strength of a knight," Elfie said excitedly while leading the way and taking over the utensils Raymond was carrying. "Complete potion formulas are all sky-high prices! Because this person is selling an incomplete formula, I immediately thought of this seller and contacted him. He said he would come over immediately."

Following behind Elfie, Raymond, who still walked into the basement through the passage behind the broken wall, found that it was very lively when he entered this time. Last time he came, it was empty.

Elfie, who had explored the resource site with Raymond, took Raymond around the black market while waiting for the seller to come.

The memory orb of a wizard's public class in the academy, various kinds of knowledge of a personal enlightenment nature, and even some materials that only appeared on the fourth floor of the Transaction Tower.

Raymond was very interested in these memory orbs that recorded the content of wizards' public classes because the teaching time of many wizards conflicted, resulting in the hot sale of these memory orbs.

Unfortunately, these memory orbs were disposable and could only be viewed by the purchaser himself, but could not be resold through copying, according to Elfie. They were also a kind of benefit for conscientious students given by the wizards who taught the classes.

After walking around, Raymond bought a lot of sorted public class memory orbs at the price of one or two low-level magic stones. Although the content in these memory orbs could make up for Raymond's regret of not attending public classes.

Tens of memory orbs, the content of which was first stored in Raymond's chip, would only be received by Raymond after useless parts were removed.

After walking around, the seller Elfie mentioned also arrived. Elfie found a secluded place for Raymond to communicate with the seller.

The potion formula sold at only 5,000 low-level magic stones, according to the seller, was so cheap because there were flaws in it.

"According to this formula, about one out of ten finished products from my family's potion master will be effective," the wooden-faced seller was also honest and directly stated the shortcomings of this antidote formula.

"Because this formula was also collected from outside, it is now for sale."

This antidote formula, which was only effective against snake venom, would not be expensive at 5,000 magic stones according to the seller's account. But the requirements for configuring this potion formula were to reach the level of a formal wizard to configure it successfully.

Seeing Raymond's hesitation on his face, the perceptive agent Elfie immediately started bargaining. After a few rounds, the seller agreed with a smile to 4,000 magic stones, and then a hand-copied potion formula was sent to Raymond for inspection.

The relatively simple potion formula contained ordinary materials such as rhizome flowers, saliva of black orchids, and various materials. The detailed mixing ratio and production process seemed to have no problems.

The only strange thing was that at the bottom of this formula, it also noted the limit of the configurer's strength.

After the transaction was completed quickly, Raymond entrusted Elfie to help him collect materials according to this potion formula. Then he took these utensils for configuring potions and returned directly to his residence to continue teaching ancient Gutoris to the two little guys every day.

But the seller who sold the potion formula, after leaving the black market, quickly came to the northeast beast yard of the Wizard Academy and got into a small room in the corner of the beast yard. He saw the person waiting for him inside.

"Young lady, the formula sold for 4,000 low-level magic stones," the wooden expression disappeared from the man's face. He respectfully put the magic crystal card on the table. "The buyer is a third-level apprentice named Raymond."

"What! Bought by Raymond?" A woman hiding in the corner of the room exclaimed in surprise. Her charming voice was full of shock. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, madam. It's this man," the seller of the potion formula once again confirmed Raymond's identity.