
Top of the Wizard

In a world where rules are controlled by wizards, In a world close to other planes, eyed by greedy eyes,In a dark, bloody world of survival of the fittest and constant change,An ordinary person from another world embarks on a powerful journey of even transcending the peak through genetic modification.

RobertSmith · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs


The magnificent hall of the brightly lit City Lord's Mansion was somewhat dull.

Beautiful young maids silently brought in freshly brewed fragrant tea. Curiosity was on each of their faces.

Sitting in the hall, Acting City Lord Hai Wensen had his trademark brilliant smile on his face. He was flattering the people from Heihe Valley with his skilled language skills.

"Such a wonderful night, Dean's arrival in the city and visit to my humble abode is really an honor for me..."

Listening to Hai Wensen's flattery, there was no smile on Barmer's wrinkled old face sitting opposite him. Instead, there were cold flashes in his eyes: "Little Hai Wensen, how is the old City Lord?"

"Thank you very much for your concern, Dean. My father has been bedridden for many years. The medicine you gave at the beginning of the year is no longer effective..." Hai Wensen stood up respectfully, and his voice trembled with sadness. "Relying on the precious medicine begged from the Ogaso royal family, we can only relieve my father's pain. Even my father knows that his days are numbered..."

Suppressed grief emerged on Hai Wensen's face with a desperate look. His clenched fists revealed the pain in his heart.

A sad atmosphere spread in the hall, bringing sorrow to the young maids around them.

Raymon squinted, carefully observing Acting City Lord Hai Wensen. He found no signs of pretense on him. His heartfelt grief made Raymon somewhat doubtful about the conspiracy Wen Lanmei had mentioned.

Hai Wensen sat down dispiritedly, his eyes reddened. He pulled himself together and asked about Barmer's purpose.

With a serious expression, Barmer first asked in detail about the medicine the old City Lord was now taking, especially the medicine begged from the Ogaso royal family. He directly requested to check it.

Hai Wensen, with an unhappy look, still called the old City Lord Amisa's doctor and sent over all the medicine that Old City Lord Amisa had used recently for Barmer to review.

There were no less than ten kinds of medicine. Barmer, sitting there, also called over a teacher from Heihe Valley Academy to inspect the medicine that Old City Lord Amisa was taking together.

Seeing their expressions, Raymon quickly understood that there was nothing wrong with these medicines because the teacher at Heihe Valley Academy specializing in medicine research retreated quickly without saying a word.

"Little Hai Wensen, the medicine from the Ogaso royal family is very precious and generally unobtainable by ordinary people. Old City Lord Amisa is fortunate to have a son like you," said Barmer, whose expression eased a little. "Then I will visit him now."

Hai Wensen stood up in surprise, staring wide-eyed: "Dean? My father has rested. Shall we visit tomorrow...?"

But Barmer looked straight into Hai Wensen's eyes and firmly told him that he came here today specifically to visit Old City Lord Amisa. Such disturbance would not object to Amisa himself.

Hai Wensen, who had always been respectful to Barmer, turned red in the eyes and suppressed anger and pleaded in a low voice when he heard this. Because Old City Lord Amisa had been tortured by illness for a long time and rarely had a peaceful sleep, he suggested that Barmer wait until tomorrow.

But before Acting City Lord Hai Wensen said two sentences, Barmer stood up grimly and shouted angrily at him: "No nonsense! I want to see Amisa now!"

Barmer's sudden angry roar stunned everyone in the hall. Hai Wensen was shocked with anger, his face pale and trembling lips.

Raymon was surprised that Barmer was so overbearing. Just as he was about to speak, Barmer's gaze stopped him.

Barmer did not even look at the grieving Hai Wensen again. Under his orders, his assistant Olwyn immediately escorted the old City Lord's doctor to lead the way directly to Old City Lord Amisa's room.

Raymon, who remained silent, followed. Suddenly, a hidden aura appeared in the hall.

"Since when did Heihe Valley Academy become so overbearing?"

With these hoarse words, the temperature in the hall even dropped slightly. Seeing the man walking out of the corner of the hall, Raymon frowned.

Nearly two meters tall, wearing a full helmet and a delicate chainmail, the burly man appeared in everyone's sight.

The metal boots made heavy sounds on the floorboards as he slowly approached. Feeling as if targeted, Raymon immediately ordered the chip to scan this person.

"Task established, start analysis..."

Raymon, whose pupils appeared red dots, quickly obtained data from the chip.

"Human: Strength 18.2. Agility 16.1. Physique 15.8. Gene information unknown. It is recommended that the subject maintain a distance of at least 50 meters from it. Otherwise, there is an 82.78% probability of danger if it becomes hostile."

Startled, Raymon following behind Barmer was shocked at such high data.

"Heihe Valley has business. Irrelevant people get out!" Barmer shouted abruptly and immediately stopped.

The two teachers and Olwyn following behind him also quickly protected Barmer. Low chanting sounded immediately in the hall.

Oppressive and gloomy, the tense atmosphere that suddenly appeared made the maids standing in the corner of the hall exclaim. Hai Wensen, whose face was sad, became gloomy as the fully armored man appeared.

An suffocating pressure appeared in the hall. The green light emerging from Barmer's fingertips immediately pounced on this burly man.

The burly man who had been walking slowly had green vines emerging from under his feet tightly entwining his legs and spreading rapidly to his upper body.

With a crisp "whiz whiz whiz" like the sound of plant growth, the burly man who was bound by green vines all over his body was imprisoned in place.

Raymon, who frowned, also came to Barmer's side. The low bear's roar from his throat spread quickly.

"Dean, please go back." Hai Wensen, whose brilliant smile reappeared on his face, suddenly shouted, "The Tolly family's affairs, it is better for Heihe Valley Academy not to participate!"

With Acting City Lord Hai Wensen's opening remarks, the green vine cage ten meters away from everyone made the sound of vine branches breaking. The big hands covered in metal gauntlets quickly tore the green vines and the whole person reappeared in everyone's sight...