
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs

Personnel Selection

The map of about a foot square, drawn on parchment, was very simple, with only rough routes marked.

Low hills, dense forests, and lakes were shown in different colors. The two maps Raymond got could be pieced together, with only a desert separating the link between the two maps.

"Do you really want to go to the area where level three apprentices can enter?" Alvin was very confused that Raymond bought two maps at once. "An area one level higher means exponentially increased risks. And the areas suitable for level three apprentices are prepared for local students, who are not friendly to us!"

Without answering Alvin's question, Raymond directly asked Alvin about the guest list he had prepared.

Felix, a level three apprentice, fire attribute.

Louisa, Felix's girlfriend, a level two apprentice, wind attribute.

Then there was Alvin himself, a mid-level two apprentice, thunder attribute.

Alvin's choice of personnel made Raymond frown.

He had a vague fear of this Felix, but the overall strength of the team was also a must for such a trial resource collection action. So after determining that the team could not exceed eight people, Raymond said his choice.

Raymond told Alvin directly that he had been promoted to a level three apprentice. "With me, there should be four people to participate: level two apprentice Hobart, his cousin Matilda, and level one apprentice Rebecca."

But after Raymond named the candidates, Alvin's face became weird. He hesitated for a while, tilting his head before telling Raymond that Hobart and his cousin Matilda would never be in the same team as Felix.

"Matilda, who came here with us, used to be Felix's first girlfriend," Alvin said contemptuously of Matilda. "It is said that Matilda took the initiative to stick to him. Later, after Felix got tired of playing with her, he dumped her. And now, this Louisa is a local wizard apprentice, said to have fallen in love with Felix at first sight."

Raymond, with a calm face, finally came to his senses. But Raymond would not believe Alvin's words without verification. He still needed to verify this matter before it could be confirmed.

The problem of personnel could not be determined for the time being, but Alvin quickly pulled Raymond out of the black market as he needed to arrange for the trip as soon as possible.

So Raymond made an appointment with Alvin for an hour. If Felix had to join, Alvin would be responsible for notifying him.

After agreeing on the meeting place, Raymond returned directly to his residence. On the way, Raymond contacted Rebecca by magic and invited her to join.

Rebecca was confused at first by Raymond's invitation but soon decided to join and immediately began packing.

After Rebecca rushed to Raymond's residence, Raymond asked her directly about Matilda and Felix. However, Rebecca's account differed greatly from Alvin's.

Rebecca excitedly told Raymond that Felix had pursued Matilda first, but after getting her, he showed his fickle temperament.

Later, when Matilda went to find Felix once, she accidentally caught Felix and Louisa in the act in his room. In anger, Felix even hit Matilda. Then the couple completely broke up.

Listening to Rebecca's account, Raymond frowned. The two entirely different accounts must contain unknown secrets that outsiders did not know. Unless the parties involved were asked, it was impossible to judge right or wrong. But it seemed impossible for Matilda and her cousin to appear in the team with Felix.

Understanding this, Raymond asked Rebecca, whose face was ugly, about her strength as he needed to know it.

Rebecca did not hide anything from Raymond. She candidly told Raymond that although she had worked very hard over the past few months, her talent was still ordinary. Rebecca had not yet reached the peak of a level one apprentice because the meditation symbols she could remember were still stuck at the eighth.

But Rebecca, with an affinity for the water attribute, was not a completely useless member. She frankly told Raymond that due to her family's relationship, she had acquired a spell that could be cast before leaving the west coast, Healing!

For some injuries that did not hurt the bones, Rebecca's spell could quickly heal the wound.

Although she did not know any attack spells, this healing ability was also extremely rare, giving her a suitable position in the team that was about to depart.

Originally inviting Rebecca to join was out of friendship. But after Raymond understood the significance of Rebecca's spell to this action, he became excited.

The imperceptible playfulness of Raymond moved around the room, pondering for a long time before finally making the final decision.

Although Rebecca's ability to heal was very useful, it still could not replace Felix's attack power as a level three apprentice.

Since Raymond planned to go to the area suitable for level two apprentices first, if he gained something in the area suitable for level two apprentices, Raymond still wanted to go to the area suitable for level three apprentices to try his luck.

Therefore, considering the overall strength of the team, Felix's strength as a level three peak apprentice became a factor that Raymond had to consider. Excluding Felix and letting Matilda join was not in line with Raymond's plan.

So Raymond quickly notified Alvin and asked him to invite Felix and Louisa to join the team. He told Alvin bluntly that although he very much wanted to exclude Felix, for the sake of prudence, Raymond gave up the idea of reorganizing the team.

Since the personnel composition was determined, Raymond no longer considered Matilda's matter and packed up and prepared to set off.

Because Rebecca was not the disciple of any level one wizard, she could decide whether to stay or leave by herself. But Raymond had to report his whereabouts in detail to Wizard Edgar if he wanted to leave the Wizard Academy for a long time.

Wizard Edgar, busy with plant hybridization and breeding every day, was very supportive when he learned that Raymond wanted to go on an expedition to participate in such a trial.

But Wizard Edgar still solemnly warned Raymond not to try to exceed his level and enter more dangerous areas.

Because anywhere in the underground world was full of risks.